コード例 #1
ファイル: CWorldMap.cpp プロジェクト: leandrorenato/Source
void CWorld::GetHeightPoint( const CPointMap & pt, CGrayMapBlockState & block, bool fHouseCheck )
	CItemBase * pItemDef = NULL;
	CItemBaseDupe * pDupeDef = NULL;
	CItem * pItem = NULL;
	DWORD wBlockThis = 0;
	signed char z = 0;
	height_t zHeight = 0;
	int x2 = 0, y2 = 0;

	// Height of statics at/above given coordinates
	// do gravity here for the z.
	const CGrayMapBlock * pMapBlock = GetMapBlock( pt );
	if (pMapBlock == NULL)

	size_t iQty = pMapBlock->m_Statics.GetStaticQty();
	if ( iQty > 0 )  // no static items here.
		x2 = pMapBlock->GetOffsetX(pt.m_x);
		y2 = pMapBlock->GetOffsetY(pt.m_y);
		const CUOStaticItemRec * pStatic = NULL;
		for ( size_t i = 0; i < iQty; ++i, z = 0, zHeight = 0, pStatic = NULL, pDupeDef = NULL )
			if ( ! pMapBlock->m_Statics.IsStaticPoint( i, x2, y2 ))

			pStatic = pMapBlock->m_Statics.GetStatic( i );
			if ( pStatic == NULL )

			z = pStatic->m_z;

			//DEBUG_ERR(("z (%d)  block.m_zHeight (%d) block.m_Bottom.m_z (%d)\n",z,block.m_zHeight,block.m_Bottom.m_z));
			if ( ! block.IsUsableZ( z, block.m_zHeight ))

			// This static is at the coordinates in question.
			// enough room for me to stand here ?

			pItemDef = CItemBase::FindItemBase( pStatic->GetDispID() );
			if ( pItemDef )
				//DEBUG_ERR(("pItemDef->GetID(0%x) pItemDef->GetDispID(0%x) pStatic->GetDispID(0%x)\n",pItemDef->GetID(),pItemDef->GetDispID(),pStatic->GetDispID()));
				if ( pItemDef->GetID() == pStatic->GetDispID() ) //parent item
					zHeight = pItemDef->GetHeight();
					wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK ); //Use only Block flags, other remove
				else //non-parent item
					pDupeDef = CItemBaseDupe::GetDupeRef(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(pStatic->GetDispID()));
					if ( ! pDupeDef )
						g_Log.EventDebug("Failed to get non-parent reference (static) (DispID 0%x) (X: %d Y: %d Z: %d)\n",pStatic->GetDispID(),pStatic->m_x+pMapBlock->m_x,pStatic->m_y+pMapBlock->m_y,pStatic->m_z);
						zHeight = pItemDef->GetHeight();
						wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
						zHeight = pDupeDef->GetHeight();
						wBlockThis = ( pDupeDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK ); //Use only Block flags, other remove - CAN flags cannot be inherited from the parent item due to bad script pack...
			else if ( pStatic->GetDispID() )

			block.CheckTile_Item( wBlockThis, z, zHeight, pStatic->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY );

	pItemDef = NULL;
	pDupeDef = NULL;
	pItem = NULL;
	wBlockThis = 0;
	z = 0;
	zHeight = 0;
	x2 = y2 = 0;
	iQty = 0;

	// Any multi items here ?
	// Check all of them
	if ( fHouseCheck )
		CRegionLinks rlinks;
		size_t iRegionQty = pt.GetRegions( REGION_TYPE_MULTI, rlinks );
		if ( iRegionQty > 0 )
			//  ------------ For variables --------------------
			CRegionBase * pRegion = NULL;
			const CGrayMulti * pMulti = NULL;
			const CUOMultiItemRec2 * pMultiItem = NULL;
			x2 = 0;
			y2 = 0;
			//  ------------ For variables --------------------

			for ( size_t iRegion = 0; iRegion < iRegionQty; ++iRegion, pRegion = NULL, pItem = NULL, pMulti = NULL, x2 = 0, y2 = 0 )
				pRegion = rlinks.GetAt(iRegion);
				if ( pRegion != NULL )
					pItem = pRegion->GetResourceID().ItemFind();

				if ( pItem != NULL )
					pMulti = g_Cfg.GetMultiItemDefs(pItem);
					if ( pMulti )
						x2 = pt.m_x - pItem->GetTopPoint().m_x;
						y2 = pt.m_y - pItem->GetTopPoint().m_y;

						iQty = pMulti->GetItemCount();
						for ( size_t ii = 0; ii < iQty; ++ii, pMultiItem = NULL, z = 0, zHeight = 0 )
							pMultiItem = pMulti->GetItem(ii);

							if ( !pMultiItem )

							if ( ! pMultiItem->m_visible )

							if ( pMultiItem->m_dx != x2 || pMultiItem->m_dy != y2 )

							z = static_cast<signed char>( pItem->GetTopZ() + pMultiItem->m_dz );
							if ( ! block.IsUsableZ(z,block.m_zHeight))

							pItemDef = CItemBase::FindItemBase( pMultiItem->GetDispID() );
							if ( pItemDef != NULL )
								if ( pItemDef->GetID() == pMultiItem->GetDispID() ) //parent item
									zHeight = pItemDef->GetHeight();
									wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK ); //Use only Block flags, other remove
								else //non-parent item
									pDupeDef = CItemBaseDupe::GetDupeRef(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(pMultiItem->GetDispID()));
									if ( pDupeDef == NULL )
										g_Log.EventDebug("Failed to get non-parent reference (multi) (DispID 0%x) (X: %d Y: %d Z: %d)\n",pMultiItem->GetDispID(),pMultiItem->m_dx+pItem->GetTopPoint().m_x,pMultiItem->m_dy+pItem->GetTopPoint().m_y,pMultiItem->m_dz+pItem->GetTopPoint().m_z);
										zHeight = pItemDef->GetHeight();
										wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
										zHeight = pDupeDef->GetHeight();
										wBlockThis = ( pDupeDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK ); //Use only Block flags, other remove - CAN flags cannot be inherited from the parent item due to bad script pack...
							else if ( pMultiItem->GetDispID() )

							block.CheckTile_Item( wBlockThis, z, zHeight, pMultiItem->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY );

	pItemDef = NULL;
	pDupeDef = NULL;
	pItem = NULL;
	wBlockThis = 0;
	x2 = y2 = iQty = 0;
	zHeight = 0;
	z = 0;

	// Any dynamic items here ?
	// NOTE: This could just be an item that an NPC could just move ?
	CWorldSearch Area( pt );

	for (;;)
		pItem = Area.GetItem();
		if ( !pItem )

		z = pItem->GetTopZ();
		if ( !block.IsUsableZ( z, block.m_zHeight ) )

