コード例 #1
ファイル: tokenzr.cpp プロジェクト: 3v1n0/wxWidgets
wxString wxStringTokenizer::GetNextToken()
    wxString token;
        if ( !HasMoreTokens() )

        m_hasMoreTokens = MoreTokens_Unknown;

        // find the end of this token
        wxString::const_iterator pos =
            find_first_of(m_delims, m_delimsLen, m_pos, m_stringEnd);

        // and the start of the next one
        if ( pos == m_stringEnd )
            // no more delimiters, the token is everything till the end of
            // string
            token.assign(m_pos, m_stringEnd);

            // skip the token
            m_pos = m_stringEnd;

            // it wasn't terminated
            m_lastDelim = wxT('\0');
        else // we found a delimiter at pos
            // in wxTOKEN_RET_DELIMS mode we return the delimiter character
            // with token, otherwise leave it out
            wxString::const_iterator tokenEnd(pos);
            if ( m_mode == wxTOKEN_RET_DELIMS )

            token.assign(m_pos, tokenEnd);

            // skip the token and the trailing delimiter
            m_pos = pos + 1;

            m_lastDelim = (pos == m_stringEnd) ? wxT('\0') : (wxChar)*pos;
    while ( !AllowEmpty() && token.empty() );

    return token;
コード例 #2
ファイル: tokenzr.cpp プロジェクト: 252525fb/rpcs3
wxString wxStringTokenizer::GetNextToken()
    wxString token;
        if ( !HasMoreTokens() )

        // find the end of this token
        size_t pos = m_string.find_first_of(m_delims, m_pos);

        // and the start of the next one
        if ( pos == wxString::npos )
            // no more delimiters, the token is everything till the end of
            // string
            token.assign(m_string, m_pos, wxString::npos);

            // skip the token
            m_pos = m_string.length();

            // it wasn't terminated
            m_lastDelim = _T('\0');
        else // we found a delimiter at pos
            // in wxTOKEN_RET_DELIMS mode we return the delimiter character
            // with token, otherwise leave it out
            size_t len = pos - m_pos;
            if ( m_mode == wxTOKEN_RET_DELIMS )

            token.assign(m_string, m_pos, len);

            // skip the token and the trailing delimiter
            m_pos = pos + 1;

            m_lastDelim = m_string[pos];
    while ( !AllowEmpty() && token.empty() );

    return token;