コード例 #1
/* Operation - The destination variable becomes a container variable holding a pointer to source alias
 * 1) Convert the src lvval to an alias variable if necessary (by manipulating the reference counts
 * 2) Save the address of the source lv_val in the destination var, setting the mval container flag.
 * 3) Whichever symval of source or destination is greatest, that is the earliest symval affected. We
 *    feed that to the MARK_ALIAS_ACTIVE macro to mark all intervening symvals as having alias
 *    activity and that covers both potential symvals so we don't have to call the macro twice.
void op_setalsin2alsct(lv_val *srclv, lv_val *dstlv)
	lv_val		*dst_lvbase;
	symval		*sym_srclv, *sym_dstlv;

	assert(LV_IS_BASE_VAR(srclv));	/* Verify base var */
	assert(!LV_IS_BASE_VAR(dstlv));	/* Verify subscripted var */
	dst_lvbase = LV_GET_BASE_VAR(dstlv);
	if (dollar_tlevel && (NULL != dst_lvbase->tp_var) && !dst_lvbase->tp_var->var_cloned)
		TP_VAR_CLONE(dst_lvbase);	/* clone the tree. */
	/* Decrement alias container refs (if any) and cleanup if necessary */
	DECR_AC_REF(dstlv, TRUE);
	/* Reset value of lv_val to now be a container ref to the supplied base var */
	memcpy(&dstlv->v, &literal_null, SIZEOF(mval));
	dstlv->v.mvtype |= MV_ALIASCONT;				/* Set the magic container flag */
	dstlv->v.str.addr = (char *)srclv;				/* And save our reference */
	assert(0 < srclv->stats.trefcnt);
	assert(0 <= srclv->stats.crefcnt);
	INCR_TREFCNT(srclv);						/* Total reference counts */
	INCR_CREFCNT(srclv);						/* .. and a contain reference at that.. */
	assert(srclv->stats.trefcnt >= srclv->stats.crefcnt);
	/* These symvals have had alias activity */
	sym_srclv = LV_GET_SYMVAL(srclv);
	sym_dstlv = LV_GET_SYMVAL(dst_lvbase);
	MARK_ALIAS_ACTIVE(MIN(sym_srclv->symvlvl, sym_dstlv->symvlvl));
	/* Last operation is to mark the base var for our container array that it now has a container in it.
	 * But first it must be found by going backwards through the levels.
コード例 #2
ファイル: unw_retarg.c プロジェクト: ChristyV/fis-gtm
/* This has to be maintained in parallel with op_unwind(), the unwind without a return argument (intrinsic quit) routine. */
int unw_retarg(mval *src, boolean_t alias_return)
	mval		ret_value, *trg;
	boolean_t	got_ret_target;
	stack_frame	*prevfp;
	lv_val		*srclv, *srclvc, *base_lv;
	symval		*symlv, *symlvc;
	int4		srcsymvlvl;

	assert((frame_pointer < frame_pointer->old_frame_pointer) || (NULL == frame_pointer->old_frame_pointer));
	assert(NULL == alias_retarg);
	alias_retarg = NULL;
	DBGEHND_ONLY(prevfp = frame_pointer);
	if (tp_pointer && tp_pointer->fp <= frame_pointer)
		rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_TPQUIT);
	assert(msp <= stackbase && msp > stacktop);
	assert(mv_chain <= (mv_stent *)stackbase && mv_chain > (mv_stent *)stacktop);
	assert(frame_pointer <= (stack_frame *)stackbase && frame_pointer > (stack_frame *)stacktop);
	got_ret_target = FALSE;
	/* Before we do any unwinding or even verify the existence of the return var, check to see if we are returning
	 * an alias (or container). We do this now because (1) alias returns don't need to be defined and (2) the returning
	 * item could go out of scope in the unwinds so we have to bump the returned item's reference counts NOW.
