コード例 #1
ファイル: tr_bsp.cpp プロジェクト: Politovsky/OpenJK

Called directly from cgame
void RE_LoadWorldMap_Actual( const char *name, world_t &worldData, int index ) {
	dheader_t	*header;
	byte		*buffer = NULL;
	qboolean	loadedSubBSP = qfalse;

	if ( tr.worldMapLoaded && !index ) {
		Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "ERROR: attempted to redundantly load world map\n" );

	// set default sun direction to be used if it isn't
	// overridden by a shader
	if (!index)
		skyboxportal = 0;

		tr.sunDirection[0] = 0.45f;
		tr.sunDirection[1] = 0.3f;
		tr.sunDirection[2] = 0.9f;

		VectorNormalize( tr.sunDirection );

		tr.worldMapLoaded = qtrue;

		// clear tr.world so if the level fails to load, the next
		// try will not look at the partially loaded version
		tr.world = NULL;

	// check for cached disk file from the server first...
	if (ri.gpvCachedMapDiskImage())
		if (!strcmp(name, ri.gsCachedMapDiskImage()))
			// we should always get here, if inside the first IF...
			buffer = (byte *)ri.gpvCachedMapDiskImage();
			// this should never happen (ie renderer loading a different map than the server), but just in case...
	//		assert(0);
	//		Z_Free(gpvCachedMapDiskImage);
	//			   gpvCachedMapDiskImage = NULL;
			//rww - this is a valid possibility now because of sub-bsp loading.\
			//it's alright, just keep the current cache
			loadedSubBSP = qtrue;

	tr.worldDir[0] = '\0';
	if (buffer == NULL)
		// still needs loading...
		ri.FS_ReadFile( name, (void **)&buffer );
		if ( !buffer ) {
			Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "RE_LoadWorldMap: %s not found", name);

	memset( &worldData, 0, sizeof( worldData ) );
	Q_strncpyz( worldData.name, name, sizeof( worldData.name ) );
	Q_strncpyz( tr.worldDir, name, sizeof( tr.worldDir ) );
	Q_strncpyz( worldData.baseName, COM_SkipPath( worldData.name ), sizeof( worldData.name ) );

	COM_StripExtension( worldData.baseName, worldData.baseName, sizeof( worldData.baseName ) );
	COM_StripExtension( tr.worldDir, tr.worldDir, sizeof( tr.worldDir ) );

	c_gridVerts = 0;

	header = (dheader_t *)buffer;
	fileBase = (byte *)header;

	header->version = LittleLong (header->version);
	if ( header->version != BSP_VERSION ) 
		Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "RE_LoadWorldMap: %s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)", name, header->version, BSP_VERSION);

	// swap all the lumps
	for (size_t i=0 ; i<sizeof(dheader_t)/4 ; i++) {
		((int *)header)[i] = LittleLong ( ((int *)header)[i]);

	// load into heap
	R_LoadShaders( &header->lumps[LUMP_SHADERS], worldData );
	R_LoadLightmaps( &header->lumps[LUMP_LIGHTMAPS], name, worldData );
	R_LoadPlanes (&header->lumps[LUMP_PLANES], worldData);
	R_LoadFogs( &header->lumps[LUMP_FOGS], &header->lumps[LUMP_BRUSHES], &header->lumps[LUMP_BRUSHSIDES], worldData, index );
	R_LoadSurfaces( &header->lumps[LUMP_SURFACES], &header->lumps[LUMP_DRAWVERTS], &header->lumps[LUMP_DRAWINDEXES], worldData, index );
	R_LoadMarksurfaces (&header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFSURFACES], worldData);
	R_LoadNodesAndLeafs (&header->lumps[LUMP_NODES], &header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFS], worldData);
	R_LoadSubmodels (&header->lumps[LUMP_MODELS], worldData, index);
	R_LoadVisibility( &header->lumps[LUMP_VISIBILITY], worldData );

	if (!index)
		R_LoadEntities( &header->lumps[LUMP_ENTITIES], worldData );
		R_LoadLightGrid( &header->lumps[LUMP_LIGHTGRID], worldData );
		R_LoadLightGridArray( &header->lumps[LUMP_LIGHTARRAY], worldData );

		// only set tr.world now that we know the entire level has loaded properly
		tr.world = &worldData;

	if (ri.gpvCachedMapDiskImage() && !loadedSubBSP)
		// For the moment, I'm going to keep this disk image around in case we need it to respawn.
		//  No problem for memory, since it'll only be a NZ ptr if we're not low on physical memory
		//	( ie we've got > 96MB).
		//  So don't do this...
		//		Z_Free( gpvCachedMapDiskImage );
		//				gpvCachedMapDiskImage = NULL;
		ri.FS_FreeFile( buffer );
コード例 #2
ファイル: tr_bsp.cpp プロジェクト: Politovsky/OpenJK
static void ParseFace( dsurface_t *ds, mapVert_t *verts, msurface_t *surf, int *indexes, byte *&pFaceDataBuffer, world_t &worldData, int index )
	int			i, j, k;
	srfSurfaceFace_t	*cv;
	int			numPoints, numIndexes;
	int			lightmapNum[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
	int			sfaceSize, ofsIndexes;

		lightmapNum[i] = LittleLong( ds->lightmapNum[i] );
		if (lightmapNum[i] >= 0)
			lightmapNum[i] += worldData.startLightMapIndex;

	// get fog volume
	surf->fogIndex = LittleLong( ds->fogNum ) + 1;
	if (index && !surf->fogIndex && tr.world && tr.world->globalFog != -1)
		surf->fogIndex = worldData.globalFog;

	// get shader value
	surf->shader = ShaderForShaderNum( ds->shaderNum, lightmapNum, ds->lightmapStyles, ds->vertexStyles, worldData );
	if ( r_singleShader->integer && !surf->shader->sky ) {
		surf->shader = tr.defaultShader;

	numPoints = LittleLong( ds->numVerts );
	numIndexes = LittleLong( ds->numIndexes );

	// create the srfSurfaceFace_t
	sfaceSize = ( intptr_t ) &((srfSurfaceFace_t *)0)->points[numPoints];
	ofsIndexes = sfaceSize;
	sfaceSize += sizeof( int ) * numIndexes;

	cv = (srfSurfaceFace_t *) pFaceDataBuffer;//Hunk_Alloc( sfaceSize );
	pFaceDataBuffer += sfaceSize;	// :-)

	cv->surfaceType = SF_FACE;
	cv->numPoints = numPoints;
	cv->numIndices = numIndexes;
	cv->ofsIndices = ofsIndexes;

	verts += LittleLong( ds->firstVert );
	for ( i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++ ) {
		for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
			cv->points[i][j] = LittleFloat( verts[i].xyz[j] );
		for ( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ ) {
			cv->points[i][3+j] = LittleFloat( verts[i].st[j] );
				cv->points[i][VERTEX_LM+j+(k*2)] = LittleFloat( verts[i].lightmap[k][j] );
			R_ColorShiftLightingBytes( verts[i].color[k], (byte *)&cv->points[i][VERTEX_COLOR+k] );

	indexes += LittleLong( ds->firstIndex );
	for ( i = 0 ; i < numIndexes ; i++ ) {
		((int *)((byte *)cv + cv->ofsIndices ))[i] = LittleLong( indexes[ i ] );

	// take the plane information from the lightmap vector
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
		cv->plane.normal[i] = LittleFloat( ds->lightmapVecs[2][i] );
	cv->plane.dist = DotProduct( cv->points[0], cv->plane.normal );
	SetPlaneSignbits( &cv->plane );
	cv->plane.type = PlaneTypeForNormal( cv->plane.normal );

	surf->data = (surfaceType_t *)cv;
コード例 #3
ファイル: net_chan.cpp プロジェクト: archSeer/OpenJK

Returns qfalse if the message should not be processed due to being
out of order or a fragment.

