void _RSGenerator_AssignFromXML( void* meshGenerator, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) { RSGenerator* self = (RSGenerator*)meshGenerator; FiniteElementContext* context = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, (Name)"context", FiniteElementContext, True, NULL ); Dictionary* dict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( cf->componentDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)self->name ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value *minList, *maxList, *tmp; char* rootKey; unsigned d_i; double maxVal; _CartesianGenerator_AssignFromXML( meshGenerator, cf, data ); // mesh min/max coords are written to file from the mesh->min/maxGlobalCoord field. these differ from the min/max // coords as defined in the RSGenerator->min/maxCrd (these are in r-theta-phi, not x-y-z), so if we're restarting // we need to over-ride the coords from the hdf5 mesh file with those from the xml (assuming they don't differ // between runs... if( self->nDims > 2 ) { if( context->loadFromCheckPoint ) { minList = Dictionary_Get( dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"minCoord" ); maxList = Dictionary_Get( dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"maxCoord" ); if( minList && maxList ) { assert( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( minList ) >= self->nDims ); assert( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( maxList ) >= self->nDims ); for( d_i = 0; d_i < self->nDims; d_i++ ) { tmp = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( minList, d_i ); rootKey = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( tmp ); if( !Stg_StringIsNumeric( (char*)rootKey ) ) tmp = Dictionary_Get( cf->rootDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)rootKey ); self->crdMin[d_i] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( tmp ); tmp = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( maxList, d_i ); rootKey = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( tmp ); if( !Stg_StringIsNumeric( (char*)rootKey ) ) tmp = Dictionary_Get( cf->rootDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)rootKey ); self->crdMax[d_i] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( tmp ); /* test to ensure provided domain is valid */ maxVal = (abs(self->crdMax[d_i]) > abs(self->crdMin[d_i])) ? abs(self->crdMax[d_i]) : abs(self->crdMin[d_i]); if( maxVal == 0 ) maxVal = 1; /* if maxVal is zero, then both numbers must be zero, set to one as next test will fail */ Journal_Firewall( ( ( (self->crdMax[d_i] - self->crdMin[d_i])/maxVal) > 1E-10 || d_i==J_AXIS), global_error_stream, "\n\nError in %s for %s '%s'\n\n" "Dimension of domain (min = %f, max = %f) for component number %u is not valid.\n\n", __func__, self->type, self->name, self->crdMin[d_i], self->crdMax[d_i], d_i ); } } } // phi = (pi/2, pi) Journal_Firewall( !(fabs(self->crdMin[2] -self->crdMax[2])>=179.99 || self->crdMax[2] < self->crdMin[2]), global_error_stream, "\nError in %s: Phi definition is wrong. Ensure minZ < maxZ & abs(minZ-maxZ)<180\n", __func__); } Journal_Firewall( self->nDims==3, global_error_stream, "Error in %s: Must have 3 dimensions for component %s\n", __func__, self->name ); // check domain size is valid Journal_Firewall( !(self->crdMin[0] <= 0 || self->crdMax[0] < self->crdMin[0]), global_error_stream, "Error in %s: Radius definition is wrong. Ensure maxX > minX & minX > 0\n", __func__ ); Journal_Firewall(!( fabs(self->crdMin[1]-self->crdMax[1]) >= 179.99 || self->crdMax[1] < self->crdMin[1] ), global_error_stream, "Error in %s: Theta definition is wrong. Ensure minY < maxY && abs(minY-maxY) < 180\n", __func__ ); }
void _Ppc_Switch_AssignFromXML( void* _self, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) { Ppc_Switch* self = (Ppc_Switch*)_self; Dictionary* theDictionary = NULL; Dictionary_Entry_Value* caseEntry = NULL; Dictionary_Entry_Value* tagList = NULL; Index case_I; char* ppcName; /* Construct parent */ _Ppc_AssignFromXML( self, cf, data ); /* The dictionary */ theDictionary = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( cf->componentDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)self->name ) ); /* Read the properties list */ tagList = Dictionary_Get( theDictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"CaseList" ); assert( tagList ); self->caseCount = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( tagList ); self->caseList = Memory_Alloc_Array( Ppc_Switch_Case, self->caseCount, "Ppc_Switch_caseList" ); for( case_I = 0; case_I < self->caseCount; case_I++ ){ caseEntry = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( tagList, case_I ); /* get case value */ self->caseList[case_I].constant = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember( caseEntry, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Case") ); /* get ppc associated with the case*/ ppcName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember( caseEntry, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Value") ); self->caseList[case_I].valueTag = PpcManager_GetPpcByName( self->manager, cf, (Name)ppcName ); } /* Init */ _Ppc_Switch_Init( self, Stg_ComponentFactory_GetString( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Interpolate", "" ), PpcManager_GetPpcFromDict( self->manager, cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Field", "" ) ); }
