static int reports_to_text_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { ReportList *reports = CTX_wm_reports(C); Text *txt; char *str; /* create new text-block to write to */ txt = add_empty_text("Recent Reports"); /* convert entire list to a display string, and add this to the text-block * - if commandline debug option enabled, show debug reports too * - otherwise, up to info (which is what users normally see) */ str = BKE_reports_string(reports, (G.f & G_DEBUG)? RPT_DEBUG : RPT_INFO); if (str) { write_text(txt, str); MEM_freeN(str); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } else { return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } }
void BKE_reports_print(ReportList *reports, ReportType level) { char *cstring = BKE_reports_string(reports, level); if (cstring == NULL) return; puts(cstring); fflush(stdout); MEM_freeN(cstring); }
static DerivedMesh *applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *derivedData, ModifierApplyFlag UNUSED(flag)) { DataTransferModifierData *dtmd = (DataTransferModifierData *) md; DerivedMesh *dm = derivedData; ReportList reports; /* Only used to check wehther we are operating on org data or not... */ Mesh *me = ob->data; MVert *mvert; const bool invert_vgroup = (dtmd->flags & MOD_DATATRANSFER_INVERT_VGROUP) != 0; const float max_dist = (dtmd->flags & MOD_DATATRANSFER_MAP_MAXDIST) ? dtmd->map_max_distance : FLT_MAX; SpaceTransform space_transform_data; SpaceTransform *space_transform = (dtmd->flags & MOD_DATATRANSFER_OBSRC_TRANSFORM) ? &space_transform_data : NULL; if (space_transform) { BLI_SPACE_TRANSFORM_SETUP(space_transform, ob, dtmd->ob_source); } mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm); if ((me->mvert == mvert) && (dtmd->data_types & DT_TYPES_AFFECT_MESH)) { /* We need to duplicate data here, otherwise setting custom normals, edges' shaprness, etc., could * modify org mesh, see T43671. */ dm = CDDM_copy(dm); } BKE_reports_init(&reports, RPT_STORE); /* Note: no islands precision for now here. */ BKE_object_data_transfer_dm(md->scene, dtmd->ob_source, ob, dm, dtmd->data_types, false, dtmd->vmap_mode, dtmd->emap_mode, dtmd->lmap_mode, dtmd->pmap_mode, space_transform, max_dist, dtmd->map_ray_radius, 0.0f, dtmd->layers_select_src, dtmd->layers_select_dst, dtmd->mix_mode, dtmd->mix_factor, dtmd->defgrp_name, invert_vgroup, &reports); if (BKE_reports_contain(&reports, RPT_ERROR)) { modifier_setError(md, "%s", BKE_reports_string(&reports, RPT_ERROR)); } else if (dm->getNumVerts(dm) > HIGH_POLY_WARNING || ((Mesh *)(dtmd->ob_source->data))->totvert > HIGH_POLY_WARNING) { modifier_setError(md, "You are using a rather high poly as source or destination, computation might be slow"); } return dm; }
short BPy_reports_to_error(ReportList *reports, PyObject *exception, const bool clear) { char *report_str; report_str = BKE_reports_string(reports, RPT_ERROR); if (clear == true) { BKE_reports_clear(reports); } if (report_str) { PyErr_SetString(exception, report_str); MEM_freeN(report_str); } return (report_str == NULL) ? 0 : -1; }
static PyObject *pyop_call(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) { wmOperatorType *ot; int error_val = 0; PointerRNA ptr; int operator_ret = OPERATOR_CANCELLED; char *opname; char *context_str = NULL; PyObject *kw = NULL; /* optional args */ PyObject *context_dict = NULL; /* optional args */ PyObject *context_dict_back; /* note that context is an int, python does the conversion in this case */ int context = WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT; int is_undo = false; /* XXX Todo, work out a better solution for passing on context, * could make a tuple from self and pack the name and Context into it... */ bContext *C = (bContext *)BPy_GetContext(); if (C == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Context is None, cant poll any operators"); return NULL; } if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "sO|O!", &opname, &context_dict, &PyDict_Type, &kw, &context_str, &is_undo)) { return NULL; } ot = WM_operatortype_find(opname, true); if (ot == NULL) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "Calling operator \"bpy.ops.