コード例 #1
ファイル: icon.c プロジェクト: jmjeong/HolidayDBMaker.palm
static Int16 LoadIcon(Int16 start)
	FormPtr     frmP = FrmGetActiveForm();
	Int8	    i;
    Int16       num;
    Int16       iconButtonID = IconSelectIcon1Button;
    BitmapPtr   pbmp;
    MemHandle   h;
    Int16       x, y;
    RectangleType r;

    num = DmNumResources(IconDB);
    if (start > num) start = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < 9*8; i++) {
        UInt16 idx = FrmGetObjectIndex(frmP, iconButtonID + i);

        FrmGetObjectPosition(frmP, idx, &x, &y);
        FrmGetObjectBounds(frmP, idx, &r);

        r.topLeft.x = x;
        r.topLeft.y = y;

        WinEraseRectangle(&r, 0);

        if (i+start <num) {
            h = (MemPtr)GetIconByIndex(IconDB, i + start);
            pbmp = (h) ? MemHandleLock(h) : NULL;

            if (pbmp) {
                WinDrawBitmap(pbmp, x, y);
                ShowObject(frmP, iconButtonID + i);
            else {
                HideObject(frmP, iconButtonID + i);
        else {
            HideObject(frmP, iconButtonID + i);
    return num;
コード例 #2
ファイル: thumbnails.c プロジェクト: jemyzhang/DiddleBug
 * FUNCTION:    ThumbnailViewLoadGadgets
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine loads sketches into the thumbnail view form
 *              thumbnail gadgets.
 * PARAMETERS:  recordNum index of the first record to display.
 * RETURNED:    nothing
static void ThumbnailViewLoadGadgets(FormType* frm) {
  UInt16 row;
  MemHandle recordH;
  DynamicButtonType* btn;
  MemPtr ptr;
  UInt16 attr;
  UInt16 recordNum = d.top_visible_record;
  const UInt16 max = Min(recordsPerPage, d.records_in_cat - d.top_row_pos_in_cat);

  for (row = 0; row < max; row++) {
    /* Get the next record in the current category. */
    recordH = DmQueryNextInCategory (d.dbR, &recordNum, p.category);

    if(row == 0) {
      /* store the position of the first row so we can use */
      /* d.top_row_pos_in_cat + row when drawing           */
      d.top_row_pos_in_cat = recordH ? DmPositionInCategory(d.dbR, recordNum, p.category) : 0;

    btn = (DynamicButtonType*) FrmGetGadgetData(frm, FrmGetObjectIndex(frm, Thumb1 + row));

    /* Store record number */
    btn->value = recordNum;

    /* Clear old internal values */
    btn->selected = false;

    /* Read record attributes */
    DmRecordInfo(d.dbR, recordNum, &attr, NULL, NULL);

    if (attr & dmRecAttrSecret && d.privateRecordStatus == maskPrivateRecords) {
      DrawMaskedRecord(btn->content.bmpW, maskPattern);
    } else {
/*       WinHandle oldH = NULL; */
/*       Err err = 0; */
/*       BitmapType* bmp = BmpCreate(btn->contentRect.extent.x,  */
/*                btn->contentRect.extent.y, 1, NULL, &err); */
/*       if (err) abort(); */

      /* Uncompress thumbnail */
      ptr = MemHandleLock(recordH);
      //      MemMove(BmpGetBits(bmp), ptr + sketchDataOffset, sketchThumbnailSize);
      MemMove(BmpGetBits(WinGetBitmap(btn->content.bmpW)), ptr + sketchDataOffset, sketchThumbnailSize);

      /* Write thumbnail to content bitmap */
/*       WinPushDrawState(); */
/*       WinSetCoordinateSystem(kCoordinatesNative); */
/*       oldH = WinSetDrawWindow(btn->content.bmpW); */
/*       WinPaintBitmap(bmp, 0, 0); */
/*       WinSetDrawWindow(oldH); */
/*       WinPopDrawState(); */

      /* Clean up */
/*       BmpDelete(bmp); */


    /* Show the right gadgets... */
    ShowObject(frm, Thumb1 + row);

  /* ...store the index of the last visible thumbnail... */
  d.lastVisibleThumbnail = row - 1;

  /* ... and hide the rest */
  for (; row < recordsPerPage; row++)
    HideObject(frm, Thumb1 + row);

