コード例 #1
bool RageFileObjDirect::FinalFlush()
	if( !(m_iMode & RageFile::WRITE) )
		return true;

	/* Flush the output buffer. */
	if( Flush() == -1 )
		return false;

	/* Only do the rest of the flushes if SLOW_FLUSH is enabled. */
	if( !(m_iMode & RageFile::SLOW_FLUSH) )
		return true;
	/* Force a kernel buffer flush. */
	if( fsync( m_iFD ) == -1 )
		WARN( ssprintf("Error synchronizing %s: %s", this->m_sPath.c_str(), strerror(errno)) );
		SetError( strerror(errno) );
		return false;

	RString sError;
	if( !FlushDir(Dirname(m_sPath), sError) )
		WARN( ssprintf("Error synchronizing fsync(%s dir): %s", this->m_sPath.c_str(), sError.c_str()) );
		SetError( sError );
		return false;

	return true;
コード例 #2
bool RageFileDriverDirect::Move( const CString &sOldPath_, const CString &sNewPath_ )
	CString sOldPath = sOldPath_;
	CString sNewPath = sNewPath_;
	FDB->ResolvePath( sOldPath );
	FDB->ResolvePath( sNewPath );

	if( this->GetFileType(sOldPath) == RageFileManager::TYPE_NONE )
		return false;

		const CString sDir = Dirname(sNewPath);
		CreateDirectories( m_sRoot + sDir );

	LOG->Trace( ssprintf("rename \"%s\" -> \"%s\"", (m_sRoot + sOldPath).c_str(), (m_sRoot + sNewPath).c_str()) );

	if( DoRename(m_sRoot + sOldPath, m_sRoot + sNewPath) == -1 )
		LOG->Warn( ssprintf("rename(%s,%s) failed: %s", (m_sRoot + sOldPath).c_str(), (m_sRoot + sNewPath).c_str(), strerror(errno)) );
		return false;

	return true;
コード例 #3
bool RageFileDriverDirect::Move( const RString &sOldPath_, const RString &sNewPath_ )
	RString sOldPath = sOldPath_;
	RString sNewPath = sNewPath_;
	FDB->ResolvePath( sOldPath );
	FDB->ResolvePath( sNewPath );

	if( this->GetFileType(sOldPath) == RageFileManager::TYPE_NONE )
		return false;

		const RString sDir = Dirname(sNewPath);
		CreateDirectories( m_sRoot + sDir );
	int size = FDB->GetFileSize( sOldPath );
	int hash = FDB->GetFileHash( sOldPath );
	TRACE( ssprintf("rename \"%s\" -> \"%s\"", (m_sRoot + sOldPath).c_str(), (m_sRoot + sNewPath).c_str()) );
	if( DoRename(m_sRoot + sOldPath, m_sRoot + sNewPath) == -1 )
		WARN( ssprintf("rename(%s,%s) failed: %s", (m_sRoot + sOldPath).c_str(), (m_sRoot + sNewPath).c_str(), strerror(errno)) );
		return false;

	FDB->DelFile( sOldPath );
	FDB->AddFile( sNewPath, size, hash, NULL );
	return true;
コード例 #4
RageFileBasic *RageFileDriverDirect::Open( const CString &sPath_, int iMode, int &iError )
	CString sPath = sPath_;
	ASSERT( sPath.size() && sPath[0] == '/' );

	/* This partially resolves.  For example, if "abc/def" exists, and we're opening
	 * "ABC/DEF/GHI/jkl/mno", this will resolve it to "abc/def/GHI/jkl/mno"; we'll
	 * create the missing parts below. */
	FDB->ResolvePath( sPath );

	if( iMode & RageFile::WRITE )
		const CString dir = Dirname(sPath);
		if( this->GetFileType(dir) != RageFileManager::TYPE_DIR )
			CreateDirectories( m_sRoot + dir );

	RageFileObjDirect *ret = this->CreateInternal( m_sRoot + sPath );

	if( ret->OpenInternal( m_sRoot + sPath, iMode, iError) )
		return ret;

	SAFE_DELETE( ret );
	return NULL;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ModelTypes.cpp プロジェクト: Fighter19/PSPMania
void AnimatedTexture::Load( const CString &sTexOrIniPath )
	ASSERT( vFrames.empty() );	// don't load more than once

	m_bSphereMapped = sTexOrIniPath.Find("sphere") != -1;
	if( sTexOrIniPath.Find("add") != -1 )
		m_BlendMode = BLEND_ADD;
		m_BlendMode = BLEND_NORMAL;

	if( GetExtension(sTexOrIniPath).CompareNoCase("ini")==0 )
		IniFile ini;
		if( !ini.ReadFile( sTexOrIniPath ) )
			RageException::Throw( "Error reading %s: %s", sTexOrIniPath.c_str(), ini.GetError().c_str() );

