コード例 #1
AIUnit::AIUnit(Vector3D pos, Scalar orient, Vector3D vel, Scalar rot, int size)	//This constructor will initialize the values where
																		//pos is a Vector for the triangle's position,
																		//orient is its orientation in radians
																		//vel is its initial velocity
																		//rot is its initial angular velocity
	body = Triangle3D(Vector3D(pos[X]+(20*cos(orient)),pos[Y]+(20*sin(orient)),0),
					  Vector3D(pos[X]+(20*cos(orient-2.5)),pos[Y]+(20*sin(orient-2.5)),0)); //Initializes a triangle using pos and orient
	kinematic = Kinematic(pos,orient,vel,rot); //Initializes the physics for the character

	appearance = Appearance(Color(1,0,0),true); //Starts the color as red

	steering = SteeringOutput(Vector3D(0,0,0),0.0); //Initializes the steering at zero

	steeringNum = 3; //Starts the steering with Blended Steering

	//Initialize the booleans
	defeatPlayer = false;
	dying = false;
	spawnNewAI = false;
	fast = false;
	wanderer = false;

	windowSize = size; //set the window size

	fsm = AI_FSM(); //Initialize the state machine
コード例 #2
ファイル: Kinematic.cpp プロジェクト: jenseh/happah
Kinematic Kinematic::getLinearKinematic(hpvec3 start, hpvec3 end){
    hpvec3 delta = end - start;
    return Kinematic(Polynom<double>(2,start.x, delta.x), Polynom<double>(2,start.y, delta.y), Polynom<double>(2,start.z, delta.z));