Msg must be large enough to hold MAX_MSGLEN, because if this is the
final fragment of a multi-part message, the entire thing will be
copied out.
qboolean Netchan_Process( netchan_t *chan, msg_t *msg ) {
	int			sequence, sequence_ack;
	//int			qport;
	int			fragmentStart, fragmentLength;
	qboolean	fragmented;

	// get sequence numbers		
	MSG_BeginReading( msg );
	sequence = MSG_ReadLong( msg );
	sequence_ack = MSG_ReadLong( msg );

	// check for fragment information
	if ( sequence & FRAGMENT_BIT ) {
		sequence &= ~FRAGMENT_BIT;
		fragmented = qtrue;
	} else {
		fragmented = qfalse;

	// read the qport if we are a server
	if ( chan->sock == NS_SERVER ) {
		/*qport = */MSG_ReadShort( msg );

	// read the fragment information
	if ( fragmented ) {
		fragmentStart = MSG_ReadShort( msg );
		fragmentLength = MSG_ReadShort( msg );
	} else {
		fragmentStart = 0;		// stop warning message
		fragmentLength = 0;

	if ( showpackets->integer ) {
		if ( fragmented ) {
			Com_Printf( "%s recv %4i : s=%i ack=%i fragment=%i,%i\n"
				, netsrcString[ chan->sock ]
				, msg->cursize
				, sequence
				, sequence_ack
				, fragmentStart, fragmentLength );
		} else {
			Com_Printf( "%s recv %4i : s=%i ack=%i\n"
				, netsrcString[ chan->sock ]
				, msg->cursize
				, sequence
				, sequence_ack );

	// discard out of order or duplicated packets
	if ( sequence <= chan->incomingSequence ) {
		if ( showdrop->integer || showpackets->integer ) {
			Com_Printf( "%s:Out of order packet %i at %i\n"
				, NET_AdrToString( chan->remoteAddress )
				,  sequence
				, chan->incomingSequence );
		return qfalse;

	// dropped packets don't keep the message from being used
	chan->dropped = sequence - (chan->incomingSequence+1);
	if ( chan->dropped > 0 ) {
		if ( showdrop->integer || showpackets->integer ) {
			Com_Printf( "%s:Dropped %i packets at %i\n"
			, NET_AdrToString( chan->remoteAddress )
			, chan->dropped
			, sequence );

	// if this is the final framgent of a reliable message,
	// bump incoming_reliable_sequence 
	if ( fragmented ) {
		// make sure we 
		if ( sequence != chan->fragmentSequence ) {
			chan->fragmentSequence = sequence;
			chan->fragmentLength = 0;

		// if we missed a fragment, dump the message
		if ( fragmentStart != chan->fragmentLength ) {
			if ( showdrop->integer || showpackets->integer ) {
				Com_Printf( "%s:Dropped a message fragment\n"
				, NET_AdrToString( chan->remoteAddress )
				, sequence);
			// we can still keep the part that we have so far,
			// so we don't need to clear chan->fragmentLength
			return qfalse;

		// copy the fragment to the fragment buffer
		if ( fragmentLength < 0 || msg->readcount + fragmentLength > msg->cursize ||
			chan->fragmentLength + fragmentLength > (int)sizeof( chan->fragmentBuffer ) ) {
			if ( showdrop->integer || showpackets->integer ) {
				Com_Printf ("%s:illegal fragment length\n"
				, NET_AdrToString (chan->remoteAddress ) );
			return qfalse;

		memcpy( chan->fragmentBuffer + chan->fragmentLength, 
			msg->data + msg->readcount, fragmentLength );

		chan->fragmentLength += fragmentLength;

		// if this wasn't the last fragment, don't process anything
		if ( fragmentLength == FRAGMENT_SIZE ) {
			return qfalse;

		if ( chan->fragmentLength > msg->maxsize ) {
			Com_Printf( "%s:fragmentLength %i > msg->maxsize\n"
				, NET_AdrToString (chan->remoteAddress ),
				chan->fragmentLength );
			return qfalse;

		// copy the full message over the partial fragment

		// make sure the sequence number is still there
		*(int *)msg->data = LittleLong( sequence );

		memcpy( msg->data + 4, chan->fragmentBuffer, chan->fragmentLength );
		msg->cursize = chan->fragmentLength + 4;
		chan->fragmentLength = 0;
		msg->readcount = 4;	// past the sequence number

		return qtrue;

	// the message can now be read from the current message pointer
	chan->incomingSequence = sequence;
	chan->incomingAcknowledged = sequence_ack;

	return qtrue;
コード例 #4
ファイル: tr_model_mdc.cpp プロジェクト: DerSaidin/OpenWolf
qboolean R_LoadMDC(model_t * mod, int lod, void *buffer, int bufferSize, const char *modName)
	int             i, j, k, l;

	mdcHeader_t    *mdcModel;
	md3Frame_t     *mdcFrame;
	mdcSurface_t   *mdcSurf;
	md3Shader_t    *mdcShader;
	md3Triangle_t  *mdcTri;
	md3St_t        *mdcst;
	md3XyzNormal_t *mdcxyz;
	mdcXyzCompressed_t *mdcxyzComp;
	mdcTag_t       *mdcTag;
	mdcTagName_t   *mdcTagName;

	mdvModel_t     *mdvModel;
	mdvFrame_t     *frame;
	mdvSurface_t   *surf, *surface;
	srfTriangle_t  *tri;
	mdvVertex_t    *v;
	mdvSt_t        *st;
	mdvTag_t       *tag;
	mdvTagName_t   *tagName;
	short          *ps;

	int             version;
	int             size;

	mdcModel = (mdcHeader_t *) buffer;

	version = LittleLong(mdcModel->version);
	if(version != MDC_VERSION)
		ri.Printf(PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMD3: %s has wrong version (%i should be %i)\n", modName, version, MDC_VERSION);
		return qfalse;

	mod->type = MOD_MESH;
	size = LittleLong(mdcModel->ofsEnd);
	mod->dataSize += size;
	mdvModel = mod->mdv[lod] = (mdvModel_t*)ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(mdvModel_t), h_low);


	if(mdcModel->numFrames < 1)
		ri.Printf(PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMDC: '%s' has no frames\n", modName);
		return qfalse;

	// swap all the frames
	mdvModel->numFrames = mdcModel->numFrames;
	mdvModel->frames = frame = (mdvFrame_t*)ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*frame) * mdcModel->numFrames, h_low);

	mdcFrame = (md3Frame_t *) ((byte *) mdcModel + mdcModel->ofsFrames);
	for(i = 0; i < mdcModel->numFrames; i++, frame++, mdcFrame++)
#if 1
		// RB: ET HACK
		if(strstr(mod->name, "sherman") || strstr(mod->name, "mg42"))
			frame->radius = 256;
			for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				frame->bounds[0][j] = 128;
				frame->bounds[1][j] = -128;
				frame->localOrigin[j] = LittleFloat(mdcFrame->localOrigin[j]);
			frame->radius = LittleFloat(mdcFrame->radius);
			for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				frame->bounds[0][j] = LittleFloat(mdcFrame->bounds[0][j]);
				frame->bounds[1][j] = LittleFloat(mdcFrame->bounds[1][j]);
				frame->localOrigin[j] = LittleFloat(mdcFrame->localOrigin[j]);

	// swap all the tags
	mdvModel->numTags = mdcModel->numTags;
	mdvModel->tags = tag = (mdvTag_t*)ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*tag) * (mdcModel->numTags * mdcModel->numFrames), h_low);

	mdcTag = (mdcTag_t *) ((byte *) mdcModel + mdcModel->ofsTags);
	for(i = 0; i < mdcModel->numTags * mdcModel->numFrames; i++, tag++, mdcTag++)
		vec3_t		angles;
		for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			tag->origin[j] = (float)LittleShort(mdcTag->xyz[j]) * MD3_XYZ_SCALE;
			angles[j] = (float)LittleShort(mdcTag->angles[j]) * MDC_TAG_ANGLE_SCALE;

		AnglesToAxis(angles, tag->axis);

	mdvModel->tagNames = tagName = (mdvTagName_t*)ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*tagName) * (mdcModel->numTags), h_low);

	mdcTagName = (mdcTagName_t *) ((byte *) mdcModel + mdcModel->ofsTagNames);
	for(i = 0; i < mdcModel->numTags; i++, tagName++, mdcTagName++)
		Q_strncpyz(tagName->name, mdcTagName->name, sizeof(tagName->name));

	// swap all the surfaces
	mdvModel->numSurfaces = mdcModel->numSurfaces;
	mdvModel->surfaces = surf = (mdvSurface_t*)ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*surf) * mdcModel->numSurfaces, h_low);

	mdcSurf = (mdcSurface_t *) ((byte *) mdcModel + mdcModel->ofsSurfaces);
	for(i = 0; i < mdcModel->numSurfaces; i++)

		if(mdcSurf->numVerts > SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES)
			ri.Error(ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMDC: %s has more than %i verts on a surface (%i)",
					 modName, SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES, mdcSurf->numVerts);
		if(mdcSurf->numTriangles > SHADER_MAX_TRIANGLES)
			ri.Error(ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMDC: %s has more than %i triangles on a surface (%i)",
					 modName, SHADER_MAX_TRIANGLES, mdcSurf->numTriangles);

		// change to surface identifier
		surf->surfaceType = SF_MDV;

