コード例 #1
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
void AAS_RT_AddParentLink( aas_area_childlocaldata_t *child, int parentindex, int childindex ) {
	aas_parent_link_t       *oldparentlink;

	oldparentlink = child->parentlink;

	child->parentlink = (aas_parent_link_t *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory( sizeof( aas_parent_link_t ) );

	child->parentlink->childindex = (unsigned short int)childindex;
	child->parentlink->parent = (unsigned short int)parentindex;
	child->parentlink->next = oldparentlink;
コード例 #2
void AAS_RT_BuildRouteTable(void)
	int                i, j, k;
	aas_area_t         *srcarea;
	aas_areasettings_t *srcsettings;
//	vec3_t	vec;
	unsigned int totalcount;
	unsigned int noroutecount;

	aas_area_buildlocalinfo_t **area_localinfos;
	aas_area_buildlocalinfo_t *localinfo;

	aas_area_childlocaldata_t **area_childlocaldata;
	aas_area_childlocaldata_t *child;

	aas_area_parent_t *area_parents[MAX_PARENTS];
	aas_area_parent_t *thisparent;

	int bestchild, bestcount, bestparent, cnt;

	int memoryend;

	unsigned short int *visibleParents;

	aas_rt_route_t     **filteredroutetable;
	unsigned short int traveltime;

	fileHandle_t fp;
	char         filename[MAX_QPATH];

// not used anymore

	// create the routetable in this aasworld
	aasworld->routetable = (aas_rt_t *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(sizeof(aas_rt_t));

	// Try to load in a prepared route-table
	Com_sprintf(filename, MAX_QPATH, "maps/%s.rtb", (*aasworld).mapname);
	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "\n---------------------------------\n");
	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "\ntrying to load %s\n", filename);
	botimport.FS_FOpenFile(filename, &fp, FS_READ);
	if (fp)
		// read in the table..
		if (AAS_RT_ReadRouteTable(fp))

			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "\nAAS Route-Table loaded.\n");
			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "---------------------------------\n\n");
			botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "\nUnable to load %s, building route-table..\n", filename);
		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "file not found, building route-table\n\n");

	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "\n-------------------------------------\nRoute-table memory usage figures..\n\n");

	totalcount   = 0;
	childcount   = 0;
	noroutecount = 0;
	childcount   = 0;
	num_parents  = 0;

	memorycount = 0;
	cachememory = 0;

	filtered_areas     = (unsigned short int *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory((*aasworld).numareas * sizeof(unsigned short int));
	rev_filtered_areas = (unsigned short int *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory((*aasworld).numareas * sizeof(unsigned short int));

	// to speed things up, build a list of FILTERED areas first
	// do this so we can check for filtered areas
	for (i = 0; i < (*aasworld).numareas; i++)
		srcarea     = &(*aasworld).areas[i];
		srcsettings = &(*aasworld).areasettings[i];

		if (!(srcsettings->areaflags & (AREA_USEFORROUTING)))
		if (!(srcsettings->areaflags & (AREA_GROUNDED | AREA_LIQUID | AREA_LADDER)))

		rev_filtered_areas[i]        = childcount + 1;
		filtered_areas[childcount++] = (unsigned short int)i;

	// allocate and calculate the travel times
	filteredroutetable = (aas_rt_route_t **) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(childcount * sizeof(aas_rt_route_t *));
	for (i = 0; i < childcount; i++)
		filteredroutetable[i] = (aas_rt_route_t *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(childcount * sizeof(aas_rt_route_t));



	// allocate for the temporary build local data
	area_localinfos = (aas_area_buildlocalinfo_t **) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(childcount * sizeof(aas_area_buildlocalinfo_t *));

	for (i = 0; i < childcount; i++)
		srcarea     = &(*aasworld).areas[filtered_areas[i]];
		srcsettings = &(*aasworld).areasettings[filtered_areas[i]];

		// allocate memory for this area
		area_localinfos[i] = (aas_area_buildlocalinfo_t *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(sizeof(aas_area_buildlocalinfo_t));
		localinfo          = area_localinfos[i];

		for (j = 0; j < childcount; j++)
			if (i == j)


			// make sure travel time is reasonable
			// Get the travel time from i to j
			traveltime = (int)filteredroutetable[i][j].travel_time;

			if (!traveltime)
			if (traveltime > MAX_LOCALTRAVELTIME)


