コード例 #1
ファイル: gui_debug.c プロジェクト: herptronix/PIC32MZ-MEBII
 * @function GUI_DBG_Task
 * @brief debug display task
 * @param none
 * @return none
void GUI_DBG_Task(void) {

  gui_font_t font;
  #define DEBUG_STR 50
  char str[DEBUG_STR];

  if(bDispMem) {

    /*display every 1s*/
    if(IsTimerElapsed(tmDisp)) {

      /*save current user font*/
      font = GetCurrentFont();

      /*configure P2D*/
      snprintf(str, DEBUG_STR, "MEM:%06d/%06dB   CY:%04d", sallocGetUsed(), sallocGetTotal(), cycleCnt);

      /*display info*/
      P2D_PutText(0, LCD_GetHeight() - P2D_GetTextHeight(), str);

      /*restore current user font*/

      tmDisp = GetPeriodicTimeout(1000);
      cycleCnt = 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: BatteryPower/smart_tft
 * @function main
 * @brief entry point
 * @param none
 * @return dummy
int32_t main(void) {

  timer_t tmInit;

  UcInit();       /*uc init; shall be the first one*/
  TicksInit();    /*software clock init*/
  LCD_Init();     /*start the ILI932X*/

  /* start a timer; backlight will be turned on once this timer will elapse
   * -> this avoids a white flash*/
  tmInit = GetTimeout(120);


  /*mount the file system*/
  f_mount(0, &Fatfs);

  /* wait the 120ms timeout */
  while(IsTimerElapsed(tmInit) == false) DelayMs(1);

  /*set the main task*/
  pCurrentTask = &SetupTask;

  /*main loop*/
  while(1) {

    /*execute the main task, if any*/
    if(pCurrentTask != NULL) pCurrentTask();

    /*GUI task*/

    /*software RTC task*/

    /*CPU limiter; reduces the power consumption*/

  /*never arrive here*/
  return -1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: arcom.c プロジェクト: uincore/OpenSAR
void ArCom_Schedule(void)
	static uint32 I = 0;
	// TODO
		uint32 elapsed = GetTimerElapsedMicroSeconds();
		for (uint32 i=0; i<sArch.PduNbr; i++)
			ArComPduType* Pdu = &(sArch.Pdu[i]);
			if( (Pdu->IsTxEnabled) &&
				(Pdu->Period != 0) &&
				(Pdu->Timer < Pdu->Period))
				Pdu->Timer += elapsed;

	for (; I<sArch.PduNbr; I++)
		ArComPduType* Pdu = &(sArch.Pdu[I]);
		if( (Pdu->IsTxEnabled) &&
			(Pdu->Period != 0) &&
			(Pdu->Timer >= Pdu->Period)) // Elapsed Timer
			Pdu->Timer = 0; // Reset it

			break;          // Each time, only transmit 1 item

	if(I >= sArch.PduNbr)
		I = 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: gui_w_graph.c プロジェクト: Griffindog/tiny-DDS
 * @function GraphRefresh
 * @brief graph task; force refresh if timer has elapsed, read touch coords inside the graph
 * @param void *_g_obj: generic object
 * @param void *_obj: graph object
 * @return none
static void GraphRefresh(void *_g_obj, void *_obj) {

  g_obj_st *g_obj;
  graph_st *graph;
  coord_t x, y, xt, yt;

  if(_g_obj != NULL && _obj != NULL) {
    graph = (graph_st*) _obj;
    g_obj = (g_obj_st *) _g_obj;

    /*timer elapsed? refresh graph*/
    if(graph->refreshTime != 0 && IsTimerElapsed(graph->timer)) {
      graph->timer = GetPeriodicTimeout(graph->refreshTime);
      GUI_ObjSetNeedRefresh(g_obj, true);

    /*read xt & yt if pressed*/
    if(GUI_ObjIsPressed(g_obj) && GUI_ObjIsDisabled(g_obj) == false) {