		// give pointer to model for Tess_SurfaceMDX
		surf->model = mdvModel;

		// copy surface name
		Q_strncpyz(surf->name, mdcSurf->name, sizeof(surf->name));

		// lowercase the surface name so skin compares are faster

		// strip off a trailing _1 or _2
		// this is a crutch for q3data being a mess
		j = strlen(surf->name);
		if(j > 2 && surf->name[j - 2] == '_')
			surf->name[j - 2] = 0;

		// register the shaders
		   surf->numShaders = md3Surf->numShaders;
		   surf->shaders = shader = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*shader) * md3Surf->numShaders, h_low);

		   md3Shader = (md3Shader_t *) ((byte *) md3Surf + md3Surf->ofsShaders);
		   for(j = 0; j < md3Surf->numShaders; j++, shader++, md3Shader++)
		   shader_t       *sh;

		   sh = R_FindShader(md3Shader->name, SHADER_3D_DYNAMIC, qtrue);
		   shader->shaderIndex = 0;
		   shader->shaderIndex = sh->index;

		// only consider the first shader
		mdcShader = (md3Shader_t *) ((byte *) mdcSurf + mdcSurf->ofsShaders);
		surf->shader = R_FindShader(mdcShader->name, SHADER_3D_DYNAMIC, qtrue);

		// swap all the triangles
		surf->numTriangles = mdcSurf->numTriangles;
		surf->triangles = tri = (srfTriangle_t*)ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*tri) * mdcSurf->numTriangles, h_low);

		mdcTri = (md3Triangle_t *) ((byte *) mdcSurf + mdcSurf->ofsTriangles);
		for(j = 0; j < mdcSurf->numTriangles; j++, tri++, mdcTri++)
			tri->indexes[0] = LittleLong(mdcTri->indexes[0]);
			tri->indexes[1] = LittleLong(mdcTri->indexes[1]);
			tri->indexes[2] = LittleLong(mdcTri->indexes[2]);

		R_CalcSurfaceTriangleNeighbors(surf->numTriangles, surf->triangles);

		// swap all the XyzNormals
		mdcxyz = (md3XyzNormal_t *) ((byte *) mdcSurf + mdcSurf->ofsXyzNormals);
		for(j = 0; j < mdcSurf->numVerts * mdcSurf->numBaseFrames; j++, mdcxyz++)
			mdcxyz->xyz[0] = LittleShort(mdcxyz->xyz[0]);
			mdcxyz->xyz[1] = LittleShort(mdcxyz->xyz[1]);
			mdcxyz->xyz[2] = LittleShort(mdcxyz->xyz[2]);

			mdcxyz->normal = LittleShort(mdcxyz->normal);

		// swap all the XyzCompressed
		mdcxyzComp = (mdcXyzCompressed_t *) ((byte *) mdcSurf + mdcSurf->ofsXyzCompressed);
		for(j = 0; j < mdcSurf->numVerts * mdcSurf->numCompFrames; j++, mdcxyzComp++)

		// swap the frameBaseFrames
		ps = (short *)((byte *) mdcSurf + mdcSurf->ofsFrameBaseFrames);
		for(j = 0; j < mdcModel->numFrames; j++, ps++)
			*ps = LittleShort(*ps);

		// swap the frameCompFrames
		ps = (short *)((byte *) mdcSurf + mdcSurf->ofsFrameCompFrames);
		for(j = 0; j < mdcModel->numFrames; j++, ps++)
			*ps = LittleShort(*ps);

		surf->numVerts = mdcSurf->numVerts;
		surf->verts = v = (mdvVertex_t*)ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*v) * (mdcSurf->numVerts * mdcModel->numFrames), h_low);
		for(j = 0; j < mdcModel->numFrames; j++)
			int             baseFrame;
			int				compFrame;

			baseFrame = (int) *((short *)((byte *) mdcSurf + mdcSurf->ofsFrameBaseFrames) + j);

			mdcxyz = (md3XyzNormal_t *)((byte *) mdcSurf + mdcSurf->ofsXyzNormals + baseFrame * mdcSurf->numVerts * sizeof(md3XyzNormal_t));

			if(mdcSurf->numCompFrames > 0)
				compFrame = (int) *((short *)((byte *) mdcSurf + mdcSurf->ofsFrameCompFrames) + j);
				if(compFrame >= 0)
					mdcxyzComp = (mdcXyzCompressed_t *) ((byte *) mdcSurf + mdcSurf->ofsXyzCompressed + compFrame * mdcSurf->numVerts * sizeof(mdcXyzCompressed_t));

			for(k = 0; k < mdcSurf->numVerts; k++, v++, mdcxyz++)
				v->xyz[0] = LittleShort(mdcxyz->xyz[0]) * MD3_XYZ_SCALE;
				v->xyz[1] = LittleShort(mdcxyz->xyz[1]) * MD3_XYZ_SCALE;
				v->xyz[2] = LittleShort(mdcxyz->xyz[2]) * MD3_XYZ_SCALE;

				if(mdcSurf->numCompFrames > 0 && compFrame >= 0)
					vec3_t      ofsVec;
					vec3_t		normal;

					R_MDC_DecodeXyzCompressed(LittleShort(mdcxyzComp->ofsVec), ofsVec, normal);
					VectorAdd(v->xyz, ofsVec, v->xyz);


		// swap all the ST
		surf->st = st = (mdvSt_t*)ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*st) * mdcSurf->numVerts, h_low);

		mdcst = (md3St_t *) ((byte *) mdcSurf + mdcSurf->ofsSt);
		for(j = 0; j < mdcSurf->numVerts; j++, mdcst++, st++)
			st->st[0] = LittleFloat(mdcst->st[0]);
			st->st[1] = LittleFloat(mdcst->st[1]);

		// find the next surface
		mdcSurf = (mdcSurface_t *) ((byte *) mdcSurf + mdcSurf->ofsEnd);

#if defined(USE_D3D10)
	// TODO
#if 1
	// create VBO surfaces from md3 surfaces
		growList_t      vboSurfaces;
		srfVBOMDVMesh_t *vboSurf;

		byte           *data;
		int             dataSize;
		int             dataOfs;

		vec4_t          tmp;

		GLuint          ofsTexCoords;
		GLuint          ofsTangents;
		GLuint          ofsBinormals;
		GLuint          ofsNormals;

		GLuint			sizeXYZ;
		GLuint			sizeTangents;
		GLuint			sizeBinormals;
		GLuint			sizeNormals;

		int				vertexesNum;
		int				f;

		Com_InitGrowList(&vboSurfaces, 10);

		for(i = 0, surf = mdvModel->surfaces; i < mdvModel->numSurfaces; i++, surf++)
			// calc tangent spaces
				const float    *v0, *v1, *v2;
				const float    *t0, *t1, *t2;
				vec3_t          tangent;
				vec3_t          binormal;
				vec3_t          normal;

				for(j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < (surf->numVerts * mdvModel->numFrames); j++, v++)

				for(f = 0; f < mdvModel->numFrames; f++)
					for(j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++)
						v0 = surf->verts[surf->numVerts * f + tri->indexes[0]].xyz;
						v1 = surf->verts[surf->numVerts * f + tri->indexes[1]].xyz;
						v2 = surf->verts[surf->numVerts * f + tri->indexes[2]].xyz;

						t0 = surf->st[tri->indexes[0]].st;
						t1 = surf->st[tri->indexes[1]].st;
						t2 = surf->st[tri->indexes[2]].st;

						#if 1
						R_CalcTangentSpace(tangent, binormal, normal, v0, v1, v2, t0, t1, t2);
						R_CalcNormalForTriangle(normal, v0, v1, v2);
						R_CalcTangentsForTriangle(tangent, binormal, v0, v1, v2, t0, t1, t2);

						for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
							float          *v;

							v = surf->verts[surf->numVerts * f + tri->indexes[k]].tangent;
							VectorAdd(v, tangent, v);

							v = surf->verts[surf->numVerts * f + tri->indexes[k]].binormal;
							VectorAdd(v, binormal, v);

							v = surf->verts[surf->numVerts * f + tri->indexes[k]].normal;
							VectorAdd(v, normal, v);

				for(j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < (surf->numVerts * mdvModel->numFrames); j++, v++)

			//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "...calculating MDC mesh VBOs ( '%s', %i verts %i tris )\n", surf->name, surf->numVerts, surf->numTriangles);