		if( !ini.GetKey("AnimatedTexture") )
			RageException::Throw( "The animated texture file '%s' doesn't contain a section called 'AnimatedTexture'.", sTexOrIniPath.c_str() );
		ini.GetValue( "AnimatedTexture", "TexVelocityX", m_fTexVelocityX );
		ini.GetValue( "AnimatedTexture", "TexVelocityY", m_fTexVelocityY );
		const CString sTexOrIniName = Dirname(sTexOrIniPath);
		RageTextureID ID;
		ID.bStretch = true;
		ID.bHotPinkColorKey = true;
		ID.bMipMaps = true;	// use mipmaps in Models
		for( int i=0; i<1000; i++ )
			CString sFileName;
			float fDelay = 0;
			if( ini.GetValue( "AnimatedTexture", ssprintf("Frame%04d", i), sFileName ) &&
				ini.GetValue( "AnimatedTexture", ssprintf("Delay%04d", i), fDelay ) ) 
				ID.filename = sTexOrIniName + sFileName;
				AnimatedTextureState state = { 
					TEXTUREMAN->LoadTexture( ID ),
				vFrames.push_back( state );
		RageTextureID ID;
		ID.filename = sTexOrIniPath;
		ID.bHotPinkColorKey = true;
		ID.bStretch = true;
		ID.bMipMaps = true;	// use mipmaps in Models
		AnimatedTextureState state = { 
			TEXTUREMAN->LoadTexture( ID ),
		vFrames.push_back( state );
コード例 #6
static RString MakeTempFilename( const RString &sPath )
	/* "Foo/bar/baz" -> "Foo/bar/new.baz.new".  Both prepend and append: we don't
	 * want a wildcard search for the filename to match (foo.txt.new matches foo.txt*),
	 * and we don't want to have the same extension (so "new.foo.sm" doesn't show up
	 * in *.sm). */
	return Dirname(sPath) + "new." + Basename(sPath) + ".new";
コード例 #7
ファイル: file_utils_win32.cpp プロジェクト: maccman/kroll
	std::string FileUtils::GetExecutableDirectory()
		wchar_t path[MAX_PATH];
		path[MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
		GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, path, MAX_PATH - 1);
		std::string fullPath = UTILS_NS::WideToUTF8(path);
		return Dirname(fullPath);
コード例 #8
bool NotesWriterSM::Write(CString sPath, const Song &out, bool bSavingCache)
	/* Flush dir cache when writing steps, so the old size isn't cached. */
	FILEMAN->FlushDirCache( Dirname(sPath) );

	unsigned i;

	int flags = RageFile::WRITE;

	/* If we're not saving cache, we're saving real data, so enable SLOW_FLUSH
	 * to prevent data loss.  If we're saving cache, this will slow things down
	 * too much. */
	if( !bSavingCache )
		flags |= RageFile::SLOW_FLUSH;

	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open( sPath, flags ) )
		LOG->Warn( "Error opening song file '%s' for writing: %s", sPath.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	WriteGlobalTags( f, out );
	if( bSavingCache )
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "// cache tags:" ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#FIRSTBEAT:%.3f;", out.m_fFirstBeat ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#LASTBEAT:%.3f;", out.m_fLastBeat ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#SONGFILENAME:%s;", out.m_sSongFileName.c_str() ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#HASMUSIC:%i;", out.m_bHasMusic ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#HASBANNER:%i;", out.m_bHasBanner ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#MUSICLENGTH:%.3f;", out.m_fMusicLengthSeconds ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "// end cache tags" ) );

	// Save all Steps for this file
	const vector<Steps*>& vpSteps = out.GetAllSteps();
	for( i=0; i<vpSteps.size(); i++ ) 
		const Steps* pSteps = vpSteps[i];
		if( pSteps->IsAutogen() )
			continue; /* don't write autogen notes */

		/* Only save steps that weren't loaded from a profile. */
		if( pSteps->WasLoadedFromProfile() )

		WriteSMNotesTag( *pSteps, f, bSavingCache );

	return true;
コード例 #9
BOOL CBINDInstallDlg::OnInitDialog() {

	// Set the icon for this dialog.  The framework does this automatically
	//  when the application's main window is not a dialog
	SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);			// Set big icon
	SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE);		// Set small icon

	char filename[MAX_PATH];
	char dirname[MAX_PATH];
	char *fptr = &filename[0];
	GetModuleFileName(NULL, filename, MAX_PATH);
	char *dptr = strrchr(filename,'\\');
	int index = dptr - fptr;
	strncpy(dirname, filename, index);
	dirname[index] = '\0';
	CString Dirname(dirname);
	m_currentDir = Dirname;
	CVersionInfo bindInst(filename);
		m_version.Format(IDS_VERSION, bindInst.GetFileVersionString());

	char buf[MAX_PATH];
	HKEY hKey;

	m_startOnInstall = CheckBINDService();

	/* See if we are installed already */
		m_installed = TRUE;
		memset(buf, 0, MAX_PATH);
		// Get the install directory
		if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "InstallDir", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)buf,
			&dwBufLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
			if (strcmp(buf, ""))
				m_defaultDir = buf;
	m_targetDir = m_defaultDir;

	// Set checkbox defaults
	m_autoStart = TRUE;
	m_keepFiles = TRUE;


