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Cepa is a threaded web server with server-side javascript, RESTful urls, and loadable handlers.
Cepa derives it's functionality from two main sources: Onion, and Duktape.
A simple XML file configures the server, mapping URLs to scripts or handler modules that you write.
The idea was born out of the need for a lightweight application server for constrained VPSs.


Cepa is avalaible under the terms of the Apache2 license, the same as Onion.


Cepa is developed, tested, and compiled exclusively on Linux (Debian Wheezy).
Other Unix-alikes may work, but are unsupported.
The supplied Makefile assumes GNU make, gcc, and GNU binutils.
If you unpack to a directory other than /usr/local/src,
a configuration file needs to be modified for the example server to run.
With no target specified, compile sds, duktape, ezxml, and main, and link them into the binary cepa.
Note that you must already have built and installed Onion; see the Onion docs for details.

The remaining targets are:
example: Build the example handler module, and some example .so libraries for demonstrating require for javascript.
run: Executes cepa, using the supplied example.xml file, running in the example directory.


Cepa is configured by a simple XML file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- SSL configuration (optional)
  <scripts path="/usr/local/src/cepa/example/cepa/scripts" global="jsx" libpath="/usr/local/src/cepa/example/cepa/lib">
    <script url="^foo" name="foo.jsx"/>
    <script url="^bar" name="bar.jsx"/>
  <modules path="/usr/local/src/cepa/example/cepa/modules">
    <module url="^baz" name=""/>

docroot: if present, becomes the document root of the server, which will chdir() there on startup.

port: defaults to 8080 if not specfied.

ssl: is described further on.

scripts: turns on the javascript engine. The attribute path is where Cepa looks for scripts.
If the global attribute is present, it's value becomes the extension of files in the docroot that will be processed by the javascript engine.
If the attribute libpath is present, the javascript engine will search it for .js and .so files specified by require (more on that later).
Note that global makes no sense without a defined docroot.

script: has two, required, attributes: url specifies the regular expression to match, and name names the script to executed, relative the path supplied by the <scripts> tag.

modules: turns on the module loader. It has one attribute, path, that specifies where to look to .so libraries that are used as onion handlers.

module: has two, required, attributes, similar to scripts: url, the reqular expression to match, and name, the name of the .so library relative to the path supplied by the <modules> tag.

For the ssl block, the following tags need to be present:
port: must be different from the port the server is already configured for.
cert: path to the PEM formatted file containing the servers certificate.
key: path to the PEM formatted file containing the servers key
If cacerts is present, it is the path to the PEM formatted file containing the intermediary certificates.


Cepa uses Duktape to provide its server-side javascript engine.
Bindings have been provided to wrap much of the request and response processing power of Onion.
Bindings are also provided for SQLite version 3, and an in-memory key/value store.
Errors or faults in the underlying library are thrown as execeptions.

Request & Output bindings

// output. does not emit spaces or newlines, even between arguments. returns undefined.

// returns a boolean indicating whether or not the request came over SSL or not.

// sets the response code. requires an integer number. returns undefined

 * sets a HTTP response heeader. 
 * If key is provided, but not value, remove header identified by key.

// returns a string indicating the HTTP method used by the request.

// returns the value of the HTTP request header named by key, or undefined if it does not exist.

// returns a string containing the relative path of the request.

// returns a string containing the full path of the request.

// returns the value of the querystring parameter named by key, or undefined if it does not exist.

// returns the value of the POST variable named by key, or undefined if it does not exist.

// return the value of the cookie named by key, or undefined if it does not exist

 * call fn for every value of key that exists in the POST variable named by key
 * useful for POSTed form elements, for example checkboxes

 * get the name of the actual uploaded file parsed by onion for the POST variable named by key, or undefined.
 * use cgi.getPost(key) to get the name of the file uploaded as provided by the user agent.

