コード例 #1
ファイル: subset.cpp プロジェクト: maxendpoint/openafs_cvs
void Subsets_GetSubsetFromDialog (HWND hDlg, LPSUBSET sub)
   HWND hList = GetDlgItem (hDlg, IDC_SUBSET_LIST);

   if (sub->pszMonitored)
      FreeString (sub->pszMonitored);
      sub->pszMonitored = NULL;
   if (sub->pszUnmonitored)
      FreeString (sub->pszUnmonitored);
      sub->pszUnmonitored = NULL;

   // Is there only one server box checked?
   int iiMax = (int) SendMessage (hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);

   size_t cChecked = 0;
   int iiChecked;
   for (int ii = 0; ii < iiMax; ++ii)
      if (LB_GetCheck (hList, ii))
         iiChecked = ii;
         if ((++cChecked) > 1)
   if (cChecked == 1)  // Only one is checked--use pszMonitored.
      TCHAR szServer[ cchNAME ];
      SendMessage (hList, LB_GETTEXT, iiChecked, (LPARAM)szServer); 
      FormatMultiString (&sub->pszMonitored, TRUE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), szServer);
   else // Use pszUnmonitored.
      for (int ii = 0; ii < iiMax; ++ii)
         if (!LB_GetCheck (hList, ii))
            TCHAR szServer[ cchNAME ];
            SendMessage (hList, LB_GETTEXT, ii, (LPARAM)szServer); 
            FormatMultiString (&sub->pszUnmonitored, TRUE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), szServer);
コード例 #2
ファイル: subset.cpp プロジェクト: maxendpoint/openafs_cvs
LPSUBSET Subsets_LoadSubset (LPTSTR pszCell, LPTSTR pszSubset)

   HKEY hk;
   if ((hk = OpenSubsetsSubKey (pszCell, pszSubset, FALSE)) != NULL)
      DWORD dwMonitored;
      DWORD dwSize;
      DWORD dwType;
      dwSize = sizeof(dwMonitored);
      if (RegQueryValueEx (hk, REGVAL_INCLUSIVE, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwMonitored, &dwSize) == 0)
         sub = New (SUBSET);
         memset (sub, 0x00, sizeof(SUBSET));
         lstrcpy (sub->szSubset, pszSubset);
         sub->fModified = FALSE;

         LPTSTR *ppsz;
         ppsz = (dwMonitored) ? &sub->pszMonitored : &sub->pszUnmonitored;

         for (size_t iIndex = 0; ; ++iIndex)
            TCHAR szServer[ cchNAME ];
            dwSize = sizeof(szServer);

            if (RegEnumValue (hk, (DWORD)iIndex, szServer, &dwSize, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0)

            if (szServer[0] && lstrcmpi (szServer, REGVAL_INCLUSIVE))
               FormatMultiString (ppsz, FALSE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), szServer);

         if (dwMonitored && !sub->pszMonitored)
            sub->pszMonitored = AllocateString(2);
            sub->pszMonitored[0] = TEXT('\0');
            sub->pszMonitored[1] = TEXT('\0');

      RegCloseKey (hk);

   return sub;
コード例 #3
ファイル: grp_create.cpp プロジェクト: bagdxk/openafs
BOOL Group_Create_OnOK (HWND hDlg)

   // Start a background task to do all the work.
   memset (pTask, 0x00, sizeof(GROUP_CREATE_PARAMS));

   if (IsDlgButtonChecked (hDlg, IDC_NEWGROUP_ID_AUTO))
      pTask->idGroup = UID_AUTOSELECT;
   else // (IsDlgButtonChecked (hDlg, IDC_NEWGROUP_ID_MANUAL))
      pTask->idGroup = SP_GetPos (GetDlgItem (hDlg, IDC_NEWGROUP_ID));

   lstrcpy (pTask->Properties.szOwner, lpp->Advanced.szOwner);