void _RefinedRegionsGeometry_Init( RefinedRegionsGeometry* self, IJK size ) { Dimension_Index dim_I; Dictionary_Entry_Value* regionsList = NULL; /* General and Virtual info should already be set */ /* RefinedRegionsGeometry info */ self->isConstructed = False; self->min[ I_AXIS ] = Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault( self->dictionary, "minX", 0.0f ); self->min[ J_AXIS ] = Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault( self->dictionary, "minY", 0.0f ); self->min[ K_AXIS ] = Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault( self->dictionary, "minZ", 0.0f ); self->max[ I_AXIS ] = Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault( self->dictionary, "maxX", 1.0f ); self->max[ J_AXIS ] = Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault( self->dictionary, "maxY", 1.0f ); self->max[ K_AXIS ] = Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault( self->dictionary, "maxZ", 1.0f ); if ( size ) { memcpy( self->countPerDim, size, sizeof(IJK) ); } else { self->countPerDim[ I_AXIS ] = Dictionary_GetUnsignedInt_WithDefault( self->dictionary, "meshSizeI", 2 ); self->countPerDim[ J_AXIS ] = Dictionary_GetUnsignedInt_WithDefault( self->dictionary, "meshSizeJ", 2 ); self->countPerDim[ K_AXIS ] = Dictionary_GetUnsignedInt_WithDefault( self->dictionary, "meshSizeK", 2 ); } for ( dim_I = 0; dim_I < 3; dim_I++ ) { self->refinedRegionDeltas[dim_I] = 4; } /* Now Read in the refined regions */ regionsList = Dictionary_Get( self->dictionary, "RefinedRegions" ); if ( regionsList ) { Index entryCount = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( regionsList ); Index entry_I = 0; Dictionary_Entry_Value* regionEntry; Dictionary* regionDict; Dimension_Index dim = 0; double regionStart = 0; double regionEnd = 0; unsigned int refinementFactor = 1; for( entry_I = 0; entry_I < entryCount; entry_I++ ) { regionEntry = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( regionsList, entry_I ); regionDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( regionEntry ); dim = Dictionary_GetUnsignedInt_WithDefault( regionDict, "dim", 0 ); regionStart = Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault( regionDict, "regionStart", 0.0 ); regionEnd = Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault( regionDict, "regionEnd", 1.0 ); refinementFactor = Dictionary_GetUnsignedInt_WithDefault( regionDict, "refinementFactor", 2 ); _RefinedRegionsGeometry_AddRefinedRegion( self, dim, regionStart, regionEnd, refinementFactor ); } } self->pointCount = self->countPerDim[I_AXIS] * self->countPerDim[J_AXIS] * self->countPerDim[K_AXIS]; assert( self->pointCount ); }
Stg_Component* _Stg_ComponentFactory_PluginConstructByKey( void* cf, void* codelet, Dictionary_Entry_Key componentKey, Type type, Bool isEssential, void* data ) { Stg_ComponentFactory* self = (Stg_ComponentFactory*)cf; Stg_Component* plugin = (Stg_Component*)codelet; Dictionary* thisPluginDict = NULL; Dictionary* pluginDict = (Dictionary*)Dictionary_Get( self->rootDict, "plugins" ); Name componentName, redirect, pluginType; Dictionary_Entry_Value* componentEntryVal; Index pluginIndex; Stream* errorStream = Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type ); Journal_Firewall( self != NULL, errorStream, "In func %s: Stg_Component is NULL.\n", __func__ ); /* Get this plugins Dictionary */ for( pluginIndex = 0; pluginIndex < Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( (Dictionary_Entry_Value*)pluginDict ); pluginIndex++ ) { thisPluginDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( (Dictionary_Entry_Value*)pluginDict, pluginIndex ) ); pluginType = StG_Strdup( Dictionary_GetString( thisPluginDict, "Type" ) ); if( !strcmp( plugin->type, pluginType ) ){ Memory_Free( pluginType ); break; } Memory_Free( pluginType ); } /* Get Dependency's Name */ componentEntryVal = Dictionary_Get( thisPluginDict, componentKey ); if ( componentEntryVal == NULL ) { Journal_Firewall( !isEssential, errorStream, "plugin '%s' cannot find essential component with key '%s'.\n", plugin->type, componentKey ); Journal_PrintfL( self->infoStream, 2, "plugin '%s' cannot find non-essential component with key '%s'.\n", plugin->type, componentKey ); return NULL; } componentName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( componentEntryVal ); /* If we can find the component's name in the root dictionary, use that value instead. */ if( self->rootDict ) { redirect = Dictionary_GetString_WithDefault( self->rootDict, componentName, "" ); if( strcmp( redirect, "" ) ) componentName = redirect; } return self->constructByName( self, componentName, type, isEssential, data ); }
void _SurfaceAdaptor_Construct( void* adaptor, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) { SurfaceAdaptor* self = (SurfaceAdaptor*)adaptor; Dictionary* dict; char* surfaceType; assert( self ); assert( cf ); /* Call parent construct. */ _MeshAdaptor_Construct( self, cf, data ); /* Rip out the components structure as a dictionary. */ dict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( cf->componentDict, self->name ) ); /* What kind of surface do we want? */ surfaceType = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetString( cf, self->name, "surfaceType", "" ); if( !strcmp( surfaceType, "wedge" ) ) { self->surfaceType = SurfaceAdaptor_SurfaceType_Wedge; self->info.wedge.offs = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetDouble( cf, self->name, "offset", 0.0 ); self->info.wedge.grad = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetDouble( cf, self->name, "gradient", 0.5 ); } else if( !strcmp( surfaceType, "sine" ) || !strcmp( surfaceType, "cosine" ) ) { Dictionary_Entry_Value* originList; if( !strcmp( surfaceType, "sine" ) ) self->surfaceType = SurfaceAdaptor_SurfaceType_Sine; else self->surfaceType = SurfaceAdaptor_SurfaceType_Cosine; originList = Dictionary_Get( dict, "origin" ); if( originList ) { unsigned nDims; unsigned d_i; nDims = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( originList ); for( d_i = 0; d_i < nDims; d_i++ ) { Dictionary_Entry_Value* val; val = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( originList, d_i ); self->info.trig.origin[d_i] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( val ); } } else memset( self->info.trig.origin, 0, sizeof(double) * 2 ); self->info.trig.amp = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetDouble( cf, self->name, "amplitude", 1.0 ); self->info.trig.freq = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetDouble( cf, self->name, "frequency", 1.0 ); } else _SurfaceAdaptor_Init( self ); }