	if (!alias_return)
	{	/* Return of "regular" value - Verify it exists */
		ret_value = *src;
		ret_value.mvtype &= ~MV_ALIASCONT;	/* Make sure alias container of regular return does not propagate */
	} else
	{	/* QUIT *var or *var(indx..) syntax was used - see which one it was */
		assert(NULL != src);
		srclv = (lv_val *)src;		/* Since can never be an expression, this relationship is guaranteed */
		if (!LV_IS_BASE_VAR(srclv))
		{	/* Have a potential container var - verify */
			if (!(MV_ALIASCONT & srclv->v.mvtype))
			ret_value = *src;
			srclvc = (lv_val *)srclv->v.str.addr;
			assert(LV_IS_BASE_VAR(srclvc));	/* Verify base var */
			assert(srclvc->stats.trefcnt >= srclvc->stats.crefcnt);
			assert(1 <= srclvc->stats.crefcnt);				/* Verify is existing container ref */
			base_lv = LV_GET_BASE_VAR(srclv);
			symlv = LV_GET_SYMVAL(base_lv);
			symlvc = LV_GET_SYMVAL(srclvc);
			MARK_ALIAS_ACTIVE(MIN(symlv->symvlvl, symlvc->symvlvl));
			DBGRFCT((stderr, "unw_retarg: Returning alias container 0x"lvaddr" pointing to 0x"lvaddr" to caller\n",
				 src, srclvc));
		} else
		{	/* Creating a new alias - create a container to pass back */
			memcpy(&ret_value, &literal_null, SIZEOF(mval));
			ret_value.mvtype |= MV_ALIASCONT;
			ret_value.str.addr = (char *)srclv;
			srclvc = srclv;
			DBGRFCT((stderr, "unw_retarg: Returning alias 0x"lvaddr" to caller\n", srclvc));
		INCR_CREFCNT(srclvc);		/* This increment will be reversed if this container gets put into an alias */
		/* We have a slight chicken-and-egg problem now. The mv_stent unwind loop below may pop a symbol table thus
		 * destroying the lv_val in our container. To prevent this, we need to locate the parm block before the symval is
		 * unwound and set the return value and alias_retarg appropriately so the symtab unwind logic called by
		 * unw_mv_ent() can work any necessary relocation magic on the return var.
		trg = get_ret_targ(NULL);
		if (NULL != trg)
			*trg = ret_value;
			alias_retarg = trg;
			got_ret_target = TRUE;
		} /* else fall into below which will raise the NOTEXTRINSIC error */
	/* Note: we are unwinding uncounted (indirect) frames here to allow the QUIT command to have indirect arguments
	 * and thus be executed by commarg in an indirect frame. By unrolling the indirect frames here we get back to
	 * the point where we can find where to put the quit value.
	assert(frame_pointer && (frame_pointer->type & SFT_COUNT));
	while (mv_chain < (mv_stent *)frame_pointer)
		msp = (unsigned char *)mv_chain;
	if (0 <= frame_pointer->dollar_test)
		dollar_truth = (boolean_t)frame_pointer->dollar_test;
	/* Now that we have unwound the uncounted frames, we should be left with a counted frame that
	 * contains some ret_value, NULL or not. If the value is non-NULL, let us restore the $TEST
	 * value from that frame as well as update *trg for non-alias returns.
	if ((trg = frame_pointer->ret_value) && !alias_return)	/* CAUTION: Assignment */
	{	/* If this is an alias_return arg, bypass the arg set logic which was done above. */
		got_ret_target = TRUE;
		*trg = ret_value;
	/* do not throw an error if return value is expected from a non-extrinsic, but dollar_zquit_anyway is true */
	if (!dollar_zquit_anyway && !got_ret_target)
		rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_NOTEXTRINSIC);	/* This routine was not invoked as an extrinsic function */
	/* Note that error_ret() should be invoked only after the rts_error() of TPQUIT and NOTEXTRINSIC.
	 * This is so the TPQUIT/NOTEXTRINSIC error gets noted down in $ECODE (which wont happen if error_ret() is called before).
	if (is_tracing_on)
	msp = (unsigned char *)frame_pointer + SIZEOF(stack_frame);
	frame_pointer = frame_pointer->old_frame_pointer;
	DBGEHND((stderr, "unw_retarg: Stack frame 0x"lvaddr" unwound - frame 0x"lvaddr" now current - New msp: 0x"lvaddr"\n",
		 prevfp, frame_pointer, msp));
	if ((NULL != zyerr_frame) && (frame_pointer > zyerr_frame))
		zyerr_frame = NULL;
	if (!frame_pointer)
	assert(frame_pointer >= (stack_frame *)msp);
	/* ensuring that trg is not NULL */
	if (!dollar_zquit_anyway || trg)
		trg->mvtype |= MV_RETARG;
	assert((frame_pointer < frame_pointer->old_frame_pointer) || (NULL == frame_pointer->old_frame_pointer));
	return 0;