   pTask->Properties.aaListStatus = lpp->Advanced.aaStatus;
   pTask->Properties.aaListGroupsOwned = lpp->Advanced.aaGroups;
   pTask->Properties.aaListMembers = lpp->Advanced.aaMembers;
   pTask->Properties.aaAddMember = lpp->Advanced.aaAdd;
   pTask->Properties.aaDeleteMember = lpp->Advanced.aaRemove;

   if (lpp->Advanced.pMembers)
      asc_AsidListCopy (&pTask->pMembers, &lpp->Advanced.pMembers);
      pTask->pMembers = NULL;

   if (lpp->Advanced.pGroupsOwner)
      asc_AsidListCopy (&pTask->pGroupsOwner, &lpp->Advanced.pGroupsOwner);
      pTask->pGroupsOwner = NULL;

   // Crack the specified list of user names into a multi-string
   TCHAR szSeparators[ cchRESOURCE ];
   GetString (szSeparators, IDS_SEPARATORS);
   lstrcat (szSeparators, TEXT(" \t"));

   LPTSTR pszNames = GetEditText (GetDlgItem (hDlg, IDC_NEWGROUP_NAME));
   LPCTSTR pszStart = pszNames;
   while (lstrchr (szSeparators, *pszStart))

   while (*pszStart)
      // Find the first non-name character
      LPCTSTR pszEnd = pszStart;
      while (*pszEnd && !lstrchr(szSeparators, *pszEnd))

      // Copy off this particular name
      TCHAR szName[ cchNAME ];
      lstrcpy (szName, pszStart);
      szName[ pszEnd - pszStart ] = TEXT('\0');

      if (szName[0])
         FormatMultiString  (&pTask->mszNames, FALSE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), szName);

      // Find the next valid-name character
      pszStart = pszEnd;
      while (lstrchr(szSeparators, *pszStart))
   FreeString (pszNames);

   // Do the real work of creating the user(s)
   StartTask (taskGROUP_CREATE, NULL, pTask);

   // Store these creation parameters as the new defaults
   memcpy (&gr.CreateGroup, &lpp->Advanced, sizeof(GROUPPROPINFO));
   return TRUE;
コード例 #4
ファイル: cmdline.cpp プロジェクト: maxendpoint/openafs_cvs
CMDLINEOP ParseCommandLine (LPTSTR pszCmdLine)
   size_t ii;
   for (ii = 0; ii < nSWITCHES; ++ii)
      aSWITCHES[ ii ].fPresent = FALSE;

   // Search through pszCmdLine for switches; each switch must be
   // preceeded by "/" or "-".
   while (pszCmdLine && *pszCmdLine)
      while (iswhite(*pszCmdLine))
      if (!*pszCmdLine)

      if ( (*pszCmdLine != '-') && (*pszCmdLine != '/') )
         CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_SYNTAX);
         return opCLOSEAPP;


      // Okay, we've found what is probably the start of a switch.
      // See if it matches anything.
      for (ii = 0; ii < nSWITCHES; ++ii)
         size_t cch = lstrlen(aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch);
         if (lstrncmpi (pszCmdLine, aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch, cch))

         // If the switch wants a value, it must be followed by ":"
         // or whitespace; if it doesn't, it must be followed by "/"
         // or whitespace.
         LPTSTR pszAfter = &pszCmdLine[ cch ];
         if (iswhite (*pszAfter) || (!*pszAfter) ||
             ((*pszAfter == TEXT(':')) && (aSWITCHES[ ii ].fGetsValue)) ||
             ((*pszAfter == TEXT('/')) && (!aSWITCHES[ ii ].fGetsValue)) )
            break; // found a switch!