		// Invis items should not block ???
		pItemDef = CItemBase::FindItemBase( pItem->GetDispID() );

		if ( pItemDef )
			if ( pItemDef->GetDispID() == pItem->GetDispID() )//parent item
				zHeight = pItemDef->GetHeight();
				wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK ); //Use only Block flags, other remove
			else //non-parent item
				pDupeDef = CItemBaseDupe::GetDupeRef(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(pItem->GetDispID()));
				if ( ! pDupeDef )
					g_Log.EventDebug("Failed to get non-parent reference (dynamic) (DispID 0%x) (X: %d Y: %d Z: %d)\n",pItem->GetDispID(),pItem->GetTopPoint().m_x,pItem->GetTopPoint().m_y,pItem->GetTopPoint().m_z);
					zHeight = pItemDef->GetHeight();
					wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
					zHeight = pDupeDef->GetHeight();
					wBlockThis = ( pDupeDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK ); //Use only Block flags, other remove - CAN flags cannot be inherited from the parent item due to bad script pack...
		else if (pItem->GetDispID())

		block.CheckTile_Item(wBlockThis, z, zHeight, pItem->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY);

	wBlockThis = 0;
	// Terrain height is screwed. Since it is related to all the terrain around it.
	const CUOMapMeter * pMeter = pMapBlock->GetTerrain( UO_BLOCK_OFFSET(pt.m_x), UO_BLOCK_OFFSET(pt.m_y));
	if ( ! pMeter )

	if ( block.IsUsableZ( pMeter->m_z,block.m_zHeight ) )
		//DEBUG_ERR(("pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex 0%x wBlockThis (0%x)\n",pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex,wBlockThis));
		if ( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex == TERRAIN_HOLE )
			wBlockThis = 0;
		else if ( CUOMapMeter::IsTerrainNull( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex ) )	// inter dungeon type.
			wBlockThis = CAN_I_BLOCK;
			CGrayTerrainInfo land( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex );
			//DEBUG_ERR(("Terrain flags - land.m_flags 0%x wBlockThis (0%x)\n",land.m_flags,wBlockThis));
			if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_WATER )
				wBlockThis |= CAN_I_WATER;
			if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_DAMAGE )
				wBlockThis |= CAN_I_FIRE;
			if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_BLOCK )
				wBlockThis |= CAN_I_BLOCK;
			if (( ! wBlockThis ) || ( land.m_flags & UFLAG2_PLATFORM )) // Platform items should take precendence over non-platforms.
				wBlockThis = CAN_I_PLATFORM;
		//DEBUG_ERR(("TERRAIN wBlockThis (0%x)\n",wBlockThis));
		block.CheckTile_Terrain( wBlockThis, pMeter->m_z, pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex );

	if ( block.m_Bottom.m_z == UO_SIZE_MIN_Z )
		block.m_Bottom = block.m_Lowest;
		if ( block.m_Top.m_z == block.m_Bottom.m_z )
			block.m_Top.m_dwBlockFlags = 0;
			block.m_Top.m_dwTile = 0;
			block.m_Top.m_z = UO_SIZE_Z;
コード例 #2
ファイル: HSTriangular.cpp プロジェクト: wanggan768q/GameWork
bool HSTriangular::Process( const HSVector2dV &contour,HSVector2dV &outResult )
	/* allocate and initialize list of Vertices in polygon */
	int n = contour.size();
	if ( n < 3 ) return false;
	int *V = new int[n];
	/* we want a counter-clockwise polygon in V */
	if ( 0.0f < Area(contour) )
		for (int v=0; v<n; v++) V[v] = v;
		for(int v=0; v<n; v++) V[v] = (n-1)-v;
	int nv = n;
	/*  remove nv-2 Vertices, creating 1 triangle every time */
	int count = 2*nv;   /* error detection */
	for(int m=0, v=nv-1; nv>2; )
		/* if we loop, it is probably a non-simple polygon */
		if (0 >= (count--))
			//** Triangulate: ERROR - probable bad polygon!
			return false;
		/* three consecutive vertices in current polygon, <u,v,w> */
		int u = v  ; if (nv <= u) u = 0;     /* previous */
		v = u+1; if (nv <= v) v = 0;     /* new v    */
		int w = v+1; if (nv <= w) w = 0;     /* next     */
		if ( Snip(contour,u,v,w,nv,V) )
			int a,b,c,s,t;
			/* true names of the vertices */
			a = V[u]; b = V[v]; c = V[w];
			/* output Triangle */
			outResult.push_back( contour[a] );
			outResult.push_back( contour[b] );
			outResult.push_back( contour[c] );
			/* remove v from remaining polygon */
			for(s=v,t=v+1;t<nv;s++,t++) V[s] = V[t]; nv--;
			/* resest error detection counter */
			count = 2*nv;

	delete V;
	return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Area.cpp プロジェクト: timmb/HarmonicMotion
Area Area::getOffset( const Vec2i &offset ) const
	return Area( x1 + offset.x, y1 + offset.y, x2 + offset.x, y2 + offset.y );
コード例 #4
Area BoundProcessor::resultArea() const
  return Area();
コード例 #5
ファイル: triangle.cpp プロジェクト: yantongl/ytlib
 /// radius of its inscribed circle
 double Triangle::InRadius() const
     // r = 2*area/perimeter
     return 2*Area()/Perimeter();
コード例 #6
ファイル: do_tris.c プロジェクト: Bluerise/bitrig-xenocara
InitTriangles(XParms xp, Parms p, int reps)
    int     i, j, numPoints;
    int     rows;
    int     x, y;
    int     size, iradius;
    double  phi, phiinc, radius, delta, phi2, area, aarea;
    XPoint  *curPoint;

    pgc = xp->fggc;

    size = p->special;
    phi = 0.0;
    delta = 2.0 * PI / ((double) NUM_POINTS);
    if (xp->version == VERSION1_2) {
	radius = ((double) size) * sqrt(3.0)/2.0;
	phiinc = delta/10.0;
    } else {
	/* Version 1.2's radius computation was completely bogus, and resulted
	   in triangles with sides about 50% longer than advertised.  However,
	   this inadvertently resulted in triangles with areas just a little bit
	   smaller than the triangle that covers size^2 pixels, which would
	   make the area directly comparable to 10x10 rectangles and 10x10
	   trapezoids.  So here's the new computation so -triangleN has the same
	   area as -rectN.
	radius = ((double) size) * sqrt(sqrt(16.0/27.0));
	phiinc = 1.75*PI / ((double) p->objects);
    iradius = (int) (radius + 0.5);

    numPoints = (p->objects) * NUM_POINTS;  
    points = (XPoint *)malloc(numPoints * sizeof(XPoint));
    curPoint = points;
    x = iradius;
    y = iradius;
    rows = 0;
    aarea = 0.0;

    for (i = 0; i != p->objects; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j != NUM_POINTS; j++) {
	    phi2 = phi + ((double) j) * delta;
	    curPoint->x = (int) ((double)x + (radius * cos(phi2)) + 0.5);
	    curPoint->y = (int) ((double)y + (radius * sin(phi2)) + 0.5);
	area = Area(curPoint[-1], curPoint[-2], curPoint[-3]);
	aarea += area;
/*	printf("%6.1lf %6.1lf %6.1lf   %6.1lf\n",
	    Distance(curPoint[-1], curPoint[-2]),
	    Distance(curPoint[-1], curPoint[-3]),
	    Distance(curPoint[-2], curPoint[-3]),
	phi += phiinc;
	y += 2 * iradius;
	if (y + iradius > HEIGHT || rows == MAXROWS) {
	    rows = 0;
	    y = iradius;
	    x += 2 * iradius;
	    if (x + iradius > WIDTH) {
		x = iradius;
/*    printf("Average area = %6.2lf\n", aarea/p->objects); */

    SetFillStyle(xp, p);

    return reps;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Polygon.cpp プロジェクト: katik/naali
bool Polygon::IsDegenerate(float epsilon) const
    return p.size() < 3 || Area() <= epsilon;
コード例 #8
double area_tet(tetrahedron T)
    double area = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<4; i++) area = area + Area(Side(T,i));
    return area;
コード例 #9
void USceneCapturer::CaptureComponent( int32 CurrentHorizontalStep, int32 CurrentVerticalStep, FString Folder, USceneCaptureComponent2D* CaptureComponent, TArray<FColor>& Atlas )
	TArray<FColor> SurfaceData;

