コード例 #1
ファイル: GroundStation.cpp プロジェクト: rockstorm101/GMAT
bool GroundStation::SetStringParameter(const Integer id,
      const std::string & value)
   if (id == STATION_ID)
      if (IsValidID(value))
         stationId = value;
         return true;
         AssetException ae;
         ae.SetDetails(errorMessageFormat.c_str(), value.c_str(), "Id",
							  "Must begin with a letter; may contain letters, integers, dashes, underscores");
         throw ae;

   // made changes by Tuan Nguyen
   if (id == ADD_HARDWARE)
   	  // Only add the hardware if it is not in the list already
   	  if (find(hardwareNames.begin(), hardwareNames.end(), value) ==
   	  return true;

   return GroundstationInterface::SetStringParameter(id, value);
コード例 #2
ファイル: XObjectPool.cpp プロジェクト: siangzhang/starworld
CXObject* CXObjectPool::GetObj( identifier id, guid type )
    object_handle &h = (object_handle&)id;
    if( IsValidID( id ) && m_pObjectPool[h.position]->IsTypeOf( type ) )
        return m_pObjectPool[h.position];

    return NULL;
コード例 #3
ファイル: VarID.cpp プロジェクト: zyblzb/DHSVM_Nan
int main(void)
    int i = 0;

    DMap.Layer = 2;
    while (varinfo[i].ID != ENDOFLIST) {
        strcpy(DMap.FileName, "<path>/");
        DMap.Resolution = i % 2;
        if (DMap.Resolution == 0)
            DMap.Resolution += 2;
        DMap.ID = varinfo[i].ID;
        if (IsValidID(DMap.ID)) {	/* only added to test IsvalidID */
            printf("ID        : %d\n", DMap.ID);
            printf("Name      : %s\n", DMap.Name);
            printf("LongName  : %s\n", DMap.LongName);
            printf("FileName  : %s\n", DMap.FileName);
            printf("FileLabel : %s\n", DMap.FileLabel);
            printf("Format    : %s\n", DMap.Format);
            printf("Units     : %s\n", DMap.Units);
            printf("NumberType: %d\n", DMap.NumberType);
            printf("NLayers   : %d\n", GetVarNLayers(DMap.ID, 2, 3));
            printf("FileName  : %s\n", DMap.FileName);
    DMap.ID = -1;
    if (IsValidID(DMap.ID)) {	/* only added to test IsvalidID */
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    printf("Error: the test program should not have reached this line\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;
コード例 #4
ファイル: InitDump.c プロジェクト: Lizzy0Sun/DHSVM
  Function name: InitMapDump()

  Purpose      : Initialize the map dumps.  This information is in the
         [OUTPUT] section of the input file

  Required     :
    LISTPTR Input         - Linked list with input strings
    MAPSIZE *MapDump      - Information about areal extent
    int MaxSoilLayers     - Maximum number of soil layers
    int MaxVegLayers      - Maximum number of vegetation layers
    char *Path            - Directory to write output to
    int NTotalMapImages   - Total number of maps and images to dump
    int NMaps             - Number of maps to dump
    MAPDUMP **DMap        - Array of maps and images to dump

  Returns      : void

  Modifies     : DMap and its members

  Comments     :
void InitMapDump(LISTPTR Input, MAPSIZE * Map, int MaxSoilLayers,
  int MaxVegLayers, char *Path, int TotalMapImages, int NMaps,
  MAPDUMP ** DMap)
  char *Routine = "InitMapDump";
  int i;			/* counter */
  int j;			/* counter */
  int MaxLayers;		/* Maximum number of layers allowed for this
                   variable */
  char KeyName[map_date + 1][BUFSIZE + 1];
  char *KeyStr[] = {
    "MAP LAYER",
    "MAP DATE",
  char *SectionName = "OUTPUT";
  char VarStr[map_date + 1][BUFSIZE + 1];

  if (!(*DMap = (MAPDUMP *)calloc(TotalMapImages, sizeof(MAPDUMP))))
    ReportError(Routine, 1);

  for (i = 0; i < NMaps; i++) {

    /* Read the key-entry pairs from the input file */
    for (j = 0; j <= nmaps; j++) {
      sprintf(KeyName[j], "%s %d", KeyStr[j], i + 1);
      GetInitString(SectionName, KeyName[j], "", VarStr[j],
        (unsigned long)BUFSIZE, Input);

    /* Assign the entries to the appropriate variables */
    if (!CopyInt(&((*DMap)[i].ID), VarStr[map_variable], 1))
      ReportError(KeyName[map_variable], 51);

    if (!IsValidID((*DMap)[i].ID))
      ReportError("Input Options File", 19);

    if (IsMultiLayer((*DMap)[i].ID)) {
      MaxLayers = GetVarNLayers((*DMap)[i].ID, MaxSoilLayers, MaxVegLayers);
      if (!CopyInt(&((*DMap)[i].Layer), VarStr[map_layer], 1))
        ReportError(KeyName[map_layer], 51);
      if ((*DMap)[i].Layer < 1 || (*DMap)[i].Layer > MaxLayers)
        ReportError("Input Options File", 20);
      (*DMap)[i].Layer = 1;

    (*DMap)[i].Resolution = MAP_OUTPUT;

    strncpy((*DMap)[i].FileName, Path, BUFSIZE);