			// Add it to the list
			localinfo->visible[localinfo->numvisible++] = j;

			if (localinfo->numvisible >= MAX_VISIBLE_AREAS)
				botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "MAX_VISIBLE_AREAS exceeded, lower MAX_VISIBLE_RANGE\n");

	// now calculate the best list of locale's

	// allocate for the long-term child data
	area_childlocaldata = (aas_area_childlocaldata_t **) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(childcount * sizeof(aas_area_childlocaldata_t *));

	for (i = 0; i < childcount; i++)
		area_childlocaldata[i]          = (aas_area_childlocaldata_t *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(sizeof(aas_area_childlocaldata_t));
		area_childlocaldata[i]->areanum = filtered_areas[i];

	while (1)
		bestchild = -1;
		bestcount = 99999;

		// find the area with the least number of visible areas
		for (i = 0; i < childcount; i++)
			if (area_childlocaldata[i]->parentlink)
				continue;   // already has been allocated to a parent

			cnt = AAS_RT_GetValidVisibleAreasCount(area_localinfos[i], area_childlocaldata);

			if (cnt < bestcount)
				bestcount = area_localinfos[i]->numvisible;
				bestchild = i;

		if (bestchild < 0)
			break;      // our job is done

		localinfo = area_localinfos[bestchild];

		// look through this area's list of visible areas, and pick the one with the most VALID visible areas
		bestparent = bestchild;

		for (i = 0; i < localinfo->numvisible; i++)
			if (area_childlocaldata[localinfo->visible[i]]->parentlink)
				continue;   // already has been allocated to a parent

			// calculate how many of children are valid
			cnt = AAS_RT_GetValidVisibleAreasCount(area_localinfos[localinfo->visible[i]], area_childlocaldata);

			if (cnt > bestcount)
				bestcount  = cnt;
				bestparent = localinfo->visible[i];

		// now setup this parent, and assign all it's children
		localinfo = area_localinfos[bestparent];

		// we use all children now, not just valid ones
		bestcount = localinfo->numvisible;

		area_parents[num_parents] = (aas_area_parent_t *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(sizeof(aas_area_parent_t));
		thisparent                = area_parents[num_parents];

		thisparent->areanum  = filtered_areas[bestparent];
		thisparent->children = (unsigned short int *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory((localinfo->numvisible + 1) * sizeof(unsigned short int));

		// first, add itself to the list (yes, a parent is a child of itself)
		child = area_childlocaldata[bestparent];
		AAS_RT_AddParentLink(child, num_parents, thisparent->numchildren);
		thisparent->children[thisparent->numchildren++] = filtered_areas[bestparent];

		// loop around all the parent's visible list, and make them children if they're aren't already assigned to a parent
		for (i = 0; i < localinfo->numvisible; i++)
			// create the childlocaldata
			child = area_childlocaldata[localinfo->visible[i]];

			// Ridah, only one parent per child in the new system
			if (child->parentlink)
				continue;   // already has been allocated to a parent

			if (child->areanum != thisparent->areanum)
				AAS_RT_AddParentLink(child, num_parents, thisparent->numchildren);
				thisparent->children[thisparent->numchildren++] = filtered_areas[localinfo->visible[i]];

		// now setup the list of children and the route-tables
		for (i = 0; i < thisparent->numchildren; i++)
			child     = area_childlocaldata[-1 + rev_filtered_areas[thisparent->children[i]]];
			localinfo = area_localinfos[-1 + rev_filtered_areas[thisparent->children[i]]];

			child->parentlink->routeindexes = (unsigned short int *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(thisparent->numchildren * sizeof(unsigned short int));

			// now setup the indexes
			for (j = 0; j < thisparent->numchildren; j++)
				// find this child in our list of visibles
				if (j == child->parentlink->childindex)

				for (k = 0; k < localinfo->numvisible; k++)
					if (thisparent->children[j] == filtered_areas[localinfo->visible[k]])     // found a match
						child->parentlink->routeindexes[j] = (unsigned short int)k;

				if (k == localinfo->numvisible)     // didn't find it, so add it to our list
					if (localinfo->numvisible >= MAX_VISIBLE_AREAS)
						botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "MAX_VISIBLE_AREAS exceeded, lower MAX_VISIBLE_RANGE\n");
						localinfo->visible[localinfo->numvisible] = -1 + rev_filtered_areas[thisparent->children[j]];
						child->parentlink->routeindexes[j]        = (unsigned short int)localinfo->numvisible;


