コード例 #1
ファイル: lcd-bitmap-common.c プロジェクト: ntj/rockbox
void LCDFN(scroll_fn)(void)
    struct font* pf;
    struct scrollinfo* s;
    int index;
    int xpos, ypos;
    struct viewport* old_vp = current_vp;

    for ( index = 0; index < LCDFN(scroll_info).lines; index++ ) {
        s = &LCDFN(scroll_info).scroll[index];

        /* check pause */
        if (TIME_BEFORE(current_tick, s->start_tick))


        if (s->backward)
            s->offset -= LCDFN(scroll_info).step;
            s->offset += LCDFN(scroll_info).step;

        pf = font_get(current_vp->font);
        xpos = s->startx;
        ypos = s->y * pf->height + s->y_offset;

        if (s->bidir) { /* scroll bidirectional */
            if (s->offset <= 0) {
                /* at beginning of line */
                s->offset = 0;
                s->backward = false;
                s->start_tick = current_tick + LCDFN(scroll_info).delay * 2;
            if (s->offset >= s->width - (current_vp->width - xpos)) {
                /* at end of line */
                s->offset = s->width - (current_vp->width - xpos);
                s->backward = true;
                s->start_tick = current_tick + LCDFN(scroll_info).delay * 2;
        else {
            /* scroll forward the whole time */
            if (s->offset >= s->width)
                s->offset %= s->width;
        LCDFN(putsxyofs_style)(xpos, ypos, s->line, s->style, s->width,
                               pf->height, s->offset);
        LCDFN(update_viewport_rect)(xpos, ypos, current_vp->width - xpos,
コード例 #2
ファイル: lcd-bitmap-common.c プロジェクト: ntj/rockbox
/* put a string at a given char position */
void LCDFN(puts_style_xyoffset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str,
                              int style, int x_offset, int y_offset)
    int xpos, ypos, w, h;
    LCDFN(scroll_stop_line)(current_vp, y);

    LCDFN(getstringsize)(str, &w, &h);
    xpos = x * LCDFN(getstringsize)(" ", NULL, NULL);
    ypos = y * h + y_offset;
    LCDFN(putsxyofs_style)(xpos, ypos, str, style, w, h, x_offset);
コード例 #3
ファイル: lcd-bitmap-common.c プロジェクト: ntj/rockbox
static void LCDFN(putsxyofs_style)(int xpos, int ypos,
                                   const unsigned char *str, int style,
                                   int w, int h, int offset)
    int lastmode = current_vp->drawmode;
    int xrect = xpos + MAX(w - offset, 0);
    int x = VP_IS_RTL(current_vp) ? xpos : xrect;
#if defined(MAIN_LCD) && defined(HAVE_LCD_COLOR)
    int oldfgcolor = current_vp->fg_pattern;
    int oldbgcolor = current_vp->bg_pattern;
    current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_SOLID | ((style & STYLE_INVERT) ?
                                           DRMODE_INVERSEVID : 0);
    if (style & STYLE_COLORED) {
        if (current_vp->drawmode == DRMODE_SOLID)
            current_vp->fg_pattern = style & STYLE_COLOR_MASK;
            current_vp->bg_pattern = style & STYLE_COLOR_MASK;
    current_vp->drawmode ^= DRMODE_INVERSEVID;
    if (style & STYLE_GRADIENT) {
        current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_FG;
        lcd_gradient_rect(xpos, current_vp->width, ypos, h,
                          NUMLN_UNPACK(style), CURLN_UNPACK(style));
        current_vp->fg_pattern = current_vp->lst_pattern;
    else if (style & STYLE_COLORBAR) {
        current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_FG;
        current_vp->fg_pattern = current_vp->lss_pattern;
        lcd_fillrect(xpos, ypos, current_vp->width - xpos, h);
        current_vp->fg_pattern = current_vp->lst_pattern;
    else {
        lcd_fillrect(x, ypos, current_vp->width - xrect, h);
        current_vp->drawmode = (style & STYLE_INVERT) ?
    if (str[0])
        lcd_putsxyofs(xpos, ypos, offset, str);
    current_vp->fg_pattern = oldfgcolor;
    current_vp->bg_pattern = oldbgcolor;
    current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_SOLID | ((style & STYLE_INVERT) ?
                                           0 : DRMODE_INVERSEVID);
    LCDFN(fillrect)(x, ypos, current_vp->width - xrect, h);
    current_vp->drawmode ^= DRMODE_INVERSEVID;
    if (str[0])
        LCDFN(putsxyofs)(xpos, ypos, offset, str);
    current_vp->drawmode = lastmode;
コード例 #4
ファイル: lcd-bitmap-common.c プロジェクト: ntj/rockbox
/* Formatting version of LCDFN(puts) */
void LCDFN(putsf)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *fmt, ...)
    va_list ap;
    char buf[256];
    va_start(ap, fmt);
    vsnprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), fmt, ap);
    LCDFN(puts)(x, y, buf);
コード例 #5
ファイル: lcd-bitmap-common.c プロジェクト: ntj/rockbox
 * fills the rectangle formed by current_vp
void LCDFN(fill_viewport)(void)
    LCDFN(fillrect)(0, 0, current_vp->width, current_vp->height);
コード例 #6
ファイル: lcd-bitmap-common.c プロジェクト: ntj/rockbox
 * draws the borders of the current viewport
void LCDFN(draw_border_viewport)(void)
    LCDFN(drawrect)(0, 0, current_vp->width, current_vp->height);
コード例 #7
ファイル: lcd-bitmap-common.c プロジェクト: ntj/rockbox
void LCDFN(puts_scroll_style_offset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string,
                                     int style, int x_offset)
    LCDFN(puts_scroll_style_xyoffset)(x, y, string, style, x_offset, 0);
コード例 #8
ファイル: lcd-bitmap-common.c プロジェクト: ntj/rockbox
void LCDFN(puts_scroll_offset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string,
                               int offset)
     LCDFN(puts_scroll_style_offset)(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT, offset);
コード例 #9
ファイル: lcd-bitmap-common.c プロジェクト: ntj/rockbox
void LCDFN(puts_scroll)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string)
    LCDFN(puts_scroll_style)(x, y, string, STYLE_DEFAULT);
コード例 #10
ファイル: lcd-bitmap-common.c プロジェクト: ntj/rockbox
void LCDFN(puts_scroll_style_xyoffset)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *string,
                                     int style, int x_offset, int y_offset)
    struct scrollinfo* s;
    char *end;
    int w, h;
    int len;

