コード例 #1
 *  Note: The variables that save our state in this (and other fundtions) are
 *  not local static variables, but are contained in the Lgm_MagModelInfo
 *  structure that the user passes to it. This allows the function to be
 *  thread-safe and re-entrant. 
double I_integrand( double s, _qpInfo *qpInfo ) {

    Lgm_Vector 		    Bvec;
    int			        reset=1, done, Count;
    double		        f, g, Hremaining, Hdone, H, Htry, Hdid, Hnext, sgn=1.0, sdid, B, dS;
    Lgm_MagModelInfo    *mInfo;

     *  Get pointer to our auxilliary data structure.
    mInfo = (Lgm_MagModelInfo *)qpInfo;

	mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_u_scale.x =  10.0;  mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_u_scale.y = 1.0; mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_u_scale.z = 10.0;

    if ( mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_JumpMethod == LGM_RELATIVE_JUMP_METHOD ) {

         *  Set starting point.  If this is the first call for this integral,
         *  set point to the lower limit. 
        if ( mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_FirstCall  == TRUE ) {
	        mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_FirstCall = FALSE;
            mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_P = mInfo->Pm_South;
	        mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_S = 0.0;
	        dS = s;
        } else {
	        dS = s - mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_S;

        if (dS < 0.0) {
            H = -dS; sgn = -1.0; // H is a positive qnty
        } else {
            H = dS; sgn = 1.0;

    } else if ( mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_JumpMethod == LGM_ABSOLUTE_JUMP_METHOD ) {

         *  This strategy starts at start each time.  Slower(?), but seems to
         *  limit roundoff error from accumulating? The speed increase of the
         *  relative method really depends on how far apart the s points are
         *  that the integrator is picking. If they are bouncing all over the
         *  place the relative method still does alot of tracing.
        if ( mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_FirstCall == TRUE ) {
	        mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_FirstCall = FALSE;
	    mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_P = mInfo->Pm_South;
        mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_S = 0.0;
	    H = s; sgn = 1.0; // H is a positive qnty
    } else {

        printf("I_integrand: Error, unknown Jump Method ( Lgm_I_integrand_JumpMethod = %d\n", mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_JumpMethod );


     *  Get B-field at the given value of s.  Need to advance along field line
     *  by an amount H. May need to do more than one call to get there...
     *  Setting Htry to be H is an attempt to make the full jump in one call to
     *  MagStep. For very precise calculations, the number of jumps we do here
     *  seems to be fairly critical. Making two jumps (i.e. Htry = H/2) and
     *  limiting Hmax to 0.5 Re seems to work pretty well (perhaps its because
     *  symetry between mirror points?). Could still play with the max step
     *  size of 0.5 -- maybe something a bit higher would work just as well and
     *  be more efficient?
    done = FALSE; Count = 0; Htry = 0.5*H; Hdone = 0.0; reset = TRUE;
    if (Htry > 0.5) Htry = 0.5;
    if ( fabs(mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_S-s) < 1e-12 ) done = TRUE;

    while ( !done ) {

        Lgm_MagStep( &mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_P, &mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, sgn, &sdid, &reset, mInfo->Bfield, mInfo );
        Hdone += Hdid; // positive qnty

        mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_S += sgn*Hdid;
        Hremaining = H - Hdone;
	    if ( Count > 1000 ) {
            printf("I_integrand: Warning, early return because Count > 1000. Ill-conditioned integrand?\n");
	        done = TRUE;
        } else if ( fabs(mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_S-s) < 1e-12 ){
	        done = TRUE;
	    } else {
            if ( Htry > Hremaining ) Htry = Hremaining;

    mInfo->Bfield( &mInfo->Lgm_I_integrand_P, &Bvec, mInfo );
    B = Lgm_Magnitude( &Bvec );

     * Compute integrand, ( 1 - B/Bm ) ^ (1/2) Make sure 1-B/Bm is not
     * negative. If it is, assume its zero. (Note that sometimes (due to
     * round-off error) it could be very slightly negative).
    g = 1.0 - B/mInfo->Bm;
    f = (g > 0.0) ? sqrt( g ) : 0.0;


    return( f );