	// place all the visible areas from each child, into their childlocaldata route-table
	for (i = 0; i < childcount; i++)
		localinfo = area_localinfos[i];
		child     = area_childlocaldata[i];

		child->numlocal    = localinfo->numvisible;
		child->localroutes = (aas_rt_route_t *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(localinfo->numvisible * sizeof(aas_rt_route_t));

		for (j = 0; j < localinfo->numvisible; j++)
			child->localroutes[j] = filteredroutetable[i][localinfo->visible[j]];

		child->parentroutes = (aas_rt_route_t *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(num_parents * sizeof(aas_rt_route_t));

		for (j = 0; j < num_parents; j++)
			child->parentroutes[j] = filteredroutetable[i][-1 + rev_filtered_areas[area_parents[j]->areanum]];

	// build the visibleParents lists
	visibleParents = (unsigned short int *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(num_parents * sizeof(unsigned short int));
	for (i = 0; i < num_parents; i++)
		area_parents[i]->numVisibleParents = 0;

		for (j = 0; j < num_parents; j++)
			if (i == j)

			if (!AAS_inPVS((*aasworld).areas[area_parents[i]->areanum].center, (*aasworld).areas[area_parents[j]->areanum].center))

			visibleParents[area_parents[i]->numVisibleParents] = j;

		// now copy the list over to the current src area
		area_parents[i]->visibleParents = (unsigned short int *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(area_parents[i]->numVisibleParents * sizeof(unsigned short int));
		memcpy(area_parents[i]->visibleParents, visibleParents, area_parents[i]->numVisibleParents * sizeof(unsigned short int));


	// before we free the main childlocaldata, go through and assign the aas_area's to their appropriate childlocaldata
	//	this would require modification of the aas_area_t structure, so for now, we'll just place them in a global array, for external reference

//	aasworld->routetable->area_childlocaldata_list = (aas_area_childlocaldata_t **) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory( (*aasworld).numareas * sizeof(aas_area_childlocaldata_t *) );
//	for (i=0; i<childcount; i++)
//	{
//		aasworld->routetable->area_childlocaldata_list[filtered_areas[i]] = area_childlocaldata[i];
//	}

	// copy the list of parents to a global structure for now (should eventually go into the (*aasworld) structure
//	aasworld->routetable->area_parents_global = (aas_area_parent_t **) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory( num_parents * sizeof(aas_area_parent_t *) );
//	memcpy( aasworld->routetable->area_parents_global, area_parents, num_parents * sizeof(aas_area_parent_t *) );

	// ................................................
	// Convert the data into the correct format
		aas_rt_t             *rt;
		aas_rt_child_t       *child;
		aas_rt_parent_t      *parent;
		aas_rt_parent_link_t *plink;
		unsigned short int   *psi;

		aas_area_childlocaldata_t *chloc;
		aas_area_parent_t         *apar;
		aas_parent_link_t         *oplink;

		int localRoutesCount, parentRoutesCount, parentChildrenCount, visibleParentsCount, parentLinkCount, routeIndexesCount;

		rt                  = (*aasworld).routetable;
		localRoutesCount    = 0;
		parentRoutesCount   = 0;
		parentChildrenCount = 0;
		visibleParentsCount = 0;
		parentLinkCount     = 0;
		routeIndexesCount   = 0;

		// areaChildIndexes
		rt->areaChildIndexes = (unsigned short int *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory((*aasworld).numareas * sizeof(unsigned short int));
		for (i = 0; i < childcount; i++)
			rt->areaChildIndexes[filtered_areas[i]] = i + 1;

		// children
		rt->numChildren = childcount;
		rt->children    = (aas_rt_child_t *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(rt->numChildren * sizeof(aas_rt_child_t));
		child           = rt->children;
		for (i = 0; i < childcount; i++, child++)
			chloc = area_childlocaldata[i];

			child->areanum        = chloc->areanum;
			child->numParentLinks = AAS_RT_NumParentLinks(chloc);

			child->startParentLinks = parentLinkCount;

			parentLinkCount += child->numParentLinks;