      /*at this point, xt & yt are included in the object clip*/
      GUI_ReadTouchScreen(&xt, &yt);

      x = xt - g_obj->rec.x;
      if(x < 0) x = 0;  /*should not happen... robustness purpose*/
      else if(x > g_obj->rec.w) x = g_obj->rec.w;

      y = (coord_t) g_obj->rec.h - (yt - g_obj->rec.y);
      if(y < 0) y = 0;  /*should not happen... robustness purpose*/
      else if(y > g_obj->rec.h) y = g_obj->rec.h;
    else {
      x = y = -1;

    graph->xt = x;
    graph->yt = y;
コード例 #5
ファイル: gui_obj.c プロジェクト: BatteryPower/smart_tft
 * @function GUI_DrawObjects
 * @brief handle all object (user event, refresh)
 * @param none
 * @return none
void GUI_DrawObjects(void) {

  g_obj_st *ptr = NULL;
  coord_t newX, newY;

  /*reset signal & read touch screen; only once for all object*/
  signal = 0;
  TouchScreenRead(&newX, &newY);

  /*small hysteresis to compensate touchscreen noise*/
  #define TOUCH_THRES_HYS 2
  if(newX < 0 || newY < 0) {
    x = y = -1;
  else {

    if(x < 0 || y < 0) {
      x = newX;
      y = newY;
    else if(P2D_Abs(newX - x) > TOUCH_THRES_HYS || P2D_Abs(newY - y) > TOUCH_THRES_HYS) {
      x = newX;
      y = newY;

  /*get the object list, according to the active layer*/
  ptr = GetObjectList();

  /*process notification blink*/
  if(IsTimerElapsed(tmrBlink)) {
    bBlink = !bBlink;
    tmrBlink = GetPeriodicTimeout(500);
    while(ptr != NULL) {
      GUI_ObjSetBlink(ptr, bBlink);
      ptr = ptr->next;

  /*process each generic object of the current layer*/
  while(ptr != NULL) {

    /*handle user interaction*/
    HandleTouchEvent(x, y, ptr);

    /*handle object signals*/

    if(ptr->obj != NULL) {

      /*launch the object task, if any*/
      if(ptr->task != NULL) ptr->task(ptr, ptr->obj);

      /*redraw the object, only if needed*/
      if(GUI_ObjIsNeedRefresh(ptr) && ptr->draw != NULL) {
        ptr->draw(ptr, ptr->obj);
        GUI_ObjSetNeedRefresh(ptr, false);

    /*next object*/
    ptr = ptr->next;

   * execute, if any, the top layer task
   * pInternalTask may close the top layer and return a signal;
   * when closing the top layer, pInternalTask becomes NULL
   * this signal will be given to the user at end of GUI_DrawObjects()
  if(pInternalTask != NULL) signal = pInternalTask(signal);
   * Save the last non null signal (for slave remote)
  if(signal != 0 && pInternalTask == NULL) {
    lastSignal = signal;
   * execute the user task, if no internal task is running
   * DO NOT concate this condition with the previous one in a if/else statement !
  if(pInternalTask == NULL) {
    if(pUserTask != NULL) pUserTask(signal);
コード例 #6
ファイル: gui_w_usr_entry.c プロジェクト: Griffindog/tiny-DDS
 * @function EntryTask
 * @brief user entry task; handles user interaction, ensures correct display (according to insert line position)
 *   TODO: rewrite it, quite complex ><", even if it seems to work properly
 * @param void *_g_obj: generic object
 * @param void *_obj: frame object
 * @return none
static void EntryTask(void *_g_obj, void *_obj) {

  g_obj_st *g_obj;
  usr_entry_st *entry;
  uint16_t selectedGlyph, len;
  coord_t xt, xMin, xMax;