コード例 #2
int Lgm_TraceToSMEquat( Lgm_Vector *u, Lgm_Vector *v, double tol, Lgm_MagModelInfo *Info ) {

    Lgm_Vector	u_scale;
    double	    Htry, Hdid, Hnext, Hmin, Hmax, s, sgn, r2;
    double	    Sa=0.0, Sb=0.0, Sc=0.0, d1, d2;
    double	    Za, Zb, Zc, Z;
    Lgm_Vector	Ztmp;
    Lgm_Vector	Pa, Pb, Pc, P;
    int		    done, reset;

    Hmax = 20.0;
    Hmin = 0.001;
    u_scale.x =  100.0;  u_scale.y = 100.0; u_scale.z = 100.0;
    Za = Zb = Zc = 0.0;

     *  Bracket the minimum. We want to find two points along
     *  the field line such that the location of equatorial plane is
     *  gauranteed to lie between them. To do this, we need to find
     *  three points; Pa, Pb, and Pc such that;
     *		     Pc > Pb > Pa
     *		and  |z_sm( Pa )|   >   |z_sm( Pb )|
     *		and  |z_sm( Pc )|   >   |z_sm( Pb )|

     *  Set the start point, Pa and Za (the absolute value of the SM z coord).
    Pa   = *u;
    Lgm_Convert_Coords( &Pa, &Ztmp, GSM_TO_SM, Info->c );
    Za   = fabs( Ztmp.z );
    Sa   = 0.0;

     *  If we are above the SM plane (i.e. in the northern hemisphere), lets 
     *  try tracing against the field direction.
    sgn = ( Ztmp.z > 0.0 ) ? -1.0 : 1.0;

     *  Keep stepping along the field line until we have a |Zsm| less than the start point.
    P    = Pa;
    done = FALSE;
    Htry = Za;
    while ( !done ) {

        //if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, 1.0e-7, sgn, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
        if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, sgn, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
        Lgm_Convert_Coords( &P, &Ztmp, GSM_TO_SM, Info->c );
        Z = fabs( Ztmp.z );
            if (   (P.x > Info->OpenLimit_xMax) || (P.x < Info->OpenLimit_xMin) || (P.y > Info->OpenLimit_yMax) || (P.y < Info->OpenLimit_yMin)
                || (P.z > Info->OpenLimit_zMax) || (P.z < Info->OpenLimit_zMin) ) {
	         *  Open FL!
	        v->x = v->y = v->z = 0.0;
	    } else if ( Z < Za ) {
	        done = TRUE;
	        Pb = P;
	        Zb = Z;
	        Sb += Hdid;
        } else {
            Pa = P;
            Za = Z;
            Sa = 0.0;

	    Htry = Z;


     *  Keep stepping along the field line until we complete the bracket triple.
    done = FALSE;
    while (!done) {

	    P = Pb;
        //if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, 1.0e-7, sgn, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
        if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, sgn, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
        Lgm_Convert_Coords( &P, &Ztmp, GSM_TO_SM, Info->c );
        Z = fabs( Ztmp.z );
            if (   (P.x > Info->OpenLimit_xMax) || (P.x < Info->OpenLimit_xMin) || (P.y > Info->OpenLimit_yMax) || (P.y < Info->OpenLimit_yMin)
                || (P.z > Info->OpenLimit_zMax) || (P.z < Info->OpenLimit_zMin) ) {
	         *  Open FL!
	        v->x = v->y = v->z = 0.0;
	    } else if ( Z < Zb ) {
	        Pa = Pb; Za = Zb; Sa = 0.0;
	        Pb = P;  Zb = Z;  Sb = Hdid; 
            r2  = P.x*P.x + P.y*P.y + P.z*P.z;
            Htry = (Hnext < Hmax) ? ((Hnext > Hmin) ? Hnext : Hmin) : Hmax;
            if (Htry*Htry > r2) Htry = 0.25*sqrt(r2);
	    } else {
	        Pc = P;  Zc = Z; Sc = Sb + Hdid;
	        done = TRUE;