			// create surface
			vboSurf = (srfVBOMDVMesh_t*)ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*vboSurf), h_low);
			Com_AddToGrowList(&vboSurfaces, vboSurf);

			vboSurf->surfaceType = SF_VBO_MDVMESH;
			vboSurf->mdvModel = mdvModel;
			vboSurf->mdvSurface = surf;
			vboSurf->numIndexes = surf->numTriangles * 3;
			vboSurf->numVerts = surf->numVerts;

			vboSurf->vbo = R_CreateVBO2(va("staticWorldMesh_vertices %i", vboSurfaces.currentElements), numVerts, optimizedVerts,
									   | ATTR_COLOR);

			vboSurf->ibo = R_CreateIBO2(va("staticMDCMesh_IBO %s", surf->name), surf->numTriangles, surf->triangles, VBO_USAGE_STATIC);

			// create VBO
			vertexesNum = surf->numVerts;

			dataSize =	(surf->numVerts * mdvModel->numFrames * sizeof(vec4_t) * 4) + // xyz, tangent, binormal, normal
						(surf->numVerts * sizeof(vec4_t)); // texcoords
			data = (byte*)ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory(dataSize);
			dataOfs = 0;

			// feed vertex XYZ
			for(f = 0; f < mdvModel->numFrames; f++)
				for(j = 0; j < vertexesNum; j++)
					for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
						tmp[k] = surf->verts[f * vertexesNum + j].xyz[k];
					tmp[3] = 1;
					Com_Memcpy(data + dataOfs, (vec_t *) tmp, sizeof(vec4_t));
					dataOfs += sizeof(vec4_t);

				if(f == 0)
					sizeXYZ = dataOfs;

			// feed vertex texcoords
			ofsTexCoords = dataOfs;
			for(j = 0; j < vertexesNum; j++)
				for(k = 0; k < 2; k++)
					tmp[k] = surf->st[j].st[k];
				tmp[2] = 0;
				tmp[3] = 1;
				Com_Memcpy(data + dataOfs, (vec_t *) tmp, sizeof(vec4_t));
				dataOfs += sizeof(vec4_t);

			// feed vertex tangents
			ofsTangents = dataOfs;
			for(f = 0; f < mdvModel->numFrames; f++)
				for(j = 0; j < vertexesNum; j++)
					for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
						tmp[k] = surf->verts[f * vertexesNum + j].tangent[k];
					tmp[3] = 1;
					Com_Memcpy(data + dataOfs, (vec_t *) tmp, sizeof(vec4_t));
					dataOfs += sizeof(vec4_t);

				if(f == 0)
					sizeTangents = dataOfs - ofsTangents;

			// feed vertex binormals
			ofsBinormals = dataOfs;
			for(f = 0; f < mdvModel->numFrames; f++)
				for(j = 0; j < vertexesNum; j++)
					for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
						tmp[k] = surf->verts[f * vertexesNum + j].binormal[k];
					tmp[3] = 1;
					Com_Memcpy(data + dataOfs, (vec_t *) tmp, sizeof(vec4_t));
					dataOfs += sizeof(vec4_t);

				if(f == 0)
					sizeBinormals = dataOfs - ofsBinormals;

			// feed vertex normals
			ofsNormals = dataOfs;
			for(f = 0; f < mdvModel->numFrames; f++)
				for(j = 0; j < vertexesNum; j++)
					for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
						tmp[k] = surf->verts[f * vertexesNum + j].normal[k];
					tmp[3] = 1;
					Com_Memcpy(data + dataOfs, (vec_t *) tmp, sizeof(vec4_t));
					dataOfs += sizeof(vec4_t);

				if(f == 0)
					sizeNormals = dataOfs - ofsNormals;

			vboSurf->vbo = R_CreateVBO(va("staticMDCMesh_VBO '%s'", surf->name), data, dataSize, VBO_USAGE_STATIC);
			vboSurf->vbo->ofsXYZ = 0;
			vboSurf->vbo->ofsTexCoords = ofsTexCoords;
			vboSurf->vbo->ofsLightCoords = ofsTexCoords;
			vboSurf->vbo->ofsTangents = ofsTangents;
			vboSurf->vbo->ofsBinormals = ofsBinormals;
			vboSurf->vbo->ofsNormals = ofsNormals;

			vboSurf->vbo->sizeXYZ = sizeXYZ;
			vboSurf->vbo->sizeTangents = sizeTangents;
			vboSurf->vbo->sizeBinormals = sizeBinormals;
			vboSurf->vbo->sizeNormals = sizeNormals;


		// move VBO surfaces list to hunk
		mdvModel->numVBOSurfaces = vboSurfaces.currentElements;
		mdvModel->vboSurfaces = (srfVBOMDVMesh_t**)ri.Hunk_Alloc(mdvModel->numVBOSurfaces * sizeof(*mdvModel->vboSurfaces), h_low);

		for(i = 0; i < mdvModel->numVBOSurfaces; i++)
			mdvModel->vboSurfaces[i] = (srfVBOMDVMesh_t *) Com_GrowListElement(&vboSurfaces, i);

#endif // USE_D3D10
	return qtrue;
コード例 #5
ファイル: tr_bsp.cpp プロジェクト: Politovsky/OpenJK

static	void R_LoadFogs( lump_t *l, lump_t *brushesLump, lump_t *sidesLump, world_t &worldData, int index ) {
	int			i;
	fog_t		*out;
	dfog_t		*fogs;
	dbrush_t 	*brushes, *brush;
	dbrushside_t	*sides;
	int			count, brushesCount, sidesCount;
	int			sideNum;
	int			planeNum;
	shader_t	*shader;
	float		d;
	int			firstSide=0;
	int			lightmaps[MAXLIGHTMAPS] = { LIGHTMAP_NONE } ;

	fogs = (dfog_t *)(fileBase + l->fileofs);
	if (l->filelen % sizeof(*fogs)) {
		Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "LoadMap: funny lump size in %s",worldData.name);
	count = l->filelen / sizeof(*fogs);

	// create fog strucutres for them
	worldData.numfogs = count + 1;
	worldData.fogs = (fog_t *)Hunk_Alloc ( (worldData.numfogs+1)*sizeof(*out), qtrue);
	worldData.globalFog = -1;
	out = worldData.fogs + 1;

	// Copy the global fog from the main world into the bsp instance
		if(tr.world && (tr.world->globalFog != -1))
			// Use the nightvision fog slot
			worldData.fogs[worldData.numfogs] = tr.world->fogs[tr.world->globalFog];
			worldData.globalFog = worldData.numfogs;

	if ( !count ) {

	brushes = (dbrush_t *)(fileBase + brushesLump->fileofs);
	if (brushesLump->filelen % sizeof(*brushes)) {
		Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "LoadMap: funny lump size in %s",worldData.name);
	brushesCount = brushesLump->filelen / sizeof(*brushes);

	sides = (dbrushside_t *)(fileBase + sidesLump->fileofs);
	if (sidesLump->filelen % sizeof(*sides)) {
		Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "LoadMap: funny lump size in %s",worldData.name);
	sidesCount = sidesLump->filelen / sizeof(*sides);

	for ( i=0 ; i<count ; i++, fogs++) {
		out->originalBrushNumber = LittleLong( fogs->brushNum );
		if (out->originalBrushNumber == -1)
				Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "LoadMap: global fog not allowed in bsp instances - %s", worldData.name);
			worldData.globalFog = i + 1;
			if ( (unsigned)out->originalBrushNumber >= (unsigned)brushesCount ) {
				Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "fog brushNumber out of range" );
			brush = brushes + out->originalBrushNumber;

			firstSide = LittleLong( brush->firstSide );

				if ( (unsigned)firstSide > (unsigned)(sidesCount - 6) ) {
				Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "fog brush sideNumber out of range" );

			// brushes are always sorted with the axial sides first
			sideNum = firstSide + 0;
			planeNum = LittleLong( sides[ sideNum ].planeNum );
			out->bounds[0][0] = -worldData.planes[ planeNum ].dist;

			sideNum = firstSide + 1;
			planeNum = LittleLong( sides[ sideNum ].planeNum );
			out->bounds[1][0] = worldData.planes[ planeNum ].dist;

			sideNum = firstSide + 2;
			planeNum = LittleLong( sides[ sideNum ].planeNum );
			out->bounds[0][1] = -worldData.planes[ planeNum ].dist;

			sideNum = firstSide + 3;
			planeNum = LittleLong( sides[ sideNum ].planeNum );
			out->bounds[1][1] = worldData.planes[ planeNum ].dist;

			sideNum = firstSide + 4;
			planeNum = LittleLong( sides[ sideNum ].planeNum );
			out->bounds[0][2] = -worldData.planes[ planeNum ].dist;

			sideNum = firstSide + 5;
			planeNum = LittleLong( sides[ sideNum ].planeNum );
			out->bounds[1][2] = worldData.planes[ planeNum ].dist;

