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Library to share flows of data frames between processes via shared memory. 
shmdata can be compared to the JACK audio connection kit project or to the
VideoJack project. shmdata, however, does not provide a host server and require applications to link data streams using socket path (e.g. "/tmp/my_shmdata_stream"). 
Note that shmdata readers and writers can hot connect/disconnect/reconnect/... 
and that a shared memory supports a single writer with multiple readers.

Several libraries are provided: 

* libshmdata for hot plugging between GStreamer pipelines (C library)
* libshmdata-any for sharing custom data flows without including GStreamer headers (C library)
* libshmdata-osg for receiving video written to a shared memory into an OpenSceneGraph texture (C++ library)

shmdata is currently used in several metalab projects:

* switcher (
* spinframework (
* posturevision (
* scenic (

License: LGPL for the libraries, GLP for the puredata external

Project URL:

This is an outcome of the Scenic research project at the SAT[Metalab].

Here is how to build and install it on Debian GNU/Linux or Ubuntu::

  $ sudo apt-get install automake bison build-essential flex libtool 
  $ sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev libgstreamer0.10-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev
  $ ./
  $ ./configure
  $ make
  $ sudo make install
  $ sudo ldconfig

Build the shmdata-osg library for use with openscenegraph
Before building shmdata, install the openscenegraph headers on Ubuntu::

  $ sudo apt-get install libopenscenegraph-dev

Build with the Puredata externals
Before building shmdata, install the puredata headers on Ubuntu::

  $ sudo apt-get install puredata-dev libsamplerate0-dev

Written by:

* Nicolas Bouillot (main author)
* Emmanuel Durand (contribution to OSG library and OSX port)
* Alexandre Quessy (help with packaging)
* Mike Wozniewski (help with packaging)


Library to share flows of data frames between processes via shared memory.







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