	return (TRUE); /* return(TRUE) unless you set the focus to a control */
コード例 #10
void DirectFilenameDB::CacheFile( const RString &sPath )
	CHECKPOINT_M( root+sPath );
	RString sDir = Dirname( sPath );
	FileSet *pFileSet = GetFileSet( sDir, false );
	if( pFileSet == NULL )
		// This directory isn't cached so do nothing.
		m_Mutex.Unlock(); // Locked by GetFileSet()
	while( !pFileSet->m_bFilled )
#if defined(WIN32)
	// There is almost surely a better way to do this
	HANDLE hFind = DoFindFirstFile( root+sPath, &fd );
		m_Mutex.Unlock(); // Locked by GetFileSet()
	File f( fd.cFileName );
	f.dir = !!(fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
	f.size = fd.nFileSizeLow;
	f.hash = fd.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime;
	pFileSet->files.insert( f );
	FindClose( hFind );
	File f( Basename(sPath) );
	struct stat st;
	if( DoStat(root+sPath, &st) == -1 )
		int iError = errno;
		/* If it's a broken symlink, ignore it.  Otherwise, warn. */
		/* Huh? */
		WARN( ssprintf("File '%s' is gone! (%s)",
			       sPath.c_str(), strerror(iError)) );
		f.dir = (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR);
		f.size = (int)st.st_size;
		f.hash = st.st_mtime;
	m_Mutex.Unlock(); // Locked by GetFileSet()	
コード例 #11
/* -------------------------------------------------------
 * make_dir: 
 *      must understand perfectly!!!
 *      Takes a pathname as parameter 
 *      (1) set the device 
 *      (2) get parent MINODE by using dirname with 
 *              getino 
 *          Load MINODE using iget 
 *      (3) call my_mkdir(MINODE* parent, char* name)
void make_dir(char* path)
    MINODE* pip;                // parent MINODE* 
    int dev, pino;              // device, parent ino 
    // parent = path to parent directory, child = basename 
    char* parent, *child;        
    // (1) Set device according to relative or absolute path 
    if(path[0] == '/')
        dev = root->dev; 
        dev = running->cwd->dev; 
    // (2) Separate path into dirname and basename 
    parent = strdup(Dirname(path));     // make copies 
    child = strdup(Basename(path)); 
    // Debug print 
    //printf("parent: %s\n", parent);
    //printf("child: %s\n", child);
    // (3) get in memory MINODE of parent directory 
    pino = getino(&dev, parent); // First, get parent ino 
    pip = iget(dev, pino); // Then use it to load INODE into minode[] table
    // (4) Error checking on found MINODE
    if(pip == NULL)                     // (4.1) ensure the MINODE was found 
        printf("Error: unable to locate %s\n", parent); 
    else if(!isdir(pip))                // (4.2) is DIR 
        printf("Error: %s is not a directory\n", parent);
    else if(search(pip, child) != 0)    // (4.3) child does not already exist    
        // the child was already found 
        printf("Error: %s already exists in %s\n", child, parent); 
    // (5) We've verified that parent path exists, is a directory 
        // and child does not exist in it, so add to it  
    // No matter what, dont forget to write back! 
    // Release parent from minode[] table and write back to disk 
コード例 #12
void ScreenGameplaySyncMachine::Init()
	m_bForceNoNetwork = true;

	GAMESTATE->SetCurrentStyle( GAMEMAN->GetHowToPlayStyleForGame(GAMESTATE->m_pCurGame) );

	RString sFile = THEME->GetPathO("ScreenGameplaySyncMachine","music");
	// Allow themers to use either a .ssc or .sm file for this. -aj
	SSCLoader loaderSSC;
	SMLoader loaderSM;
	if(sFile.Right(4) == ".ssc")
		loaderSSC.LoadFromSimfile( sFile, m_Song );
		loaderSM.LoadFromSimfile( sFile, m_Song );

	m_Song.SetSongDir( Dirname(sFile) );

	GAMESTATE->m_pCurSong.Set( &m_Song );
	// Needs proper StepsType -freem
	vector<Steps*> vpSteps;
	SongUtil::GetPlayableSteps( &m_Song, vpSteps );
	ASSERT_M(vpSteps.size() > 0, "No playable steps for ScreenGameplaySyncMachine");
	Steps *pSteps = vpSteps[0];
	GAMESTATE->m_pCurSteps[GAMESTATE->GetFirstHumanPlayer()].Set( pSteps );

	GamePreferences::m_AutoPlay.Set( PC_HUMAN );


	SO_GROUP_ASSIGN( GAMESTATE->m_SongOptions, ModsLevel_Stage, m_AutosyncType, SongOptions::AUTOSYNC_MACHINE );

	ClearMessageQueue();	// remove all of the messages set in ScreenGameplay that animate "ready", "here we go", etc.

	GAMESTATE->m_bGameplayLeadIn.Set( false );

	m_DancingState = STATE_DANCING;

	m_textSyncInfo.SetName( "SyncInfo" );
	m_textSyncInfo.LoadFromFont( THEME->GetPathF(m_sName,"SyncInfo") );
	ActorUtil::LoadAllCommands( m_textSyncInfo, m_sName );
	this->AddChild( &m_textSyncInfo );

	this->SubscribeToMessage( Message_AutosyncChanged );

コード例 #13
ファイル: Sprite.cpp プロジェクト: Braunson/openitg
// Sprite file has the format:
// [Sprite]
// Texture=Textures\Logo.bmp
// Frame0000=0
// Delay0000=1.0
// Frame0001=3
// Delay0000=2.0
// BaseRotationXDegrees=0
// BaseRotationYDegrees=0
// BaseRotationZDegrees=0
// BaseZoomX=1
// BaseZoomY=1
// BaseZoomZ=1
bool Sprite::LoadFromSpriteFile( RageTextureID ID )
	LOG->Trace( ssprintf("Sprite::LoadFromSpriteFile(%s)", ID.filename.c_str()) );

	m_sSpritePath = ID.filename;

	// read sprite file
	IniFile ini;
	if( !ini.ReadFile( m_sSpritePath ) )
		RageException::Throw( "Error opening Sprite file '%s'.", m_sSpritePath.c_str() );