      if (ii >= nSWITCHES)
         TCHAR szCopy[ cchRESOURCE ];
         lstrcpy (szCopy, pszCmdLine);
         LPTSTR pch;
         for (pch = szCopy;
              *pch && !iswhite(*pch) && !(*pch == TEXT('/')) && !(*pch == TEXT(':'));
         *pch = TEXT('\0');
         CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_UNRECOGNIZED, TEXT("%s"), szCopy);
         return opCLOSEAPP;
      if (aSWITCHES[ ii ].fPresent)
         CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_DUPLICATE, TEXT("%s"), aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch);
         return opCLOSEAPP;

      // Woo hoo!  Found what appears to be a valid switch.  Parse it now.
      aSWITCHES[ ii ].fPresent = TRUE;
      pszCmdLine += lstrlen( aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch );
      while (iswhite (*pszCmdLine))

      if (*pszCmdLine == TEXT(':'))
         if (!aSWITCHES[ ii ].fGetsValue)
            CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_UNEXPECTVALUE, TEXT("%s"), aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch);
            return opCLOSEAPP;
         for (++pszCmdLine; iswhite (*pszCmdLine); ++pszCmdLine)

      if (aSWITCHES[ ii ].fGetsValue)
         if ( (*pszCmdLine == TEXT('/')) || (*pszCmdLine == TEXT('\0')) )
            CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_MISSINGVAL, TEXT("%s"), aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch);
            return opCLOSEAPP;
         BOOL fQuoted = FALSE;
         LPTSTR pszTarget;
         for (pszTarget = aSWITCHES[ ii ].szValue;
              *pszCmdLine && !(*pszCmdLine == TEXT('/') && !fQuoted)
                          && !(iswhite(*pszCmdLine) && !fQuoted); )
            if (*pszCmdLine == TEXT('"'))
               if (fQuoted)
               fQuoted = TRUE;
            *pszTarget++ = *pszCmdLine++;
         *pszTarget++ = TEXT('\0');

   // Was the -CONFIRM switch given?  It works with any other switch
   // combination.
   if (aSWITCHES[ swCONFIRM ].fPresent)
      Action_ShowConfirmations (TRUE);

   // Now test the command-line for syntactical correctness.
   // First test: if the SUBSET switch is given, the CELL switch must
   // be given as well.
   if ( (aSWITCHES[ swSUBSET ].fPresent) &&
        (!aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent) )
      return opCLOSEAPP;

   // Similarly, if the SERVER switch is given, the CELL switch must
   // be given as well.
   if ( (aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].fPresent) &&
        (!aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent) )
      return opCLOSEAPP;

   // And if the USER or PASSWORD switch is given, the other is required.
   if ( (aSWITCHES[ swUSER ].fPresent && !aSWITCHES[ swPASSWORD ].fPresent) ||
        (aSWITCHES[ swPASSWORD ].fPresent && !aSWITCHES[ swUSER ].fPresent) )
      return opCLOSEAPP;

   // Implement the command-line switches.
   if (aSWITCHES[ swRESET ].fPresent)
      if (aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].fPresent)
         ErasePreferences (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue, aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].szValue);
      else if (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent)
         ErasePreferences (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue);
      else // neither cell nor server specified--kill just the general stuff

      return opCLOSEAPP;

   if (aSWITCHES[ swUSER ].fPresent)
      LPTSTR pszCell = (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent) ? (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue) : NULL;

      ULONG status;
      if (!AfsAppLib_SetCredentials (pszCell, aSWITCHES[ swUSER ].szValue, aSWITCHES[ swPASSWORD ].szValue, &status))
         ImmediateErrorDialog (status, IDS_SVR_ERROR_BAD_CREDENTIALS);
         return opCLOSEAPP;

   if (aSWITCHES[ swLOOKUP ].fPresent)
      return opLOOKUPERRORCODE;

   if (aSWITCHES[ swUSEEXISTING ].fPresent)
       ULONG ulStatus;
       TCHAR szDefCell[ cchNAME ];
       if (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent)
	   lstrcpy(szDefCell,aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue);
       g.hCreds = AfsAppLib_GetCredentials(szDefCell,&ulStatus);
       if (g.hCreds != NULL)

