コード例 #1
float GetZoomOwnerDesiredFOV( CBaseEntity *pZoomOwner )
	if ( CanOverrideEnvZoomOwner( pZoomOwner ) )
		CEnvZoom *pZoom = dynamic_cast<CEnvZoom*>( pZoomOwner );

		return pZoom->GetFOV();

	return 0;
コード例 #2
// Purpose: Sets the FOV of the client, doing interpolation between old and new if requested
// Input  : FOV - New FOV
//			zoomRate - Amount of time (in seconds) to move between old and new FOV
bool CBasePlayer::SetFOV( CBaseEntity *pRequester, int FOV, float zoomRate, int iZoomStart /* = 0 */ )
	//NOTENOTE: You MUST specify who is requesting the zoom change
	assert( pRequester != NULL );
	if ( pRequester == NULL )
		return false;

	// If we already have an owner, we only allow requests from that owner
	if ( ( m_hZoomOwner.Get() != NULL ) && ( m_hZoomOwner.Get() != pRequester ) )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
		if ( CanOverrideEnvZoomOwner( m_hZoomOwner.Get() ) == false )
			return false;
		//FIXME: Maybe do this is as an accessor instead
		if ( FOV == 0 )
			m_hZoomOwner = NULL;
			m_hZoomOwner = pRequester;

	// Setup our FOV and our scaling time

	if ( iZoomStart > 0 )
		m_iFOVStart = iZoomStart;
		m_iFOVStart = GetFOV();

	m_flFOVTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
	m_iFOV = FOV;

	m_Local.m_flFOVRate	= zoomRate;

	return true;