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  • The functions described below may all be placed in the same file. You should use main() to test these functions, and make sure they work properly.


Euclid's Algorithm (GCD)

Euclid's algorithm is an efficient method for finding the GCD (greatest common divisor) of two integers. Recall that the GCD of two integers, a and b, written gcd(a,b), is the largest integer that evenly divides both a and b. Importantly, the gcd function has the following properties:

  1. gcd(a,0) evaluates to abs(a)
  2. gcd(a,b) is equivalent to gcd(abs(a),abs(b))
  3. gcd(a,b) is equivalent to gcd(a-b,b) is equivalent to gcd(a,b-a)

Thus, for our purposes, we may describe a recursive form of the algorithm as follows:

  1. Normalize a and b by setting them equal to their absolute values.
  2. If a or b is 0 then return whichever is nonzero.
  3. If a > b then return gcd(a-b,b)
  4. Otherwise return gcd(a,b-a)

We may also describe an iterative form of the algorithm:

  1. Normalize a and b by setting them equal to their absolute values.
  2. While a and b are both nonzero 0. If a > b set a -= b 0. Otherwise set b -= a
  3. Return whichever of a or b is nonzero.

Do the following:

  1. Write a function named gcd_iterative that takes two ints and returns their GCD as an int, using the iterative form of the algorithm described above.
  2. Write a function named gcd that takes two ints and returns their GCD as an int, using the recursive form of the algorithm described above.


The Fibonacci sequence is the sequence

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 ...

where the first two terms are 1 and 1 (or sometimes 0 and 1) and each successive term is the sum of the two terms before it. More concisely:

F_1 = 1
F_2 = 1
F_n = F_(n-1) + F_(n-2)

Do the following:

  1. Write a definition for a function with the prototype int fibonacci_iterative(int n, int f1 = 1, int f2 = 1); that iteratively calculates, then returns, the nth Fibonacci number.
  2. Write a definition for a function with the prototype int fibonacci(int n, int f1 = 1, int f2 = 1); that recursively calculates, then returns, the nth Fibonacci number.

Roman Numerals

Remember assignment-01, where we talked about Roman numerals? :) . Here is a relatively compact iterative solution the assignment that, instead of printing the result to standard output, returns the numeral as a string.

string int_to_roman_iterative(int i) {
    const string numerals[] = {
        "M",  "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I",
    const int values[] = {
        1000, 900,  500, 400,  100, 90,   50,  40,   10,  9,    5,   4,    1,

    if (i < 0)
        return "ERROR: too small";
    if (i >= 4000)
        return "ERROR: too large";

    string ret = "";

    for (int a = 0; a < sizeof(values)/sizeof(int); a++) {
        while (i >= values[a]) {
            ret += numerals[a];
            i -= values[a];

    return ret;

Do the following:

  1. Write a recursive version of this algorithm.

Feel free to base your code on the above, or on your original solution, or on any other solution you wish (though, in the third case at least, you should document the code you are referencing).


  • This is a good example of a greedy algorithm: we have a list of symbols (and compound symbols, such as "CM") and associated values, and we use as many of the largest as we possibly can before moving on to the next smaller symbol -- and we never go backwards and undo anything. So (loosely) the algorithm takes as much as it can, as fast as it can, and never gives anything back -- like a pirate -- it's very greedy.


Integers to Words

Write a recursive function to turn ints into English. That is, 111 should become one hundred eleven, etc.

Small Hints:

  • Note the use of const arrays in the function int_to_roman above. A similar technique may be useful here. E.g. if you have an array named ones such that ones[1] == "one", it may save you quite a few if statements.

  • Note the use of "extra" arguments with default values in the function fibonacci described above. A similar technique may be useful here, and indeed often is in recursive functions. E.g. perhaps you'd like to write a function that knows how to handle numbers up to 999, and then extend it to handle numbers up to 999999 by passing the first 3 digits to itself along with an argument that tells it to append the string " thousand", and then passing the last 3 digits to itself along with an argument that tells it to append ""; larger numbers could be handled similarly.

Magic Number

Ponder this:

1 is 3
3 is 5
5 is 4
4 is the magic number!

7 is 5
5 is 4
4 is the magic number!

13 is 8
8 is 5
5 is 4
4 is the magic number!

Why is 4 the magic number? Is 4 always the magic number?

Once you figure it out, write a recursive function that generates the above example given the following:

cout << magic_number(1) << endl;
cout << magic_number(7) << endl;
cout << magic_number(13) << endl;


  • Place your solution in a solution--YOURNAME subdirectory, or in the base directory.

  • Document and format your code well and consistently.

  • Wrap lines at 79 or 80 columns whenever possible.

  • End your file with a blank line.

  • Do not use using namespace std;. You may get around typing std:: in front of things or with, e.g., using std::cout;.

  • Include your copyright and license information at the top of every file, followed by a brief description of the file's contents, e.g.

    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Copyright &copy; 2015 Ben Blazak <>
     * Released under the [MIT License] (
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     * A short program to print "Hello World!" to standard output.

[Creative Commons License] (
Copyright © 2015 Ben Blazak
This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License] (
Project located at


No description, website, or topics provided.






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  • C++ 90.7%
  • Makefile 9.3%