Dictionary_Entry_Value* _DictionaryUtils_GetRecursive( Dictionary* dict, char* str ){ char* strPoint = strchr( str, '.' ); if(strPoint){ Dictionary_Entry_Value* entryVal=NULL; /* Create the struct and member strings from the source. */ char* structString = StG_Strdup( str ); char* strPointNew = strchr( structString, '.' ); *strPointNew = 0; char* memberString = strPointNew + 1; Dictionary_Entry_Value* subDict = Dictionary_Get( dict, structString ); if( subDict ) entryVal = _DictionaryUtils_GetRecursive( Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary(subDict), memberString ); Memory_Free( structString ); return entryVal; } else { return Dictionary_Get( dict, str ); } }
void _Ppc_a_Vector_AssignFromXML( void* _self, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) { Ppc_a_Vector* self = (Ppc_a_Vector*)_self; Dictionary* theDictionary; /* Construct parent */ _Ppc_AssignFromXML( self, cf, data ); /* The dictionary */ theDictionary = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( cf->componentDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)self->name ) ); _Ppc_a_Vector_Init( self, PpcManager_GetPpcFromDict( self->manager, cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Alpha", "" ), PpcManager_GetPpcFromDict( self->manager, cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Vector", "" ), Stg_ComponentFactory_GetDouble( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"vi", 0.0 ), Stg_ComponentFactory_GetDouble( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"vj", 1.0 ), Stg_ComponentFactory_GetDouble( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"vk", 0.0 ) ); }
Dictionary* Codelet_GetPluginDictionary( void* codelet, Dictionary* rootDict ) { Codelet* self = (Codelet*)codelet; Dictionary_Entry_Value* pluginsDEV = Dictionary_Get( rootDict, "plugins" ); Dictionary* pluginDict; unsigned pluginIndex; Name pluginType; for( pluginIndex = 0; pluginIndex < Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( pluginsDEV ); pluginIndex++ ) { pluginDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( pluginsDEV, pluginIndex ) ); pluginType = Dictionary_GetString( pluginDict, "Type" ); if( !strcmp( self->type, pluginType ) ) return pluginDict; } return NULL; }
void _ManualParticleLayout_InitialiseParticle( void* manualParticleLayout, void* _swarm, Particle_Index newParticle_I, void* _particle ) { ManualParticleLayout* self = (ManualParticleLayout*)manualParticleLayout; Dictionary_Entry_Value* manualParticlePositions = NULL; Dictionary_Entry_Value* particlePositionEntry = NULL; Dictionary* particlePositionDict = NULL; GlobalParticle* particle = (GlobalParticle*)_particle; manualParticlePositions = Dictionary_Get( self->dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"manualParticlePositions" ); particlePositionEntry = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( manualParticlePositions, newParticle_I ); particlePositionDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( particlePositionEntry ); particle->coord[I_AXIS] = Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault( particlePositionDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"x", 0.0 ); particle->coord[J_AXIS] = Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault( particlePositionDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"y", 0.0 ); particle->coord[K_AXIS] = Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault( particlePositionDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"z", 0.0 ); }
void _MeshGenerator_Construct( void* meshGenerator, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) { MeshGenerator* self = (MeshGenerator*)meshGenerator; Dictionary* dict; Dictionary_Entry_Value* meshList; Mesh* mesh; assert( self ); assert( cf ); /* Rip out the components structure as a dictionary. */ dict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( cf->componentDict, self->name ) ); /* Set the communicator to a default. */ MeshGenerator_SetComm( self, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); /* Read the individual mesh if specified. */ mesh = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, "mesh", Mesh, False, data ); if( mesh ) MeshGenerator_AddMesh( self, mesh ); /* Read the mesh list, if it's there. */ meshList = Dictionary_Get( dict, "meshes" ); if( meshList ) { unsigned nMeshes; char* name; unsigned m_i; nMeshes = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( meshList ); for( m_i = 0; m_i < nMeshes; m_i++ ) { Mesh* mesh; name = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( meshList, m_i ) ); mesh = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, name, Mesh, True, data ); MeshGenerator_AddMesh( self, mesh ); } } /* Add to live component register. */ LiveComponentRegister_Add( cf->LCRegister, (Stg_Component*)self ); }