		FTextureRenderTargetResource* RenderTarget = CaptureComponent->TextureTarget->GameThread_GetRenderTargetResource();

		//TODO: ikrimae: Might need to validate that this divides evenly. Might not matter
		int32 CenterX = CaptureWidth / 2;
		int32 CenterY = CaptureHeight / 2;

		SurfaceData.AddUninitialized( StripWidth * StripHeight );

		// Read pixels
		FIntRect Area( CenterX - ( StripWidth / 2 ), CenterY - ( StripHeight / 2 ), CenterX + ( StripWidth / 2 ), CenterY + ( StripHeight / 2) );
        auto readSurfaceDataFlags = FReadSurfaceDataFlags();
		RenderTarget->ReadPixelsPtr( SurfaceData.GetData(), readSurfaceDataFlags, Area );

	// Copy off strip to atlas texture
	CopyToUnprojAtlas( CurrentHorizontalStep, CurrentVerticalStep, Atlas, SurfaceData );

	if( FStereoPanoramaManager::GenerateDebugImages->GetInt() != 0 )

		// Generate name
		FString TickString = FString::Printf( TEXT( "_%05d_%04d_%04d" ), CurrentFrameCount, CurrentHorizontalStep, CurrentVerticalStep );
		FString CaptureName = OutputDir / Timestamp / Folder / TickString + TEXT( ".png" );
		UE_LOG( LogStereoPanorama, Log, TEXT( "Writing snapshot: %s" ), *CaptureName );

		// Write out PNG
        if (FStereoPanoramaManager::GenerateDebugImages->GetInt() == 2)
            //Read Whole Capture Buffer
		    IImageWrapperPtr ImageWrapper = ImageWrapperModule.CreateImageWrapper( EImageFormat::PNG );

            TArray<FColor> SurfaceDataWhole;
            SurfaceDataWhole.AddUninitialized(CaptureWidth * CaptureHeight);
            // Read pixels
            FTextureRenderTargetResource* RenderTarget = CaptureComponent->TextureTarget->GameThread_GetRenderTargetResource();
            RenderTarget->ReadPixelsPtr(SurfaceDataWhole.GetData(), FReadSurfaceDataFlags());

            // Force alpha value
            if (bForceAlpha)
                for (FColor& Color : SurfaceDataWhole)
                    Color.A = 255;

            ImageWrapper->SetRaw(SurfaceDataWhole.GetData(), SurfaceDataWhole.GetAllocatedSize(), CaptureWidth, CaptureHeight, ERGBFormat::BGRA, 8);
            const TArray<uint8>& PNGData = ImageWrapper->GetCompressed(100);

            FFileHelper::SaveArrayToFile(PNGData, *CaptureName);
            if (bForceAlpha)
                for (FColor& Color : SurfaceData)
                    Color.A = 255;

            IImageWrapperPtr ImageWrapper = ImageWrapperModule.CreateImageWrapper(EImageFormat::PNG);
            ImageWrapper->SetRaw(SurfaceData.GetData(), SurfaceData.GetAllocatedSize(), StripWidth, StripHeight, ERGBFormat::BGRA, 8);
		    const TArray<uint8>& PNGData = ImageWrapper->GetCompressed(100);

		    FFileHelper::SaveArrayToFile( PNGData, *CaptureName );
コード例 #10
ファイル: PlayerShip.cpp プロジェクト: pords/FinalProject
void PlayerShip::draw()
    cinder::gl::draw( shipTexture, Area(Vec2f(SIZE*(floor(tween)+FRAMENO), 0), Vec2f(SIZE*(floor(tween)+FRAMENO) + SIZE, SIZE)), Rectf(mMouseLoc - Vec2f(SIZE/2,0), mMouseLoc + Vec2f(SIZE/2,SIZE)) );
コード例 #11
ファイル: 1.cpp プロジェクト: JohnnySun/CPP-Study
		void ShowCircle( )
				ShowPoint( );                   // F
				cout<<" Radius: "<<r<<'\t';
				cout<<"Area: "<<Area( )<<endl;    //G
コード例 #12
ファイル: Circle.cpp プロジェクト: mistletoe999/cpp-samples
string Circle::ToString() const {
    stringstream circleStream; // Start reading input into a stringstream
    // EDIT: Added the ToString() function of the Shape class to display the ID as well.
    circleStream << Shape::ToString() << ": Circle with Center at " << centre.ToString() << " and Radius = "
                 << radius << "\nCircumference: " << Circumference() << "\nArea: " << Area(); // Add string to circleStream
    return(circleStream.str()); // Output the string using the str() member function
コード例 #13
ファイル: Area.cpp プロジェクト: linuxcommando/peanoclaw
int peanoclaw::Area::getAreasOverlappedByRemoteGhostlayers(
  const tarch::la::Vector<THREE_POWER_D_MINUS_ONE, int>& adjacentRanks,
  tarch::la::Vector<THREE_POWER_D_MINUS_ONE, int>        overlapOfRemoteGhostlayers,
  const tarch::la::Vector<DIMENSIONS, int>&              subdivisionFactor,
  int                                                    rank,
  Area                                                   areas[THREE_POWER_D_MINUS_ONE]
) {
  logTraceInWith2Arguments("getAreasOverlappedByRemoteGhostlayers(...)", adjacentRanks, overlapOfRemoteGhostlayers);
  int  numberOfAreas = 0;
  bool oneAreaCoversCompleteSubgrid = false;

  for(int dimensionality = 0; dimensionality < DIMENSIONS; dimensionality++) {
    int numberOfManifolds = getNumberOfManifolds(dimensionality);
    for(int manifoldIndex = 0; manifoldIndex < numberOfManifolds; manifoldIndex++) {
      tarch::la::Vector<DIMENSIONS, int> manifoldPosition = getManifold(dimensionality, manifoldIndex);
      int manifoldEntry = linearizeManifoldPosition(manifoldPosition);

      logDebug("getAreasOverlappedByRemoteGhostlayers(...)", "Manifold " << manifoldPosition << " of dimensions " << dimensionality
          << ": entry=" << manifoldEntry << ", rank=" << adjacentRanks[manifoldEntry] << ", overlap=" << overlapOfRemoteGhostlayers[manifoldEntry]);

      if(adjacentRanks[manifoldEntry] == rank && overlapOfRemoteGhostlayers[manifoldEntry] > 0) {
        //Reduce lower-dimensional manifolds
        bool canBeOmitted = checkHigherDimensionalManifoldForOverlap(

        //Restrict size and offset by higher-dimensional manifolds
        logDebug("getAreasOverlappedByRemoteGhostlayers(...)","Testing manifold " << manifoldPosition << " of dimensions " << dimensionality
            << ": " << (canBeOmitted ? "omitting" : "consider"));

        if(!canBeOmitted) {
          tarch::la::Vector<DIMENSIONS, int> size;
          tarch::la::Vector<DIMENSIONS, int> offset;

          //Initialise size and offset
          for(int d = 0; d < DIMENSIONS; d++) {
            size(d) = (manifoldPosition(d) == 0) ? subdivisionFactor(d) : std::min(subdivisionFactor(d), overlapOfRemoteGhostlayers[manifoldEntry]);
            offset(d) = (manifoldPosition(d) == 1) ? subdivisionFactor(d) - size(d) : 0;