		// get information from the shader for fog parameters
		shader = R_FindShader( fogs->shader, lightmaps, stylesDefault, qtrue );

		if (!shader->fogParms)
		{//bad shader!!
			out->parms.color[0] = 1.0f;
			out->parms.color[1] = 0.0f;
			out->parms.color[2] = 0.0f;
			out->parms.depthForOpaque = 250.0f;
		out->parms = *shader->fogParms;
		out->colorInt = ColorBytes4 ( out->parms.color[0], 
			out->parms.color[2], 1.0 );

		d = out->parms.depthForOpaque < 1 ? 1 : out->parms.depthForOpaque;
		out->tcScale = 1.0f / ( d * 8 );

		// set the gradient vector
		sideNum = LittleLong( fogs->visibleSide );

		if ( sideNum == -1 ) {
			out->hasSurface = qfalse;
		} else {
			out->hasSurface = qtrue;
			planeNum = LittleLong( sides[ firstSide + sideNum ].planeNum );
			VectorSubtract( vec3_origin, worldData.planes[ planeNum ].normal, out->surface );
			out->surface[3] = -worldData.planes[ planeNum ].dist;


	if (!index)
		// Initialise the last fog so we can use it with the LA Goggles
		// NOTE: We are might appear to be off the end of the array, but we allocated an extra memory slot above but [purposely] didn't 
		//	increment the total world numFogs to match our array size
		out->originalBrushNumber = -1;
		out->parms.color[0] = 0.0f;
		out->parms.color[1] = 0.0f;
		out->parms.color[2] = 0.0f;
		out->parms.depthForOpaque = 0.0f;
		out->colorInt = 0x00000000;
		out->tcScale = 0.0f;
		out->hasSurface = false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: vm.c プロジェクト: themuffinator/fnq3

Load a .qvm file
vmHeader_t *VM_LoadQVM( vm_t *vm, qboolean alloc, qboolean unpure)
	int					dataLength;
	int					i;
	char				filename[MAX_QPATH];
	union {
		vmHeader_t	*h;
		void				*v;
	} header;

	// load the image
	Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "vm/%s.qvm", vm->name );
	Com_VPrintf( "Loading vm file %s...\n", filename );	//Com_VPrintf

	FS_ReadFileDir(filename, vm->searchPath, unpure, &header.v, qfalse);

	if ( !header.h ) {
		Com_Printf( "Failed.\n" );
		VM_Free( vm );

		Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: Couldn't open VM file %s\n", filename );

		return NULL;

	// show where the qvm was loaded from
	if ( com_verbose->integer )
		FS_Which(filename, vm->searchPath);

	if( LittleLong( header.h->vmMagic ) == VM_MAGIC_VER2 ) {
		Com_VPrintf( "...which has vmMagic VM_MAGIC_VER2\n" );	//Com_VPrintf

		// byte swap the header
		for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof( vmHeader_t ) / 4 ; i++ ) {
			((int *)header.h)[i] = LittleLong( ((int *)header.h)[i] );

		// validate
		if ( header.h->jtrgLength < 0
			|| header.h->bssLength < 0
			|| header.h->dataLength < 0
			|| header.h->litLength < 0
			|| header.h->codeLength <= 0 )
			Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: %s has bad header\n", filename);
			return NULL;
	} else if( LittleLong( header.h->vmMagic ) == VM_MAGIC ) {
		// byte swap the header
		// sizeof( vmHeader_t ) - sizeof( int ) is the 1.32b vm header size
		for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof( vmHeader_t ) - sizeof( int ) ) / 4 ; i++ ) {
			((int *)header.h)[i] = LittleLong( ((int *)header.h)[i] );

		// validate
		if ( header.h->bssLength < 0
			|| header.h->dataLength < 0
			|| header.h->litLength < 0
			|| header.h->codeLength <= 0 )

			Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: %s has bad header\n", filename);
			return NULL;
	} else {
		VM_Free( vm );

		Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: %s does not have a recognisable "
				"magic number in its header\n", filename);
		return NULL;

	// round up to next power of 2 so all data operations can
	// be mask protected
	dataLength = header.h->dataLength + header.h->litLength +
	for ( i = 0 ; dataLength > ( 1 << i ) ; i++ ) {
	dataLength = 1 << i;

		// allocate zero filled space for initialized and uninitialized data
		vm->dataBase = Hunk_Alloc(dataLength, h_high);
		vm->dataMask = dataLength - 1;
		// clear the data, but make sure we're not clearing more than allocated
		if(vm->dataMask + 1 != dataLength)

			Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: Data region size of %s not matching after "
					"VM_Restart()\n", filename);
			return NULL;
		Com_Memset(vm->dataBase, 0, dataLength);

	// copy the intialized data
	Com_Memcpy( vm->dataBase, (byte *)header.h + header.h->dataOffset,
		header.h->dataLength + header.h->litLength );

	// byte swap the longs
	for ( i = 0 ; i < header.h->dataLength ; i += 4 ) {
		*(int *)(vm->dataBase + i) = LittleLong( *(int *)(vm->dataBase + i ) );

	if(header.h->vmMagic == VM_MAGIC_VER2)
		int previousNumJumpTableTargets = vm->numJumpTableTargets;

		header.h->jtrgLength &= ~0x03;

		vm->numJumpTableTargets = header.h->jtrgLength >> 2;
		Com_VPrintf("Loading %d jump table targets\n", vm->numJumpTableTargets);

			vm->jumpTableTargets = Hunk_Alloc(header.h->jtrgLength, h_high);
			if(vm->numJumpTableTargets != previousNumJumpTableTargets)

				Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: Jump table size of %s not matching after "
						"VM_Restart()\n", filename);
				return NULL;

			Com_Memset(vm->jumpTableTargets, 0, header.h->jtrgLength);

		Com_Memcpy(vm->jumpTableTargets, (byte *) header.h + header.h->dataOffset +
				header.h->dataLength + header.h->litLength, header.h->jtrgLength);

		// byte swap the longs
		for ( i = 0 ; i < header.h->jtrgLength ; i += 4 ) {
			*(int *)(vm->jumpTableTargets + i) = LittleLong( *(int *)(vm->jumpTableTargets + i ) );
コード例 #7
static FStrifeDialogueNode *ReadRetailNode (FileReader *lump, DWORD &prevSpeakerType)
	FStrifeDialogueNode *node;
	Speech speech;
	char fullsound[16];
	const PClass *type;
	int j;

	node = new FStrifeDialogueNode;

	lump->Read (&speech, sizeof(speech));

	// Byte swap all the ints in the original data
	speech.SpeakerType = LittleLong(speech.SpeakerType);
	speech.DropType = LittleLong(speech.DropType);
	speech.Link = LittleLong(speech.Link);

	// Assign the first instance of a conversation as the default for its
	// actor, so newly spawned actors will use this conversation by default.
	type = GetStrifeType (speech.SpeakerType);
	node->SpeakerType = type;

	if ((signed)(speech.SpeakerType) >= 0 && prevSpeakerType != speech.SpeakerType)
		if (type != NULL)
			ClassRoots[type->TypeName] = StrifeDialogues.Size();
		DialogueRoots[speech.SpeakerType] = StrifeDialogues.Size();
		prevSpeakerType = speech.SpeakerType;

	// Convert the rest of the data to our own internal format.
	node->Dialogue = ncopystring (speech.Dialogue);

	// The speaker's portrait, if any.
	speech.Dialogue[0] = 0; 	//speech.Backdrop[8] = 0;
	node->Backdrop = TexMan.CheckForTexture (speech.Backdrop, FTexture::TEX_MiscPatch);

	// The speaker's voice for this node, if any.
	speech.Backdrop[0] = 0; 	//speech.Sound[8] = 0;
	mysnprintf (fullsound, countof(fullsound), "svox/%s", speech.Sound);
	node->SpeakerVoice = fullsound;

	// The speaker's name, if any.
	speech.Sound[0] = 0; 		//speech.Name[16] = 0;
	node->SpeakerName = ncopystring (speech.Name);

	// The item the speaker should drop when killed.
	node->DropType = GetStrifeType (speech.DropType);

	// Items you need to have to make the speaker use a different node.
	for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
		node->ItemCheck[j].Item = GetStrifeType (speech.ItemCheck[j]);
		node->ItemCheck[j].Amount = -1;
	node->ItemCheckNode = speech.Link;
	node->Children = NULL;