    if ((unsigned)y >= (unsigned)current_vp->height)

    /* remove any previously scrolling line at the same location */
    LCDFN(scroll_stop_line)(current_vp, y);

    if (LCDFN(scroll_info).lines >= LCDM(SCROLLABLE_LINES)) return;
    if (!string)
    LCDFN(puts_style_xyoffset)(x, y, string, style, x_offset, y_offset);

    LCDFN(getstringsize)(string, &w, &h);

    if (current_vp->width - x * 8 >= w)

    /* prepare scroll line */
    s = &LCDFN(scroll_info).scroll[LCDFN(scroll_info).lines];
    s->start_tick = current_tick + LCDFN(scroll_info).delay;
    s->style = style;

    strlcpy(s->line, string, sizeof s->line);

    /* get width */
    s->width = LCDFN(getstringsize)(s->line, &w, &h);

    /* scroll bidirectional or forward only depending on the string
       width */
    if ( LCDFN(scroll_info).bidir_limit ) {
        s->bidir = s->width < (current_vp->width) *
            (100 + LCDFN(scroll_info).bidir_limit) / 100;
        s->bidir = false;

    if (!s->bidir) { /* add spaces if scrolling in the round */
        strlcat(s->line, "   ", sizeof s->line);
        /* get new width incl. spaces */
        s->width = LCDFN(getstringsize)(s->line, &w, &h);

    end = strchr(s->line, '\0');
    len = sizeof s->line - (end - s->line);
    strlcpy(end, string, MIN(current_vp->width/2, len));

    s->vp = current_vp;
    s->y = y;
    s->offset = x_offset;
    s->startx = x * LCDFN(getstringsize)(" ", NULL, NULL);
    s->y_offset = y_offset;
    s->backward = false;

コード例 #11
ファイル: lcd-bitmap-common.c プロジェクト: ntj/rockbox
void LCDFN(puts_style)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str, int style)
    LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(x, y, str, style, 0);
コード例 #12
ファイル: lcd-bitmap-common.c プロジェクト: ntj/rockbox
void LCDFN(puts)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
    LCDFN(puts_style_offset)(x, y, str, STYLE_DEFAULT, 0);
コード例 #13
ファイル: lcd-bitmap-common.c プロジェクト: ntj/rockbox
/* put a string at a given pixel position */
void LCDFN(putsxy)(int x, int y, const unsigned char *str)
    LCDFN(putsxyofs)(x, y, 0, str);
コード例 #14
ファイル: lcd-bitmap-common.c プロジェクト: ntj/rockbox
/* put a string at a given pixel position, skipping first ofs pixel columns */
static void LCDFN(putsxyofs)(int x, int y, int ofs, const unsigned char *str)
    unsigned short *ucs;
    struct font* pf = font_get(current_vp->font);
    int vp_flags = current_vp->flags;
    int rtl_next_non_diac_width, last_non_diacritic_width;

    if ((vp_flags & VP_FLAG_ALIGNMENT_MASK) != 0)
        int w;