	LoadFromNode( Dirname(m_sSpritePath), ini.GetChild("Sprite") );

	return true;
コード例 #14
	bool CreateDirectory(const std::string& dir, bool recursive)
		if (IsDirectory(dir))
			return true;
		string parent(Dirname(dir));
		if (recursive && parent.size() > 0 && !IsDirectory(parent))
			if (!CreateDirectory(parent, true))
				return false;

		return CreateDirectoryImpl(dir);
コード例 #15
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
 * creat_r: 
 *      Given path of a file to be made, 
 *      get the parent's MINODE and ensure that it is a DIR
 *      and that the new file does not already exist in it 
void creat_r(char* path)
    MINODE* pip; 
    char* parent, *child; 
    int dev, pino; 
    // (1) Set device according to relative or absolute pathname 
    if(path[0] == '/')
        dev = root->dev; 
        dev = running->cwd->dev; 
    parent = strdup(Dirname(path)); 
    child = strdup(Basename(path));
    // (3) get in memory MINODE of parent directory 
        // First, get parent ino 
    pino = getino(&dev, parent); 
        // Then use it to load MINODE into minode[] table
    pip = iget(dev, pino);
    // (4)Verify pip
        // (4.1) was found 
    if(pip == NULL)
        printf("Error: unable to locate %s\n", parent); 
        // (4.2) is directory 
    else if(!isdir(pip))
        printf("Error: %s is not a directory\n", parent);
        // (4.3) does not already contain child
    else if(search(pip, child) != 0)    // the child was already found 
        printf("Error: %s already exists in %s\n", child, parent); 
    // (5) We've verified that parent path exists, is a directory 
        // and child does not exist in it, so add to it  
コード例 #16
bool RageFileObjDirect::FinalFlush()
	if( !(m_iMode & RageFile::WRITE) )
		return true;

	/* Flush the output buffer. */
	if( Flush() == -1 )
		return false;

	/* Only do the rest of the flushes if SLOW_FLUSH is enabled. */
	if( !(m_iMode & RageFile::SLOW_FLUSH) )
		return true;
	/* Force a kernel buffer flush. */
	if( fsync( m_iFD ) == -1 )
		WARN( ssprintf("Error synchronizing %s: %s", this->m_sPath.c_str(), strerror(errno)) );
		SetError( strerror(errno) );
		return false;

#if !defined(WIN32)
	/* Wait for the directory to be flushed. */
	int dirfd = open( Dirname(m_sPath), O_RDONLY );
	if( dirfd == -1 )
		WARN( ssprintf("Error synchronizing open(%s dir): %s", this->m_sPath.c_str(), strerror(errno)) );
		SetError( strerror(errno) );
		return false;

	if( fsync( dirfd ) == -1 )
		WARN( ssprintf("Error synchronizing fsync(%s dir): %s", this->m_sPath.c_str(), strerror(errno)) );
		SetError( strerror(errno) );
		close( dirfd );
		return false;

	close( dirfd );

	return true;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Transition.cpp プロジェクト: DataBeaver/openitg
void Transition::Load( CString sBGAniDir )
	if( IsADirectory(sBGAniDir) && sBGAniDir.Right(1) != "/" )
		sBGAniDir += "/";


	m_sprTransition.Load( sBGAniDir );
	m_sprTransition->PlayCommand( "On" );
	this->AddChild( m_sprTransition );
	m_fLengthSeconds = m_sprTransition->GetTweenTimeLeft();

	m_State = waiting;

	// load sound from file specified by ini, or use the first sound in the directory
	if( IsADirectory(sBGAniDir) )
		IniFile ini;
		ini.ReadFile( sBGAniDir+"/BGAnimation.ini" );

		CString sSoundFileName;
		if( ini.GetValue("BGAnimation","Sound", sSoundFileName) )
			FixSlashesInPlace( sSoundFileName );
			CString sPath = sBGAniDir+sSoundFileName;
			CollapsePath( sPath );
			m_sound.Load( sPath );
			m_sound.Load( sBGAniDir );
	else if( GetExtension(sBGAniDir).CompareNoCase("xml") == 0 )
		CString sSoundFile;
		XNode xml;
		xml.LoadFromFile( sBGAniDir );
		if( xml.GetAttrValue( "Sound", sSoundFile ) )
			m_sound.Load( Dirname(sBGAniDir) + sSoundFile );
コード例 #18
ファイル: XmlFileUtil.cpp プロジェクト: AratnitY/stepmania
void XmlFileUtil::AnnotateXNodeTree( XNode *pNode, const RString &sFile )
	RString sDir = Dirname( sFile );

	vector<XNode *> queue;
	queue.push_back( pNode );
	while( !queue.empty() )
		pNode = queue.back();
		FOREACH_Child( pNode, pChild )
			queue.push_back( pChild );

		/* Source file, for error messages: */
		pNode->AppendAttr( "_Source", sFile );

		/* Directory of caller, for relative paths: */
		pNode->AppendAttr( "_Dir", sDir );

		/* Note that this node came from a legacy XML file */
		pNode->AppendAttr( "_LegacyXml", true );
コード例 #19
void FileTransfer::StartTransfer( TransferType type, const RString &sURL, const RString &sSrcFile, const RString &sDestFile )
	RString Proto;
	RString Server;
	int Port=80;
	RString sAddress;

	if( !ParseHTTPAddress( sURL, Proto, Server, Port, sAddress ) )
		m_sStatus = "Invalid URL.";
		m_bFinished = true;

	m_bSavingFile = sDestFile != "";

	m_sBaseAddress = "http://" + Server;
	if( Port != 80 )
		m_sBaseAddress += ssprintf( ":%d", Port );
	m_sBaseAddress += "/";

	if( sAddress.Right(1) != "/" )
		m_sEndName = Basename( sAddress );
		m_sBaseAddress += Dirname( sAddress );
		m_sEndName = "";

	// Open the file...

