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ex-3.2 (from 3BSD release)

This is vi version 3.2 taken from 3BSD. It had been released in January 1980.

Installation notes

The software is downloaded with

git clone

and can be kept up-to-date with

git pull

Some configuration (e.g. installation paths) can be done in the makefile. For compiling on BSD, Linux and Solaris, autoconfiguration is required:

$ ./configure

The software is build with

$ make

and installed with

$ su
# make install
# exit

All generated files are removed with

$ make distclean

Usage notes for version 3.2

  • PAGE-UP, PAGE-DOWN keys may work on most terminals by putting map ^[[5~ ^B and map ^[[6~ ^F into ~/.exrc.

  • There are currently issues with lines longer than the screen width. Make the screen wide enough before opening vi or break long lines before they exceed the screen width.

  • When inserting an unnamed buffer with P or p after a macro the whole file is inserted instead. (Note that e.g. the arrow keys are considered macros.) Either use named buffers or 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', '^F', '^B' for motions between yank and put commands. (This bug is fixed in ex version 3.4.)

  • If the screen with is not a multiple of the tab width tab characters are displayed wrong after screen updates which results in a left shift of the subsequent text. (This bug is fixed in vi version 3.4.) The display is fixed with the following actions:

    • The current line is always displayed correct after ^L.
    • All screen lines are fixed with screen updates after ^F ^B, '' ''. ^^ ^^ and so on.
    • The issue does not occur if the terminal width is set to a multiple of the tab width (e.g. a multiple of 8) before vi is started.

Features which had been invented after version 3.2:

  • ZZ, :x (use :wq) (New in ex-3.3.)
  • :map! (New in ex-3.3.)
  • Job control (New in ex-3.4.)
  • The comment character ". If you need to comment something in ~/.exrc, put these lines to the end of the file and insert an empty line before them. (New in ex-3.4.)
  • There is no read-only mode. Program name view and option -R did not exist. (New in ex-3.4.)
  • The documents viin.pdf and exrm.pdf describe vi version 3.2 in detail, ex3.1-3.5.pdf shows the differences to later vi versions.