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An efficient LRU cache.

This library provides a fast cache that purges oldest items when its customized max_count is exceeded. It's built on top of cstructs, which uses void * for keys and values, and supports use of this space as either direct values (cast to a pointer), or as pointers to custom objects.


Below is a usage example using strings as keys and integers as values.

// Set up hash and equality-check functions for strings.

int str_hash(void *str_void_ptr) {
  char *str = (char *)str_void_ptr;
  int h = *str;
  while (*str) {
    h *= 84207;
    h += *str++;
  return h;

int str_eq(void *str_void_ptr1, void *str_void_ptr2) {
  return !strcmp(str_void_ptr1, str_void_ptr2);

static CCache cache = NULL;

long my_func(char *key) {
  // Make sure we have a cache that holds up to 64 values.
  if (cache == NULL) cache = CCacheNew(str_hash, str_eq, 64);

  void *cache_value = CCacheGet(cache, key);
  if (cache_value) return (long)cache_value;

  // No cached value; compute it.
  long value = my_func_(key);

  CCacheSet(cache, key, (void *)value);
  return value;

Note that storing direct values cast to void * makes it impossible to distinguish between a value of zero and a missing cache value. If you need to distinguish between the two, you can dynamically allocate the values you need and store pointers to them. You can define a releaser with the following type layout:

void my_releaser(void *item, void *context) {
  /* release `item` here; `context` will always be NULL */

You can set a value releaser function like so:

cache->map->value_releaser = my_releaser;

and cache will call this releaser for every value that is purged when the cache is full; there is an analogous key_releaser function as well. The example above assumes the keys (strings) will live on as long as needed in the cache, which may be a bad assumption. Using a key_releaser and giving the cache ownership of the keys (such as using strdup) is one way to improve on this.

Internal layout

These details may be useful for contributors; they're not necessary to know about to use the library.

The primary structure is a CMap that has its key-value pairs augmented with a CList * called age_item. Conceptually, an age_item captures how long ago the key-value pair was last referred to; in the code, it provides a fast way for us to move an item to the newest side of the age list.

We keep two pointers into the age list: newest and oldest. We use oldest to purge old items when incoming items would push us over max_count. We use newest to know where to insert new incoming items. The entire thing is a single CList ordered by age.

Here's a sample data diagram with two key-value pairs:

                           | newest |             
             CListStruct      v                   
+––––––––+   +–––––––––+   +–––––––––+            
| oldest |-> | next(1) |-> | next(2) |-|          
+––––––––+   +–––––––––+   +–––––––––+            
    ^        | element |   | element |            
    |        +–––––––––+   +–––––––––+            
    |          |             |                    
    |          v             v                    
    |        +––––––––––+  +––––––––––+           
    |        | key      |  | key      |           
    |        +––––––––––+  +––––––––––+           
    |        | value    |  | value    |           
    |        +––––––––––+  +––––––––––+           
    +––––––––+ age_item |  | age_item |->[next(1)]
             +––––––––––+  +––––––––––+           

This chart was built with the asciiflow tool.


A simple LRU cache.






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