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SDoS Test Client

Thank you a lot for using the Sauerbraten Day of Sobriety Test Client!

Please help with testing by sending your feedback.

What is this?

This is test client is the foundation of what the anti-cheat client is built on. It doesn't include any of the anti-cheat functions. The reason it needs testing is that it uses SDL version 2 rather than version 1, which the regular Sauerbraten client is built on. This newer version of SDL brings many improvements that help with both the normal game and the anti-cheat protections, but it is a major change. Things could break. We need some help with testing.

You can play with this client on any normal server. It's meant to work just like the normal sauer client, with some improvements.


The installation is the same as the acc client or the swlacc builds. If you can't remember the procedure, you can refresh your memory with the appropriate README in the archive.


The following is some sparse info of what you should consider while testing. Reports of oddities or bad functioning are important, but "everything works fine" is helpful too.

  • SDL2 should provider saner behavior with minimization and general windowed or fullscreen gaming, input handling, and sounds playback.
    • variable vsync now is only 0 or 1 (-1 does not exist anymore)
    • Ctrl+v should finally work on most linux setups
    • Mouse input uses now the raw API (also known as "hardware mouse"). This has the side effect that Windows 8.1 mouse input should be fine. If for any reason you notice a difference, please report.
  • The engine can be run in an almost fps-independent mode
  • All dependent libraries are updated (and libjpeg is replace by libjpeg-turbo), recompiled and linked statically for better performance.
  • New configuration variables should go to sdos.cfg, to avoid interfering with config.cfg
  • showfps 1 now uses a different internal logic: fps counting should be more precise and responsive, but the downside is that the refresh rate is now fixed to one second. Also, showfpsrange 1 has no effect.
  • The original client draws one smoke "flake" for each drawn frame in the trail of grenades and rockets. This means that a higher fps degrades visibility. There is now a variable smokefps [0-200] (default 80) which controls how many flakes can be drawn, for each trail, per second.
  • Use reducesparks 1 to eliminate the drawing of bullet collision sparks (ETERNALSOLSTICE wanted this so badly)
  • explosions 0 disables the explosion ball for grenades and rockets, for extra visibility
  • Map load times should be greatly improved with vsync 1, to match load times without vsync.
  • The original client had an synthetic extra lag of 15ms (in average) between the time you type text/hit/do any game action and when the packet itself is sent to the server. This has been fixed.

Bonus pro setting multipoll -1|0|1: low latency input.

Before explaining the meaning of /multipoll, it's better to have a look at the info printed by /showfps 1:

  • "fps" : the frames drawn on screen per second
  • "ifps" : the engine refreshes per second (input polling, networking, physics..., what you really want to be responsive)
  • "draw" : the milliseconds that drawing a frame takes

Competitive players usually set /vsync 0 and a high /maxfps, because in most games, Sauerbraten included, there is a single engine refresh per frame drawn ("fps" == "ifps"). This minimizes input lag, but you get:

  • screen tearing, because display update happens with a steady pace (usually 60 Hz), and with /vsync 0 you don't sinchronize to that pace (you draw more, less, or starting at different times)
  • waste of CPU/GPU resources
  • you usually don't get more than 200-300 fps

/multipoll tries to fix this problem by breaking the equality of fps and ifps, e.g. the engine is refreshed more often than frames are drawn. Since the world state cannot be modified while the frame is drawn, and refreshing the engine is a very cheap operation, basically the maximum input lag that you can encounter equals the "draw" value shown in the fps statistics, and how often that delay happens is exactly "fps" times in a second.

  • /multipoll 0: one frame drawn for each engine update, as in vanilla.
  • /multipoll -1: engine is refreshed continuously, but every 1000/maxfps milliseconds a frame is drawn. Pros: known to work (it was shipped with SDoS test client 1.1). Cons: vsync has to be disabled (because it would block the same thread that runs engine updates) so you do get tearing, and a good value of /maxfps must be sought by trial and error (but generally it is either very high or a multiple of your screen refresh rate)
  • /multipoll +1: a separate thread handles flushing the graphic card commands and waiting for vsync, the main thread refreshes the engines continuously and when the other thread signals availability a frame is drawn. Pros: doesn't need maxfps (you can also disable it), works very well with and without vsync. With it, you get the advantages of multipoll and no tearing at all, and you minimize the number of frames drawn (cfr maximum input lag and draw millis), without you may get a smaller value of draw millis (cfr draw millis again). Cons: functioning highly depends on the driver implementation, so it might just behave as /mulitpoll 0 (rarely), or even crash. With /vsync 0 "fps" becomes unbounded and if you are used to a lower but steady framerate (through /maxfps) you might not like it.

Ultimately, it's up to you to choose the values that best suit you. I personally think that vsync makes everything a whole lot smoother, and /multipoll 1 works for me, so that is my choice. If you think that vsync is not for you first try /multipoll 1 and /vsync 0, and only if it doesn't work try /multipoll -1.

Giving Feedback

Send feedback

  • via email to pisto, blaffablaffa at gmail
  • via irc in #sdos on Gamesurge

When giving a feedback, please include:

  • some way to contact you back
  • version of the test client you use
  • build type (OS and 32/64 bit if applicable)
  • graphic card model and driver, if related to the issue
  • mouse model, if related to the issue