	ParseReplies (&node->Children, &speech.Responses[0]);

	return node;
コード例 #8
ファイル: tr_bsp.cpp プロジェクト: Politovsky/OpenJK
static	void R_LoadSurfaces( lump_t *surfs, lump_t *verts, lump_t *indexLump, world_t &worldData, int index ) {
	dsurface_t	*in;
	msurface_t	*out;
	mapVert_t	*dv;
	int			*indexes;
	int			count;
	int			numFaces, numMeshes, numTriSurfs, numFlares;
	int			i;

	numFaces = 0;
	numMeshes = 0;
	numTriSurfs = 0;
	numFlares = 0;

	in = (dsurface_t *)(fileBase + surfs->fileofs);
	if (surfs->filelen % sizeof(*in))
		Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "LoadMap: funny lump size in %s",worldData.name);
	count = surfs->filelen / sizeof(*in);

	dv = (mapVert_t *)(fileBase + verts->fileofs);
	if (verts->filelen % sizeof(*dv))
		Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "LoadMap: funny lump size in %s",worldData.name);

	indexes = (int *)(fileBase + indexLump->fileofs);
	if ( indexLump->filelen % sizeof(*indexes))
		Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "LoadMap: funny lump size in %s",worldData.name);

	out = (struct msurface_s *) Hunk_Alloc ( count * sizeof(*out), qtrue );	

	worldData.surfaces = out;
	worldData.numsurfaces = count;

	// new bit, the face code on our biggest map requires over 15,000 mallocs, which was no problem on the hunk,
	//	bit hits the zone pretty bad (even the tagFree takes about 9 seconds for that many memblocks), 
	//	so special-case pre-alloc enough space for this data (the patches etc can stay as they are)...
	int iFaceDataSizeRequired = 0;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++, in++) 
		switch ( LittleLong( in->surfaceType ) ) 
			case MST_PLANAR:
				int sfaceSize = ( intptr_t ) &((srfSurfaceFace_t *)0)->points[LittleLong(in->numVerts)];	
					sfaceSize += sizeof( int ) * LittleLong(in->numIndexes);

				iFaceDataSizeRequired += sfaceSize;
	in -= count;	// back it up, ready for loop-proper

	// since this ptr is to hunk data, I can pass it in and have it advanced without worrying about losing
	//	the original alloc ptr...
	byte *pFaceDataBuffer	= (byte *)Hunk_Alloc( iFaceDataSizeRequired, qtrue );	

	// now do regular loop...
	for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++, in++, out++ ) {
		switch ( LittleLong( in->surfaceType ) ) {
		case MST_PATCH:
			ParseMesh ( in, dv, out, worldData, index );
			ParseTriSurf( in, dv, out, indexes, worldData, index );
		case MST_PLANAR:
			ParseFace( in, dv, out, indexes, pFaceDataBuffer, worldData, index );
		case MST_FLARE:
			ParseFlare( in, dv, out, indexes, worldData, index );
			Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Bad surfaceType" );
	ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "...loaded %d faces, %i meshes, %i trisurfs, %i flares\n", 
		numFaces, numMeshes, numTriSurfs, numFlares );
コード例 #9
ファイル: tr_model.c プロジェクト: scenna/etlegacy

Loads in a model for the given name

Zero will be returned if the model fails to load.
An entry will be retained for failed models as an
optimization to prevent disk rescanning if they are
asked for again.
qhandle_t RE_RegisterModel(const char *name)
	model_t   *mod;
	byte      *buffer;
	int       bufferLen = 0;
	int       lod;
	int       ident;
	qboolean  loaded;
	qhandle_t hModel;
	int       numLoaded;

	if (!name || !name[0])
		ri.Printf(PRINT_DEVELOPER, "RE_RegisterModel: NULL name\n");
		return 0;
		ri.Printf(PRINT_DEVELOPER, "RE_RegisterModel model: %s\n", name);

	if (strlen(name) >= MAX_QPATH)
		Com_Printf("Model name exceeds MAX_QPATH\n");
		return 0;

	// search the currently loaded models
	for (hModel = 1; hModel < tr.numModels; hModel++)
		mod = tr.models[hModel];
		if (!strcmp(mod->name, name))
			if (mod->type == MOD_BAD)
				return 0;
			return hModel;

	// allocate a new model_t
	if ((mod = R_AllocModel()) == NULL)
		ri.Printf(PRINT_WARNING, "RE_RegisterModel: R_AllocModel() failed for '%s'\n", name);
		return 0;

	// only set the name after the model has been successfully loaded
	Q_strncpyz(mod->name, name, sizeof(mod->name));

	// make sure the render thread is stopped

	mod->numLods = 0;

	// load the files
	numLoaded = 0;

	if (strstr(name, ".mds") || strstr(name, ".mdm") || strstr(name, ".mdx") || strstr(name, ".md5mesh") || strstr(name, ".psk"))
		// try loading skeletal file

		loaded    = qfalse;
		bufferLen = ri.FS_ReadFile(name, (void **)&buffer);
		if (buffer)
			loadmodel = mod;

			ident = LittleLong(*(unsigned *)buffer);
#if 0
			if (ident == MDS_IDENT)
				loaded = R_LoadMDS(mod, buffer, name);
			if (ident == MDM_IDENT)
				loaded = R_LoadMDM(mod, buffer, name);
			else if (ident == MDX_IDENT)
				loaded = R_LoadMDX(mod, buffer, name);

			if (!Q_stricmpn((const char *)buffer, "MD5Version", 10))
				loaded = R_LoadMD5(mod, buffer, bufferLen, name);
			else if (!Q_stricmpn((const char *)buffer, PSK_IDENTSTRING, PSK_IDENTLEN))
				loaded = R_LoadPSK(mod, buffer, bufferLen, name);

		if (loaded)
			// make sure the VBO glState entries are save

			return mod->index;

	for (lod = MD3_MAX_LODS - 1; lod >= 0; lod--)
		char filename[1024];
		buffer = NULL;

		strcpy(filename, name);
		if (lod != 0)
			char namebuf[80];

			if (strrchr(filename, '.'))
				*strrchr(filename, '.') = 0;
			sprintf(namebuf, "_%d.md3", lod);
			strcat(filename, namebuf);

		filename[strlen(filename) - 1] = 'c';   // try MDC first
		if (ri.FS_FOpenFileRead(filename, NULL, qfalse))
			ri.FS_ReadFile(filename, (void **)&buffer);
		if (!buffer)
			filename[strlen(filename) - 1] = '3';   // try MD3 second
			if (ri.FS_FOpenFileRead(filename, NULL, qfalse))
				ri.FS_ReadFile(filename, (void **)&buffer);
			if (!buffer)

		loadmodel = mod;

		ident = LittleLong(*(unsigned *)buffer);
		if (ident != MD3_IDENT && ident != MDC_IDENT)
			ri.Printf(PRINT_WARNING, "RE_RegisterModel: unknown fileid for %s\n", name);
			goto fail;

		if (ident == MD3_IDENT)
			loaded = R_LoadMD3(mod, lod, buffer, bufferLen, name);
		else if (ident == MDC_IDENT)
			loaded = R_LoadMDC(mod, lod, buffer, bufferLen, name);


		if (!loaded)
			if (lod == 0)
				goto fail;
			// make sure the VBO glState entries are save

			// if we have a valid model and are biased
			// so that we won't see any higher detail ones,
			// stop loading them
//          if ( lod <= r_lodbias->integer ) {
//              break;
//          }

	// make sure the VBO glState entries are save

	if (numLoaded)
		// duplicate into higher lod spots that weren't
		// loaded, in case the user changes r_lodbias on the fly
		for (lod--; lod >= 0; lod--)
			mod->mdv[lod] = mod->mdv[lod + 1];
		return mod->index;
#ifdef _DEBUG
		ri.Printf(PRINT_WARNING, "couldn't load '%s'\n", name);

	// we still keep the model_t around, so if the model name is asked for
	// again, we won't bother scanning the filesystem
	mod->type = MOD_BAD;