          //TODO unterweg debug
//          std::cout << "offset: " << offset << ", size: " << size << std::endl;

          for(int adjacentDimensionality = dimensionality - 1; adjacentDimensionality >= 0; adjacentDimensionality--) {
            int numberOfAdjacentManifolds = getNumberOfAdjacentManifolds(manifoldPosition, dimensionality, adjacentDimensionality);
            for(int adjacentManifoldIndex = 0; adjacentManifoldIndex < numberOfAdjacentManifolds; adjacentManifoldIndex++) {
              tarch::la::Vector<DIMENSIONS, int> adjacentManifoldPosition = getIndexOfAdjacentManifold(

              //TODO unterweg debug
//              std::cout << "adj. manifold " << adjacentManifoldPosition << std::endl;

              int adjacentEntry = linearizeManifoldPosition(adjacentManifoldPosition);

              if(adjacentRanks[adjacentEntry] == rank) {
                for(int d = 0; d < DIMENSIONS; d++) {
                  if(manifoldPosition(d) == 0) {
                    if(adjacentManifoldPosition(d) < 0) {
                      int overlap = std::max(0, overlapOfRemoteGhostlayers[adjacentEntry] - offset(d));
                      offset(d) += overlap;
                      size(d) -= overlap;

                      //TODO unterweg debug
//                      std::cout << "Reducing bottom " << overlap << std::endl;
                    } else if(adjacentManifoldPosition(d) > 0) {
                      assertion2(adjacentManifoldPosition(d) > 0, adjacentManifoldPosition, d);
                      int overlap = std::max(0, offset(d) + size(d) - (subdivisionFactor(d) - overlapOfRemoteGhostlayers[adjacentEntry]));
                      size(d) -= overlap;

                      //TODO unterweg debug
//                      std::cout << "Reducing top " << overlap << std::endl;

          logDebug("getAreasOverlappedByRemoteGhostlayers(...)", "offset: " << offset << ", size: " << size << ", dimensionality=" << dimensionality << ", manifoldIndex=" << manifoldIndex << ", manifoldEntry=" << manifoldEntry);
          if(tarch::la::allGreater(size, 0)) {
            areas[numberOfAreas++] = Area(offset, size);

            oneAreaCoversCompleteSubgrid |= (tarch::la::volume(size) >= tarch::la::volume(subdivisionFactor));

            assertion1(tarch::la::allGreaterEquals(offset, 0), offset);
            assertion3(tarch::la::allGreaterEquals(subdivisionFactor, offset + size), offset, size, subdivisionFactor);

  //Optimize areas
  if(oneAreaCoversCompleteSubgrid) {
    numberOfAreas = 1;
    areas[0] = Area(0, subdivisionFactor);

  logTraceOutWith2Arguments("getAreasOverlappedByRemoteGhostlayers(...)", numberOfAreas, areas);
  return numberOfAreas;
コード例 #14
bool Triangulate::Process(const Vector2dVector &contour,Vector2dVector &result)
    std::vector<p2t::Point*> _polyline;
    for (auto _p : contour){
        _polyline.push_back(new p2t::Point(_p.GetX(), _p.GetY()));
    p2t::CDT* _cdt = new p2t::CDT(_polyline);
    std::vector<p2t::Triangle*> _triangles = _cdt->GetTriangles();
    for (auto _t : _triangles){
        auto _pt1 = _t->GetPoint(0);
        auto _pt2 = _t->GetPoint(1);
        auto _pt3 = _t->GetPoint(2);
        result.push_back(Vector2d(_pt1->x, _pt1->y));
        result.push_back(Vector2d(_pt2->x, _pt2->y));
        result.push_back(Vector2d(_pt3->x, _pt3->y));
    delete _cdt;
    for (auto _p : _polyline)
        delete _p;
    return true;
    /* allocate and initialize list of Vertices in polygon */
    int n = (int)contour.size();
    if ( n < 3 ) return false;
    int *V = new int[n];
    /* we want a counter-clockwise polygon in V */
    if ( 0.0f < Area(contour) )
        for (int v=0; v<n; v++) V[v] = v;
        for(int v=0; v<n; v++) V[v] = (n-1)-v;
    int nv = n;
    /*  remove nv-2 Vertices, creating 1 triangle every time */
    int count = 2*nv;   /* error detection */
    for(int m=0, v=nv-1; nv>2; )
        /* if we loop, it is probably a non-simple polygon */
        if (0 >= (count--))
            //** Triangulate: ERROR - probable bad polygon!
            return false;
        /* three consecutive vertices in current polygon, <u,v,w> */
        int u = v  ; if (nv <= u) u = 0;     /* previous */
        v = u+1; if (nv <= v) v = 0;     /* new v    */
        int w = v+1; if (nv <= w) w = 0;     /* next     */
        if ( Snip(contour,u,v,w,nv,V) )
            int a,b,c,s,t;
            /* true names of the vertices */
            a = V[u]; b = V[v]; c = V[w];
            /* output Triangle */
            result.push_back( contour[a] );
            result.push_back( contour[b] );
            result.push_back( contour[c] );
            /* remove v from remaining polygon */
            for(s=v,t=v+1;t<nv;s++,t++) V[s] = V[t]; nv--;
            /* resest error detection counter */
            count = 2*nv;
    //Danilo S Carvalho Alteration from delete to delete[]
    delete[] V;
    return true;
コード例 #15
ファイル: Border.cpp プロジェクト: kis2009dsh/YSLib
	auto& controller(widget.get().GetController());

	FetchEvent<TouchDown>(controller).Add([this](CursorEventArgs&& e){
		yunseq(orig_loc = FetchGUIState().CursorLocation,
			locked_bounds = GetBoundsOf(widget), focused = CheckArea(e));
	}, 0xE0),
	FetchEvent<TouchHeld>(controller).Add([this](CursorEventArgs&& e){
		if(e.Strategy == RoutedEventArgs::Direct
			&& focused != Area(BorderArea::Center, BorderArea::Center))
			auto& st(FetchGUIState());

				const auto offset(st.CursorLocation - orig_loc);
				auto bounds(locked_bounds);

				case BorderArea::Left:
					bounds.Width = max<SPos>(MinSize.Width,
						locked_bounds.Width - offset.X);
					bounds.X += locked_bounds.Width - bounds.Width;
				case BorderArea::Right:
					bounds.Width = max<SPos>(MinSize.Width,
						locked_bounds.Width + offset.X);
				case BorderArea::Up:
					bounds.Height = max<SPos>(MinSize.Height,
						locked_bounds.Height - offset.Y);
					bounds.Y += locked_bounds.Height - bounds.Height;
				case BorderArea::Down:
					bounds.Height = max<SPos>(MinSize.Height,
						locked_bounds.Height + offset.Y);

				YTraceDe(Notice, "BorderResizer: new bounds = %s.\n",


					const auto& off(
						bounds.GetPoint() - locked_bounds.GetPoint());