	// First find out if a file by this name already exists if so, then we gotta
	// ditch out.
	// XXX: This should be fixed by a prompt or something?

	// if we are not talking about a file, let's not worry
	if( m_sEndName != "" && m_bSavingFile )
		if( !m_fOutputFile.Open( sDestFile, RageFile::WRITE | RageFile::STREAMED ) )
			m_sStatus = m_fOutputFile.GetError();
	// Continue...

	sAddress = URLEncode( sAddress );

	if ( sAddress != "/" )
		sAddress = "/" + sAddress;


	m_wSocket.blocking = true;

	if( !m_wSocket.connect( Server, (short) Port ) )
		m_sStatus = "Failed to connect.";

	// Produce HTTP header
	RString sAction;
	switch( type )
	case upload: sAction = "POST"; break;
	case download: sAction = "GET"; break;

	vector<RString> vsHeaders;
	vsHeaders.push_back( sAction+" "+sAddress+" HTTP/1.0" );
	vsHeaders.push_back( "Host: " + Server );
	vsHeaders.push_back( "Cookie: " + g_sCookie.Get() );
	vsHeaders.push_back( "Connection: closed" );
	string sBoundary = "--ZzAaB03x";
	vsHeaders.push_back( "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" + sBoundary );
	RString sRequestPayload;
	if( type == upload )
		RageFile f;
		if( !f.Open( sSrcFile ) )
			FAIL_M( f.GetError() );
		sRequestPayload.reserve( f.GetFileSize() );
		int iBytesRead = f.Read( sRequestPayload );
		if( iBytesRead == -1 )
			FAIL_M( f.GetError() );

		sRequestPayload = "--" + sBoundary + "\r\n" + 
			"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"name\"\r\n" +
			"\r\n" +
			"Chris\r\n" +
			"--" + sBoundary + "\r\n" + 
			"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"userfile\"; filename=\"" + Basename(sSrcFile) + "\"\r\n" +
			"Content-Type: application/zip\r\n" + 
			"\r\n" +
			sRequestPayload + "\r\n" +
			"--" + sBoundary + "--";
	if( sRequestPayload.size() > 0 )
		sHeader += "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n";
		sHeader += "Content-Length: multipart/form-data; boundary=" + sBoundary + "\r\n";
		//sHeader += "Content-Length: " + ssprintf("%d",sRequestPayload.size()) + "\r\n";

	vsHeaders.push_back( "Content-Length: " + ssprintf("%zd",sRequestPayload.size()) );

	RString sHeader;
	FOREACH_CONST( RString, vsHeaders, h )
		sHeader += *h + "\r\n";
	sHeader += "\r\n";

	m_wSocket.SendData( sHeader.c_str(), sHeader.length() );
	m_wSocket.SendData( "\r\n" );

	m_wSocket.SendData( sRequestPayload.GetBuffer(), sRequestPayload.size() );

	m_sStatus = "Header Sent.";
	m_wSocket.blocking = false;
	m_bIsDownloading = true;
	m_sBUFFER = "";
	m_bGotHeader = false;
コード例 #20
void ScreenPackages::EnterURL( const CString & sURL )
	CString Proto;
	CString Server;
	int Port=80;
	CString sAddress;

	if( !ParseHTTPAddress( sURL, Proto, Server, Port, sAddress ) )
		m_sStatus = "Invalid URL.";

	//Determine if this is a website, or a package?
	//Criteria: does it end with *zip?
	if( sAddress.Right(3).CompareNoCase("zip") == 0 )
		m_bIsPackage = false;

	m_sBaseAddress = "http://" + Server;
	if( Port != 80 )
		m_sBaseAddress += ssprintf( ":%d", Port );
	m_sBaseAddress += "/";

	if( sAddress.Right(1) != "/" )
		m_sEndName = Basename( sAddress );
		m_sBaseAddress += Dirname( sAddress );
		m_sEndName = "";

	//Open the file...

	//First find out if a file by this name already exists
	//if so, then we gotta ditch out.
	//XXX: This should be fixed by a prompt or something?

	//if we are not talking about a file, let's not worry
	if( m_sEndName != "" && m_bIsPackage )
		CStringArray AddTo;
		GetDirListing( "Packages/"+m_sEndName, AddTo, false, false );
		if ( AddTo.size() > 0 )
			m_sStatus = "File Already Exists";

		if( !m_fOutputFile.Open( "Packages/"+m_sEndName, RageFile::WRITE | RageFile::STREAMED ) )
			m_sStatus = m_fOutputFile.GetError();

	sAddress = URLEncode( sAddress );

	if ( sAddress != "/" )
		sAddress = "/" + sAddress;


	m_wSocket.blocking = true;

	if( !m_wSocket.connect( Server, (short) Port ) )
		m_sStatus = "Failed to connect.";
	//Produce HTTP header

	CString Header="";

