コード例 #1
ファイル: iconify.c プロジェクト: Limsik/e17
static Container   *
SelectIconboxForEwin(EWin * ewin)
   /* find the appropriate iconbox from all available ones for this app */
   /* if it is to be iconified, or if it is alreayd return which iconbox */
   /* it's in */
   Container          *ct, *ib_sel = NULL;

   if (!ewin)
      return NULL;

   if (ewin->state.iconified)
	/* find the iconbox this window got iconifed into */
	ib_sel = ContainersIterate(IconboxFindEwin, IB_TYPE_ICONBOX, ewin);
	/* pick the closest iconbox physically on screen to put it in */
	int                 min_dist;
	int                 dx, dy, dist;
	int                 i, num;
	Container         **lst;

	lst = ContainersGetList(&num);
	min_dist = 0x7fffffff;
	for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
	     ct = lst[i];
	     if (!ct->ewin || ct->type != IB_TYPE_ICONBOX)

	     dx = (EoGetX(ct->ewin) + (EoGetW(ct->ewin) / 2)) -
		(EoGetX(ewin) + (EoGetW(ewin) / 2));
	     dy = (EoGetY(ct->ewin) + (EoGetH(ct->ewin) / 2)) -
		(EoGetY(ewin) + (EoGetH(ewin) / 2));
	     dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
	     if ((!EoIsSticky(ct->ewin)) &&
		 (EoGetDesk(ct->ewin) != EoGetDesk(ewin)))
		dist += (WinGetW(VROOT) * WinGetW(VROOT)) +
		   (WinGetH(VROOT) * WinGetH(VROOT));
	     if (dist < min_dist)
		  min_dist = dist;
		  ib_sel = ct;

   return ib_sel;
コード例 #2
ファイル: snaps.c プロジェクト: burzumishi/e16
static void
_SnapUpdateEwinLocation(Snapshot * sn, const EWin * ewin)
   int                 ax, ay;

   sn->x = EoGetX(ewin);
   sn->y = EoGetY(ewin);
   sn->area_x = ewin->area_x;
   sn->area_y = ewin->area_y;
   if (!EoIsSticky(ewin))
	DeskGetArea(EoGetDesk(ewin), &ax, &ay);
	sn->x += ((ax - sn->area_x) * WinGetW(VROOT));
	sn->y += ((ay - sn->area_y) * WinGetH(VROOT));
コード例 #3
ファイル: draw.c プロジェクト: burzumishi/e16
DrawEwinShape(EWin * ewin, int md, int x, int y, int w, int h,
              int firstlast, int seqno)
    ShapeData          *psd;
    int                 dx, dy;

    /* Quit if no change */
    if (firstlast == 1 &&
            (x == ewin->shape_x && y == ewin->shape_y &&
             (ewin->state.shaded || (w == ewin->shape_w && h == ewin->shape_h))))

    if ((md == MR_OPAQUE) || (md == MR_TECH_OPAQUE))
        EwinOpMoveResize(ewin, OPSRC_USER, x, y, w, h);
        if (md == MR_OPAQUE)
            goto done;

    if (firstlast == 0)

        psd = ECALLOC(ShapeData, 1);
        ewin->shape_data = psd;
        if (!psd)
            goto done;
        psd->root = WinGetXwin(VROOT);
        EwinBorderGetSize(ewin, &psd->bl, &psd->br, &psd->bt, &psd->bb);
    psd = (ShapeData *) ewin->shape_data;
    if (!psd)
        goto done;

    dx = EoGetX(EoGetDesk(ewin));
    dy = EoGetY(EoGetDesk(ewin));
    ewin->shape_x = x;
    ewin->shape_y = y;
    x += dx;
    y += dy;

    if (!ewin->state.shaded)
        ewin->shape_w = w;
        ewin->shape_h = h;
        w = ewin->shape_w;
        h = ewin->shape_h;

    if (((md <= MR_BOX) || (md == MR_TECH_OPAQUE)) &&
        _ShapeDrawNograb_tech_box(ewin, md, firstlast, x, y, w, h, seqno);
        goto done;

    switch (md)
    case MR_TECHNICAL:
    case MR_TECH_OPAQUE:
    case MR_BOX:
        _ShapeDrawNontranslucent(ewin, md, firstlast, x, y, w, h);
        /* Fall back to opaque mode */
        Conf.movres.mode_move = MR_OPAQUE;

    psd->xo = x;
    psd->yo = y;
    psd->wo = w;
    psd->ho = h;

    if (firstlast == 0 || firstlast == 2 || firstlast == 4)
        ewin->req_x = ewin->shape_x;
        ewin->req_y = ewin->shape_y;
        if (firstlast == 2)
            ewin->shape_data = NULL;
コード例 #4
ファイル: coords.c プロジェクト: amitesh-singh/Enlightenment
static void
_CoordsShow(EWin * ewin, int mode)
   TextClass          *tc;
   ImageClass         *ic;
   char                s[256];
   int                 md;
   int                 x, y;
   unsigned int        w, h;
   int                 cx, cy, cw, ch;
   EObj               *eo = coord_eo;
   EImageBorder       *pad;
   int                 bl, br, bt, bb;

