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      X.1) Debian
         X.1.1) Binary
            * libsdl1.2debian
            * libsdl-image1.2
            * libsdl-mixer1.2
            * libgl1-mesa-dri
            * libxml2
            * libfreetype6
            * libpng12-0

         X.1.2) Source
            * libsdl1.2-dev
            * libsdl-image1.2-dev
            * libsdl-mixer1.2-dev
            * libgl1-mesa-dev
            * libxml2-dev
            * libfreetype6-dev
            * libpng12-dev


      X.0) Introduction
         X.0.0) About
            NAEV uses a dynamic keybinding system that allows you to configure 
            the keybinds to joystick, keyboard or a mixture of both.
         X.0.1) Joystick
            If you are using a joystick you'll have to tell NAEV which joystick
            to use.  You can either use the -j or -J parameter from the
            commandline or put it in the conf file.
               naev -j 0
               naev -J "Precision"
               joystick = "Precision" # in conf file
         X.0.2) Syntax
            KEY_IDENTIFIER = { type = KEY_TYPE, key = KEY_NUMBER,
                  [reverse = KEY_REVERSE, mod = MOD_IDENTIFIER] }
            KEY_IDENTIFIER is the identifier given below
            KEY_TYPE can be one of keyboard, jaxis or jbutton
            KEY_NUMBER is the number of the key (found with xev usually, just
               convert the keysym from hex to base 10)
            KEY_REVERSE is whether it is reversed or not, which is only useful
               in the case of jaxis
            MOD_IDENTIFIER is the modifier to take into account, can be one of:
               lctrl, rctrl, lshift, rshift, lmeta, rmeta, ralt, lalt
               It isn't used with joystick bindings.
         X.0.3) Example
            accel = { type = "jbutton", key = 0 }
            see conf.example for more examples

        X.1) Movement
         X.1.1) accel : accelerates the ship. default: up arrow.
         X.1.2) left : turns the ship left. default: left arrow.
         X.1.3) right : turns the ship right. default: right arrow.
         X.1.4) reverse : makes the ship face the direction it's coming from.
            default: down arrow
         X.1.5) afterburner : uses the ship's afetrburner. default: double tap
            and hold up arrow

      X.2) Combat
         X.2.1) primary : fires primary weapons. default: spacebar.
         X.2.2) target : targets next ship. default: tab
         X.2.3) target_nearest : targets closest hostile ship. default: r
         X.2.4) face : faces the target. default: a
         X.2.5) board : board the target. default: b
         X.2.6) secondary : fires secondary weapon. default: left shift
         X.2.7) secondary_next : switches to the next secondary weapon.
            default: w

      X.3) Space
         X.3.1) target_planet : cycles through planets. default: p
         X.3.2) land : attempts to land or targets nearest planet. default: l
         X.3.3) thyperspace : cycle through hyperspace routes. default: h
         X.3.4) jump : attempt to enter hyperspace. default: j
         X.3.5) starmap : opens the stellar map. default: m

      X.4) Gui
         X.4.1) mapzoomin : zooms in the minimap. default: 9.
         X.4.2) mapzoomout : zooms out in the minimap. default: 0.
         X.4.3) screenshot : takes a screenshot. default: keypad -
         X.4.4) pause : pauses the game. default: z
         X.4.5) menu : opens the menu. default: escape
         X.4.6) info : opens the character information window. default: i


NAEV is a 2d action/rpg space game that combines elements from the action, rpg and simulation genres.







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