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This is a game developed with C programming language and Simple Direct Media Layer (SDL). It is based upon the concept from Nintendo's classic arcade game "Battle City" developed in 1980.


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The Tank Game


As the part of our project work for unit ENGG 102 Engineering Project (March - June 2010), we have come with the development of the “The Tank Game” which is a multiplayer arcade game.


This game draws its concept from Nintendo’s classic console arcade game “BATTLE CITY” developed in 1980. Our game has an option of playing with two of four players. Each pair of playersforms a team and has a seal. Objective of each team is to protect their seal, in the mean time destroy opponent seal. A level is won by a particular team which is able to destroy its opponent seal. There are altogether 13 different levels to play each with a new stage setup. Other main feature of the game include joysticks enabled game play, computer controlled enemies, sound effect, hall of fame, delightful graphics and score board.

There is a sample Tank video file to give a quick look at game play.

Software Requirements:

  • Microsoft Windows Operating System ( XP or higher)

Hardware Requirement

  • Physical Memory(RAM) 512 MB minimum
  • Virtual memory double the amount of RAM
  • Processor 1.8 GHz minimum
  • Video adapter 256 colors

Problem Specific Requirements:

• SDL Library environment


Game is completely coded using the C programming language, using an Integrated Development Environment BloodShedDevCpp game makes extensive use of third party game development library Simple Direct Media Layer(SDL). This package provides us with the features to import user designed graphics into the game, add sounds and joysticks, enable window based playing and provides us with special functions, variable and constants to handle game play. Over all, it is an interesting multiplayer game and meets the requirements of most users.

Key Controls

S.N. Operation Player 1 (keyboard) Player 2 (keyboard) Player3 (Joystick) Player 4 (Joystick)
1. Move Up Up arrow W Y-asis Up Y-axis Up
2. Move Down Down arrow S Y-axis Down Y-axis Down
3. Move Left Left arrow A X-axis Left X-axis Left
4. Move Right Right arrow D X-axis Right X-axis Right
5. Fire Bullet L F Button 1 Button
6. Pause Game P P P P
7. Resume Game R R R R
8. Pause/ Resume sound 1 1 1 1


It is to acknowledge and show appreciation to staff members of Department of Computer Science and Engineering who have facilitated us complete this project:

  • Assistant Professor Manoj Shakya
  • Assistant Professor Niraj Shrestha
  • Mr. Pankaj Raj Dawadi
  • Mr. Sangeet Dahal
  • Mr. Prajwol Rupakheti

Team members and collaborations:

  • Sandip Sahani
  • Iksha Gurung
  • Brishuti Siku
  • Nitish Dhaubadel
  • Pranay Pardhananga

####Works cited:

  1. Techinical writing – Gerson and Gerson. Peatson education
  2. Principles of computer graphics – Shalini
  3. Programming in ansi C – E Balaguruswami. Tata MG Hill
  4. Mastering C – Venugopal. Tata MG Hill
  5. Practical C programming – O’relli

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
School of Engineering
Kathmandu University
Kathmandu, Nepal


This is a game developed with C programming language and Simple Direct Media Layer (SDL). It is based upon the concept from Nintendo's classic arcade game "Battle City" developed in 1980.






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