コード例 #1
 * Function Distance
 * Calculates the distance between a point and polygon (with holes):
 * param aPoint is the coordinate of the point.
 * return distance between the point and outline.
 *               0 if the point is inside
int CPolyLine::Distance( const wxPoint& aPoint )
    // We calculate the dist between the point and each outline segment
    // If the point is inside the outline, the dist is 0.
    if( TestPointInside( aPoint.x, aPoint.y ) )
        return 0;

    int distance    = INT_MAX;
    int polycount   = GetContoursCount();

    for( int icont = 0; icont < polycount; icont++ )
        int ic_start    = GetContourStart( icont );
        int ic_end      = GetContourEnd( icont );

        // now test spacing between area outline and segment
        for( int ic2 = ic_start; ic2 <= ic_end; ic2++ )
            int bx1 = GetX( ic2 );
            int by1 = GetY( ic2 );
            int bx2, by2;

            if( ic2 == ic_end )
                bx2 = GetX( ic_start );
                by2 = GetY( ic_start );
                bx2 = GetX( ic2 + 1 );
                by2 = GetY( ic2 + 1 );

            int d = KiROUND( GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( aPoint.x, aPoint.y,
                                                            bx1, by1, bx2, by2 ) );

            if( distance > d )
                distance = d;

            if( distance <= 0 )
                return 0;

    return distance;
コード例 #2
bool ZONE_CONTAINER::HitTestForEdge( const wxPoint& refPos )
    unsigned lim = m_Poly->m_CornersList.GetCornersCount();

    m_CornerSelection = -1;     // Set to not found

    // distance (in internal units) to detect a zone outline
    int min_dist = MIN_DIST_IN_MILS*IU_PER_MILS;

    unsigned first_corner_pos = 0;

    for( unsigned item_pos = 0; item_pos < lim; item_pos++ )
        unsigned end_segm = item_pos + 1;

        /* the last corner of the current outline is tested
         * the last segment of the current outline starts at current corner, and ends
         * at the first corner of the outline
        if( m_Poly->m_CornersList.IsEndContour ( item_pos ) || end_segm >= lim )
            unsigned tmp = first_corner_pos;
            first_corner_pos = end_segm;    // first_corner_pos is now the beginning of the next outline
            end_segm = tmp;                 // end_segm is the beginning of the current outline

        // test the dist between segment and ref point
        int dist = KiROUND( GetPointToLineSegmentDistance(
                    refPos.x, refPos.y,
                    m_Poly->m_CornersList.GetX( item_pos ),
                    m_Poly->m_CornersList.GetY( item_pos ),
                    m_Poly->m_CornersList.GetX( end_segm ),
                    m_Poly->m_CornersList.GetY( end_segm ) ) );

        if( dist < min_dist )
            m_CornerSelection = item_pos;
            min_dist = dist;

    return m_CornerSelection >= 0;
コード例 #3
/* test is the point aPos is near (< aDistMax ) a vertex
 * return int = the index of the first corner of the vertex, or -1 if not found.
int CPolyLine::HitTestForEdge( const wxPoint& aPos, int aDistMax ) const
    unsigned lim = m_CornersList.GetCornersCount();
    int corner = -1;     // Set to not found
    unsigned first_corner_pos = 0;

    for( unsigned item_pos = 0; item_pos < lim; item_pos++ )
        unsigned end_segm = item_pos + 1;

        /* the last corner of the current outline is tested
         * the last segment of the current outline starts at current corner, and ends
         * at the first corner of the outline
        if( m_CornersList.IsEndContour ( item_pos ) || end_segm >= lim )
            unsigned tmp = first_corner_pos;
            first_corner_pos = end_segm;    // first_corner_pos is now the beginning of the next outline
            end_segm = tmp;                 // end_segm is the beginning of the current outline

        // test the dist between segment and ref point
        int dist = KiROUND( GetPointToLineSegmentDistance(
                    aPos.x, aPos.y,
                    m_CornersList.GetX( item_pos ),
                    m_CornersList.GetY( item_pos ),
                    m_CornersList.GetX( end_segm ),
                    m_CornersList.GetY( end_segm ) ) );

        if( dist < aDistMax )
            corner = item_pos;
            aDistMax = dist;

    return corner;
コード例 #4
 * Function TestForIntersectionOfStraightLineSegments
 * Test for intersection of line segments
 * If lines are parallel, returns false
 * If true, returns also intersection coords in x, y
 * if false, returns min. distance in dist (may be 0.0 if parallel)
bool TestForIntersectionOfStraightLineSegments( int x1i, int y1i, int x1f, int y1f,
                                                int x2i, int y2i, int x2f, int y2f,
                                                int* x, int* y, double* d )
    double a, b, dist;