  /*retrieve the entry object & its absolute coord, then deduce text coordinates*/
  g_obj = (g_obj_st *) _g_obj;
  entry =  (usr_entry_st*) _obj;
  SetFont(entry->font);   /*ensure that the correct font is used for text coordinates calulus*/
  GetTextCoords(&(g_obj->rec), &xMin, NULL, &xMax, NULL);   /*gets text area coords*/

   * 1) overall protection
   * may trig if the user modifies the buffer without using dedicated functions
   * in case, just reset display, & ensure the \0 terminaison
  len = gstrlen(entry->buffer);
  if(entry->len != len) {
    if(len > entry->sizeMax - 1) len = entry->sizeMax - 1;
    entry->len = len;
    entry->buffer[entry->len] = 0;
    entry->offsetDisplay = 0;
    entry->cursStart = 0;
    entry->cursStop = 0;
    entry->bPressed = false;
    GUI_ObjSetNeedRefresh(g_obj, true);

   * 2) For insert mode only (no text selected, i.e. entry->cursStart == entry->cursStop)
   * always check if the insert line is not outside the current displayed text area.
   * may happen after an insertion / deletion (n.b. these functions always set NeedRefresh to true).
   * If outside, modify the offsetDisplay to make the insert line visible
  if(GUI_ObjIsNeedRefresh(g_obj) == true && entry->cursStart == entry->cursStop) {

     * the insert bar is out (left side); may happen if:
     *  - <delete key> when the insert bar is at the left of the entry
     *  - <replace / delete selection> when the text selection starts before the displayed text
    if(entry->cursStart < entry->offsetDisplay) {
      if(entry->cursStart > CAR_SHIFT) entry->offsetDisplay = entry->cursStart - CAR_SHIFT;
      else entry->offsetDisplay = 0;

     * the insert bar "may" be out (right side); may happen if:
     *  - <insert> when the insert bar is close to the right of the entry
     *  - <insert buffer> inserting a big copy/paste text
    else {
      if(xMax < xMin + GetPartialStrWidth(entry->buffer, entry->offsetDisplay, entry->cursStart)) {
        if(entry->cursStart > CAR_SHIFT) entry->offsetDisplay = entry->cursStart - CAR_SHIFT;
        else entry->offsetDisplay = 0;

   * 3) For text selection (i.e. entry->cursStart != entry->cursStop)
   * handle scroll & update the user selection
  else {

    if(GUI_ObjIsPressed(g_obj)) {

      /*finds the selectedGlyph #id which correspond to the x touchcreen*/
      GUI_ReadTouchScreen(&xt, NULL);
      selectedGlyph = FindSelectedCar(entry->buffer, entry->offsetDisplay, xMin, xt);

      /*scroll text?*/
      if(IsTimerElapsed(entry->tScroll)) {
        /*scroll to left?*/
        if(xt < (xMin + SCROLL_TRIG) && entry->offsetDisplay > 0) {
        /*scroll to right*/
        else if(xt > (xMax - SCROLL_TRIG) && entry->buffer[selectedGlyph] != 0) {
        entry->tScroll = GetPeriodicTimeout(SCROLL_TM);

      /*if the entry wasn't previously pressed, start a new selection (i.e. cursStart = cursStop = selectedGlyph)*/
      if(entry->bPressed == false) {
        entry->bPressed = true;
        entry->cursStart = selectedGlyph;
        entry->cursStop = selectedGlyph;
        GUI_ObjSetNeedRefresh(g_obj, true);
      /*otherwise, update the current selection (i.e. update only cursStop)*/
      else {
        if(entry->cursStop != selectedGlyph) {
          entry->cursStop = selectedGlyph;
          GUI_ObjSetNeedRefresh(g_obj, true);
    else {
      entry->bPressed = false;

  /*check timer blink (for blinking the insert line)*/
  if(IsTimerElapsed(entry->tBlink) && entry->bEditable == true) {
    entry->bBlink = !entry->bBlink;
    entry->tBlink = GetPeriodicTimeout(500);
    GUI_ObjSetNeedRefresh(g_obj, true);