	Header = "GET "+sAddress+" HTTP/1.0\r\n";
	Header+= "Host: " + Server + "\r\n";
	Header+= "Connection: closed\r\n\r\n";

	m_wSocket.SendData( Header.c_str(), Header.length() );
	m_sStatus = "Header Sent.";
	m_wSocket.blocking = false;
	m_bIsDownloading = true;
	m_sBUFFER = "";
	m_bGotHeader = false;
コード例 #21
	bool bFailed = !FinalFlush();
	if( m_iFD != -1 )
		if( close( m_iFD ) == -1 )
			WARN( ssprintf("Error closing %s: %s", this->m_sPath.c_str(), strerror(errno)) );
			SetError( strerror(errno) );
			bFailed = true;

	if( !(m_iMode & RageFile::WRITE) || (m_iMode & RageFile::STREAMED) )

	/* We now have path written to MakeTempFilename(m_sPath).
	 * Rename the temporary file over the real path. */

		if( bFailed || WriteFailed() )

		/* We now have path written to MakeTempFilename(m_sPath). Rename the
		 * temporary file over the real path. This should be an atomic operation
		 * with a journalling filesystem. That is, there should be no
		 * intermediate state a JFS might restore the file we're writing (in the
		 * case of a crash/powerdown) to an empty or partial file. */

		RString sOldPath = MakeTempFilename(m_sPath);
		RString sNewPath = m_sPath;

#if defined(WIN32)
		if( WinMoveFile(DoPathReplace(sOldPath), DoPathReplace(sNewPath)) )

		/* We failed. */
		int err = GetLastError();
		const RString error = werr_ssprintf( err, "Error renaming \"%s\" to \"%s\"", sOldPath.c_str(), sNewPath.c_str() );
		WARN( ssprintf("%s", error.c_str()) );
		SetError( error );
		if( rename( sOldPath, sNewPath ) == -1 )
			WARN( ssprintf("Error renaming \"%s\" to \"%s\": %s", 
					sOldPath.c_str(), sNewPath.c_str(), strerror(errno)) );
			SetError( strerror(errno) );

		if( m_iMode & RageFile::SLOW_FLUSH )
			RString sError;
			if( !FlushDir(Dirname(m_sPath), sError) )
				WARN( ssprintf("Error synchronizing fsync(%s dir): %s", this->m_sPath.c_str(), sError.c_str()) );
				SetError( sError );

		// Success.
	} while(0);

	// The write or the rename failed. Delete the incomplete temporary file.
	DoRemove( MakeTempFilename(m_sPath) );
コード例 #22
ファイル: ActorUtil.cpp プロジェクト: AratnitY/stepmania
Actor *ActorUtil::LoadFromNode( const XNode* _pNode, Actor *pParentActor )
	ASSERT( _pNode != NULL );

	XNode node = *_pNode;

	// Remove this in favor of using conditionals in Lua. -Chris
	// There are a number of themes out there that depend on this (including
	// sm-ssc default). Probably for the best to leave this in. -aj
		bool bCond;
		if( node.GetAttrValue("Condition", bCond) && !bCond )
			return NULL;

	RString sClass;
	bool bHasClass = node.GetAttrValue( "Class", sClass );
	if( !bHasClass )
		bHasClass = node.GetAttrValue( "Type", sClass );

	bool bLegacy = (node.GetAttr( "_LegacyXml" ) != NULL);
	if( !bHasClass && bLegacy )
		sClass = GetLegacyActorClass( &node );

	map<RString,CreateActorFn>::iterator iter = g_pmapRegistrees->find( sClass );
	if( iter == g_pmapRegistrees->end() )
		RString sFile;
		if (bLegacy && node.GetAttrValue("File", sFile) && sFile != "")
			RString sPath;
			// Handle absolute paths correctly
			if (sFile.Left(1) == "/")
				sPath = sFile;
				sPath = Dirname(GetSourcePath(&node)) + sFile;
			if (ResolvePath(sPath, GetWhere(&node)))
				Actor *pNewActor = MakeActor(sPath, pParentActor);
				if (pNewActor == NULL)
					return NULL;
				if (pParentActor)
				return pNewActor;

		// sClass is invalid
		RString sError = ssprintf( "%s: invalid Class \"%s\"",
			ActorUtil::GetWhere(&node).c_str(), sClass.c_str() );
		return new Actor;	// Return a dummy object so that we don't crash in AutoActor later.

	const CreateActorFn &pfn = iter->second;
	Actor *pRet = pfn();

	if( pParentActor )
		pRet->SetParent( pParentActor );

	pRet->LoadFromNode( &node );
	return pRet;
コード例 #23
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
 * rm_dir: 
 *      (1) ask for pathname to rmdir 
 *      (2) get rmdir's ino 
 *              ino = getino(&dev, pathname)
 *      (3) get a pointer to its MINODE[]
 *              mip = iget(dev, ino)
 *      (4) check DIR type && not busy && is empty 
 *      (5) get parent directory into memory
void rm_dir(char* path)
    // (1) Asks for  pathname
    MINODE* mip;        // directory to remove 
    MINODE* pip;        // parent minode 
    int i; 
    int ino, pino;      // inumber and parent inumber 
    int dev = running->cwd->dev; 
    // (2) get inumber 
    if((ino = getino(&dev, path)) == 0)
        printf("Could not find directory %s\n", path); 
    // get pointer to MINODE[] of file to Dir to remove 
    mip = iget(dev, ino); 
    if(mip == NULL)
        printf("Error: Unable to find directory %s\n", path); 
    // (3) Check DIR, not BUSY, and is empty 
        printf("Error: %s is not a directory\n", path); 
    }                                   // (3.1) not BUSY 
    if(mip->refCount > 1 || mip->mounted || mip == running->cwd)
        printf("Error: %s is in use\n", path); 
    if(!isempty(mip))                   // (3.2) is empty 
        printf("Error: %s is not empty\n", path); 
    char* parentPath = strdup(Dirname(path)); 
    printf("parent path = %s\n", parentPath); 
    char* base = strdup(Basename(path)); 
    printf("base (to remove) = %s\n", base);
        // (5) get parent directory into memory
    pino = getino(&dev, parentPath);    // get parent ino 
    pip = iget(dev, pino);              // get parent MINODE*
    rm_child(pip, base); 
    // (6) Passed all the checks, deallocate block and inode
        // (6.1) deallocate block 
    for(i=0; i<12; i++)
        if(mip->INODE.i_block[i] == 0)          // block already 0 
        // Deallocate the block 
        bdealloc(mip->dev, mip->INODE.i_block[i]); 
    // (6.2) Deallocate the INODE and inumber
    idealloc(mip->dev, mip->ino); 
    mip->refCount=0;    // Free minode[] entry 
    pip->dirty = 1; 
コード例 #24
ファイル: ModelTypes.cpp プロジェクト: augustg/stepmania-3.9
bool msAnimation::LoadMilkshapeAsciiBones( CString sAniName, CString sPath )
	const CString sDir = Dirname( sPath );