	   lpocp->fCloseAppOnFail = TRUE;
	   lpocp->hCreds = g.hCreds;
	   lpocp->sub = NULL;
	   return opNOCELLDIALOG;
	 return opCLOSEAPP;

   if (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent)
      memset (lpp, 0x00, sizeof(OPENCELL_PACKET));

      lstrcpy (lpp->szCell, aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue);
      lpp->fCloseAppOnFail = TRUE;

      if (aSWITCHES[ swSUBSET ].fPresent)
         lpp->sub = Subsets_LoadSubset (lpp->szCell, aSWITCHES[ swSUBSET ].szValue);
         if (lpp->sub == NULL)
            Delete (lpp);
            lpp = NULL;

            CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_INVALIDSUBSET, TEXT("%s%s"), aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue, aSWITCHES[ swSUBSET ].szValue);
            return opCLOSEAPP;
      else if (aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].fPresent)
         lpp->sub = New (SUBSET);
         memset (lpp->sub, 0x0, sizeof(SUBSET));
         FormatMultiString (&lpp->sub->pszMonitored, TRUE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].szValue);

      StartTask (taskOPENCELL, NULL, lpp);
      return opNOCELLDIALOG;

   // Okay--nothing sufficiently special took place to prevent us
   // from running the tool normally.
   return opNORMAL;
コード例 #5
ファイル: c_usr.cpp プロジェクト: chanke/openafs-osd
BOOL USER::RefreshStatus (BOOL fNotify, ULONG *pStatus)
   BOOL rc = TRUE;
   DWORD status = 0;
   DWORD kasStatus = 0;
   DWORD ptsStatus = 0;

   if (m_fStatusOutOfDate)
      m_fStatusOutOfDate = FALSE;

      if (fNotify)
         NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshStatusBegin, GetIdentifier());

      memset (&m_us, 0x00, sizeof(m_us));

      FreeString (m_mszOwnerOf);
      m_mszOwnerOf = NULL;

      FreeString (m_mszMemberOf);
      m_mszMemberOf = NULL;

      TCHAR szFullName[ cchNAME ];
      AfsClass_GenFullUserName (szFullName, m_szPrincipal, m_szInstance);

      LPCELL lpCell;
      if ((lpCell = OpenCell (&status)) == NULL)
         rc = FALSE;
         PVOID hCell;
         if ((hCell = lpCell->GetCellObject (&status)) == NULL)
            rc = FALSE;
            // Try to get KAS information.
            WORKERPACKET wpGetKas;
            wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.hCell = hCell;
            wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.hServer = lpCell->GetKasObject (&kasStatus);
            wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.pszPrincipal = m_szPrincipal;
            wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.pszInstance = m_szInstance;

            if (Worker_DoTask (wtaskKasPrincipalGet, &wpGetKas, &kasStatus))
               m_us.fHaveKasInfo = TRUE;

               TCHAR szLastModPrincipal[ cchNAME ];
               TCHAR szLastModInstance[ cchNAME ];
               CopyAnsiToString (szLastModPrincipal, wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.lastModPrincipal.principal);
               CopyAnsiToString (szLastModInstance, wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.lastModPrincipal.instance);