void _MeshGenerator_AssignFromXML( void* meshGenerator, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) { MeshGenerator* self = (MeshGenerator*)meshGenerator; Dictionary* dict; unsigned nDims; Dictionary_Entry_Value* meshList; Dictionary_Entry_Value *enabledDimsList, *enabledIncList; Mesh* mesh; Bool partitioned; assert( self ); assert( cf ); /* Rip out the components structure as a dictionary. */ dict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( cf->componentDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)self->name ) ); /* Set the communicator to a default. */ partitioned = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetBool( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"partitioned", 1 ); if( partitioned ) { MeshGenerator_SetMPIComm( self, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); } else { MeshGenerator_SetMPIComm( self, MPI_COMM_SELF ); } self->context = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Context", AbstractContext, False, data ); if( !self->context ) self->context = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, (Name)"context", AbstractContext, False, data ); /* Read the individual mesh if specified. */ mesh = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"mesh", Mesh, False, data ); if( mesh ) MeshGenerator_AddMesh( self, mesh ); /* Read the mesh list, if it's there. */ meshList = Dictionary_Get( dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"meshes" ); if( meshList ) { unsigned nMeshes; char* name; unsigned m_i; nMeshes = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( meshList ); for( m_i = 0; m_i < nMeshes; m_i++ ) { Mesh* mesh; name = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( meshList, m_i ) ); mesh = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, (Name)name, Mesh, True, data ); MeshGenerator_AddMesh( self, mesh ); } } /* Read dimensions and state. */ nDims = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetUnsignedInt( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"dim", 2 ); nDims = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetUnsignedInt( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"dims", nDims ); MeshGenerator_SetDimSize( self, nDims ); enabledDimsList = Dictionary_Get( dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"enabledDims" ); enabledIncList = Dictionary_Get( dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"enabledIncidence" ); /* Clear dims/incidence flags */ unsigned d_i; memset( self->enabledDims, 0, (nDims + 1) * sizeof(Bool) ); for( d_i = 0; d_i <= nDims; d_i++ ) memset( self->enabledInc[d_i], 0, (nDims + 1) * sizeof(Bool) ); if( enabledDimsList ) { unsigned dim; unsigned nEnabledDims; nEnabledDims = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( enabledDimsList ); for( d_i = 0; d_i < nEnabledDims; d_i++ ) { dim = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( enabledDimsList, d_i ) ); if (dim > nDims) Journal_Printf(Mesh_Warning, "Warning - in %s: *** Skipping out of range dimension: %d\n", __func__, dim); else MeshGenerator_SetDimState( self, dim, True ); } } else { /* Default to all dimensions enabled */ for( d_i = 0; d_i < nDims + 1; d_i++ ) MeshGenerator_SetDimState( self, d_i, True ); } if( enabledIncList ) { unsigned nEnabledInc; unsigned fromDim, toDim; nEnabledInc = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( enabledIncList ); assert( nEnabledInc % 2 == 0 ); for( d_i = 0; d_i < nEnabledInc; d_i += 2 ) { fromDim = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( enabledIncList, d_i ) ); toDim = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( enabledIncList, d_i + 1 ) ); if (fromDim > nDims || toDim > nDims) Journal_Printf( Mesh_Warning, "Warning - in %s: *** Skipping out of range incidence: %d to %d\n", __func__ , fromDim, toDim); else MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, fromDim, toDim, True ); } } else { /* Default incidence setup 0->1,2,3 1->0,2 2->0,1 3->0,3 */ MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, 0, 0, True ); for( d_i = 1; d_i <= nDims; d_i ++ ) { MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, 0, d_i, True ); MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, d_i, 0, True ); } if (nDims == 2) { MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, 1, 2, True ); MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, 2, 1, True ); MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, 2, 2, True ); } if( nDims == 3 ) MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, 3, 3, True ); } }
void _GALEDivergenceForce_AssignFromXML( void* forceTerm, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) { GALEDivergenceForce* self = (GALEDivergenceForce*)forceTerm; Dictionary* dict; Stg_Shape* domainShape=NULL; FeMesh* geometryMesh=NULL; GALEStressBC_Entry force; char *type; /* Construct Parent */ _ForceTerm_AssignFromXML( self, cf, data ); dict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( cf->componentDict, self->name ) ); domainShape = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, "DomainShape", Stg_Shape, True, data ) ; type = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetString( cf, self->name, "force_type", "" ); if(!strcasecmp(type,"double") || !strcasecmp(type,"float")) { force.type = GALEStressBC_Double; force.DoubleValue = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetDouble( cf, self->name, "force_value", 0.0 ); } else if(!strcasecmp(type,"func")) { char *funcName = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetString( cf, self->name, "force_value", "" ); Index cfIndex; cfIndex = ConditionFunction_Register_GetIndex ( condFunc_Register, funcName); force.type = GALEStressBC_ConditionFunction; if ( cfIndex == (unsigned)-1 ) { Stream* errorStr = Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type ); Journal_Printf( errorStr, "Error- in %s: While parsing " "definition of GALEDivergenceForce, the cond. func. " " \"%s\" - wasn't found in the c.f. register.\n", __func__, funcName ); Journal_Printf( errorStr, "(Available functions in the C.F. register are: "); ConditionFunction_Register_PrintNameOfEachFunc ( condFunc_Register, errorStr ); Journal_Printf( errorStr, ")\n"); assert(0); } force.CFIndex = cfIndex; } else if(strlen(type)==0) { Stream* errorStr = Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type ); Journal_Printf( errorStr, "Error- in %s: While parsing " "definition of GALEDivergenceForce, force_type is not specified.\nSupported types are \"double\" and \"function\".\n", __func__); assert(0); } else { Stream* errorStr = Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type ); Journal_Printf( errorStr, "Error- in %s: While parsing " "definition of GALEDivergenceForce, the type of condition \"%s\"\nis not supported. Supported types are \"double\" and \"function\".\n", __func__, type ); assert(0); } geometryMesh=Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, "GeometryMesh", FeMesh, True, data ) ; _GALEDivergenceForce_Init( self, domainShape, geometryMesh, force); }