    // first, test for intersection
    if( x1i == x1f && x2i == x2f )
        // both segments are vertical, can't intersect
    else if( y1i == y1f && y2i == y2f )
        // both segments are horizontal, can't intersect
    else if( x1i == x1f && y2i == y2f )
        // first seg. vertical, second horizontal, see if they cross
        if( InRange( x1i, x2i, x2f )
            && InRange( y2i, y1i, y1f ) )
            if( x )
                *x = x1i;

            if( y )
                *y = y2i;

            if( d )
                *d = 0.0;

            return true;
    else if( y1i == y1f && x2i == x2f )
        // first seg. horizontal, second vertical, see if they cross
        if( InRange( y1i, y2i, y2f )
            && InRange( x2i, x1i, x1f ) )
            if( x )
                *x = x2i;

            if( y )
                *y = y1i;

            if( d )
                *d = 0.0;

            return true;
    else if( x1i == x1f )
        // first segment vertical, second oblique
        // get a and b for second line segment, so that y = a + bx;
        b   = double( y2f - y2i ) / (x2f - x2i);
        a   = (double) y2i - b * x2i;

        double  x1, y1, x2, y2;
        int     test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f,
                                                    &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );

        if( test )
            if( InRange( y1, y1i, y1f ) && InRange( x1, x2i, x2f ) && InRange( y1, y2i, y2f ) )
                if( x )
                    *x = KiROUND( x1 );

                if( y )
                    *y = KiROUND( y1 );

                if( d )
                    *d = 0.0;

                return true;
    else if( y1i == y1f )
        // first segment horizontal, second oblique
        // get a and b for second line segment, so that y = a + bx;
        b   = double( y2f - y2i ) / (x2f - x2i);
        a   = (double) y2i - b * x2i;

        double  x1, y1, x2, y2;
        int     test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f,
                                                    &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );

        if( test )
            if( InRange( x1, x1i, x1f ) && InRange( x1, x2i, x2f ) && InRange( y1, y2i, y2f ) )
                if( x )
                    *x = KiROUND( x1 );

                if( y )
                    *y = KiROUND( y1 );

                if( d )
                    *d = 0.0;

                return true;
    else if( x2i == x2f )
        // second segment vertical, first oblique
        // get a and b for first line segment, so that y = a + bx;
        b   = double( y1f - y1i ) / (x1f - x1i);
        a   = (double) y1i - b * x1i;

        double  x1, y1, x2, y2;
        int     test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f,
                                                    &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );

        if( test )
            if( InRange( x1, x1i, x1f ) &&  InRange( y1, y1i, y1f ) && InRange( y1, y2i, y2f ) )
                if( x )
                    *x = KiROUND( x1 );

                if( y )
                    *y = KiROUND( y1 );

                if( d )
                    *d = 0.0;

                return true;
    else if( y2i == y2f )
        // second segment horizontal, first oblique
        // get a and b for second line segment, so that y = a + bx;
        b   = double( y1f - y1i ) / (x1f - x1i);
        a   = (double) y1i - b * x1i;

        double  x1, y1, x2, y2;
        int     test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f,
                                                    &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );

        if( test )
            if( InRange( x1, x1i, x1f ) && InRange( y1, y1i, y1f ) )
                if( x )
                    *x = KiROUND( x1 );

                if( y )
                    *y = KiROUND( y1 );

                if( d )
                    *d = 0.0;

                return true;
        // both segments oblique
        if( long( y1f - y1i ) * (x2f - x2i) != long( y2f - y2i ) * (x1f - x1i) )
            // not parallel, get a and b for first line segment, so that y = a + bx;
            b   = double( y1f - y1i ) / (x1f - x1i);
            a   = (double) y1i - b * x1i;

            double  x1, y1, x2, y2;
            int     test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f,
                                                        &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );

            // both segments oblique
            if( test )
                if( InRange( x1, x1i, x1f ) && InRange( y1, y1i, y1f ) )
                    if( x )
                        *x = KiROUND( x1 );

                    if( y )
                        *y = KiROUND( y1 );

                    if( d )
                        *d = 0.0;

                    return true;

    // don't intersect, get shortest distance between each endpoint and the other line segment
    dist = GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( x1i, y1i, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f );

    double  xx  = x1i;
    double  yy  = y1i;
    double  dd  = GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( x1f, y1f, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f );

    if( dd < dist )
        dist    = dd;
        xx      = x1f;
        yy      = y1f;

    dd = GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( x2i, y2i, x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f );

    if( dd < dist )
        dist    = dd;
        xx      = x2i;
        yy      = y2i;

    dd = GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( x2f, y2f, x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f );

    if( dd < dist )
        dist    = dd;
        xx      = x2f;
        yy      = y2f;

    if( x )
        *x = KiROUND( xx );

    if( y )
        *y = KiROUND( yy );

    if( d )
        *d = dist;

    return false;