		// parents
		rt->numParents = num_parents;
		rt->parents    = (aas_rt_parent_t *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(rt->numParents * sizeof(aas_rt_parent_t));
		parent         = rt->parents;
		for (i = 0; i < num_parents; i++, parent++)
			apar = area_parents[i];

			parent->areanum           = apar->areanum;
			parent->numParentChildren = apar->numchildren;
			parent->numVisibleParents = apar->numVisibleParents;

			parent->startParentChildren = parentChildrenCount;
			parent->startVisibleParents = visibleParentsCount;

			parentChildrenCount += parent->numParentChildren;
			visibleParentsCount += parent->numVisibleParents;

		// parentChildren
		rt->numParentChildren = parentChildrenCount;
		rt->parentChildren    = (unsigned short int *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(parentChildrenCount * sizeof(unsigned short int));
		psi                   = rt->parentChildren;
		for (i = 0; i < num_parents; i++)
			apar = area_parents[i];
			for (j = 0; j < apar->numchildren; j++, psi++)
				*psi = apar->children[j];

		// visibleParents
		rt->numVisibleParents = visibleParentsCount;
		rt->visibleParents    = (unsigned short int *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(rt->numVisibleParents * sizeof(unsigned short int));
		psi                   = rt->visibleParents;
		for (i = 0; i < num_parents; i++)
			apar = area_parents[i];
			for (j = 0; j < apar->numVisibleParents; j++, psi++)
				*psi = apar->visibleParents[j];

		// parentLinks
		rt->numParentLinks = parentLinkCount;
		rt->parentLinks    = (aas_rt_parent_link_t *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(parentLinkCount * sizeof(aas_rt_parent_link_t));
		plink              = rt->parentLinks;
		for (i = 0; i < childcount; i++)
			chloc = area_childlocaldata[i];
			for (oplink = chloc->parentlink; oplink; plink++, oplink = oplink->next)
				plink->childIndex = oplink->childindex;
				plink->parent     = oplink->parent;

	// ................................................

	// write the newly created table

	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "Child Areas: %i\nTotal Parents: %i\nAverage VisAreas: %i\n", (int)childcount, num_parents, (int)(childcount / num_parents));
	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "NoRoute Ratio: %i%%\n", (int)((100.0 * noroutecount) / (1.0 * childcount * childcount)));

	memoryend = memorycount;

	// clear allocated memory

// causes crashes in route-caching
//	AAS_FreeRoutingCaches();

	for (i = 0; i < childcount; i++)

		aas_parent_link_t *next, *trav;

		// kill the client areas
		for (i = 0; i < childcount; i++)
			// kill the parent links
			next = area_childlocaldata[i]->parentlink;
			// TTimo gcc: suggests () around assignment used as truth value
			while ((trav = next))
				next = next->next;




		// kill the parents
		for (i = 0; i < num_parents; i++)


	// check how much memory we've used, and intend to keep

	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "Route-Table Permanent Memory Usage: %i\n", memorycount);
	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "Route-Table Calculation Usage: %i\n", memoryend + cachememory);
	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "---------------------------------\n");
コード例 #3
qboolean AAS_RT_ReadRouteTable(fileHandle_t fp)
	int                  ident, version, i;
	unsigned short int   crc, crc_aas;
	aas_rt_t             *routetable;
	aas_rt_child_t       *child;
	aas_rt_parent_t      *parent;
	aas_rt_parent_link_t *plink;
	unsigned short int   *psi;

	qboolean doswap;

	int pretime;

	pretime = Sys_MilliSeconds();

	routetable = (*aasworld).routetable;

	doswap = (LittleLong(1) != 1);

	// check ident
	AAS_RT_DBG_Read(&ident, sizeof(ident), fp);
	ident = LittleLong(ident);

	if (ident != RTBID)
		AAS_Error("File is not an RTB file\n");
		return qfalse;

	// check version
	AAS_RT_DBG_Read(&version, sizeof(version), fp);
	version = LittleLong(version);

	if (version != RTBVERSION)
		AAS_Error("File is version %i not %i\n", version, RTBVERSION);
		return qfalse;

	// read the CRC check on the AAS data
	AAS_RT_DBG_Read(&crc, sizeof(crc), fp);
	crc = LittleShort(crc);