void _Geothermal_FieldMaps_AssignFromXML( void* component, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) { Geothermal_FieldMaps* self = (Geothermal_FieldMaps*)component; Dictionary* dict = Codelet_GetPluginDictionary( component, cf->rootDict ); Dictionary_Entry_Value* mapList; unsigned map_i; Stream* errorStream = Journal_Register( ErrorStream_Type, Geothermal_FieldMaps_Type ); Stream_SetPrintingRank( errorStream, 0 ); /* Plugin-wide stuff */ self->context = (AbstractContext*)Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, "context", UnderworldContext, True, data ); /*self->swarm = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, Dictionary_GetString( dict, "Swarm" ), Swarm, True, data );*/ mapList = Dictionary_Get( dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"maps" ); if( mapList ) { self->numMaps = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( mapList ); self->maps = malloc( self->numMaps * sizeof(Map*) ); } else { self->numMaps = 0; self->maps = NULL; } /* Per map stuff */ for( map_i = 0; map_i < self->numMaps; map_i++ ) { self->maps[map_i] = malloc( sizeof(Map) ); Dictionary* mapEntryDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( mapList, map_i ) ); char* tmpStr; #define SDEK Dictionary_Entry_Key #define SDGDWD Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault #define SDGSWD Dictionary_GetString_WithDefault #define SDGBWD Dictionary_GetBool_WithDefault #define SCFCBN Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName strncpy( self->maps[map_i]->name, Dictionary_GetString( mapEntryDict, "name" ), FILENAME_MAX ); strncpy( self->maps[map_i]->outputPath, SDGSWD( mapEntryDict, (SDEK)"outputPath", self->context->outputPath ), FILENAME_MAX); self->maps[map_i]->field = SCFCBN( cf, Dictionary_GetString( mapEntryDict, "Field" ), FeVariable, True, data ); self->maps[map_i]->depth = SDGDWD( mapEntryDict, (SDEK)"depthFromSurface", 0.0 ); /* Type of map */ self->maps[map_i]->outputAllNodes = False; self->maps[map_i]->outputTopNodes = False; self->maps[map_i]->outputDepth = False; self->maps[map_i]->depth = 0.0; self->maps[map_i]->heightField = NULL; tmpStr = Dictionary_GetString( mapEntryDict, "of" ); if( strcmp( "surface", tmpStr ) == 0 ) { self->maps[map_i]->outputTopNodes = True; } else if( strcmp( "volume", tmpStr ) == 0 ) { self->maps[map_i]->outputAllNodes = True; } else if( strcmp( "depth", tmpStr ) == 0 ) { self->maps[map_i]->outputDepth = True; self->maps[map_i]->depth = SDGDWD( mapEntryDict, (SDEK)"depthFromSurface", 0.0 ); /* TODO: firewall if depth not given!!!*/ } else if( strcmp( "height", tmpStr ) == 0 ) { self->maps[map_i]->outputDepth = True; self->maps[map_i]->heightField = SCFCBN( cf, Dictionary_GetString( mapEntryDict, "HeightField" ), FieldVariable, True, data ); /* TODO: firewall if HeightField not given!!!*/ } Journal_Firewall( self->maps[map_i]->outputTopNodes || self->maps[map_i]->outputAllNodes || self->maps[map_i]->outputDepth, errorStream, "Error: On FieldMaps plugin entry %u (named: \"%s\"), the \"of\" parameter must be either \"surface\", \"volume\", " "\"depth\", or \"height\" (\"%s\" was given).\n", map_i, self->maps[map_i]->name, tmpStr ); /* Formats */ self->maps[map_i]->gocadOutput = SDGBWD( mapEntryDict, (SDEK)"GOCADOutput", True ); self->maps[map_i]->nodeValues = 0; self->maps[map_i]->nodeCoords = 0; self->maps[map_i]->topNodesCount = 0; } ContextEP_Append( self->context, AbstractContext_EP_Dump, Geothermal_FieldMaps_Dump ); }
Dictionary_Entry_Value* _Stg_ComponentFactory_PluginGetDictionaryValue( void* cf, void *codelet, Dictionary_Entry_Key key, Dictionary_Entry_Value* defaultVal ) { Stg_ComponentFactory* self = (Stg_ComponentFactory*) cf; Stg_Component* plugin = (Stg_Component*)codelet; Dictionary* thisPluginDict = NULL; Dictionary* pluginDict = (Dictionary*)Dictionary_Get( self->rootDict, "plugins" ); Name pluginType; Index pluginIndex; Dictionary_Entry_Value* returnVal; Bool usedDefault = False; Stream* errorStream = Journal_Register( Error_Type, Stg_Component_Type ); Stream* stream = self->infoStream; Journal_Firewall( self != NULL, errorStream, "In func %s: Stg_ComponentFactory is NULL.\n", __func__ ); Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "Getting parameter '%s': ", key ); Journal_Firewall( pluginDict != NULL, errorStream, "In func %s: Stg_Component Factory's dictionary is NULL.\n", __func__ ); /* Get this plugins Dictionary */ for( pluginIndex = 0; pluginIndex < Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( (Dictionary_Entry_Value*)pluginDict ); pluginIndex++ ) { thisPluginDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( (Dictionary_Entry_Value*)pluginDict, pluginIndex ) ); pluginType = StG_Strdup( Dictionary_GetString( thisPluginDict, "Type" ) ); if( !strcmp( plugin->type, pluginType ) ){ Memory_Free( pluginType ); break; } Memory_Free( pluginType ); } /* Get this Stg_Component's Dictionary */ Journal_Firewall( thisPluginDict != NULL, errorStream, "In func %s: Can't find sub-dictionary for component '%s'.\n", __func__, plugin->name ); /* Get Value from dictionary */ returnVal = Dictionary_Get( thisPluginDict, key ); if ( !returnVal && defaultVal ) { returnVal = Dictionary_GetDefault( thisPluginDict, key, defaultVal ); usedDefault = True; } /* Print Stuff */ if ( usedDefault ) { Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "Using default value = " ); if ( Stream_IsPrintableLevel( stream, 2 ) ) Dictionary_Entry_Value_Print( returnVal, stream ); Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "\n" ); return returnVal; } else if ( returnVal ) { Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "Found - Value = " ); if ( Stream_IsPrintableLevel( stream, 2 ) ) Dictionary_Entry_Value_Print( returnVal, stream ); Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "\n" ); } else Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "Not found.\n" ); return returnVal; }