  /* Update the scroll arrows. */
  ThumbnailViewUpdateScrollers (frm);
コード例 #3
ファイル: repeat.c プロジェクト: jemyzhang/DiddleBug
 * FUNCTION:    RepeatChangeType
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine changes the ui gadgets in the repeat dialog
 *              such that they match the newly selected repeat type.  The
 *              routine is called when one of the repeat type push buttons
 *              are pushed.
 * PARAMETERS:  event - pointer to and event
 * RETURNED:    nothing
static void RepeatChangeType(EventType* event) {
  UInt16 id;
  FormType* frm = FrmGetFormPtr(RepeatForm);
  const RepeatType oldType = d.repeat_event_type;
  RepeatType newType;
  RepeatInfoType repeat;

  /* If the type if monthly default to monthly-by-date. */
  newType = (RepeatType) (event->data.ctlSelect.controlID - RepeatNone);
  if (newType > repeatWeekly) 

  if (oldType == newType)

  /* Initialize the UI gadgets. */
  if (newType == d.tmp_repeat.repeatType) {
    RepeatSetUIValues(frm, &d.tmp_repeat);

    ** If reselecting current repeat type, reset d.repeat_end_date global
    ** to current date so if user attemps to "choose" a new day, the
    ** default matches date displayed as opposed to last date picked
    ** last in choose form.
    d.repeat_end_date = d.tmp_repeat.repeatEndDate;
  } else {
    repeat.repeatType = newType;

    ** When switching to a repeat type different from the current
    ** setting, always start user with default end date and frequency
    ** settings.
    DateToInt(repeat.repeatEndDate) = defaultRepeatEndDate;
    DateToInt(d.repeat_end_date) = defaultRepeatEndDate;
    repeat.repeatFrequency = defaultRepeatFrequency;
    repeat.repeatStartOfWeek = PrefGetPreference(prefWeekStartDay);

    if (newType == repeatWeekly) {
      repeat.repeatOn = (1 << DayOfWeek(d.frm_date.month,
    } else if (newType == repeatMonthlyByDay) {
      repeat.repeatOn = DayOfMonth(d.frm_date.month,
				   d.frm_date.year/* + firstYear*/);
    } else {
      repeat.repeatOn = 0;

    RepeatSetUIValues (frm, &repeat);
  ** Hide the UI gadgets that are unique to the repeat type we are
  ** no longer editing.
  switch (oldType) {
  case repeatNone:
    HideObject(frm, RepeatNoRepeatLabel);

  case repeatHourly:
    HideObject(frm, RepeatHoursLabel);

  case repeatDaily:
    HideObject(frm, RepeatDaysLabel);

  case repeatWeekly:
    HideObject(frm, RepeatWeeksLabel);
    for (id = RepeatRepeatOnLabel; id <= RepeatDayOfWeek7PushButton; id++)
      HideObject (frm, id);

  case repeatMonthlyByDay:
  case repeatMonthlyByDate:
    HideObject(frm, RepeatMonthsLabel);
    for (id = RepeatByLabel; id <= RepeatByDatePushButton; id++)
      HideObject (frm, id);

  case repeatYearly:
    HideObject(frm, RepeatYearsLabel);

  /* Handle switching to or from "no" repeat. */
  if (oldType == repeatNone) {
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatEveryLabel);
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatFrequenceField);
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatEndOnLabel);
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatEndOnTrigger);
  } else if (newType == repeatNone) {
    HideObject(frm, RepeatEveryLabel);
    HideObject(frm, RepeatFrequenceField);
    HideObject(frm, RepeatEndOnLabel);
    HideObject(frm, RepeatEndOnTrigger);

  /* Show the UI object that are appropriate for the new repeat type. */
  switch (newType) {
  case repeatNone:
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatNoRepeatLabel);

  case repeatHourly:
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatHoursLabel);

  case repeatDaily:
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatDaysLabel);

  case repeatWeekly:
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatWeeksLabel);
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatRepeatOnLabel);
    for (id = RepeatRepeatOnLabel; id <= RepeatDayOfWeek7PushButton; id++)
      ShowObject(frm, id);

  case repeatMonthlyByDay:
  case repeatMonthlyByDate:
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatMonthsLabel);
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatByLabel);
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatByDayPushButton);
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatByDatePushButton);

  case repeatYearly:
    ShowObject(frm, RepeatYearsLabel);

  d.repeat_event_type = newType;

  /* Update the display of the repeat descrition. */