     *  We have a bracket. Now go in for the kill.
     *  Use golden-section search to converge toward minimum.
     *  (Sa, Sb, Sc) are the distances of the triple points along
     *  the FL. For convenience, we maintain Sa = 0.0, so that
     *  Sb and Sc are always the distances relative to Pa. (And
     *  so Sc is always the width of the bracketed interval. So when
     *  Sc gets small enough we bail out and take Pb as the min).
    done = FALSE;
    while (!done) {

	    d1 = Sb;
	    d2 = Sc - Sb;
	    if ( Sc < tol ) {
	        done = TRUE;
	    } else if ( d1 > d2 ) {

	        P = Pa; Htry = 0.381966011*d1;
            //if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, 1.0e-7, sgn, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
            if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, sgn, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
            Lgm_Convert_Coords( &P, &Ztmp, GSM_TO_SM, Info->c );
            Z = fabs( Ztmp.z );
	        if ( Z < Zb ) {
		        Pb = P; Zb = Z; Sb = Hdid;
	        } else {
		        Pa = P; Za = Z; Sb -= Hdid; Sc -= Hdid;
	    } else {

	        P = Pb; Htry = 0.381966011*d2;
            //if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, 1.0e-7, sgn, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
            if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, sgn, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
            Lgm_Convert_Coords( &P, &Ztmp, GSM_TO_SM, Info->c );
            Z = fabs( Ztmp.z );
	        if ( Z < Zb ) {
		        Pb = P; Zb = Z; Sb += Hdid;
	        } else {
		        Pc = P; Zc = Z; Sc = Sb + Hdid;



    *v = Pb;

    return( 1 );

コード例 #3
int Lgm_TraceToYZPlane( Lgm_Vector *u, Lgm_Vector *v, double Xtarget, double sgn0, double tol, Lgm_MagModelInfo *Info ) {

    Lgm_Vector	u_scale;
    double	    Htry, Hdid, Hnext, Hmin, Hmax, s, sgn, fsgn0;
    double	    Sa, Sb, B, f, r2, z2, r3, L, R, hhh;
    double      Stotal;
    Lgm_Vector	Btmp;
    Lgm_Vector	Pa, Pb, P;
    int		    done, reset=TRUE, bracketed=FALSE;
    long int    Ntotal;

    Pb.x = Pb.y = Pb.z = 0.0;

    Hmax = 20.0;
    Hmin = 0.01;
    u_scale.x =  100.0;  u_scale.y = 100.0; u_scale.z = 100.0;

     *  Set the start point, Pa 
    Pa   = *u;
    f = Xtarget - Pa.x;
    fsgn0 = ( f<0.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
    Sa   = 0.0;
    Stotal = 0.0;
    Ntotal = 0;

     *  Choose a good step size to try.
    Lgm_Convert_Coords( &Pa, &P, GSM_TO_SM, Info->c );
    R  = Lgm_Magnitude( &Pa );
    r2 = R*R;
    z2 = P.z*P.z;
    L  = 9e99;
    if ( fabs( r2 - z2 ) < 1e-2 ) {

         *  High  L
        Htry = 2.0;

    } else {

        r3   = r2*R;
        L    = r3 / (r2 - z2);
        Htry = ( L < 4.5 ) ? 1.165*L : 4.5;


    if ( Htry < 1e-4 ) Htry = 0.001;

//Htry = 0.01;

     *   Now, bracket minimum. And do a bisection search for the minimum.
    done = FALSE;
    sgn  = sgn0;
    P    = Pa;
    Sb   = -9e99;
//printf("Htry =%g   sgn = %g\n", Htry, sgn );
//printf("Xtarget = %g f = %g P = %g %g %g\n", Xtarget, f, P.x, P.y, P.z);
    while ( !done ) {