void _SnacRemesher_ConstructExtensions( void* _context, void* data ) { Snac_Context* context = (Snac_Context*)_context; SnacRemesher_Context* contextExt = ExtensionManager_Get( context->extensionMgr, context, SnacRemesher_ContextHandle ); Mesh* mesh = context->mesh; SnacRemesher_Mesh* meshExt = ExtensionManager_Get( context->meshExtensionMgr, mesh, SnacRemesher_MeshHandle ); char* conditionStr; Dictionary_Entry_Value* conditionCriterion; Dictionary* meshDict; Stream* error = Journal_Register( Error_Type, "Remesher" ); char tmpBuf[PATH_MAX]; Journal_Printf( context->debug, "In: %s\n", __func__ ); contextExt->debugIC = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-ICs" ); contextExt->debugCoords = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-Coords" ); contextExt->debugNodes = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-Nodes" ); contextExt->debugElements = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-Elements" ); contextExt->debugSync = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-Sync" ); /* Additional tables required over the nodeElementTbl already required by core Snac */ Mesh_ActivateNodeNeighbourTbl( mesh ); Mesh_ActivateElementNeighbourTbl( mesh ); /* Work out condition to remesh on */ if( !Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, CONDITION_STR ) ) { Journal_Printf( error, "Warning: No \"%s\" entry in dictionary... will default to \"%s\"\n", CONDITION_STR, OFF_STR ); } conditionStr = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_GetDefault( context->dictionary, CONDITION_STR, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( OFF_STR ) ) ); contextExt->OnTimeStep = 0; contextExt->onMinLengthScale = 0; if( !strcmp( conditionStr, OFF_STR ) ) { contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_Off; Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is off\n" ); } else if( !strcmp( conditionStr, ONTIMESTEP_STR ) ) { contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_OnTimeStep; conditionCriterion = Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, TIMESTEPCRITERION_STR ); Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is on... activated based on timeStep\n" ); if( conditionCriterion ) { contextExt->OnTimeStep = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( conditionCriterion ); } else { } Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remeshing every %u timeSteps\n", contextExt->OnTimeStep ); } else if( !strcmp( conditionStr, ONMINLENGTHSCALE_STR ) ) { contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_OnMinLengthScale; conditionCriterion = Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, LENGTHCRITERION_STR ); Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is on... activated by minLengthScale\n" ); if( conditionCriterion ) { contextExt->onMinLengthScale = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( conditionCriterion ); } else { } Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesh when minLengthScale < %g\n", contextExt->onMinLengthScale ); } else if( !strcmp( conditionStr, ONBOTHTIMESTEPLENGTH_STR ) ) { contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_OnBothTimeStepLength; conditionCriterion = Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, TIMESTEPCRITERION_STR ); Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is on... activated by both timeStep and minLengthScale\n" ); if( conditionCriterion ) { contextExt->OnTimeStep = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( conditionCriterion ); conditionCriterion = Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, LENGTHCRITERION_STR ); contextExt->onMinLengthScale = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( conditionCriterion ); } else { } Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesh every %u timeSteps or wheen minLengthScale < %g\n", contextExt->OnTimeStep, contextExt->onMinLengthScale ); } else { contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_Off; Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is defaulting to off\n" ); Journal_Printf( error, "Provided remesh condition \"%s\" unrecognised\n", conditionStr ); } /* Work out the mesh type */ meshDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, MESH_STR ) ); if( meshDict ) { char* meshTypeStr; if( !Dictionary_Get( meshDict, MESHTYPE_STR ) ) { Journal_Printf( error, "Warning: No \"%s\" entry in \"%s\"... will default to \"%s\"\n", MESHTYPE_STR, MESH_STR, CARTESIAN_STR ); } meshTypeStr = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_GetDefault( meshDict, MESHTYPE_STR, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( CARTESIAN_STR ) ) ); if( !strcmp( meshTypeStr, SPHERICAL_STR ) ) { meshExt->meshType = SnacRemesher_Spherical; Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher knows mesh as a spherical mesh\n" ); } else if( !strcmp( meshTypeStr, CARTESIAN_STR ) ) { meshExt->meshType = SnacRemesher_Cartesian; Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher knows mesh as a cartesian mesh\n" ); } else { meshExt->meshType = SnacRemesher_Cartesian; Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher assuming mesh as a cartesian mesh\n" ); Journal_Printf( error, "Provided mesh type \"%s\" unrecognised!