	// calculate a CRC on the AAS areas
	crc_aas = CRC_ProcessString((unsigned char *)(*aasworld).areas, sizeof(aas_area_t) * (*aasworld).numareas);

	if (crc != crc_aas)
		AAS_Error("Route-table is from different AAS file, ignoring.\n");
		return qfalse;

	// read the route-table

	// children
	botimport.FS_Read(&routetable->numChildren, sizeof(int), fp);
	routetable->numChildren = LittleLong(routetable->numChildren);
	routetable->children    = (aas_rt_child_t *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(routetable->numChildren * sizeof(aas_rt_child_t));
	botimport.FS_Read(routetable->children, routetable->numChildren * sizeof(aas_rt_child_t), fp);
	child = &routetable->children[0];
	if (doswap)
		for (i = 0; i < routetable->numChildren; i++, child++)
			child->areanum          = LittleShort(child->areanum);
			child->numParentLinks   = LittleLong(child->numParentLinks);
			child->startParentLinks = LittleLong(child->startParentLinks);

	// parents
	botimport.FS_Read(&routetable->numParents, sizeof(int), fp);
	routetable->numParents = LittleLong(routetable->numParents);
	routetable->parents    = (aas_rt_parent_t *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(routetable->numParents * sizeof(aas_rt_parent_t));
	botimport.FS_Read(routetable->parents, routetable->numParents * sizeof(aas_rt_parent_t), fp);
	parent = &routetable->parents[0];
	if (doswap)
		for (i = 0; i < routetable->numParents; i++, parent++)
			parent->areanum             = LittleShort(parent->areanum);
			parent->numParentChildren   = LittleLong(parent->numParentChildren);
			parent->startParentChildren = LittleLong(parent->startParentChildren);
			parent->numVisibleParents   = LittleLong(parent->numVisibleParents);
			parent->startVisibleParents = LittleLong(parent->startVisibleParents);

	// parentChildren
	botimport.FS_Read(&routetable->numParentChildren, sizeof(int), fp);
	routetable->numParentChildren = LittleLong(routetable->numParentChildren);
	routetable->parentChildren    = (unsigned short int *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(routetable->numParentChildren * sizeof(unsigned short int));
	botimport.FS_Read(routetable->parentChildren, routetable->numParentChildren * sizeof(unsigned short int), fp);
	psi = &routetable->parentChildren[0];
	if (doswap)
		for (i = 0; i < routetable->numParentChildren; i++, psi++)
			*psi = LittleShort(*psi);

	// visibleParents
	botimport.FS_Read(&routetable->numVisibleParents, sizeof(int), fp);
	routetable->numVisibleParents = LittleLong(routetable->numVisibleParents);
	routetable->visibleParents    = (unsigned short int *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(routetable->numVisibleParents * sizeof(unsigned short int));
	botimport.FS_Read(routetable->visibleParents, routetable->numVisibleParents * sizeof(unsigned short int), fp);
	psi = &routetable->visibleParents[0];
	if (doswap)
		for (i = 0; i < routetable->numVisibleParents; i++, psi++)
			*psi = LittleShort(*psi);

	// parentLinks
	botimport.FS_Read(&routetable->numParentLinks, sizeof(int), fp);
	routetable->numParentLinks = LittleLong(routetable->numParentLinks);
	routetable->parentLinks    = (aas_rt_parent_link_t *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory(routetable->numParentLinks * sizeof(aas_rt_parent_link_t));
	botimport.FS_Read(routetable->parentLinks, routetable->numParentLinks * sizeof(aas_parent_link_t), fp);
	plink = &routetable->parentLinks[0];
	if (doswap)
		for (i = 0; i < routetable->numParentLinks; i++, plink++)
			plink->childIndex = LittleShort(plink->childIndex);
			plink->parent     = LittleShort(plink->parent);

	// build the areaChildIndexes
	routetable->areaChildIndexes = (unsigned short int *) AAS_RT_GetClearedMemory((*aasworld).numareas * sizeof(unsigned short int));
	child                        = routetable->children;
	for (i = 0; i < routetable->numChildren; i++, child++)
		routetable->areaChildIndexes[child->areanum] = i + 1;

	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "Total Parents: %d\n", routetable->numParents);
	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "Total Children: %d\n", routetable->numChildren);
	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "Total Memory Used: %d\n", memorycount);

	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "Route-Table read time: %i\n", Sys_MilliSeconds() - pretime);

	return qtrue;