               m_us.KASINFO.fIsAdmin = (wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.adminSetting == KAS_ADMIN) ? TRUE : FALSE;
               m_us.KASINFO.fCanGetTickets = (wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.tgsSetting == TGS) ? TRUE : FALSE;
               m_us.KASINFO.fEncrypt = (wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.encSetting == ENCRYPT) ? TRUE : FALSE;
               m_us.KASINFO.fCanChangePassword = (wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.cpwSetting == CHANGE_PASSWORD) ? TRUE : FALSE;
               m_us.KASINFO.fCanReusePasswords = (wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.rpwSetting == REUSE_PASSWORD) ? TRUE : FALSE;
               AfsClass_UnixTimeToSystemTime (&m_us.KASINFO.timeExpires, wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.userExpiration);
               AfsClass_UnixTimeToSystemTime (&m_us.KASINFO.timeLastPwChange, wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.lastChangePasswordTime);
               AfsClass_UnixTimeToSystemTime (&m_us.KASINFO.timeLastMod, wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.lastModTime);
               m_us.KASINFO.lpiLastMod = IDENT::FindUser (m_lpiCell, szLastModPrincipal, szLastModInstance);
               m_us.KASINFO.csecTicketLifetime = wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.maxTicketLifetime;
               m_us.KASINFO.keyVersion = wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.keyVersion;
               memcpy (&m_us.KASINFO.key.key, &wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.key.key, ENCRYPTIONKEY_LEN);
               m_us.KASINFO.dwKeyChecksum = wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.keyCheckSum;
               m_us.KASINFO.cdayPwExpire = wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.daysToPasswordExpire;
               m_us.KASINFO.cFailLogin = wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.failLoginCount;
               m_us.KASINFO.csecFailLoginLock = wpGetKas.wpKasPrincipalGet.Data.lockTime;

            // Try to get PTS information.
            WORKERPACKET wpGetPts;
            wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.hCell = hCell;
            wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.pszUser = szFullName;
            if (Worker_DoTask (wtaskPtsUserGet, &wpGetPts, &ptsStatus))
               m_us.fHavePtsInfo = TRUE;

               m_us.PTSINFO.cgroupCreationQuota = wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.groupCreationQuota;
               m_us.PTSINFO.cgroupMember = wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.groupMembershipCount;
               m_us.PTSINFO.uidName = wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.nameUid;
               m_us.PTSINFO.uidOwner = wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.ownerUid;
               m_us.PTSINFO.uidCreator = wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.creatorUid;

               CopyAnsiToString (m_us.PTSINFO.szOwner, wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.owner);
               CopyAnsiToString (m_us.PTSINFO.szCreator, wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.creator);

               m_us.PTSINFO.aaListStatus = USERACCESS_TO_ACCOUNTACCESS (wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.listStatus);
               m_us.PTSINFO.aaGroupsOwned = USERACCESS_TO_ACCOUNTACCESS (wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.listGroupsOwned);
               m_us.PTSINFO.aaMembership = USERACCESS_TO_ACCOUNTACCESS (wpGetPts.wpPtsUserGet.Entry.listMembership);

            // Grab the list of groups to which this user belongs
            WORKERPACKET wpBegin;
            wpBegin.wpPtsUserMemberListBegin.hCell = hCell;
            wpBegin.wpPtsUserMemberListBegin.pszUser = szFullName;
            if (Worker_DoTask (wtaskPtsUserMemberListBegin, &wpBegin, &status))
               for (;;)
                  TCHAR szGroup[ cchNAME ];

                  WORKERPACKET wpNext;
                  wpNext.wpPtsUserMemberListNext.hEnum = wpBegin.wpPtsUserMemberListBegin.hEnum;
                  wpNext.wpPtsUserMemberListNext.pszGroup = szGroup;
                  if (!Worker_DoTask (wtaskPtsUserMemberListNext, &wpNext))

                  FormatMultiString (&m_mszMemberOf, FALSE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), szGroup);

               WORKERPACKET wpDone;
               wpDone.wpPtsUserMemberListDone.hEnum = wpBegin.wpPtsUserMemberListBegin.hEnum;
               Worker_DoTask (wtaskPtsUserMemberListDone, &wpDone);

            // Grab the list of groups which this user owns
            wpBegin.wpPtsOwnedGroupListBegin.hCell = hCell;
            wpBegin.wpPtsOwnedGroupListBegin.pszOwner = szFullName;
            if (Worker_DoTask (wtaskPtsOwnedGroupListBegin, &wpBegin, &status))
               for (;;)
                  TCHAR szGroup[ cchNAME ];