					SetBoundsOf(widget, bounds);

					const auto& nloc(FetchGUIState().CursorLocation - off);

					if(bounds.Width != MinSize.Width)
						orig_loc.X = nloc.X;
					if(bounds.Height != MinSize.Height)
						orig_loc.Y = nloc.Y;
					locked_bounds = GetBoundsOf(widget);
					locked_bounds.GetPointRef() -= off;
					SetBoundsOf(widget, bounds);
			e.Handled = true;
			// XXX: Paint context target invalidated.
	}, 0xE0),
	FetchEvent<Click>(controller).Add([this](CursorEventArgs&& e){
		CallEvent<ClickAcross>(widget, e);
	}, 0xE0),
		yunseq(orig_loc = Point::Invalid, locked_bounds = Rect(),
			focused = {BorderArea::Center, BorderArea::Center});
	}, 0xE0)
コード例 #16
ファイル: C4FindObject.cpp プロジェクト: 772/openclonk
// return is to be freed by the caller
C4ValueArray *C4FindObject::FindMany(const C4ObjectList &Objs, const C4LSectors &Sct)
	// Trivial case
	if (IsImpossible())
		return new C4ValueArray();
	C4Rect *pBounds = GetBounds();
	if (!pBounds)
		return FindMany(Objs);
	// Prepare for array that may be generated
	C4ValueArray *pArray; int32_t iSize;
	// Check shape lists?
	if (UseShapes())
		// Get area
		C4LArea Area(&::Objects.Sectors, *pBounds); C4LSector *pSct;
		C4ObjectList *pLst = Area.FirstObjectShapes(&pSct);
		// Check if a single-sector check is enough
		if (!Area.Next(pSct))
			return FindMany(pSct->ObjectShapes);
		// Set up array
		pArray = new C4ValueArray(32); iSize = 0;
		// Create marker, search all areas
		uint32_t iMarker = ::Objects.GetNextMarker();
		for (; pLst; pLst=Area.NextObjectShapes(pLst, &pSct))
			for (C4Object *obj : *pLst)
				if (obj->Status)
					if (obj->Marker != iMarker)
						obj->Marker = iMarker;
						if (Check(obj))
							// Grow the array, if neccessary
							if (iSize >= pArray->GetSize())
								pArray->SetSize(iSize * 2);
							// Add object
							(*pArray)[iSize++] = C4VObj(obj);
		// Set up array
		pArray = new C4ValueArray(32); iSize = 0;
		// Search
		C4LArea Area(&::Objects.Sectors, *pBounds); C4LSector *pSct;
		for (C4ObjectList *pLst=Area.FirstObjects(&pSct); pLst; pLst=Area.NextObjects(pLst, &pSct))
			for (C4Object *obj : *pLst)
				if (obj->Status)
					if (Check(obj))
						// Grow the array, if neccessary
						if (iSize >= pArray->GetSize())
							pArray->SetSize(iSize * 2);
						// Add object
						(*pArray)[iSize++] = C4VObj(obj);
	// Shrink array
	// Recheck object status (may shrink array again)
	// Apply sorting
	if (pSort) pSort->SortObjects(pArray);
	return pArray;
コード例 #17
void HalfEdgeMesh::Update() {
  // Calculate and store all differentials and area

  // First update all face normals and triangle areas
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < GetNumFaces(); i++){
    f(i).normal = FaceNormal(i);
  // Then update all vertex normals and curvature
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < GetNumVerts(); i++){
    // Vertex normals are just weighted averages
    mVerts.at(i).normal = VertexNormal(i);

  // Then update vertex curvature
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < GetNumVerts(); i++){
    mVerts.at(i).curvature = VertexCurvature(i);
    //    std::cerr <<   mVerts.at(i).curvature << "\n";

  // Finally update face curvature
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < GetNumFaces(); i++){
    f(i).curvature = FaceCurvature(i);

  std::cerr << "Area: " << Area() << ".\n";
  std::cerr << "Volume: " << Volume() << ".\n";

  // Update vertex and face colors
  if (mVisualizationMode == CurvatureVertex) {
    std::vector<Vertex>::iterator iter = mVerts.begin();
    std::vector<Vertex>::iterator iend = mVerts.end();
    float minCurvature = (std::numeric_limits<float>::max)();
    float maxCurvature = -(std::numeric_limits<float>::max)();
    while (iter != iend) {
      if (minCurvature > (*iter).curvature)  minCurvature = (*iter).curvature;
      if (maxCurvature < (*iter).curvature)  maxCurvature = (*iter).curvature;
    std::cerr << "Mapping color based on vertex curvature with range [" << minCurvature << "," << maxCurvature << "]" << std::endl;
    iter = mVerts.begin();
    while (iter != iend) {
      (*iter).color = mColorMap->Map((*iter).curvature, minCurvature, maxCurvature);
  else if (mVisualizationMode == CurvatureFace) {
    std::vector<Face>::iterator iter = mFaces.begin();
    std::vector<Face>::iterator iend = mFaces.end();
    float minCurvature = (std::numeric_limits<float>::max)();
    float maxCurvature = -(std::numeric_limits<float>::max)();
    while (iter != iend) {
      if (minCurvature > (*iter).curvature)  minCurvature = (*iter).curvature;
      if (maxCurvature < (*iter).curvature)  maxCurvature = (*iter).curvature;
    std::cerr << "Mapping color based on face curvature with range [" << minCurvature << "," << maxCurvature << "]" << std::endl;
    iter = mFaces.begin();
    while (iter != iend) {
      (*iter).color = mColorMap->Map((*iter).curvature, minCurvature, maxCurvature);

コード例 #18
ファイル: clipping.cpp プロジェクト: Funny-DK/repsnapper
double Clipping::Area(const vector<ExPoly> &expolys){
  double a=0;
  for (uint i=0; i<expolys.size(); i++)
    a += Area(expolys[i]);
  return a;
コード例 #19
void SensitiveAreas::addArea(const Point & point, const Dimension & dimension) {
	areas.push_back(Area(point, dimension));
コード例 #20
ファイル: Gate.cpp プロジェクト: Natsirtt/get-the-cheese-gen
Area Gate::getArea() {
    return Area();
コード例 #21
ファイル: roiTracker.cpp プロジェクト: Angels-group/Equalizer
bool ROITracker::useROIFinder( const PixelViewport& pvp,
                               const uint32_t       stage,
                               const uint128_t&     frameID,
                                     uint8_t*&      ticket )
    LBASSERT( !_needsUpdate );
    ticket = 0;

    const uint32_t pvpArea = pvp.getArea();
    if( pvpArea < 100 )
        return false;

    if( _lastFrameID != frameID ) // new frame
        stde::hash_map< uint32_t, Stage >* tmp = _prvFrame;
        _prvFrame = _curFrame;
        _curFrame = tmp;
        _lastFrameID = frameID;

    _lastStage = stage;

    Stage& curStage = (*_curFrame)[ stage ];

    // check if proper stage is avaliable
    if( _prvFrame->find( stage ) == _prvFrame->end( )) // new stage
        curStage.areas.push_back( Area( pvp ));
        return _returnPositive( ticket );
    //else existing stage, try to find matching area

    const Area*    match     = 0;
          uint32_t bestArea  = 0;
    const Stage&   prvStage  = (*_prvFrame)[ stage ];
    for( uint32_t i = 0; i < prvStage.areas.size(); i++ )
        PixelViewport tmp = prvStage.areas[i].pvp;
        tmp.intersect( pvp );
        const uint32_t area = tmp.getArea();
        if( area > bestArea )
            bestArea = area;
            match    = &prvStage.areas[i];
            if( area == pvpArea ) // full match

    if( bestArea < pvpArea*2/3 ) // no proper match found, new area
        curStage.areas.push_back( Area( pvp ));
        return _returnPositive( ticket );
    // else good match

    if( match->skip == 0 ) // don't skip frame
        curStage.areas.push_back( Area( pvp, match->lastSkip ));
        return _returnPositive( ticket );
    //else skip frame