	RageFile f;
	if ( !f.Open(sPath) )
		RageException::Throw( "Model:: Could not open \"%s\": %s", sPath.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );

	CString sLine;
	int iLineNum = 0;

	msAnimation &Animation = *this;

	bool bLoaded = false;
    while( f.GetLine( sLine ) > 0 )

        if (!strncmp (sLine, "//", 2))

        // bones
        int nNumBones = 0;
        if( sscanf (sLine, "Bones: %d", &nNumBones) != 1 )

        char szName[MS_MAX_NAME];

        Animation.Bones.resize( nNumBones );

        for( int i = 0; i < nNumBones; i++ )
			msBone& Bone = Animation.Bones[i];

            // name
			if( f.GetLine( sLine ) <= 0 )
            if (sscanf (sLine, "\"%[^\"]\"", szName) != 1)
            strcpy( Bone.szName, szName );

            // parent
			if( f.GetLine( sLine ) <= 0 )
            strcpy (szName, "");
            sscanf (sLine, "\"%[^\"]\"", szName);

            strcpy( Bone.szParentName, szName );

            // flags, position, rotation
            RageVector3 Position, Rotation;
			if( f.GetLine( sLine ) <= 0 )

			int nFlags;
            if (sscanf (sLine, "%d %f %f %f %f %f %f",
                &Position[0], &Position[1], &Position[2],
                &Rotation[0], &Rotation[1], &Rotation[2]) != 7)
			Rotation = RadianToDegree(Rotation);

			Bone.nFlags = nFlags;
            memcpy( &Bone.Position, &Position, sizeof(Bone.Position) );
            memcpy( &Bone.Rotation, &Rotation, sizeof(Bone.Rotation) );

            // position key count
			if( f.GetLine( sLine ) <= 0 )
            int nNumPositionKeys = 0;
            if (sscanf (sLine, "%d", &nNumPositionKeys) != 1)

            Bone.PositionKeys.resize( nNumPositionKeys );

            for( int j = 0; j < nNumPositionKeys; ++j )
				if( f.GetLine( sLine ) <= 0 )

				float fTime;
                if (sscanf (sLine, "%f %f %f %f", &fTime, &Position[0], &Position[1], &Position[2]) != 4)

				msPositionKey key;
				key.fTime = fTime;
				key.Position = RageVector3( Position[0], Position[1], Position[2] );
				Bone.PositionKeys[j] = key;

            // rotation key count
			if( f.GetLine( sLine ) <= 0 )
            int nNumRotationKeys = 0;
            if (sscanf (sLine, "%d", &nNumRotationKeys) != 1)

            Bone.RotationKeys.resize( nNumRotationKeys );

            for( int j = 0; j < nNumRotationKeys; ++j )
				if( f.GetLine( sLine ) <= 0 )

				float fTime;
                if (sscanf (sLine, "%f %f %f %f", &fTime, &Rotation[0], &Rotation[1], &Rotation[2]) != 4)
				Rotation = RadianToDegree(Rotation);

				msRotationKey key;
				key.fTime = fTime;
				key.Rotation = RageVector3( Rotation[0], Rotation[1], Rotation[2] );
                Bone.RotationKeys[j] = key;

		// Ignore "Frames:" in file.  Calculate it ourself
		Animation.nTotalFrames = 0;
		for( int i = 0; i < (int)Animation.Bones.size(); i++ )
			msBone& Bone = Animation.Bones[i];
			for( unsigned j = 0; j < Bone.PositionKeys.size(); ++j )
				Animation.nTotalFrames = max( Animation.nTotalFrames, (int)Bone.PositionKeys[j].fTime );
			for( unsigned j = 0; j < Bone.RotationKeys.size(); ++j )
				Animation.nTotalFrames = max( Animation.nTotalFrames, (int)Bone.RotationKeys[j].fTime );