%s\" error, " "could not be found", opname); return NULL; } if (!pyrna_write_check()) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Calling operator \"bpy.ops.%s\" error, " "can't modify blend data in this state (drawing/rendering)", opname); return NULL; } if (context_str) { if (RNA_enum_value_from_id(operator_context_items, context_str, &context) == 0) { char *enum_str = BPy_enum_as_string(operator_context_items); PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Calling operator \"bpy.ops.%s\" error, " "expected a string enum in (%.200s)", opname, enum_str); MEM_freeN(enum_str); return NULL; } } if (context_dict == NULL || context_dict == Py_None) { context_dict = NULL; } else if (!PyDict_Check(context_dict)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Calling operator \"bpy.ops.%s\" error, " "custom context expected a dict or None, got a %.200s", opname, Py_TYPE(context_dict)->tp_name); return NULL; } context_dict_back = CTX_py_dict_get(C); CTX_py_dict_set(C, (void *)context_dict); Py_XINCREF(context_dict); /* so we done loose it */ if (WM_operator_poll_context((bContext *)C, ot, context) == false) { const char *msg = CTX_wm_operator_poll_msg_get(C); PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Operator bpy.ops.%.200s.poll() %.200s", opname, msg ? msg : "failed, context is incorrect"); CTX_wm_operator_poll_msg_set(C, NULL); /* better set to NULL else it could be used again */ error_val = -1; } else { WM_operator_properties_create_ptr(&ptr, ot); WM_operator_properties_sanitize(&ptr, 0); if (kw && PyDict_Size(kw)) error_val = pyrna_pydict_to_props(&ptr, kw, 0, "Converting py args to operator properties: "); if (error_val == 0) { ReportList *reports; reports = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(ReportList), "wmOperatorReportList"); BKE_reports_init(reports, RPT_STORE | RPT_OP_HOLD); /* own so these don't move into global reports */ #ifdef BPY_RELEASE_GIL /* release GIL, since a thread could be started from an operator * that updates a driver */ /* note: I have not seen any examples of code that does this * so it may not be officially supported but seems to work ok. */ { PyThreadState *ts = PyEval_SaveThread(); #endif operator_ret = WM_operator_call_py(C, ot, context, &ptr, reports, is_undo); #ifdef BPY_RELEASE_GIL /* regain GIL */ PyEval_RestoreThread(ts); } #endif error_val = BPy_reports_to_error(reports, PyExc_RuntimeError, false); /* operator output is nice to have in the terminal/console too */ if (reports->list.first) { char *report_str = BKE_reports_string(reports, 0); /* all reports */ if (report_str) { PySys_WriteStdout("%s\n", report_str); MEM_freeN(report_str); } } BKE_reports_clear(reports); if ((reports->flag & RPT_FREE) == 0) { MEM_freeN(reports); } } WM_operator_properties_free(&ptr); #if 0 /* if there is some way to know an operator takes args we should use this */ { /* no props */ if (kw != NULL) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "Operator \"%s\" does not take any args", opname); return NULL; } WM_operator_name_call(C, opname, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, NULL); } #endif } /* restore with original context dict, probably NULL but need this for nested operator calls */ Py_XDECREF(context_dict); CTX_py_dict_set(C, (void *)context_dict_back); if (error_val == -1) { return NULL; } /* when calling bpy.ops.wm.read_factory_settings()'s main pointer is freed by clear_globals(), * further access will crash blender. setting context is not needed in this case, only calling because this * function corrects (internal Main pointer) */ BPY_modules_update(C); /* needed for when WM_OT_read_factory_settings us called from within a script */ bpy_import_main_set(CTX_data_main(C)); /* return operator_ret as a bpy enum */ return pyrna_enum_bitfield_to_py(operator_return_items, operator_ret); }