    curStage.areas.push_back( Area( pvp, match->lastSkip, match->skip-1 ));
    return false;
コード例 #22
void Circle::Print(){
	cout << "Circle Perimetur: " << Perimetre()
		<< "Lice: " << Area() << endl;
コード例 #23
QImage *BoundProcessor::processImage(const QImage& image) const
  QImage *result = new QImage(image.width(), image.height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32);
  result->fill(qRgb(0, 0, 0));
  QImage *boundImage;
  if (type.testFlag(UpDown))
    ImageAlgorithm::ConvolutionFilter *filter =
        new ImageAlgorithm::ConvolutionFilter(UpDownConvolutionCore,
    boundImage = ImageAlgorithm::filtImage<ImageAlgorithm::ConvolutionFilter>(image, Area(), filter);
    delete filter;
    if (boundImage)
      ImageAlgorithm::algebraOperation(result, *boundImage, ImageAlgorithm::Add);
      delete boundImage;
  if (type.testFlag(DownUp))
    ImageAlgorithm::ConvolutionFilter *filter =
        new ImageAlgorithm::ConvolutionFilter(DownUpConvolutionCore,
    boundImage = ImageAlgorithm::filtImage<ImageAlgorithm::ConvolutionFilter>(image, Area(), filter);
    delete filter;
    if (boundImage)
      ImageAlgorithm::algebraOperation(result, *boundImage, ImageAlgorithm::Add);
      delete boundImage;
  if (type.testFlag(LeftRight))
    ImageAlgorithm::ConvolutionFilter *filter =
        new ImageAlgorithm::ConvolutionFilter(LeftRightConvolutionCore,
    boundImage = ImageAlgorithm::filtImage<ImageAlgorithm::ConvolutionFilter>(image, Area(), filter);
    delete filter;
    if (boundImage)
      ImageAlgorithm::algebraOperation(result, *boundImage, ImageAlgorithm::Add);
      delete boundImage;
  if (type.testFlag(RightLeft))
    ImageAlgorithm::ConvolutionFilter *filter =
        new ImageAlgorithm::ConvolutionFilter(RightLeftConvolutionCore,
    boundImage = ImageAlgorithm::filtImage<ImageAlgorithm::ConvolutionFilter>(image, Area(), filter);
    delete filter;
    if (boundImage)
      ImageAlgorithm::algebraOperation(result, *boundImage, ImageAlgorithm::Add);
      delete boundImage;
  return result;
コード例 #24
ファイル: offset.cpp プロジェクト: Heeks/libarea-old
	int Kurve::OffsetMethod1(Kurve& kOffset, double off, int direction,  int method, int& ret)const
		// offset kurve with simple span elimination
		// direction 1 = left,  -1 = right

		// ret  = 0		- kurve offset ok
		//		= 1		- kurve has differential scale (not allowed)
		//		= 2		- offset failed
		//      = 3		- offset too large
		if(this == &kOffset) FAILURE(L"Illegal Call - 'this' must not be kOffset");
		double offset = (direction == GEOFF_LEFT)?off : -off;

		if(fabs(offset) < geoff_geometry::TOLERANCE || m_nVertices < 2) {
			kOffset = *this;
			ret = 0;
			return 1;

		Span curSpan, curSpanOff;	// current & offset spans
		Span prevSpanOff;			// previous offset span
		Point p0, p1;				// Offset span intersections

		// offset Kurve
		kOffset = Matrix(*this);

		if(m_mirrored) offset = -offset;
		int RollDir = ( off < 0 ) ? direction : - direction;				// Roll arc direction

		double scalex;
		if(!GetScale(scalex)) {
			ret = 1;
			return 0;	// differential scale
		offset /= scalex;

		bool bClosed = Closed();
		int nspans = nSpans();
		if(bClosed) {
			Get(nspans, curSpan, true);						// assign previus span for closed

			prevSpanOff = curSpan.Offset(offset);
			nspans++; // read first again

		for(int spannumber = 1; spannumber <= nspans; spannumber++) {
			if(spannumber > nSpans())
				Get(1, curSpan, true);						// closed kurve - read first span again
				Get(spannumber, curSpan, true);

			if(!curSpan.NullSpan) {
				int numint = 0;
				curSpanOff = curSpan.Offset(offset);
				curSpanOff.ID = 0;
				if(!kOffset.m_started) {

				if(spannumber > 1) {
					// see if tangent
					double d = curSpanOff.p0.Dist(prevSpanOff.p1);
					if((d > geoff_geometry::TOLERANCE) && (curSpanOff.NullSpan == false && prevSpanOff.NullSpan == false)) {
						// see if offset spans intersect

						double cp = prevSpanOff.ve ^ curSpanOff.vs;
						bool inters = (cp > 0 && direction == GEOFF_LEFT) || (cp < 0 && direction == GEOFF_RIGHT);

						if(inters) {
							double t[4];
							numint = prevSpanOff.Intof(curSpanOff, p0, p1, t);

						if(numint == 1) {
							// intersection - modify previous endpoint
							kOffset.Replace(kOffset.m_nVertices-1, prevSpanOff.dir, p0, prevSpanOff.pc, prevSpanOff.ID);
						else {
							// 0 or 2 intersections, add roll around (remove -ve loops in elimination function)
							if(kOffset.Add(RollDir, curSpanOff.p0, curSpan.p0, false))	kOffset.AddSpanID(ROLL_AROUND);

				// add span
				if(spannumber < m_nVertices) {
					curSpanOff.ID = spannumber;
					kOffset.Add(curSpanOff, false);
				else if(numint == 1)		// or replace the closed first span
					kOffset.Replace(0, 0, p0, Point(0, 0), 0);

			if(!curSpanOff.NullSpan)prevSpanOff = curSpanOff;
		}		// end of main pre-offsetting loop

#ifdef _DEBUG
//testDraw->AddKurve("", &kOffset, 0, GREEN);
//		outXML oxml(L"c:\\temp\\eliminateLoops.xml");
//		oxml.startElement(L"eliminateLoops");
//		oxml.Write(kOffset, L"kOffset");
//		oxml.endElement();
		// eliminate loops
		if(method == NO_ELIMINATION) {
			ret = 0;
			return 1;
		kOffset = eliminateLoops(kOffset, *this, offset, ret);

		if(ret == 0 && bClosed) {
			// check for inverted offsets of closed kurves
			if(kOffset.Closed()) {
				double a = Area();
				int dir = (a < 0);
				double ao = kOffset.Area();
				int dirOffset = ao < 0;

				if(dir != dirOffset)
					ret = 3;
				else {
					// check area change compatible with offset direction - catastrophic failure
					bool bigger = (a > 0 && offset > 0) || (a < 0 && offset < 0);
					if(bigger && fabs(ao) < fabs(a)) ret = 2;
				ret = 2;			// started closed but now open??
		return (ret == 0)?1 : 0;
コード例 #25
bool CCRS_Transform_Grid::Set_Target_Area(const CSG_Grid_System &Source, const CSG_Grid_System &Target)
	if( Parameters("TARGET_AREA")->asBool() == false )

		return( true );

	CSG_Rect	r(Source.Get_Extent());

	if( m_Projector.Get_Source().Get_Type() == SG_PROJ_TYPE_CS_Geographic )
		if( r.Get_XMax() > 180.0 )	r.Move(-180.0, 0.0);
		if( r.Get_YMin() < -90.0 )	r.m_rect.yMin	= -90.0;
		if( r.Get_YMax() <  90.0 )	r.m_rect.yMax	=  90.0;