        //if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, 1.0e-7, sgn, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
        if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, sgn, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
        Stotal += Hdid;
        R  = Lgm_Magnitude( &P );
        r2 = R*R;
        r3   = r2*R;
        L    = r3 / (r2 - z2);

        f = Xtarget - P.x;
//printf("Xtarget = %g f = %g P = %g %g %g\n", Xtarget, f, P.x, P.y, P.z);

         if (   (P.x > Info->OpenLimit_xMax) || (P.x < Info->OpenLimit_xMin) || (P.y > Info->OpenLimit_yMax) || (P.y < Info->OpenLimit_yMin)
                || (P.z > Info->OpenLimit_zMax) || (P.z < Info->OpenLimit_zMin) || ( s > 1000.0 ) ) {
             *  Open FL!
            //v->x = v->y = v->z = 0.0;
            *v = P;

	    } else if ( r2 < 1.0 ) {

	        return( -1 );

        } else if ( (Stotal > 300.0) || ( Ntotal > 1500 ) ) {

            printf("Lgm_TraceToYZPlane: %s:%d Field line too long or too many iterations: Stotal / Ntotal:  %g / %ld\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, Stotal, Ntotal );

	        return( 0 );

	    } else if ( fabs( f ) < tol ){

	        done = TRUE;

        } else if ( fsgn0*f > 0.0 ){

            Pa    = P;
            Sa   += Hdid;
            sgn   = sgn0;
            if ( bracketed ) {
                Htry = fabs( Sb - Sa )/2.0;
            } else if ( L < 4.5 ) {
                hhh = 1.165*L+1.0 - R + 1.0;
                //if ( hhh > 1e-4 ) Htry = hhh;
                if ( hhh > R-1.0 ) {
                    hhh = (R-1.0)/2.0;

printf("A: Sa, Sb, P = %g %g    (%g, %g, %g)   Htry = %f\n", Sa, Sb, P.x, P.y, P.z, Htry);

	    } else {

            Pb  = P;
            if ( bracketed ) Sb += sgn*sgn0*Hdid;
            else	     Sb  = Sa + Hdid;
            bracketed = TRUE;
            sgn  = -sgn0;
            Htry = fabs( Sb - Sa )/2.0;
printf("B: Sa, Sb, P = %g %g    (%g, %g, %g)   Htry = %f\n", Sa, Sb, P.x, P.y, P.z, Htry);



    *v = Pb;
//printf("B: Sa, Sb, P = %g %g    (%g, %g, %g)   Htry = %f\n", Sa, Sb, P.x, P.y, P.z, Htry);

//    if ( fabs( Xtarget - Pb.x ) >  2.0*tol ) return( -1 );

    return( 1 );

コード例 #4
int Lgm_TraceToSphericalEarth( Lgm_Vector *u, Lgm_Vector *v, double TargetHeight, double sgn, double tol, Lgm_MagModelInfo *Info ) {

    Lgm_Vector	u_scale;
    double	    Htry, Htry_max, Hdid, Hnext, Hmin, Hmax, s;
    double	    Sa=0.0, Sc=0.0, d;
    double	    Rinitial, Fa, Fb, Fc, F;
    double      Height, StartHeight;
    double	    Height_a, Height_b, Height_c, HeightPlus, HeightMinus, direction;
    Lgm_Vector	Pa, Pc, P;
    int		    done, reset, AboveTargetHeight, Count;

    reset = TRUE;
    Info->Trace_s = 0.0;
    Sa = Sc = 0.0;

     * Determine our initial geocentric radius in km. (u is assumed to be in
     * units of Re where we define Re to be WGS84_A.)
    Rinitial = WGS84_A*Lgm_Magnitude( u ); // km