	// make sure the VBO glState entries are save

	return 0;
コード例 #10
ファイル: tr_model.c プロジェクト: scenna/etlegacy
static qboolean R_LoadMDX(model_t *mod, void *buffer, const char *mod_name)
	int           i, j;
	mdxHeader_t   *pinmodel, *mdx;
	mdxFrame_t    *frame;
	short         *bframe;
	mdxBoneInfo_t *bi;
	int           version;
	int           size;
	int           frameSize;

	pinmodel = (mdxHeader_t *) buffer;

	version = LittleLong(pinmodel->version);
	if (version != MDX_VERSION)
		ri.Printf(PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMDX: %s has wrong version (%i should be %i)\n", mod_name, version, MDX_VERSION);
		return qfalse;

	mod->type      = MOD_MDX;
	size           = LittleLong(pinmodel->ofsEnd);
	mod->dataSize += size;
	mdx            = mod->mdx = (mdxHeader_t *)ri.Hunk_Alloc(size, h_low);

	memcpy(mdx, buffer, LittleLong(pinmodel->ofsEnd));


	if (LittleLong(1) != 1)
		// swap all the frames
		frameSize = (int)(sizeof(mdxBoneFrameCompressed_t)) * mdx->numBones;
		for (i = 0; i < mdx->numFrames; i++)
			frame         = (mdxFrame_t *) ((byte *) mdx + mdx->ofsFrames + i * frameSize + i * sizeof(mdxFrame_t));
			frame->radius = LittleFloat(frame->radius);
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				frame->bounds[0][j]    = LittleFloat(frame->bounds[0][j]);
				frame->bounds[1][j]    = LittleFloat(frame->bounds[1][j]);
				frame->localOrigin[j]  = LittleFloat(frame->localOrigin[j]);
				frame->parentOffset[j] = LittleFloat(frame->parentOffset[j]);

			bframe = (short *)((byte *) mdx + mdx->ofsFrames + i * frameSize + ((i + 1) * sizeof(mdxFrame_t)));
			for (j = 0; j < mdx->numBones * sizeof(mdxBoneFrameCompressed_t) / sizeof(short); j++)
				((short *)bframe)[j] = LittleShort(((short *)bframe)[j]);

		// swap all the bones
		for (i = 0; i < mdx->numBones; i++)
			bi = (mdxBoneInfo_t *) ((byte *) mdx + mdx->ofsBones + i * sizeof(mdxBoneInfo_t));
			bi->torsoWeight = LittleFloat(bi->torsoWeight);
			bi->parentDist  = LittleFloat(bi->parentDist);

	return qtrue;
コード例 #11
ファイル: cl_main.c プロジェクト: buvk/yquake2
 * record <demoname>
 * Begins recording a demo from the current position
	char name[MAX_OSPATH];
	byte buf_data[MAX_MSGLEN];
	sizebuf_t buf;
	int i;
	int len;
	entity_state_t *ent;
	entity_state_t nullstate;

	if (Cmd_Argc() != 2)
		Com_Printf("record <demoname>\n");

	if (cls.demorecording)
		Com_Printf("Already recording.\n");

	if (cls.state != ca_active)
		Com_Printf("You must be in a level to record.\n");

	Com_sprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/demos/%s.dm2", FS_Gamedir(), Cmd_Argv(1));

	Com_Printf("recording to %s.\n", name);
	cls.demofile = fopen(name, "wb");

	if (!cls.demofile)
		Com_Printf("ERROR: couldn't open.\n");

	cls.demorecording = true;

	/* don't start saving messages until a non-delta compressed message is received */
	cls.demowaiting = true;

	/* write out messages to hold the startup information */
	SZ_Init(&buf, buf_data, sizeof(buf_data));

	/* send the serverdata */
	MSG_WriteByte(&buf, svc_serverdata);
	MSG_WriteLong(&buf, 0x10000 + cl.servercount);
	MSG_WriteByte(&buf, 1);  /* demos are always attract loops */
	MSG_WriteString(&buf, cl.gamedir);
	MSG_WriteShort(&buf, cl.playernum);

	MSG_WriteString(&buf, cl.configstrings[CS_NAME]);

	/* configstrings */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS; i++)
		if (cl.configstrings[i][0])
			if (buf.cursize + strlen(cl.configstrings[i]) + 32 > buf.maxsize)
				len = LittleLong(buf.cursize);
				fwrite(&len, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
				fwrite(buf.data, buf.cursize, 1, cls.demofile);
				buf.cursize = 0;

			MSG_WriteByte(&buf, svc_configstring);

			MSG_WriteShort(&buf, i);
			MSG_WriteString(&buf, cl.configstrings[i]);

	/* baselines */
	memset(&nullstate, 0, sizeof(nullstate));

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_EDICTS; i++)
		ent = &cl_entities[i].baseline;

		if (!ent->modelindex)

		if (buf.cursize + 64 > buf.maxsize)
			len = LittleLong(buf.cursize);
			fwrite(&len, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
			fwrite(buf.data, buf.cursize, 1, cls.demofile);
			buf.cursize = 0;

		MSG_WriteByte(&buf, svc_spawnbaseline);

		MSG_WriteDeltaEntity(&nullstate, &cl_entities[i].baseline,
				&buf, true, true);

	MSG_WriteByte(&buf, svc_stufftext);

	MSG_WriteString(&buf, "precache\n");

	/* write it to the demo file */
	len = LittleLong(buf.cursize);
	fwrite(&len, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
	fwrite(buf.data, buf.cursize, 1, cls.demofile);
コード例 #12
ファイル: tr_model_mdm.c プロジェクト: kingtiger01/OpenMOHAA
qboolean R_LoadMDM(model_t * mod, void *buffer, const char *modName)
	int             i, j, k;
	mdmHeader_t    *mdm;
//    mdmFrame_t            *frame;
	mdmSurface_t   *mdmSurf;
	mdmTriangle_t  *mdmTri;
	mdmVertex_t    *mdmVertex;
	mdmTag_t       *mdmTag;
	int             version;
	int             size;
	shader_t       *sh;
	int32_t        *collapseMap, *collapseMapOut, *boneref, *bonerefOut;

	mdmModel_t     *mdmModel;
	mdmTagIntern_t			*tag;
	mdmSurfaceIntern_t		*surf;
	srfTriangle_t			*tri;
	md5Vertex_t             *v;

	mdm = (mdmHeader_t *) buffer;

	version = LittleLong(mdm->version);
	if(version != MDM_VERSION)
		ri.Printf(PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMDM: %s has wrong version (%i should be %i)\n", modName, version, MDM_VERSION);
		return qfalse;

	mod->type = MOD_MDM;
	size = LittleLong(mdm->ofsEnd);
	mod->dataSize += sizeof(mdmModel_t);
	//mdm = mod->mdm = ri.Hunk_Alloc(size, h_low);
	//memcpy(mdm, buffer, LittleLong(pinmodel->ofsEnd));

	mdmModel = mod->mdm = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(mdmModel_t), h_low);

//    LL(mdm->numFrames);
//    LL(mdm->ofsFrames);
	mdmModel->lodBias = LittleFloat(mdm->lodBias);
	mdmModel->lodScale = LittleFloat(mdm->lodScale);

/*	mdm->skel = RE_RegisterModel(mdm->bonesfile);
	if ( !mdm->skel ) {
		ri.Error (ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMDM: %s skeleton not found\n", mdm->bonesfile );

	if ( mdm->numFrames < 1 ) {
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMDM: %s has no frames\n", modName );
		return qfalse;

	// swap all the frames
	/*frameSize = (int) ( sizeof( mdmFrame_t ) );
	   for ( i = 0 ; i < mdm->numFrames ; i++, frame++) {
	   frame = (mdmFrame_t *) ( (byte *)mdm + mdm->ofsFrames + i * frameSize );
	   frame->radius = LittleFloat( frame->radius );
	   for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
	   frame->bounds[0][j] = LittleFloat( frame->bounds[0][j] );
	   frame->bounds[1][j] = LittleFloat( frame->bounds[1][j] );
	   frame->localOrigin[j] = LittleFloat( frame->localOrigin[j] );
	   frame->parentOffset[j] = LittleFloat( frame->parentOffset[j] );
	   } */

	// swap all the tags
	mdmModel->numTags = mdm->numTags;
	mdmModel->tags = tag = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*tag) * mdm->numTags, h_low);

	mdmTag = (mdmTag_t *) ((byte *) mdm + mdm->ofsTags);
	for(i = 0; i < mdm->numTags; i++, tag++)
		int             ii;

		Q_strncpyz(tag->name, mdmTag->name, sizeof(tag->name));

		for(ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
			tag->axis[ii][0] = LittleFloat(mdmTag->axis[ii][0]);
			tag->axis[ii][1] = LittleFloat(mdmTag->axis[ii][1]);
			tag->axis[ii][2] = LittleFloat(mdmTag->axis[ii][2]);

		tag->boneIndex = LittleLong(mdmTag->boneIndex);
		//tag->torsoWeight = LittleFloat( tag->torsoWeight );
		tag->offset[0] = LittleFloat(mdmTag->offset[0]);
		tag->offset[1] = LittleFloat(mdmTag->offset[1]);
		tag->offset[2] = LittleFloat(mdmTag->offset[2]);


		tag->numBoneReferences = mdmTag->numBoneReferences;
		tag->boneReferences = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*bonerefOut) * mdmTag->numBoneReferences, h_low);