	CSG_Shapes			Area(SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon);
	CSG_Shape_Polygon	*pArea	= (CSG_Shape_Polygon *)Area.Add_Shape();
	TSG_Point			p, q;
	double				dx	= Source.Get_XRange() / 100.0;
	double				dy	= Source.Get_YRange() / 100.0;


	for(p.x=r.Get_XMin(), p.y=r.Get_YMin(); p.y<r.Get_YMax(); p.y+=dy)
		m_Projector.Get_Projection(q = p);	pArea->Add_Point(q);

	for(p.x=r.Get_XMin(), p.y=r.Get_YMax(); p.x<r.Get_XMax(); p.x+=dx)
		m_Projector.Get_Projection(q = p);	pArea->Add_Point(q);

	for(p.x=r.Get_XMax(), p.y=r.Get_YMax(); p.y>r.Get_YMin(); p.y-=dy)
		m_Projector.Get_Projection(q = p);	pArea->Add_Point(q);

	for(p.x=r.Get_XMax(), p.y=r.Get_YMin(); p.x>r.Get_XMin(); p.x-=dx)
		m_Projector.Get_Projection(q = p);	pArea->Add_Point(q);


	m_Target_Area.Create(Target, SG_DATATYPE_Char);

	for(int y=0; y<m_Target_Area.Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, m_Target_Area.Get_NY()); y++)
		double	yWorld	= Target.Get_yGrid_to_World(y);

		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<m_Target_Area.Get_NX(); x++)
			m_Target_Area.Set_Value(x, y, pArea->Contains(Target.Get_xGrid_to_World(x), yWorld) ? 1 : 0);

	return( true );
コード例 #26
ファイル: mesh.cpp プロジェクト: aksris/PathTracer
void Triangle::ComputeArea()
    //Extra credit to implement this
    this->area = Area(points[0], points[1], points[2]);
コード例 #27
ファイル: Area.cpp プロジェクト: timmb/HarmonicMotion
Area Area::getMoveULTo( const Vec2i &newUL ) const
	return Area( newUL.x, newUL.y, newUL.x + getWidth(), newUL.y + getHeight() );
コード例 #28
Area DilationErosionProcessor::resultArea() const
  return Area();
コード例 #29
ファイル: haar_scale.c プロジェクト: abnerdi/FaceDetection-1
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void haar_scale(unsigned char *I , int Ny , int Nx , int P , struct model detector , double *z)
	int  p , indF , NxNy = Nx*Ny , indNxNy = 0 ;
	double *rect_param = detector.rect_param;
	unsigned int *F = detector.F;
	int nx = detector.nx , ny = detector.ny , nF = detector.nF;
	unsigned int f , indnF = 0;
	int x , xr , y , yr  , w , wr  , h , hr , i , r , R , indR ;
	int coeffw , coeffh;
	int last = NxNy - 1;
	double val , s , var , mean , std , cteNxNy = 1.0/NxNy , scalex = (Nx - 1 )/(double)nx , scaley = (Ny - 1 )/(double)ny ;
	double ctescale = 1.0/(scalex*scaley);
	unsigned int *II  , *Itemp , tempI;

	II          = (unsigned int *)malloc(NxNy*sizeof(unsigned int));
	Itemp       = (unsigned int *)malloc(NxNy*sizeof(unsigned int));
	for(p = 0 ; p < P ; p++)
		MakeIntegralImage((I + indNxNy) , II , Nx , Ny , Itemp);
		var       = 0.0;
		for(i = 0 ; i < NxNy ; i++)
			tempI      = I[i + indNxNy];	
			var       += (tempI*tempI);
		var      *= cteNxNy;
		mean      = II[last]*cteNxNy;
		std       = ctescale/sqrt(var - mean*mean);
		indF      = 0;
		for (f = 0 ; f < nF ; f++)
			x     = F[1 + indF];	
			y     = F[2 + indF];
			w     = F[3 + indF];
			h     = F[4 + indF];
			indR  = F[5 + indF];
			R     = (int) rect_param[3 + indR];
			val   = 0.0;
			for (r = 0 ; r < R ; r++)
				coeffw  = w/(int)rect_param[1 + indR];	
				coeffh  = h/(int)rect_param[2 + indR];
				xr      = Round(scalex*(x + (coeffw*(int)rect_param[5 + indR])));
				yr      = Round(scaley*(y + (coeffh*(int)rect_param[6 + indR])));
				wr      = Round(scalex*coeffw*(int)(rect_param[7 + indR]));
				hr      = Round(scaley*coeffh*(int)(rect_param[8 + indR]));
				s       = rect_param[9 + indR];
				val    += s*Area(II , xr  , yr  , wr , hr , Ny);
				indR   += 10;
			z[f + indnF]    = val*std;		
			indF           += 6;
		indNxNy   += NxNy;
		indnF     += nF;
コード例 #30
ファイル: CWorldMap.cpp プロジェクト: leandrorenato/Source
void CWorld::GetFixPoint( const CPointMap & pt, CGrayMapBlockState & block)
	//Will get the highest CAN_I_PLATFORM|CAN_I_CLIMB and places it into block.Bottom
	CItemBase * pItemDef = NULL;
	CItemBaseDupe * pDupeDef = NULL;
	CItem * pItem = NULL;
	DWORD wBlockThis = 0;
	signed char z = 0;
	int x2 = 0, y2 = 0;

	// Height of statics at/above given coordinates
	// do gravity here for the z.
	const CGrayMapBlock * pMapBlock = GetMapBlock( pt );
	if (pMapBlock == NULL)

	size_t iQty = pMapBlock->m_Statics.GetStaticQty();
	if ( iQty > 0 )  // no static items here.
		x2 = pMapBlock->GetOffsetX(pt.m_x);
		y2 = pMapBlock->GetOffsetY(pt.m_y);
		const CUOStaticItemRec * pStatic = NULL;
		for ( size_t i = 0; i < iQty; ++i, z = 0, pStatic = NULL, pDupeDef = NULL )
			if ( ! pMapBlock->m_Statics.IsStaticPoint( i, x2, y2 ))

			pStatic = pMapBlock->m_Statics.GetStatic( i );
			if ( pStatic == NULL )

			z = pStatic->m_z;

			pItemDef = CItemBase::FindItemBase( pStatic->GetDispID() );
			if ( pItemDef )
				if (pItemDef->GetID() == pStatic->GetDispID()) //parent item
					wBlockThis = (pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK);
					z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pItemDef->GetHeight()/2 : pItemDef->GetHeight());
				else //non-parent item
					pDupeDef = CItemBaseDupe::GetDupeRef(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(pStatic->GetDispID()));
					if ( ! pDupeDef )
						g_Log.EventDebug("Failed to get non-parent reference (static) (DispID 0%x) (X: %d Y: %d Z: %d)\n",pStatic->GetDispID(),pStatic->m_x+pMapBlock->m_x,pStatic->m_y+pMapBlock->m_y,pStatic->m_z);
						wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
						z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pItemDef->GetHeight()/2 : pItemDef->GetHeight());
						wBlockThis = (pDupeDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK);
						z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pDupeDef->GetHeight()/2 : pDupeDef->GetHeight());
			else if ( pStatic->GetDispID() )

			if (block.m_Bottom.m_z < z)
				if ((z < pt.m_z+PLAYER_HEIGHT) && (wBlockThis & (CAN_I_PLATFORM|CAN_I_CLIMB|CAN_I_WATER)))
					block.m_Bottom.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
					block.m_Bottom.m_dwTile = pStatic->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY;
					block.m_Bottom.m_z = z;
				else if (block.m_Top.m_z > z)
					block.m_Top.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
					block.m_Top.m_dwTile = pStatic->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY;
					block.m_Top.m_z = z;

	pItemDef = NULL;
	pDupeDef = NULL;
	pItem = NULL;
	wBlockThis = 0;
	z = 0;
	x2 = y2 = 0;
	iQty = 0;