     * The Earth is a spheroid. It is more flattened at the poles than at the
     * equator.  Check to see if we are initially at a height where we need to
     * worry about it. For WGS84 Earth shape model, the equatorial radius is
     * WGS84_A and polar radius is WGS84_B (WGS84_B is about 20km smaller than
     * WGS84_A).
     * Note that although we are trying to trace to a spherical Earth in this
     * routine, we still dont want to drop below the surface of the real Earth
     * (IGRF doesnt like that so much).
    if ( Rinitial < WGS84_B ) {

        // must be inside the Earth, which is no good -- bail with
        // LGM_INSIDE_EARTH error code
        return( LGM_INSIDE_EARTH );

    } else {

        // We are at least at or above WGS84_B. We could still be in trouble in
        // terms of being inside the Earth, so we have to check more
        // thouroughly now.  Determine Geodetic Height
        Lgm_WGS84_to_GeodHeight( u, &Height );

        if ( Height < 0.0 )  {

            // inside the Earth, which is no good -- bail with error
            return( LGM_INSIDE_EARTH );



     *  If we get here, the initial point must be above the surface of the
     *  (spheroidal) Earth.
     *  Now check to see if we are currently above or below the target height.
     *  (reset Height to be distance in km above the spherical approx of the Earth.)
    Height = Rinitial - WGS84_A; // distance above spherical Earth
    AboveTargetHeight = ( Height > TargetHeight ) ? TRUE : FALSE;

     * Initialize some things
    Pa.x = Pa.y = Pa.z = 0.0;
    Pc.x = Pc.y = Pc.z = 0.0;
    P = *u;
    Hmax = Info->Hmax;
    Hmax = 1.0;
    Hmin = 0.001;
    Hmin = 1e-8;
    u_scale.x = u_scale.y = u_scale.z = 1.0;
    Height = Height_a = Height_b = Height_c = 0.0;
    F = Fa = Fb = Fc = 0.0;
    //printf("\nHmax = %g\n", Hmax);

     * Save initial point if we need to
    if (Info->SavePoints) fprintf(Info->fp, "%f \t%f\t %f\t 3\n", u->x, u->y, u->z);

     * If we are above the target height, a potential problem will occur if the
     * field line is open in the direction of tracing.  Fortunately, that
     * situation is easy to detect and is taken care of later...
     * Here we need to test for and deal with the opposite problem. If we are
     * already below the target height, it is possible that the field line
     * never gets high enough to reach the target height. This is more tricky
     * to deal with because we can run the risk of getting below the surface of
     * the Earth.  We need to try to get back above the target height to test
     * for this.  If we cannot get above we need to bail out of the routine
     * altogether.
    StartHeight = Height;
    if ( !AboveTargetHeight ) {

         *  Determine which direction along the field line will take us higher.
        Htry = 0.001;

        // sgn = +1
        P = *u;
        if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, 1.0, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
        HeightPlus = WGS84_A*(Lgm_Magnitude( &P )-1.0);

        // sgn = -1
        P = *u;
        if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, -1.0, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
        HeightMinus = WGS84_A*(Lgm_Magnitude( &P )-1.0);

        direction = ( HeightPlus > HeightMinus ) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

         *  We are already at or below target height. Trace until we are not.
        done  = FALSE;
        //reset = TRUE;
        while ( !done ) {
            Htry = fabs(0.9*(TargetHeight - Height));	    // This computes Htry as 90% of the distance to the TargetHeight
            if (Htry > 0.1) Htry = 0.1; // If its bigger than 0.1 reset it to 0.1 -- to be safe.
            if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, direction, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
//printf("1. PPPPPPPPPP = %g %g %g\n", P.x, P.y, P.z);
            Sa += Hdid;
            Info->Trace_s += Hdid;
            Height = WGS84_A*(Lgm_Magnitude( &P )-1.0);
            F = Height - TargetHeight;
            if ( F > 0.0 ) {
                done = TRUE;
            } else if ( Height < StartHeight ) {
                // We are going back down again -- Target Height unreachable? -- Bail out
                return( LGM_TARGET_HEIGHT_UNREACHABLE );