    CreateMapFile((*DMap)[i].FileName, (*DMap)[i].FileLabel, Map);

    if (!CopyInt(&((*DMap)[i].N), VarStr[nmaps], 1))
      ReportError(KeyName[nmaps], 51);

    if ((*DMap)[i].N < 1)
      ReportError("Input Options File", 22);

    if (!((*DMap)[i].DumpDate = (DATE *)calloc((*DMap)[i].N, sizeof(DATE))))
      ReportError(Routine, 1);

    for (j = 0; j < (*DMap)[i].N; j++) {
      sprintf(KeyName[map_date], "%s %d %d", KeyStr[map_date], j + 1, i + 1);
      GetInitString(SectionName, KeyName[map_date], "", VarStr[map_date],
        (unsigned long)BUFSIZE, Input);
      if (!SScanDate(VarStr[map_date], &((*DMap)[i].DumpDate[j])))
        ReportError(KeyName[map_date], 51);

    (*DMap)[i].MinVal = 0.0;
    (*DMap)[i].MaxVal = 0.0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: InitDump.c プロジェクト: Lizzy0Sun/DHSVM
  Function name: InitImageDump()

  Purpose      : Initialize the image dumps.  This information is in the
         [OUTPUT] section of the input file

  Required     :
    LISTPTR Input         - Linked list with input strings
    int Dt                - Model timestep in seconds
    MAPSIZE *MapDump      - Information about areal extent
    int MaxSoilLayers     - Maximum number of soil layers
    int MaxVegLayers      - Maximum number of vegetation layers
    char *Path            - Directory to write output to
    int NMaps             - Number of maps to dump
    int NImages           - Number of images to dump
    MAPDUMP **DMap        - Array of maps and images to dump

  Returns      : void

  Modifies     : Members of DMap

  Comments     : InitImageDump must be preceded by a call to InitMapDump, since
                 the necessary memory is allocated there
void InitImageDump(LISTPTR Input, int Dt, MAPSIZE * Map, int MaxSoilLayers,
  int MaxVegLayers, char *Path, int NMaps, int NImages,
  MAPDUMP ** DMap)
  char *Routine = "InitImageDump";
  DATE End;			/* End of low resolution map dump period */
  DATE Start;			/* Start of low resolution map dump period */
  int i;			/* counter */
  int j;			/* counter */
  int Interval;			/* Interval between low resolution map dumps */
  int MaxLayers;		/* Maximum number of layers allowed for this
                   variable */
  char KeyName[image_lower + 1][BUFSIZE + 1];
  char *KeyStr[] = {
    "IMAGE END",
  char *SectionName = "OUTPUT";
  char VarStr[image_lower + 1][BUFSIZE + 1];
  float tmpInterval;

  for (i = NMaps - NImages; i < NMaps; i++) {

    /* Read the key-entry pairs from the input file */
    for (j = 0; j <= image_lower; j++) {
      sprintf(KeyName[j], "%s %d", KeyStr[j], i - (NMaps - NImages) + 1);
      GetInitString(SectionName, KeyName[j], "", VarStr[j],
        (unsigned long)BUFSIZE, Input);

    /* Assign the entries to the appropriate variables */
    if (!CopyInt(&((*DMap)[i].ID), VarStr[image_variable], 1))
      ReportError(KeyName[image_variable], 51);

    if (!IsValidID((*DMap)[i].ID))
      ReportError("Input Options File", 19);

    if (IsMultiLayer((*DMap)[i].ID)) {
      MaxLayers = GetVarNLayers((*DMap)[i].ID, MaxSoilLayers, MaxVegLayers);
      if (!CopyInt(&((*DMap)[i].Layer), VarStr[image_layer], 1))
        ReportError(KeyName[image_layer], 51);
      if ((*DMap)[i].Layer < 1 || (*DMap)[i].Layer > MaxLayers)
        ReportError("Input Options File", 20);
      (*DMap)[i].Layer = 1;

    (*DMap)[i].Resolution = IMAGE_OUTPUT;

    strncpy((*DMap)[i].FileName, Path, BUFSIZE);
    (*DMap)[i].NumberType = NC_BYTE;
    strcpy((*DMap)[i].Format, "%d");

    CreateMapFile((*DMap)[i].FileName, (*DMap)[i].FileLabel, Map);

    if (!SScanDate(VarStr[image_start], &Start))
      ReportError(KeyName[image_start], 51);

    if (!SScanDate(VarStr[image_end], &End))
      ReportError(KeyName[image_end], 51);

    if (!CopyFloat(&tmpInterval, VarStr[image_interval], 1))
      ReportError(KeyName[image_interval], 51);
    Interval = SECPHOUR * tmpInterval;

    if (Interval % Dt != 0 || Interval <= 0)
      ReportError("Input Options File", 24);

    if (((*DMap)[i].N = NumberOfSteps(&Start, &End, Interval)) < 1)
      ReportError("Input Options File", 25);

    if (!((*DMap)[i].DumpDate = (DATE *)calloc((*DMap)[i].N, sizeof(DATE))))
      ReportError(Routine, 1);

    CopyDate(&((*DMap)[i].DumpDate[0]), &Start);

    for (j = 1; j < (*DMap)[i].N; j++)
      (*DMap)[i].DumpDate[j] =
      NextDate(&((*DMap)[i].DumpDate[j - 1]), Interval);

    if (!CopyFloat(&((*DMap)[i].MaxVal), VarStr[image_upper], 1))
      ReportError(KeyName[image_upper], 51);

    if (!CopyFloat(&((*DMap)[i].MinVal), VarStr[image_lower], 1))
      ReportError(KeyName[image_lower], 51);