\n", meshTypeStr ); } } else { meshExt->meshType = SnacRemesher_Cartesian; Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher assuming mesh as a cartesian mesh\n" ); Journal_Printf( error, "No \"%s\" entry in dictionary!\n", MESH_STR ); } /* Decide whether to restore the bottom surface */ contextExt->bottomRestore = 0; if( !strcmp( Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_GetDefault( context->dictionary, "bottomRestore", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( OFF_STR ) ) ), ON_STR) ) contextExt->bottomRestore = 1; /* Register these functions for use in VCs */ ConditionFunction_Register_Add( context->condFunc_Register, ConditionFunction_New( _SnacRemesher_TestCondFunc, "SnacRemesher_TestCondFunc" ) ); /* Register these functions for use in VCs */ ConditionFunction_Register_Add( context->condFunc_Register, ConditionFunction_New( _SnacRemesher_XFunc, "SnacRemesher_XFunc" ) ); /* Register these functions for use in VCs */ ConditionFunction_Register_Add( context->condFunc_Register, ConditionFunction_New( _SnacRemesher_YFunc, "SnacRemesher_YFunc" ) ); /* Obtain the keys for the our new entry points... having the keys saves doing a string compare at run time */ contextExt->recoverNodeK = EntryPoint_Register_GetHandle( context->entryPoint_Register, SnacRemesher_EP_RecoverNode ); contextExt->interpolateNodeK = EntryPoint_Register_GetHandle( context->entryPoint_Register, SnacRemesher_EP_InterpolateNode ); contextExt->interpolateElementK = EntryPoint_Register_GetHandle( context->entryPoint_Register, SnacRemesher_EP_InterpolateElement ); /* Prepare the dump file */ if( context->rank == 0) { sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/remeshInfo.%u", context->outputPath, context->rank ); if( (contextExt->remesherOut = fopen( tmpBuf, "w+" )) == NULL ) { assert( contextExt->remesherOut /* failed to open file for writing */ ); } } /* initialize remeshing counter */ contextExt->remeshingCount = 0; }
void Stg_ComponentFactory_CreateComponents( Stg_ComponentFactory *self ) { Dictionary_Entry* componentDictEntry = NULL; Dictionary* currComponentDict = NULL; Type componentType = NULL; Name componentName = NULL; Stg_Component_DefaultConstructorFunction* componentConstructorFunction; Index component_I; Stream* stream; assert( self ); stream = self->infoStream; if( self->componentDict ){ Stream_Indent( stream ); /* add the contexts to the live component register first (so these get constructed/built/initialised first) */ for( component_I = 0; component_I < Dictionary_GetCount( self->componentDict ) ; component_I++ ){ componentDictEntry = self->componentDict->entryPtr[ component_I ]; currComponentDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( componentDictEntry->value ); componentType = Dictionary_GetString( currComponentDict, "Type" ); componentName = componentDictEntry->key; if( strcmp( componentType, "DomainContext" ) && strcmp( componentType, "FiniteElementContext" ) && strcmp( componentType, "PICelleratorContext" ) ) continue; if( LiveComponentRegister_Get( self->LCRegister, componentName ) != NULL ) { Journal_RPrintf( Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type ), "Error in func %s: Trying to instantiate two components with the name of '%s'\n" "Each component's name must be unique.\n", __func__, componentName ); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Print Message */ /* Journal_Printf( stream, "Instantiating %s as %s\n", componentType, componentName ); */ /* Get Default Constructor for this type */ componentConstructorFunction = Stg_ComponentRegister_AssertGet( Stg_ComponentRegister_Get_ComponentRegister(), componentType, "0" ); /* Add to register */ LiveComponentRegister_Add( self->LCRegister, (Stg_Component*)componentConstructorFunction( componentName ) ); } /* now add the rest of the components */ for( component_I = 0; component_I < Dictionary_GetCount( self->componentDict ) ; component_I++ ){ componentDictEntry = self->componentDict->entryPtr[ component_I ]; currComponentDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( componentDictEntry->value ); componentType = Dictionary_GetString( currComponentDict, "Type" ); componentName = componentDictEntry->key; if( !strcmp( componentType, "DomainContext" ) || !strcmp( componentType, "FiniteElementContext" ) || !strcmp( componentType, "PICelleratorContext" ) ) continue; if( LiveComponentRegister_Get( self->LCRegister, componentName ) != NULL ) { Journal_RPrintf( Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type ), "Error in func %s: Trying to instantiate two components with the name of '%s'\n" "Each component's name must be unique.\n", __func__, componentName ); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Journal_Firewall( strcmp( componentType, "" ), NULL, "In func %s: Component with name '%s' does not have a 'Type' specified.\n" "This is sometimes caused by incorrect or missing 'mergeType' resulting in clobbered input file components.\n" "You may need to add 'mergeType=\"merge\"' to this component. Please check your input file.", __func__, componentName); /* Print Message */ /* Journal_Printf( stream, "Instantiating %s as %s\n", componentType, componentName ); */ /* Get Default Constructor for this type */ componentConstructorFunction = Stg_ComponentRegister_AssertGet( Stg_ComponentRegister_Get_ComponentRegister(), componentType, "0" ); /* Add to register */ LiveComponentRegister_Add( self->LCRegister, (Stg_Component*)componentConstructorFunction( componentName ) ); } Stream_UnIndent( stream ); } else{ Journal_Printf( stream, "No Stg_Component List found..!\n" ); } }