     *  Bracket the zero first.
     *  We want to stop in the ionosphere at a certain height above the Earth
     *  (assumed to be a spehere of radius WGS84_A in this routine).  We need
     *  to find 2 points along the field line such that the intersection of the
     *  FL with the sphere is guaranteed to lie between them. To do this, we
     *  need to find two points; Pa and Pc such that;
     *		and  Height( Pa ) - TargetHeight   >   0.0
     *		and  Height( Pc ) - TargetHeight   <   0.0
     *  I.e., F = Height - TargetHeight has opposite signs
     *  Set the start point, Pa and Fa. (Fa is difference between Height_a and
     *  TargetHeight.)
    Pa   = P;
    Height_a = WGS84_A*(Lgm_Magnitude( &Pa )-1.0);
    Fa   = Height_a - TargetHeight;

     *  Get an initial Htry that is safe -- i.e. start off slowly
     *  We dont really know where we are, so be conservative on the first try.
     *  If if ( Lgm_MagStep() gives back an Hnext thats higher, we'll crank Htry up then...
    Htry = 0.9*Height_a;	    // This computes Htry as 90% of the distance to the Earth's surface (could be small if we are already close!)
    if (Htry > Hmax) Htry = Hmax; // If its bigger than Hmax reset it to Hmax -- to be safe.

     *  Keep stepping along the field line until we drop below the target
     *  height, TargetHeight.  (Or bail if its open). This completes the endpoints of the
     *  bracket pair. We get these points first, because there are field lines
     *  that have more than one local minimum in fabs(Height-TargetHeight). So find Pa and Pc
     *  first and then complete the triple later. CHECK on this. I changed this
     *  from a minima search to a simple root finder. Is it OK still?
    P     = Pa;
    done  = FALSE;
    //reset = TRUE;
    Count = 0;
    while ( !done ) {

        if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, sgn, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
        Height = WGS84_A*(Lgm_Magnitude( &P )-1.0);
//Lgm_Vector BBBBB;
//Info->Bfield( &P, &BBBBB, Info );
//printf("2. PPPPPPPPPP = %g %g %g    BBBBBBBBBB = %g %g %g Height = %g        HTRY = %g HDID = %g HNEXT = %g\n", P.x, P.y, P.z, BBBBB.x, BBBBB.y, BBBBB.z, Height, Htry, Hdid, Hnext);
        F =  Height - TargetHeight;
        if ((F > 0.0) && (Info->SavePoints)) fprintf(Info->fp, "%f \t%f\t %f\t 2\n", P.x, P.y, P.z);

        if (   (P.x > Info->OpenLimit_xMax) || (P.x < Info->OpenLimit_xMin) || (P.y > Info->OpenLimit_yMax) || (P.y < Info->OpenLimit_yMin)
                || (P.z > Info->OpenLimit_zMax) || (P.z < Info->OpenLimit_zMin) || ( s > 1000.0 ) ) {
             *  Open FL!
            v->x = v->y = v->z = 0.0;
        } else if ( F < 0.0 ) {
            done = TRUE;
            Pc = P;
            Fc = F;
            Height_c = Height;
            //Sc += Hdid;
            Sc = Sa + Hdid;
        } else {
            Pa = P;
            Fa = F;
            Height_a = Height;
            Sa += Hdid;

        //if ( fabs(Hdid-Htry) > 1e-6 ) Htry = Hnext; // adaptively reset Htry
        Htry = Hnext; // adaptively reset Htry
//printf("A. Htry = %g\n", Htry);

         *  Go no farther than some small distance below
         *  the target Height. Also respect Hmin and Hmax.
        Htry_max = 0.9*Height;
        if (Htry > Htry_max)  Htry = Htry_max;
//printf("B. Htry = %g      Htry, Hmin, Hmax, Htry_max = %g %g %g %g\n", Htry, Htry, Hmin, Hmax, Htry_max);
        if      (Htry < Hmin) Htry = Hmin;
        else if (Htry > Hmax) Htry = Hmax;
//printf("C. Htry = %g\n", Htry);

        if ( Count > 1000) {
            printf("File: %s Lgm_TraceToSphericalEarth(), Line: %d; Too many iterations trying to reach target height (are we in a weird field region?) Returning with -1.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );


    if ( ((Fc > 0.0) && (Fa > 0.0)) || ((Fc < 0.0) && (Fa < 0.0)) ) {
        // No bracket