   if (!Conf.movres.mode_info)
   if (!ewin || !ewin->state.show_coords)

   tc = TextclassFind("COORDS", 1);
   ic = ImageclassFind("COORDS", 1);
   if ((!ic) || (!tc))

   cx = cy = cw = ch = 0;

   x = ewin->shape_x;
   y = ewin->shape_y;
   w = (ewin->state.shaded) ? ewin->client.w : ewin->shape_w;
   h = (ewin->state.shaded) ? ewin->client.h : ewin->shape_h;
   ICCCM_GetIncrementalSize(ewin, w, h, &w, &h);

   switch (mode)
     case 0:
	Esnprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%i x %i (%i, %i)", w, h, x, y);
     case 1:
	Esnprintf(s, sizeof(s), _("Focused/unfocused opacity: %d/%d %%"),
   TextSize(tc, 0, 0, 0, s, &cw, &ch, 17);
   pad = ImageclassGetPadding(ic);
   cw += pad->left + pad->right;
   ch += pad->top + pad->bottom;

   /* Width hysteresis (hack - assuming horizontal text) */
   cw += 8;
   if (eo && abs(EobjGetW(eo) - cw) < 8)
      cw = EobjGetW(eo);

   if (Mode.mode == MODE_MOVE)
      md = Conf.movres.mode_move;
      md = Conf.movres.mode_resize;

   if ((md == 0) || ((cw < ewin->shape_w - 2) && (ch < ewin->shape_h - 2)))
	if (Conf.movres.mode_info == 1)
	     switch (md)
	       case 0:
	       case 1:
	       case 2:
		  EwinBorderGetSize(ewin, &bl, &br, &bt, &bb);
		  w = (ewin->state.shaded) ?
		     EoGetW(ewin) : ewin->shape_w + bl + br;
		  h = (ewin->state.shaded) ?
		     EoGetH(ewin) : ewin->shape_h + bt + bb;
		  cx = x + (w - cw) / 2 + EoGetX(EoGetDesk(ewin));
		  cy = y + (h - ch) / 2 + EoGetY(EoGetDesk(ewin));

   if (!eo)
	eo = EobjWindowCreate(EOBJ_TYPE_MISC, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, "Coord");
	if (!eo)
	coord_eo = eo;
	eo->fade = eo->shadow = 1;

	/* Center text (override theme) */
	TextclassSetJustification(tc, 512);

   cx -= x;
   cy -= y;
   md = cw != EobjGetW(eo) || ch != EobjGetH(eo);	/* md is change size flag */
   EobjMoveResize(eo, cx, cy, cw, ch);

   if (!eo->shown)
	EobjReparent(eo, EoObj(ewin), cx, cy);
	EobjMap(eo, 0);

   ITApply(EobjGetWin(eo), ic, NULL, STATE_NORMAL, 1, 0, ST_SOLID, tc, NULL, s,

   if (md)			/* Assuming that shape change only happens when size changes too */
      EobjShapeUpdate(eo, 0);

コード例 #5
ファイル: iconify.c プロジェクト: Limsik/e17
static void
IB_Animate_A(char iconify, EWin * ewin, EWin * ibox)
   EWin               *fr, *to;
   unsigned int        t0;
   double              a, aa, spd;
   int                 x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, w, h;
   int                 fx, fy, fw, fh, tx, ty, tw, th;
   Window              root = WinGetXwin(VROOT);
   GC                  gc;
   XGCValues           gcv;

   /* Window: Extents, Iconbox: Center */
   if (iconify)
	fr = ewin;
	to = ibox;
	fw = EoGetW(fr) + 4;
	fh = EoGetH(fr) + 4;
	fx = EoGetX(fr) - 2;
	fy = EoGetY(fr) - 2;
	tw = 4;
	th = 4;
	tx = EoGetX(to) + EoGetW(to) / 2 - 2;
	ty = EoGetY(to) + EoGetH(to) / 2 - 2;
	fr = ibox;
	to = ewin;
	fw = 4;
	fh = 4;
	fx = EoGetX(fr) + EoGetW(fr) / 2 - 2;
	fy = EoGetY(fr) + EoGetH(fr) / 2 - 2;
	tw = EoGetW(to) + 4;
	th = EoGetH(to) + 4;
	tx = EoGetX(to) + 2;
	ty = EoGetY(to) + 2;
   fx += EoGetX(EoGetDesk(fr));
   fy += EoGetY(EoGetDesk(fr));
   tx += EoGetX(EoGetDesk(to));
   ty += EoGetY(EoGetDesk(to));

