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'xresponse' is a simple tool for meassuring UI response times to a
full mouse click event. It requires the Xtest, to 'fake' the mouse
and keyboard events, and XDamage, to report areas of the display
that have changed.


Its recommended you have the autotooled xlibs
installed with pkg-config (.pc ) files for xlibs, xext, xtst and
xdamage. Then it should be a case of the usual ./configure, make and
make install.


xresponse <-o|--logfile output> [commands..]

Commands are any combination/order of;

-c|--click <XxY>                Send click and await damage response
-d|--drag <XxY,XxY,XxY,XxY..>   Simulate mouse drag and collect damage
-k|--key <keysym,delay>         Simulate pressing and releasing a key
                                Delay is in milliseconds
-m|--monitor <WIDTHxHEIGHT+X+Y> Watch area for damage ( default fullscreen )
-w|--wait <seconds>             Max time to wait for damage, set to 0 to
                                monitor for ever. 
                                ( default 5 secs)
-s|--stamp <string>             Write 'string' to log file
-t|--type <string>              Simulate typing a string
-i|--inspect                    Just display damage events
-v|--verbose                    Output response to all command line options


Click mouse at 100,100 and collect max 5 seconds of damage events;

% xresponse -c 100x100

Click and hold mouse at 100,100, then move to 101,100, then 105,100,
then 110,100 and finally release mouse. Damage is collected between
each point with max 5 seconds.

% xresponse -d 100x100,101x100,105x100,110x100

Click the mouse at 100x100, 100x150 and 200x200 colecting a max second
of damage for each only in 240x320+0+0;

% xresponse -w 1  -m 240x320+0+0 -c 100x100 -c 100x150 -c 200x200

Monitor all damage for ever;

% xresponse -w 0 -i

Monitor only top corner of screen for 10 seconds, then send a click collecting
5 seconds of damage

% xresponse -w 10 -m 240x320+0+0 -i -w 5 -c 100x100

Simulate pressing the F4 key with half a second between the keypress and

% xresponse -k F4,500

Simulate typing the string 'Testing';

% xresponse -t Testing


- you can use 'xmag' to figure out screen co-ords for window clicks.

- you can use 'xev' to figure out what keysym is needed to simulate a
  press of certain key (note that for most alphanumeric characters,
  the keysym is just the same one-character symbol, e.g. 'a' key without
  modifiers has keysym of 'a'). 


git-pkg of xresponse for Mer:Tools







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