                  WORKERPACKET wpNext;
                  wpNext.wpPtsOwnedGroupListNext.hEnum = wpBegin.wpPtsOwnedGroupListBegin.hEnum;
                  wpNext.wpPtsOwnedGroupListNext.pszGroup = szGroup;
                  if (!Worker_DoTask (wtaskPtsOwnedGroupListNext, &wpNext))

                  FormatMultiString (&m_mszOwnerOf, FALSE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), szGroup);

               WORKERPACKET wpDone;
               wpDone.wpPtsOwnedGroupListDone.hEnum = wpBegin.wpPtsOwnedGroupListBegin.hEnum;
               Worker_DoTask (wtaskPtsOwnedGroupListDone, &wpDone);


      if (fNotify)
         NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshStatusEnd, GetIdentifier(), ((rc) ? 0 : status));

   if (rc && (!m_us.fHaveKasInfo) && (!status) && kasStatus)
      status = kasStatus;
      rc = FALSE;
   if (rc && (!m_us.fHavePtsInfo) && (!status) && ptsStatus)
      status = ptsStatus;
      // not fatal; rc remains TRUE
   if (pStatus && !rc)
      *pStatus = status;
   return TRUE;
コード例 #6
ファイル: subset.cpp プロジェクト: maxendpoint/openafs_cvs
LPSUBSET Subsets_SetMonitor (LPSUBSET sub, LPIDENT lpiServer, BOOL fMonitor)
   if (sub == NULL)
      sub = New (SUBSET);
      memset (sub, 0x00, sizeof(SUBSET));

   if (fMonitor != Subsets_fMonitorServer (sub, lpiServer))
      sub->fModified = TRUE;

      TCHAR szLong[ cchNAME ];
      TCHAR szShort[ cchNAME ];
      lpiServer->GetShortServerName (szShort);
      lpiServer->GetLongServerName (szLong);

      // First ensure that the server name doesn't appear anywhere
      // in the subset.
      LPTSTR pszMonitoredNew = NULL;
      LPTSTR pszUnmonitoredNew = NULL;

      if (sub->pszMonitored)
         for (LPTSTR psz = sub->pszMonitored; *psz; psz += 1+lstrlen(psz))
            if (lstrcmpi (psz, szLong) && lstrcmpi (psz, szShort))
               FormatMultiString (&pszMonitoredNew, TRUE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), psz);
      else if (sub->pszUnmonitored)
         for (LPTSTR psz = sub->pszUnmonitored; *psz; psz += 1+lstrlen(psz))
            if (lstrcmpi (psz, szLong) && lstrcmpi (psz, szShort))
               FormatMultiString (&pszUnmonitoredNew, TRUE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), psz);

      // Then ensure it shows up only where necessary.
      if (sub->pszMonitored && fMonitor)
         FormatMultiString (&pszMonitoredNew, TRUE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), szLong);
      else if (!sub->pszMonitored && !fMonitor)
         FormatMultiString (&pszUnmonitoredNew, TRUE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), szLong);

      if (sub->pszMonitored && !pszMonitoredNew)
         pszMonitoredNew = AllocateString (2);
         pszMonitoredNew[0] = TEXT('\0');
         pszMonitoredNew[1] = TEXT('\0');
      if (sub->pszUnmonitored && !pszUnmonitoredNew)
         pszUnmonitoredNew = AllocateString (2);
         pszUnmonitoredNew[0] = TEXT('\0');
         pszUnmonitoredNew[1] = TEXT('\0');

      // Finally, update the subset's members.
      if (sub->pszMonitored)
         FreeString (sub->pszMonitored);
      if (sub->pszUnmonitored)
         FreeString (sub->pszUnmonitored);

      sub->pszMonitored = pszMonitoredNew;
      sub->pszUnmonitored = pszUnmonitoredNew;

   return sub;