	return bLoaded;
コード例 #25
ファイル: Test.cpp プロジェクト: WhoBrokeTheBuild/Coeus
TEST(Common, Dirname) {
	EXPECT_EQ(Dirname("/path/to/filename"), "/path/to");
	EXPECT_EQ(Dirname("path/to/filename"), "path/to");
	EXPECT_EQ(Dirname("/path/to/filename.txt"), "/path/to");
	EXPECT_EQ(Dirname("path/to/filename.txt"), "path/to");
コード例 #26
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
 * link: Create a hard link between 2 files 
 * Usage: link oldfile newfile
 *      (1) get INODE of oldfile into memory 
 *      (2) check that oldfile is file, not DIR 
 *      (3) check newfile's parent directory exists but newfile
 *              doesn't exist in it
 *      (4) Add an entry to the data block of newfile's parent
 *              with same ino as oldfile 
 *      (5) increment the i_links of INODE by 1 
 *      (6) write INODE back to disk 
void link_(char** args)
    char* oldPath, *newPath;            // I.e., /a/b/c and /x/y/z
    int oldino, newPino;            // Ino of /a/b/c and /x/y !!
    int i; 
    int dev = running->cwd->dev; 
    MINODE* omip, *ndp;         // oldPath, newDirectoryParent (/x/y)
    char buf[BLOCK_SIZE]; 
    char* cp; 
    DIR* dp; 
    char nameBuff[256]; 
    // Link requires two arguments, if either are NULL inform user
    if(args[0] == NULL || args[1] == NULL)
        printf("Error: link requires two pathnames\n"); 
    oldPath = strdup(args[0]);          // Copy names
    newPath = strdup(args[1]);  
    printf("Creating link from old file (%s) to new file (%s)....\n", oldPath, newPath); 
    // (1) Get INODE of oldfile ("/a/b/c") into memory 
    oldino = getino(&dev, oldPath);       // get ino 
    omip = iget(dev, oldino);             // get MINODE* 
    if(omip == NULL)
        printf("Error: could not find file %s\n", args[0]); 
    if(!isreg(omip))  // (2) Check that oldfile is a file, not DIR 
        printf("Error: cannot link directories \n"); 
    // (3) check newfile's parent directory exists but newfile
                // doesn't exist in it
    newPino = getino(&dev, Dirname(newPath));   // get ino to "/x/y"
    ndp = iget(dev, newPino); 
    if(ndp == NULL)
        printf("Error: could not find directory %s\n", Dirname(newPath));  
    else if(!isdir(ndp))
        printf("Error: %s is not a directory\n", Dirname(newPath)); 
    else if(search(ndp, Basename(newPath))!=0)          // Search for 'z' in /x/y
        printf("Error: %s already exists in %s\n", Basename(newPath), Dirname(newPath)); 
     /* (4) Now add a new entry to ndp's data block with same ino as oldfile */
    my_creat(ndp, Basename(newPath)); 
    // The entry has been created in ndp's data blocks 
        // Now we've got to find it and change it's ino
    for(i=0; i<12; i++)
        if(ndp->INODE.i_block[i] != 0)
            // Read i_blocks into buf 
            get_block(dev, ndp->INODE.i_block[i], buf); 
            cp = buf;   // points to start of buf 
            dp = (DIR *)cp; 
            while(cp < &buf[BLOCK_SIZE])
                strncpy(nameBuff, dp->name, dp->name_len); 
                nameBuff[dp->name_len] = 0; 
                if(strcmp(nameBuff, Basename(newPath)) == 0)    
                    // Found the entry, change it's inode
                    dp->inode = oldino; 
                    put_block(dev, ndp->INODE.i_block[i], buf); 
                cp += dp->rec_len;      // go to next entry 
                dp = (DIR *)cp; 
    omip->INODE.i_links_count++;        // (5) Increment link count of oldfile
    omip->dirty =1 ; 
    iput(omip);                         //(6) write INODE back to disk 
コード例 #27
 * unklink: Remove the link between two files 
 *      (1) get /a/b/c's INODE into memory 
 *              ino = iget(dev, filename); 
 *              rm = getino(dev, ino);
 *      (2) Verify that rm is a file (NOT DIR)
 *      (3) Decrement rm->INODE's link count by 1 
 *      (4) If rm->links_count == 1, remove the file
 *              Deallocate data blocks 
 *              Deallocate INODE 
 *      (5) Remove c from directory by 
 *              rm_child(rm, 'c')
void ulink(char** args)
    MINODE* rm; 
    MINODE* parent; 
    char* filename; 
    int dev, ino, pino; 
    int i; 
    if(args[0] == NULL)
        printf("Error: unlink requires a pathname\n"); 
    filename = strdup(args[0]); 
    // (1) Load MINODE of file to be unlinked 
    ino = getino(&dev, filename);           // get it's inumber 
    rm = iget(dev, ino);                // and load the MINODE
    if(rm == NULL)
        printf("Error: Invalid path %s\n", filename); 
    // (2) Verify file is regular (not DIR)
        printf("Error: unlink cannot be used on directories \n"); 
    rm->INODE.i_links_count--;  // (3) Decrement links count 
    dev = rm->dev; 
    ino = rm->ino; 
    // No remaining links 
    if(rm->INODE.i_links_count < 1)
        // Deallocate datablocks 
        for(i=0; i<12; i++)
            bdealloc(dev, rm->INODE.i_block[i]); 
        // Deallocate inode 
        for(i=0; i<12; i++)
            idealloc(dev, ino); 
    // Remove from parent directory 
    pino = getino(&dev, Dirname(filename));         // parent's directory 
    parent = iget(dev, pino); 
    // Remove child from parent's data blocks 
    rm_child(parent, Basename(filename)); 
    parent->dirty = 1; 
    rm->dirty = 1; 
コード例 #28
ファイル: file.cpp プロジェクト: tranleduy2000/aapt_android
 std::string GetExecutableDirectory() {
     return Dirname(GetExecutablePath());