Sqlite3 Bindings

 * open and return a database handle to the SQLite file at path.
 * timeout, if specified and a positive integer, sets the database timeout.
 * create_flag, iff the boolean truth value, creates the database.
 * if you need to set create_flag, but don't want to set a timeout, set timeout to 0
var db = sqlite(path[,timeout][,create_flag);

 * the returned object is decorated with the following methods

 * close this database handle.
 * this method is called automatically when the object is garbage collected,
 * as a convenience

 * execute the query_string query against the database.
 * iff column_names is the boolean truth value, the first array of the result contains
 * the column names.
 * returns an array of arrays reperesenting the columns and rows.
 * column value types are coerced into their javascript equivalents;
 * note that blobs become Duktape [buffers](

 * prepare and return a SQLite prepared statement
 * the statement handle object is decorated with the functions listed directly below
var stmt = db.prepare(statement_string);

 * bind a parameter to the statement.
 * the index follows SQLite conventions, i.e. the leftmost parameter is index 1
 * the value is autmatically coerced into a SQLite value type
 * returns true on success

 * execute the statement
 * iff column_names is the boolean truth value, the first array contains the column names
 * returns an array of arrays, the same as *db.query()*

 * finalize this statement object.
 * this method is also called automatically when the object is garbage collected,
 * as a convenience

Key/Value Store
Simple string key/value store. The store is not persisted on server shutdown or restart.

 * sets or deletes the value of key
 * deletes when value is null or undefined
 * expiry, if negative, deletes the timer associated with key
 * if expiry is zero, the timer is either not set or unchanged
 * if expiry is positive, the timer is set or updated equal to expiry seconds
 * nx_flag, iff is the boolean truth value, will not set key to value if key already exists
 * returns true if the value was set, deleted, or updated,
 * and false when nx_flag was specified but key already exists

 * return the value of *key*, or undefined if *key* was not found.

If configured, Cepa can also load scripts and native code libraries from a separate directory outside of the document root.
This facility is provided by the global function require.
A native code library needs to export a single function with the following signature:

duk_int_t init(duk_context *duk);

The function is called with two arguments on the stack: exports and module, in that order.
You can either decorate exports with functions and properties, or set the exports property of module to directly return a function.


The server can load custom handlers that you write using the Onion API, and map them to URLs you specify.
The modules should be compiled as shared library files (.so), and placed in whatever directory you specified in the XML file.
The modules must export the following functions:

 * Cepa will call this function with the document root as path.
 * Cepa expects a zero return value for success, and will halt on anything else.
int init(const char *path);

 * This is the function that actually handles the request.
onion_connection_status handle(void *data, onion_request *req, onion_response *res);

 * the parameter 'data' above is a pointer to the folloing structure:
typedef struct {
	int (*kv_set)(const char *key, void *value, void *ffn, int expiry, int nx);
	const char * (*kv_get)(const char *key);
} module_context;

 * These function pointers allow loaded modules to access the key/value store,
 * though without the nice exceptions that javascript provides

 * This function will create, update, or delete a value from the store.
 * If expiry is negative, the timer associated with a key will be deleted.
 * If expiry is zero, a timer is either unchanged or not created.
 * If nx is positive, an attempt to create or update a key that already exists will fail.
 * If value is NULL, key is removed from the store.
 * ffn is a function pointer to be called with 'value' as a parameter when a value is modified or deleted.
 * ffn may NULL for static or otherwise separately managed values.
 * ffn is usually 'free' for a block of data returned by malloc or strdup.
 * Upon a successful create, update, or delete, 1 is returned.
 * If an operation fails, or if nx was specified and the key already exists, 0 is returned.
data.kv_set(const char *key, void *data, void *ffn, int expiry, int nx);

 * This function returns the value associated with key, or NULL if the key is not in the store.
data.kv_get(const char *key);


  • Integrate a couple of other SSL-related functions from Onion (DER, PKCS12, CRLs)
  • Bind SQLite3 right into the main binary, instead of loading it as a library
  • Script caching (including offline) and dynamic recompilation
  • In-memory key/value store


XML-configured HTTP server based on Onion, features server-side javascript via Duktape.






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