        LCDFN(getstringsize)(str, &w, NULL);
        /* center takes precedence */
        if (vp_flags & VP_FLAG_ALIGN_CENTER)
            x = ((current_vp->width - w)/ 2) + x;
            if (x < 0)
                x = 0;
            x = current_vp->width - w - x;
            x += ofs;
            ofs = 0;

    rtl_next_non_diac_width = 0;
    last_non_diacritic_width = 0;
    /* Mark diacritic and rtl flags for each character */
    for (ucs = bidi_l2v(str, 1); *ucs; ucs++)
        bool is_rtl, is_diac;
        const unsigned char *bits;
        int width, base_width, drawmode = 0, base_ofs = 0;
        const unsigned short next_ch = ucs[1];

        if (x >= current_vp->width)

        is_diac = is_diacritic(*ucs, &is_rtl);

        /* Get proportional width and glyph bits */
        width = font_get_width(pf, *ucs);

        /* Calculate base width */
        if (is_rtl)
            /* Forward-seek the next non-diacritic character for base width */
            if (is_diac)
                if (!rtl_next_non_diac_width)
                    const unsigned short *u;

                    /* Jump to next non-diacritic char, and calc its width */
                    for (u = &ucs[1]; *u && is_diacritic(*u, NULL); u++);

                    rtl_next_non_diac_width = *u ?  font_get_width(pf, *u) : 0;
                base_width = rtl_next_non_diac_width;
                rtl_next_non_diac_width = 0; /* Mark */
                base_width = width;
            if (!is_diac)
                last_non_diacritic_width = width;

            base_width = last_non_diacritic_width;

        if (ofs > width)
            ofs -= width;

        if (is_diac)
            /* XXX: Suggested by amiconn:
             * This will produce completely wrong results if the original
             * drawmode is DRMODE_COMPLEMENT. We need to pre-render the current
             * character with all its diacritics at least (in mono) and then
             * finally draw that. And we'll need an extra buffer that can hold
             * one char's bitmap. Basically we can't just change the draw mode
             * to something else irrespective of the original mode and expect
             * the result to look as intended and with DRMODE_COMPLEMENT (which
             * means XORing pixels), overdrawing this way will cause odd results
             * if the diacritics and the base char both have common pixels set.
             * So we need to combine the char and its diacritics in a temp
             * buffer using OR, and then draw the final bitmap instead of the
             * chars, without touching the drawmode
            drawmode = current_vp->drawmode;
            current_vp->drawmode = DRMODE_FG;

            base_ofs = (base_width - width) / 2;

        bits = font_get_bits(pf, *ucs);
        LCDFN(mono_bitmap_part)(bits, ofs, 0, width, x + base_ofs, y,
                width - ofs, pf->height);

        if (is_diac)
            current_vp->drawmode = drawmode;

        if (next_ch)
            bool next_is_rtl;
            bool next_is_diacritic = is_diacritic(next_ch, &next_is_rtl);

            /* Increment if:
             *  LTR: Next char is not diacritic,
             *  RTL: Current char is non-diacritic and next char is diacritic */
            if ((is_rtl && !is_diac) ||
                    (!is_rtl && (!next_is_diacritic || next_is_rtl)))
                x += base_width - ofs;
                ofs = 0;
コード例 #15
ファイル: lcd-2bit-vi.c プロジェクト: 4nykey/rockbox
#include "scroll_engine.h"

#ifndef LCDFN /* Not compiling for remote - define macros for main LCD. */
#define LCDFN(fn) lcd_ ## fn
#define FBFN(fn)  fb_ ## fn
#define LCDM(ma)  LCD_ ## ma
#define LCDNAME "lcd_"
#define LCDFB(x,y) FBADDR(x, y)
#define MAIN_LCD

/*** globals ***/

FBFN(data) *LCDFN(framebuffer) = &LCDFN(static_framebuffer)[0][0];

static const FBFN(data) patterns[4] = {0xFFFF, 0xFF00, 0x00FF, 0x0000};

static FBFN(data) *backdrop = NULL;
static long backdrop_offset IDATA_ATTR = 0;

static struct viewport default_vp =
    .x        = 0,
    .y        = 0,
    .width    = LCDM(WIDTH),
    .height   = LCDM(HEIGHT),
    .font     = FONT_SYSFIXED,
    .drawmode = DRMODE_SOLID,