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Semester project for Embedded Systems in Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany:

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Mongod for raspberry

MongoDB do not have official libs for ARM processors, so you must use next commands for installing MongoDB.

$ git clone
$ cd mongo4pi
$ ./

Boost library (experimental, not used in project)

For installation use

$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
$ sudo apt-get install aptitude
$ aptitude search boost

and compile with

$ g++ -lboost_system -pthread -o boostserver boostserver.cpp -std=c++11

Test with

$ ./boostserver

Boost library with libnfc (experimental, not used in project)

For installation use

$ g++ -L/opt/z-way-server/libs -I/opt/z-way-server/libzway -lzway -lzcommons -lboost_system -lxml2 -lz -lm -lcrypto -larchive -pthread -o boostserver boostserver.cpp turn_off_on.c -std=c++11

Test with

$ ./boostserver

Lib Z-Way

For installation Z-Way please follow previous work power-management.

touchatag reader

For touchatag reader you need to have this library libnfc.


We are using libnfc in version 1.7.1. For installation just follow these steps. For more information just check out their page.

First make sure you have required dependencies

$ sudo apt-get install libusb-dev

Then download and extract libnfc archive

$ git clone
$ cd libnfc
$ git checkout libnfc-1.7.1
$ git clean -d -f -x
$ # rm ../libnfc*.deb #not mandatory
$ git remote|grep -q anonscm||git remote add anonscm git://
$ git fetch anonscm
$ git checkout remotes/anonscm/master debian
$ git reset
$ dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -b

Now make sure you have required run-time dependencies

$ sudo apt-get install libusb-0.1-4

Install libnfc

$ sudo dpkg -i ../libnfc*.deb

Now plug your NFC device and test it via command (you can find more commands typing nfc-TAB)

$ nfc-list
$ nfc-poll

The first command just lists all devices but the second can read your tag via device.


Our application consists of two parts backend - node.js, express and fronend - angular. Node and npm are required before installation both parts. You can follow steps in official page.

Frontend part

Our frontend is based on blur-admin template. Before installing please copy file angular/gulp/config.json.example to angular/gulp/config.json and provide your configuration settings.

Run next scripts from angular folder

$ npm install -g yo gulp bower
$ npm install
$ bower install

Now you have all libraries downloaded.

Development mode with live reload

You can run application in developer mode by typing gulp watch [--env={prod|dev}]. If you do not provide env, default environment is dev.

Building application

For building application just type gulp [--env={prod|dev}]. Default environment is dev. Now your application is builded in release folder.

Backend part

Before installing please copy file config.json.example to config.json and provide your configuration settings. Now just run npm install for download all assets.

Development mode with live reload

For development mode you can use nodemon app.js. If you do not want live reload in dev mode, run application node app.js

Running in production

For running application in production you can use forever. For start application use forever start app.js.

Compiling scripts used in application

NFC reader

For compiling NFC read file use from /scripts folder

$ gcc -o read_nfc red_nfc.c -lnfc
Fibaro plugs

For compiling Fibaro plugs files use file from /scripts/fibaro folder.

$ g++ -L/opt/z-way-server/libs -I/opt/z-way-server/libzway -lzway -lzcommons -o set_color set_color.c -std=c++11
$ g++ -L/opt/z-way-server/libs -I/opt/z-way-server/libzway -lzway -lzcommons -o turn_off_on turn_off_on.c -std=c++11

IMPORTANT do not forget to change path to your scripts in /scripts/fibaro/ and /scripts/fibaro/


Port is in use

Check running procceses with

$ sudo netstat -lptu

and then just kill it with

$ kill PID

MongoDB is corrupted

If you do not stop mongod correctly, your db may corrupt. Remove .lock file

$ sudo rm /var/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock

NFC reader error

When you receive this error, just start server again.

stderr: error   libnfc.driver.acr122_usb        PN532 didn't reply
error   libnfc.driver.acr122_usb        PN532 init failed, trying again...

stderr: error   libnfc.driver.acr122_usb        Too small reply
error   libnfc.driver.acr122_usb        PN532 init failed, trying again...
error   libnfc.driver.acr122_usb        Too small reply

NFC closing code: 1


Semester project for Embedded Systems in Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany:






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