/* TODO: Need to find a way to add different communicators for different contexts. */ Stg_ComponentFactory* stgMainConstruct( Dictionary* dictionary, Dictionary* sources, MPI_Comm communicator, void* _context ) { Stg_ComponentFactory* cf; Dictionary* componentDict; Stg_Component* component; AbstractContext* context=NULL; unsigned component_I; char* timeStamp; time_t currTime; struct tm* timeInfo; int adjustedYear; int adjustedMonth; unsigned rank; MPI_Comm_rank( communicator, &rank ); currTime = time( NULL ); timeInfo = localtime( &currTime ); /* See man localtime() for why to adjust these. */ adjustedYear = 1900 + timeInfo->tm_year; adjustedMonth = 1 + timeInfo->tm_mon; Stg_asprintf( &timeStamp, "%.4d.%.2d.%.2d-%.2d.%.2d.%.2d", adjustedYear, adjustedMonth, timeInfo->tm_mday, timeInfo->tm_hour, timeInfo->tm_min, timeInfo->tm_sec ); if( ( componentDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"components" ) ) ) == NULL ) componentDict = Dictionary_New(); CheckDictionaryKeys( componentDict, "Component dictionary must have unique names\n" ); /* lets go right ahead and delete the component register. */ /* this is mainly required for the pcu tests which pass through here a number of times without calling StGermain_Finalise */ LiveComponentRegister_Delete(); cf = Stg_ComponentFactory_New( dictionary, componentDict ); if( _context ) { context = (AbstractContext*)_context; context->CF = cf; context->dictionary = dictionary; context->communicator = communicator; context->timeStamp = timeStamp; LiveComponentRegister_Add( cf->LCRegister, (Stg_Component*)context ); } /* Instantion phase. */ Stg_ComponentFactory_CreateComponents( cf ); /* * Assign the dictionary, componentFactory & the communicator for the contexts. * TODO: if different contexts require different communicators, * then StG. components will be required for these, and they should be passed in from the XML * Also, this is a little hacky, as nothing is known about the other * layers of StG or their associated contexts here. */ for( component_I = 0; component_I < LiveComponentRegister_GetCount( cf->LCRegister ); component_I++ ) { component = LiveComponentRegister_At( cf->LCRegister, component_I ); if( Stg_CompareType( component, AbstractContext ) ) { Journal_Firewall( dictionary->count, Journal_Register( Error_Type, "Error Stream" ), "Error in %s: The dictionary is empty, " "meaning no input parameters have been feed into your program. " "Perhaps you've forgot to pass any input files ( or command-line arguments ) in.\n", __func__ ); context = (AbstractContext*)component; context->dictionary = dictionary; context->CF = cf; context->timeStamp = timeStamp; //context->communicator = communicator; } } /* generate the Flattened xml file last once Scaling has occured */ if( rank==0 ) stgGenerateFlattenedXML( dictionary, sources, timeStamp ); /* Construction phase. */ Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructComponents( cf, NULL ); return cf; }
void _SnacTemperature_ConstructExtensions( void* _context, void* data ) { Snac_Context* context = (Snac_Context*)_context; SnacTemperature_Context* contextExt = ExtensionManager_Get( context->extensionMgr, context, SnacTemperature_ContextHandle ); Snac_Node tmpNode; SnacTemperature_Node* tmpNodeExt = ExtensionManager_Get( context->mesh->nodeExtensionMgr, &tmpNode, SnacTemperature_NodeHandle ); Dictionary* temperatureBCsDict; char tmpBuf[PATH_MAX]; /* Because temperature is not an array by itself, we must the "complex" constructor for Variable... the info needs to be * wrapped this generic way... */ Index temperatureOffsetCount = 1; SizeT temperatureOffsets[] = { /*GetOffsetOfMember( *tmpNodeExt, temperature ) };*/ (SizeT)((char*)&tmpNodeExt->temperature - (char*)&tmpNode) }; Variable_DataType temperatureDataTypes[] = { Variable_DataType_Double }; Index temperatureDataTypeCounts[] = { 1 }; #if DEBUG printf( "In %s()\n", __func__ ); #endif /* Create the StGermain variable temperature, which is stored on a node extension */ Variable_New( "temperature", temperatureOffsetCount, temperatureOffsets, temperatureDataTypes, temperatureDataTypeCounts, 0, &ExtensionManager_GetFinalSize( context->mesh->nodeExtensionMgr ), &context->mesh->layout->decomp->nodeDomainCount, (void**)&context->mesh->node, context->variable_Register ); /* Register these functions for use in VCs */ ConditionFunction_Register_Add( context->condFunc_Register, ConditionFunction_New( _SnacTemperature_Top2BottomSweep, "SnacTemperature_Top2BottomSweep" ) ); ConditionFunction_Register_Add( context->condFunc_Register, ConditionFunction_New( _SnacTemperature_Top2BottomSweep_Spherical, "SnacTemperature_Top2BottomSweep_Spherical" ) ); ConditionFunction_Register_Add( context->condFunc_Register, ConditionFunction_New( _SnacTemperature_Citcom_Compatible, "SnacTemperature_Citcom_Compatible" ) ); /* Temperature variables */ contextExt->topTemp = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( Dictionary_GetDefault( context->dictionary, "topTemp", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0.0f ) ) ); contextExt->bottomTemp = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( Dictionary_GetDefault( context->dictionary, "bottomTemp", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 1300.0f ) ) ); /* Build the temperature IC and BC managers */ temperatureBCsDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, "temperatureBCs" ) ); contextExt->temperatureBCs = CompositeVC_New("tempBC", context->variable_Register, context->condFunc_Register, temperatureBCsDict, context->mesh ); /* Prepare the dump and checkpoint file */ sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/temperature.%u", context->outputPath, context->rank ); if( (contextExt->temperatureOut = fopen( tmpBuf, "w+" )) == NULL ) { assert( contextExt->temperatureOut /* failed to open file for writing */ ); abort(); } sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/temperatureCP.%u", context->outputPath, context->rank ); if( (contextExt->temperatureCheckpoint = fopen( tmpBuf, "w+" )) == NULL ) { assert( contextExt->temperatureCheckpoint /* failed to open file for writing */ ); abort(); } }