コード例 #1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int myints[] = {10, 20, 30, 5, 15};
  Vector *v = NewVector(int, 5);
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    Vector_Push(v, myints[i]);

  Make_Heap(v, 0, v->top, cmp);

  int n;
  Vector_Get(v, 0, &n);
  assert(30 == n);

  Heap_Pop(v, 0, v->top, cmp);
  v->top = 4;
  Vector_Get(v, 0, &n);
  assert(20 == n);

  Vector_Push(v, 99);
  Heap_Push(v, 0, v->top, cmp);
  Vector_Get(v, 0, &n);
  assert(99 == n);

  return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: navrep.cpp プロジェクト: newerthcom/savagerebirth
navpath_t* NavRep_PathCreate_Internal(navmesh_t* navmesh, const vec2_t src, navpoly_t* pathpoly_src, const vec2_t dest, navpoly_t* pathpoly_dest)
	int ms = System_Milliseconds();

	// increment the frame code (frame code is used in place of open/closed list)

	int frame = ++navmesh->frame_cnxn;

	if ( pathpoly_src == pathpoly_dest )
		// if we're in the same pathpoly, just go there

		navpathwaypt_t* waypoint;

		path_last = (navpath_t*)ALLOCATE(navpath_t);
		path_last->waypoints.first = NULL;
		path_last->waypoints.last = NULL;
		M_CopyVec2(dest, path_last->pos);
		M_CopyVec2(dest, path_last->src);
		M_CopyVec2(src, path_last->dest);

		waypoint = NavPathWaypt_Create(src);
		waypoint->bridge = pathpoly_src->bridge2 ? pathpoly_src : NULL;
		List_PushFront(&path_last->waypoints, waypoint);

		path_last->waypoint = path_last->waypoints.first;
//		List_PushFront(&navpaths, path_last);

		return path_last;

	if ( !pathpoly_dest->bridge2 && NavMesh_Trace(navmesh, src, dest) )
		// if we can trace, just go there

		navpathwaypt_t* waypoint;

		path_last = (navpath_t*)ALLOCATE(navpath_t);
		path_last->waypoints.first = NULL;
		path_last->waypoints.last = NULL;
		M_CopyVec2(dest, path_last->pos);
		M_CopyVec2(dest, path_last->src);
		M_CopyVec2(src, path_last->dest);

		waypoint = NavPathWaypt_Create(src);
		List_PushFront(&path_last->waypoints, waypoint);

		path_last->waypoint = path_last->waypoints.first;

//		List_PushFront(&navpaths, path_last);

		return path_last;

		// create our heap

		heap_t heap;
		Heap_Init(&heap, 16384, Heap_Compare_PathPolyCnxn);

		// push all initial cnxns onto heap
			navpolyedge_t* edge = pathpoly_src->edges;
			while ( edge )
				navpolycnxn_t* cnxn = edge->cnxns.first;
				while ( cnxn )
					navpolygate_t* gate = cnxn->gates;
					while ( gate )
						// initialize costs

						gate->distance = path_sqrt(M_GetDistanceSqVec2(src, gate->position));
						gate->cost = gate->distance + path_sqrt(M_GetDistanceSqVec2(dest, gate->position));
						gate->from = NULL;
						gate->frame = frame;

						// add to heap

						Heap_Push(&heap, gate);

						gate = gate->next;
					cnxn = cnxn->next;

				edge = edge->next;

		while ( !Heap_IsEmpty(&heap) )
			// extract min cost gate

			navpolygate_t* gate = (navpolygate_t*)Heap_Pop(&heap);
			if ( gate->cnxn->into == pathpoly_dest ) 
				if ( fabs(gate->distance - gate->cost) < PATH_EPSILON )
					// found a path, finalize it

					path_last = NavRep_PathFinalize(navmesh, src, dest, gate);

					NAV_PRINTF("NavRep_PathCreate succeeded, took %d milliseconds\n", System_Milliseconds() - ms);

					// term the heap


//					List_PushFront(&navpaths, path_last);

					return path_last;
					gate->distance += path_sqrt(M_GetDistanceSqVec2(gate->position, dest));
					gate->cost = gate->distance;

					Heap_Update(&heap, gate);

			// relax all adjacent gates
				navpoly_t* pathpoly = gate->cnxn->into;
				navpolyedge_t* pathpoly_edge = pathpoly->edges;
				while ( pathpoly_edge )
					navpolycnxn_t* pathpoly_cnxn = pathpoly_edge->cnxns.first;
					while ( pathpoly_cnxn )
						navpolygate_t* pathpoly_gate = pathpoly_cnxn->gates;
						while ( pathpoly_gate )
							float distance = 1.0f + gate->distance + path_sqrt(M_GetDistanceSqVec2(pathpoly_gate->position, gate->position));
							float cost = distance + path_sqrt(M_GetDistanceSqVec2(pathpoly_gate->position, dest));

							if ( pathpoly_gate->frame != frame )
								pathpoly_gate->cost = cost;
								pathpoly_gate->distance = distance;
								pathpoly_gate->frame = frame;
								pathpoly_gate->from = gate;

								Heap_Push(&heap, pathpoly_gate);
							// $todo: why is it okay (faster + just as accurate) to compare distance here rather than cost????
							else if ( (pathpoly_gate->distance > distance) )
								pathpoly_gate->cost = cost;
								pathpoly_gate->distance = distance;
								pathpoly_gate->from = gate;

								Heap_Update(&heap, pathpoly_gate);

							pathpoly_gate = pathpoly_gate->next;

						pathpoly_cnxn = pathpoly_cnxn->next;

					pathpoly_edge = pathpoly_edge->next;

		NAV_PRINTF("NavRep_PathCreate failed, took %d milliseconds\n", System_Milliseconds() - ms);

		// term the heap


	return NULL;