コード例 #1
GetServiceTypeToLookup(CFMutableStringRef * serviceString, UInt16 * serviceMenuItem)
    ControlID 		controlID = { kNSLSample, kServicesTypePopup };
    ControlRef		control;
    CFStringRef		outString;
    MenuRef		menu;
    SInt16		value;
    OSStatus		err;
    err = GetControlByID(gMainWindow, &controlID, &control);
    if (err == noErr)
        value = GetControlValue(control);
        if (serviceString)
            menu = GetControlPopupMenuHandle(control);
            if (menu)
                CopyMenuItemTextAsCFString(menu, value, &outString);
                if (serviceString)
                    *serviceString = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, CFStringGetLength(outString), outString);
                    CFStringLowercase(*serviceString, NULL);
                if (outString) CFRelease(outString);
        if (serviceMenuItem) *serviceMenuItem = value;
コード例 #2
AddServiceToPopupMenu(char * serviceType, UInt16 serviceLen, UInt16 * serviceMenuItem)
    ControlID 		controlID = { kNSLSample, kServicesTypePopup };
    ControlRef		control;
    CFStringRef		tempService = NULL;
    CFStringRef    	menuText = NULL;
    char		tempServiceString[kMaxTypeNameLength];
    CFComparisonResult	result = -1;
    MenuRef		menu;
    OSStatus		err = noErr;
    short		itemCount, i;
    if (serviceType)
        err = GetControlByID(gMainWindow, &controlID, &control);
        if (err == noErr)
            strncpy(tempServiceString, serviceType, serviceLen);
            tempServiceString[serviceLen] = '\0';
            for (i = 0; i < serviceLen; i++) tempServiceString[i] = toupper(tempServiceString[i]);
            tempService = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, tempServiceString, CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
            if (tempService)
                menu = GetControlPopupMenuHandle(control);
                itemCount = CountMenuItems(menu);
                for (i = 1; i <= itemCount; i ++)
                    CopyMenuItemTextAsCFString(menu, i , &menuText);
                    if (menuText)
                        result = CFStringCompare(menuText, tempService, kCFCompareCaseInsensitive);
                        if (result == kCFCompareEqualTo)
                            if (serviceMenuItem) *serviceMenuItem = i;
                if (result != kCFCompareEqualTo)
                    err = AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(menu, tempService, 0, 0, serviceMenuItem);
                    if (err == noErr)
                        SetControlMaximum(control, itemCount + 1);
                        if (serviceMenuItem) *serviceMenuItem = itemCount + 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: fontenum.cpp プロジェクト: Duion/Torsion
void wxFontEnumeratorHelper::DoEnumerate()
    MenuHandle    menu ;

    short         lines ;
    menu = NewMenu( 32000 , "\pFont" )  ;
    AppendResMenu( menu , 'FONT' ) ;
    lines = CountMenuItems( menu ) ;

    for ( int i = 1 ; i < lines+1  ; i ++ )
        wxString c_name ;
        CFStringRef menutext ;
        c_name = wxEmptyString ;
        if ( CopyMenuItemTextAsCFString (menu, i, &menutext) == noErr )
            c_name = wxMacCFStringHolder(menutext).AsString(wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding());
        Str255        p_name;
        GetMenuItemText( menu , i , p_name ) ;
        c_name = wxMacMakeStringFromPascal( p_name );
          if ( m_fixedOnly )
            // check that it's a fixed pitch font (there is *no* error here, the
            // flag name is misleading!)
            if ( tm->tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH )
                // not a fixed pitch font
                return TRUE;
        if ( m_charset != -1 )
            // check that we have the right encoding
            if ( lf->lfCharSet != m_charset )
                return TRUE;
        m_fontEnum->OnFacename( c_name ) ;
    DisposeMenu( menu ) ;
コード例 #4
ファイル: popupMenu.cpp プロジェクト: 03050903/Torque3D
bool PopupMenu::handleSelect(U32 command, const char *text /* = NULL */)
   // [tom, 8/20/2006] Pass off to a sub menu if it's for them
   for(S32 i = 0;i < mSubmenus->size();i++)
      PopupMenu *subM = dynamic_cast<PopupMenu *>((*mSubmenus)[i]);
      if(subM == NULL)

         return subM->handleSelect(command, text);

   // ensure that this menu actually has an item with the specificed command / refcon.
   // this is not strictly necessary, we're just doing it here to keep the behavior
   // in line with the windows implementation.
   UInt32 refcon;
   U32 nItems = CountMenuItems(mData->mMenu);
   S32 pos = -1;
   for(int i = 1; i <= nItems; i++)
      GetMenuItemRefCon(mData->mMenu, i, &refcon);
      if(refcon == command)
         pos = i;
   if(pos == -1)
      Con::errorf("PopupMenu::handleSelect - Could not find menu item position for ID %d ... this shouldn't happen!", command);
      return false;

   char textbuf[1024];
      CFStringRef cfstr;
      CopyMenuItemTextAsCFString(mData->mMenu, pos, &cfstr);
      CFStringGetCString(cfstr,textbuf,sizeof(textbuf) - 1,kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
      CFRelease( cfstr );
      text = textbuf;
   // [tom, 8/20/2006] Wasn't handled by a submenu, pass off to script
   return dAtob(Con::executef(this, "onSelectItem", Con::getIntArg(pos - 1), text ? text : ""));
コード例 #5
ファイル: LoginDialog.cpp プロジェクト: openlink/odbc-bench
OPL_LoginDialog::handleCommandEvent(UInt32 commandID)
    UInt32 idx;
    CFStringRef str;
    char *dsn;
    char tmp_path[1024];

    switch (commandID) {
    case 'SDIR':
        ControlRef f_select;
        CFStringRef menuText;
        MenuRef menu;

        getControl(kLoginDIR, &f_select);
        menu = GetControlPopupMenuHandle(f_select);
        idx = GetControlValue (f_select);
        CopyMenuItemTextAsCFString(menu, idx, &menuText);
        CFStringGetCString(menuText, tmp_path, sizeof(tmp_path), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

        return noErr;

    case 'SFDS':
        idx = fdsnlist->getSelectedItem();
        if (idx && !fdsnlist->getItemType(idx))
        {   // set DSN
            dsn = OPL_CFString_to_char(fdsnlist->getItem(idx));
            str = OPL_CFString_asprintf("%s/%s", cur_dir, dsn);
            setEditText(kLoginDSN, str);
        return noErr;

    case 'SDS ':
        idx = dsnlist->getSelectedItem();
        if (idx)
            setEditText(kLoginDSN, CFStringCreateCopy(NULL, dsnlist->getItem(idx)));
        return noErr;

        return OPL_Dialog::handleCommandEvent(commandID);