コード例 #1
ファイル: AD1.c プロジェクト: collinmoore/KL25Z-windows
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  AD1_Calibrate (component ADC)
**     Description :
**         This method starts self calibration process. Calibration is
**         typically used to remove the effects of the gain and offset
**         from a specific reading.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION
**         WaitForResult   - Wait for a result of
**                           calibration. If the <interrupt service> is
**                           disabled, the WaitForResult parameter is
**                           ignored and the method waits for
**                           calibration result every time.
**     Returns     :
**         ---             - Error code
**                           ERR_OK - OK
**                           ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
**                           ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in
**                           the active speed mode
**                           ERR_DISABLED - Device is disabled
**                           ERR_FAILED - Calibration hasn't been
**                           finished correctly
** ===================================================================
byte PE_AD1_Calibrate(void)
  if (ModeFlg != STOP) {               /* Is the device in different mode than "stop"? */
    return ERR_BUSY;                   /* If yes then error */
  (void)AdcLdd1_GetMeasurementCompleteStatus(AdcLdd1_DeviceDataPtr); /* Clear measurement complete status */
  (void)AdcLdd1_StartCalibration(AdcLdd1_DeviceDataPtr); /* Start calibration */
  while (!AdcLdd1_GetMeasurementCompleteStatus(AdcLdd1_DeviceDataPtr)) {}; /* Wait until calibration ends */
  if (AdcLdd1_GetCalibrationResultStatus(AdcLdd1_DeviceDataPtr) != ERR_OK) { /* If calibration failed flag is set */
    ModeFlg = STOP;                    /* Set the device to the stop mode */
    return ERR_FAILED;                 /* Return ERR_FAILED error code */
  return ERR_OK;                       /* ADC device is now calibrated */
コード例 #2
ファイル: AD1.c プロジェクト: ger-unicamp/TFC-2015
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  AD1_Calibrate (component ADC)
**     Description :
**         This method starts self calibration process. Calibration is
**         typically used to remove the effects of the gain and offset
**         from a specific reading.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION
**         WaitForResult   - Wait for a result of
**                           calibration. If the <interrupt service> is
**                           disabled, the WaitForResult parameter is
**                           ignored and the method waits for
**                           calibration result every time.
**     Returns     :
**         ---             - Error code
**                           ERR_OK - OK
**                           ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
**                           ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in
**                           the active speed mode
**                           ERR_DISABLED - Device is disabled
**                           ERR_FAILED - Calibration hasn't been
**                           finished correctly
** ===================================================================
byte AD1_Calibrate(bool WaitForResult)
  if (ModeFlg != STOP) {               /* Is the device in different mode than "stop"? */
    return ERR_BUSY;                   /* If yes then error */
  ModeFlg = CALIBRATING;               /* Set state of device to the calibration mode */
  (void)AdcLdd1_GetMeasurementCompleteStatus(AdcLdd1_DeviceDataPtr); /* Clear measurement complete status */
  (void)AdcLdd1_StartCalibration(AdcLdd1_DeviceDataPtr); /* Start calibration */
  if (!WaitForResult) {                /* If doesn't wait for result */
    return ERR_OK;                     /* then return ERR_OK, but user have to check the result of calibration e.g. by GetCalibrationStatus method */
  while (!AdcLdd1_GetMeasurementCompleteStatus(AdcLdd1_DeviceDataPtr)) {}; /* Wait until calibration ends */
  if (AdcLdd1_GetCalibrationResultStatus(AdcLdd1_DeviceDataPtr) != ERR_OK) { /* If calibration failed flag is set */
    ModeFlg = STOP;                    /* Set the device to the stop mode */
    return ERR_FAILED;                 /* Return ERR_FAILED error code */
  return ERR_OK;                       /* ADC device is now calibrated */