     *  We have a bracket. Now go in for the kill.
     *  (Note: If all we wanted to know is whether or not the line hits the
     *  TargetHeight, we could stop here: it must or we wouldnt have a minimum
     *  bracketed.)
     *  Use golden-section search to converge toward minimum.
     *  (Sa, Sb, Sc) are the distances of the triple points along
     *  the FL. For convenience, we maintain Sa = 0.0, so that
     *  Sb and Sc are always the distances relative to Pa. (And
     *  so Sc is always the width of the bracketed interval. So when
     *  Sc gets small enough we bail out and take Pb as the min).
    //reset = TRUE;
    if (1==1) {
        done  = FALSE;
        while (!done) {

            d = Sc - Sa;

            //if ( fabs(F) < tol ) {
            if ( fabs(d) < tol ) {
                done = TRUE;
            } else {

                P = Pa; //Htry = LGM_1M_1O_GOLD*d; // LGM_1M_1O_GOLD is 0.381966...
//            if ( Htry > 2.0*fabs(F) ) {
                //Htry = LGM_1M_1O_GOLD*d; // LGM_1M_1O_GOLD is 0.381966...
                Htry = 0.5*fabs(d); // LGM_1M_1O_GOLD is 0.381966...
//            }
                if ( Lgm_MagStep( &P, &u_scale, Htry, &Hdid, &Hnext, sgn, &s, &reset, Info->Bfield, Info ) < 0 ) return(-1);
//printf("3. PPPPPPPPPP = %g %g %g           HTRY = %g\n", P.x, P.y, P.z, Htry);
                Height = WGS84_A*(Lgm_Magnitude( &P )-1.0);
                F =  Height - TargetHeight;
                if ( F >= 0.0 ) {
                    Pa = P;
                    Fa = F;
                    Sa += Hdid;
                } else {
                    Pc = P;
                    Fc = F;
                    Sc = Sa + Hdid;

        Info->Trace_s = Sa;

         *  Take average as the final answer.
        v->x = 0.5*(Pa.x + Pc.x);
        v->y = 0.5*(Pa.y + Pc.y);
        v->z = 0.5*(Pa.z + Pc.z);
        //printf( "Lgm_TraceToSphericalEarth: v = %g %g %g\n", v->x, v->y, v->z);


    if (0==1) {
         * Try Brent's method
//printf("Sa, Sb = %g %g  Fa, Fb = %g %g   tol = %g\n", Sa, Sb, Fa, Fb, tol);
        double      Sz, Fz;
        Lgm_Vector  Pz;
        BrentFuncInfoP    f;

        f.u_scale = u_scale;
        f.Htry    = Htry;
        f.sgn     = sgn;
        f.reset   = reset;
        f.Info    = Info;
        f.func    = &seFunc;
        f.Val     = TargetHeight;
        Lgm_zBrentP( Sa, Sc, Fa, Fc, Pa, Pc, &f, tol, &Sz, &Fz, &Pz );
        Fc = Fz;
        Sc = Sz;
        Pc = Pz;
//printf("Sa, Sb = %g %g  Fa, Fb = %g %g   tol = %g\n", Sa, Sb, Fa, Fb, tol);

        v->x = Pz.x;
        v->y = Pz.y;
        v->z = Pz.z;
        Info->Trace_s = Sz;


    if (Info->SavePoints) fprintf(Info->fp, "%f \t%f\t %f\t 2\n", v->x, v->y, v->z);

    if ( Info->VerbosityLevel > 2 ) printf("Lgm_TraceToSphericalEarth(): Number of Bfield evaluations = %ld\n", Info->Lgm_nMagEvals );

    return( 1 );