	// Any multi items here ?
	// Check all of them
	CRegionLinks rlinks;
	size_t iRegionQty = pt.GetRegions( REGION_TYPE_MULTI, rlinks );
	if ( iRegionQty > 0 )
		//  ------------ For variables --------------------
		CRegionBase * pRegion = NULL;
		const CGrayMulti * pMulti = NULL;
		const CUOMultiItemRec2 * pMultiItem = NULL;
		x2 = 0;
		y2 = 0;
		//  ------------ For variables --------------------

		for ( size_t iRegion = 0; iRegion < iRegionQty; ++iRegion, pRegion = NULL, pItem = NULL, pMulti = NULL, x2 = 0, y2 = 0 )
			pRegion = rlinks.GetAt(iRegion);
			if ( pRegion != NULL )
				pItem = pRegion->GetResourceID().ItemFind();

			if ( pItem != NULL )
				pMulti = g_Cfg.GetMultiItemDefs(pItem);
				if ( pMulti )
					x2 = pt.m_x - pItem->GetTopPoint().m_x;
					y2 = pt.m_y - pItem->GetTopPoint().m_y;
					iQty = pMulti->GetItemCount();
					for ( size_t ii = 0; ii < iQty; ++ii, pMultiItem = NULL, z = 0 )
						pMultiItem = pMulti->GetItem(ii);

						if ( !pMultiItem )

						if ( ! pMultiItem->m_visible )

						if ( pMultiItem->m_dx != x2 || pMultiItem->m_dy != y2 )

						z = static_cast<signed char>(pItem->GetTopZ() + pMultiItem->m_dz);

						pItemDef = CItemBase::FindItemBase( pMultiItem->GetDispID() );
						if ( pItemDef != NULL )
							if ( pItemDef->GetID() == pMultiItem->GetDispID() ) //parent item
								wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
								z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pItemDef->GetHeight()/2 : pItemDef->GetHeight());
							else //non-parent item
								pDupeDef = CItemBaseDupe::GetDupeRef(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(pMultiItem->GetDispID()));
								if ( pDupeDef == NULL )
									g_Log.EventDebug("Failed to get non-parent reference (multi) (DispID 0%x) (X: %d Y: %d Z: %d)\n",pMultiItem->GetDispID(),pMultiItem->m_dx+pItem->GetTopPoint().m_x,pMultiItem->m_dy+pItem->GetTopPoint().m_y,pMultiItem->m_dz+pItem->GetTopPoint().m_z);
									wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
									z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pItemDef->GetHeight()/2 : pItemDef->GetHeight());
									wBlockThis = ( pDupeDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
									z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pDupeDef->GetHeight()/2 : pDupeDef->GetHeight());
						else if ( pMultiItem->GetDispID() )

						if (block.m_Bottom.m_z < z)
							if ((z < pt.m_z+PLAYER_HEIGHT) && (wBlockThis & (CAN_I_PLATFORM|CAN_I_CLIMB|CAN_I_WATER)))
								block.m_Bottom.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
								block.m_Bottom.m_dwTile = pMultiItem->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY;
								block.m_Bottom.m_z = z;
							else if (block.m_Top.m_z > z)
								block.m_Top.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
								block.m_Top.m_dwTile = pMultiItem->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY;
								block.m_Top.m_z = z;

	pItemDef = NULL;
	pDupeDef = NULL;
	pItem = NULL;
	wBlockThis = 0;
	x2 = y2 = iQty = 0;
	z = 0;

	// Any dynamic items here ?
	// NOTE: This could just be an item that an NPC could just move ?
	CWorldSearch Area( pt );

	for (;;)
		pItem = Area.GetItem();
		if ( !pItem )

		z = pItem->GetTopZ();

		// Invis items should not block ???
		pItemDef = CItemBase::FindItemBase( pItem->GetDispID() );

		if ( pItemDef )
			if ( pItemDef->GetDispID() == pItem->GetDispID() )//parent item
				wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
				z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pItemDef->GetHeight()/2 : pItemDef->GetHeight());
			else //non-parent item
				pDupeDef = CItemBaseDupe::GetDupeRef(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(pItem->GetDispID()));
				if ( ! pDupeDef )
					g_Log.EventDebug("Failed to get non-parent reference (dynamic) (DispID 0%x) (X: %d Y: %d Z: %d)\n",pItem->GetDispID(),pItem->GetTopPoint().m_x,pItem->GetTopPoint().m_y,pItem->GetTopPoint().m_z);
					wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
					z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pItemDef->GetHeight()/2 : pItemDef->GetHeight());
					wBlockThis = ( pDupeDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
					z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pDupeDef->GetHeight()/2 : pDupeDef->GetHeight());

			if ( block.m_Bottom.m_z < z )
				if ( (z < pt.m_z + PLAYER_HEIGHT) && (wBlockThis & (CAN_I_PLATFORM|CAN_I_CLIMB|CAN_I_WATER)) )
					block.m_Bottom.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
					block.m_Bottom.m_dwTile = pItemDef->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY;
					block.m_Bottom.m_z = z;
				else if ( block.m_Top.m_z > z )
					block.m_Top.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
					block.m_Top.m_dwTile = pItemDef->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY;
					block.m_Top.m_z = z;
		else if (pItem->GetDispID())

	wBlockThis = 0;
	// Terrain height is screwed. Since it is related to all the terrain around it.
	const CUOMapMeter * pMeter = pMapBlock->GetTerrain( UO_BLOCK_OFFSET(pt.m_x), UO_BLOCK_OFFSET(pt.m_y));
	if ( ! pMeter )

	if ( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex == TERRAIN_HOLE )
		wBlockThis = 0;
	else if ( CUOMapMeter::IsTerrainNull( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex ) )	// inter dungeon type.
		wBlockThis = CAN_I_BLOCK;
		CGrayTerrainInfo land( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex );
		//DEBUG_ERR(("Terrain flags - land.m_flags 0%x wBlockThis (0%x)\n",land.m_flags,wBlockThis));
		if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_WATER )
			wBlockThis |= CAN_I_WATER;
		if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_DAMAGE )
			wBlockThis |= CAN_I_FIRE;
		if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_BLOCK )
			wBlockThis |= CAN_I_BLOCK;
		if (( ! wBlockThis ) || ( land.m_flags & UFLAG2_PLATFORM )) // Platform items should take precendence over non-platforms.
			wBlockThis = CAN_I_PLATFORM;

	if (block.m_Bottom.m_z < pMeter->m_z)
		if (((pMeter->m_z < pt.m_z+PLAYER_HEIGHT) && (wBlockThis & (CAN_I_PLATFORM|CAN_I_CLIMB|CAN_I_WATER))) || (block.m_Bottom.m_z == UO_SIZE_MIN_Z))
			block.m_Bottom.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
			block.m_Bottom.m_dwTile = pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex;
			block.m_Bottom.m_z = pMeter->m_z;
		else if (block.m_Top.m_z > pMeter->m_z)
			block.m_Top.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
			block.m_Top.m_dwTile = pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex;
			block.m_Top.m_z = pMeter->m_z;

	if ( block.m_Bottom.m_z == UO_SIZE_MIN_Z )
		//Fail safe...  Reset to 0z with no top block;
		block.m_Bottom.m_dwBlockFlags = 0;
		block.m_Bottom.m_dwTile = 0;
		block.m_Bottom.m_z = 0;

		block.m_Top.m_dwBlockFlags = 0;
		block.m_Top.m_dwTile = 0;
		block.m_Top.m_z = UO_SIZE_Z;