   gcv.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors;
   gcv.function = GXxor;
   gcv.line_width = 2;
   gcv.foreground = Dpy.pixel_white;
   if (gcv.foreground == 0)
      gcv.foreground = Dpy.pixel_black;
   gc = EXCreateGC(root,
		   GCFunction | GCForeground | GCSubwindowMode | GCLineWidth,

   spd = (1. * IB_ANIM_STEP) / IB_ANIM_TIME;

   t0 = GetTimeMs();
   for (a = 0.0; a < 1.0; a += spd)
	aa = 1.0 - a;

	x = (int)((fx * aa) + (tx * a));
	y = (int)((fy * aa) + (ty * a));
	w = (int)((fw * aa) + (tw * a));
	h = (int)((fh * aa) + (th * a));

	x = (2 * x + w) / 2;	/* x middle */
	y = (2 * y + h) / 2;	/* y middle */
	w /= 2;			/* width/2 */
	h /= 2;			/* height/2 */

	x1 = (int)(x + w * (1 - .5 * sin(3.14159 + a * 6.2831853072)));
	y1 = (int)(y + h * cos(a * 6.2831853072));
	x2 = (int)(x + w * (1 - .5 * sin(a * 6.2831853072)));
	y2 = (int)(y - h * cos(a * 6.2831853072));
	x3 = (int)(x - w * (1 - .5 * sin(3.14159 + a * 6.2831853072)));
	y3 = (int)(y - h * cos(a * 6.2831853072));
	x4 = (int)(x - w * (1 - .5 * sin(a * 6.2831853072)));
	y4 = (int)(y + h * cos(a * 6.2831853072));

	XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, x1, y1, x2, y2);
	XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, x2, y2, x3, y3);
	XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, x3, y3, x4, y4);
	XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, x4, y4, x1, y1);

	IB_Animate_Sleep(t0, a);

	XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, x1, y1, x2, y2);
	XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, x2, y2, x3, y3);
	XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, x3, y3, x4, y4);
	XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, x4, y4, x1, y1);

コード例 #6
ファイル: iconify.c プロジェクト: Limsik/e17
static void
IB_Animate_B(char iconify, EWin * ewin, EWin * ibox)
   EWin               *fr, *to;
   unsigned int        t0;
   double              a, spd;
   int                 x, y, w, h;
   int                 fx, fy, fw, fh, tx, ty, tw, th;
   Window              root = WinGetXwin(VROOT);
   GC                  gc;
   XGCValues           gcv;

   if (iconify)
	fr = ewin;
	to = ibox;
	fr = ibox;
	to = ewin;

   fx = EoGetX(fr) - 2;
   fy = EoGetY(fr) - 2;
   fw = EoGetW(fr) + 3;
   fh = EoGetH(fr) + 3;

   tx = EoGetX(to) - 2;
   ty = EoGetY(to) - 2;
   tw = EoGetW(to) + 3;
   th = EoGetH(to) + 3;

   fx += EoGetX(EoGetDesk(fr));
   fy += EoGetY(EoGetDesk(fr));
   tx += EoGetX(EoGetDesk(to));
   ty += EoGetY(EoGetDesk(to));

   gcv.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors;
   gcv.function = GXxor;
   gcv.fill_style = FillOpaqueStippled;
   gcv.foreground = Dpy.pixel_white;
   if (gcv.foreground == 0)
      gcv.foreground = Dpy.pixel_black;
   gc = EXCreateGC(root,
		   GCFunction | GCForeground | GCSubwindowMode | GCFillStyle,

   XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, fx, fy, tx, ty);
   XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, fx + fw, fy, tx + tw, ty);
   XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, fx, fy + fh, tx, ty + th);
   XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, fx + fw, fy + fh, tx + tw, ty + th);
   XDrawRectangle(disp, root, gc, tx, ty, tw, th);
   XDrawRectangle(disp, root, gc, fx, fy, fw, fh);

   spd = (1. * IB_ANIM_STEP) / IB_ANIM_TIME;

   t0 = GetTimeMs();
   for (a = 0.0; a < 1.0; a += spd)
	x = (int)(fx + a * (tx - fx));
	w = (int)(fw + a * (tw - fw));
	y = (int)(fy + a * (ty - fy));
	h = (int)(fh + a * (th - fh));
	XDrawRectangle(disp, root, gc, x, y, w, h);

	IB_Animate_Sleep(t0, a);

	XDrawRectangle(disp, root, gc, x, y, w, h);

   XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, fx, fy, tx, ty);
   XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, fx + fw, fy, tx + tw, ty);
   XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, fx, fy + fh, tx, ty + th);
   XDrawLine(disp, root, gc, fx + fw, fy + fh, tx + tw, ty + th);
   XDrawRectangle(disp, root, gc, tx, ty, tw, th);
   XDrawRectangle(disp, root, gc, fx, fy, fw, fh);