		// swap the bone references
		boneref = (int32_t *)((byte *) mdmTag + mdmTag->ofsBoneReferences);
		for(j = 0, bonerefOut = tag->boneReferences; j < mdmTag->numBoneReferences; j++, boneref++, bonerefOut++)
			*bonerefOut = LittleLong(*boneref);

		// find the next tag
		mdmTag = (mdmTag_t *) ((byte *) mdmTag + mdmTag->ofsEnd);

	// swap all the surfaces
	mdmModel->numSurfaces = mdm->numSurfaces;
	mdmModel->surfaces = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*surf) * mdmModel->numSurfaces, h_low);

	mdmSurf = (mdmSurface_t *) ((byte *) mdm + mdm->ofsSurfaces);
	for(i = 0, surf = mdmModel->surfaces; i < mdm->numSurfaces; i++, surf++)

		surf->minLod = LittleLong(mdmSurf->minLod);

		// change to surface identifier
		surf->surfaceType = SF_MDM;
		surf->model = mdmModel;

		Q_strncpyz(surf->name, mdmSurf->name, sizeof(surf->name));

		if(mdmSurf->numVerts > SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES)
			ri.Error(ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMDM: %s has more than %i verts on a surface (%i)",
					 modName, SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES, mdmSurf->numVerts);
		if(mdmSurf->numTriangles > SHADER_MAX_TRIANGLES)
			ri.Error(ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMDM: %s has more than %i triangles on a surface (%i)",
						modName, SHADER_MAX_TRIANGLES, mdmSurf->numTriangles);

		// register the shaders
			Q_strncpyz(surf->shader, mdmSurf->shader, sizeof(surf->shader));

			sh = R_FindShader(surf->shader, SHADER_3D_DYNAMIC, qtrue);
				surf->shaderIndex = 0;
				surf->shaderIndex = sh->index;
			surf->shaderIndex = 0;

		// swap all the triangles
		surf->numTriangles = mdmSurf->numTriangles;
		surf->triangles = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*tri) * surf->numTriangles, h_low);

		mdmTri = (mdmTriangle_t *) ((byte *) mdmSurf + mdmSurf->ofsTriangles);
		for(j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, mdmTri++, tri++)
			tri->indexes[0] = LittleLong(mdmTri->indexes[0]);
			tri->indexes[1] = LittleLong(mdmTri->indexes[1]);
			tri->indexes[2] = LittleLong(mdmTri->indexes[2]);

		// swap all the vertexes
		surf->numVerts = mdmSurf->numVerts;
		surf->verts = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*v) * surf->numVerts, h_low);

		mdmVertex = (mdmVertex_t *) ((byte *) mdmSurf + mdmSurf->ofsVerts);
		for(j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < mdmSurf->numVerts; j++, v++)
			v->normal[0] = LittleFloat(mdmVertex->normal[0]);
			v->normal[1] = LittleFloat(mdmVertex->normal[1]);
			v->normal[2] = LittleFloat(mdmVertex->normal[2]);

			v->texCoords[0] = LittleFloat(mdmVertex->texCoords[0]);
			v->texCoords[1] = LittleFloat(mdmVertex->texCoords[1]);

			v->numWeights = LittleLong(mdmVertex->numWeights);

			if(v->numWeights > MAX_WEIGHTS)
#if 0
				ri.Error(ERR_DROP, "R_LoadMDM: vertex %i requires %i instead of maximum %i weights on surface (%i) in model '%s'",
					j, v->numWeights, MAX_WEIGHTS, i, modName);
				ri.Printf(PRINT_WARNING, "WARNING: R_LoadMDM: vertex %i requires %i instead of maximum %i weights on surface (%i) in model '%s'\n",
					j, v->numWeights, MAX_WEIGHTS, i, modName);

			v->weights = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*v->weights) * v->numWeights, h_low);
			for(k = 0; k < v->numWeights; k++)
				md5Weight_t *weight = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*weight), h_low);

				weight->boneIndex = LittleLong(mdmVertex->weights[k].boneIndex);
				weight->boneWeight = LittleFloat(mdmVertex->weights[k].boneWeight);
				weight->offset[0] = LittleFloat(mdmVertex->weights[k].offset[0]);
				weight->offset[1] = LittleFloat(mdmVertex->weights[k].offset[1]);
				weight->offset[2] = LittleFloat(mdmVertex->weights[k].offset[2]);

				v->weights[k] = weight;

			mdmVertex = (mdmVertex_t *) &mdmVertex->weights[v->numWeights];

		// swap the collapse map
		surf->collapseMap = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*collapseMapOut) * mdmSurf->numVerts, h_low);

		collapseMap = (int32_t *)((byte *) mdmSurf + mdmSurf->ofsCollapseMap);
		//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "collapse map for mdm surface '%s': ", surf->name);
		for(j = 0, collapseMapOut = surf->collapseMap; j < mdmSurf->numVerts; j++, collapseMap++, collapseMapOut++)
			int32_t value = LittleLong(*collapseMap);
			//surf->collapseMap[j] = value;
			*collapseMapOut = value;

			//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "(%i -> %i) ", j, value);
		//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "\n");

#if 0
		ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "collapse map for mdm surface '%s': ", surf->name);
		for(j = 0, collapseMap = surf->collapseMap; j < mdmSurf->numVerts; j++, collapseMap++)
			ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "(%i -> %i) ", j, *collapseMap);
		ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "\n");

		// swap the bone references
		surf->numBoneReferences = mdmSurf->numBoneReferences;
		surf->boneReferences = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*bonerefOut) * mdmSurf->numBoneReferences, h_low);

		boneref = (int32_t *)((byte *) mdmSurf + mdmSurf->ofsBoneReferences);
		for(j = 0, bonerefOut = surf->boneReferences; j < surf->numBoneReferences; j++, boneref++, bonerefOut++)
			*bonerefOut = LittleLong(*boneref);

		// find the next surface
		mdmSurf = (mdmSurface_t *) ((byte *) mdmSurf + mdmSurf->ofsEnd);

	// loading is done now calculate the bounding box and tangent spaces
	ClearBounds(mdmModel->bounds[0], mdmModel->bounds[1]);

	for(i = 0, surf = mdmModel->surfaces; i < mdmModel->numSurfaces; i++, surf++)
		for(j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)
			vec3_t          tmpVert;
			md5Weight_t    *w;


			for(k = 0, w = v->weights[0]; k < v->numWeights; k++, w++)
				//vec3_t          offsetVec;


				//bone = &md5->bones[w->boneIndex];

				//QuatTransformVector(bone->rotation, w->offset, offsetVec);
				//VectorAdd(bone->origin, offsetVec, offsetVec);

				VectorMA(tmpVert, w->boneWeight, w->offset, tmpVert);

			VectorCopy(tmpVert, v->position);
			AddPointToBounds(tmpVert, mdmModel->bounds[0], mdmModel->bounds[1]);

		// calc tangent spaces
#if 0
			const float    *v0, *v1, *v2;
			const float    *t0, *t1, *t2;
			vec3_t          tangent;
			vec3_t          binormal;
			vec3_t          normal;

			for(j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)

			for(j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++)
				v0 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[0]].position;
				v1 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[1]].position;
				v2 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[2]].position;

				t0 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[0]].texCoords;
				t1 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[1]].texCoords;
				t2 = surf->verts[tri->indexes[2]].texCoords;

#if 1
				R_CalcTangentSpace(tangent, binormal, normal, v0, v1, v2, t0, t1, t2);
				R_CalcNormalForTriangle(normal, v0, v1, v2);
				R_CalcTangentsForTriangle(tangent, binormal, v0, v1, v2, t0, t1, t2);

				for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
					float          *v;

					v = surf->verts[tri->indexes[k]].tangent;
					VectorAdd(v, tangent, v);

					v = surf->verts[tri->indexes[k]].binormal;
					VectorAdd(v, binormal, v);

					v = surf->verts[tri->indexes[k]].normal;
					VectorAdd(v, normal, v);

			for(j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)
			int             k;
			float           bb, s, t;
			vec3_t          bary;
			vec3_t			faceNormal;
			md5Vertex_t    *dv[3];

			for(j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++)
				dv[0] = &surf->verts[tri->indexes[0]];
				dv[1] = &surf->verts[tri->indexes[1]];
				dv[2] = &surf->verts[tri->indexes[2]];

				R_CalcNormalForTriangle(faceNormal, dv[0]->position, dv[1]->position, dv[2]->position);

				// calculate barycentric basis for the triangle
				bb = (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - dv[0]->texCoords[0]) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - dv[0]->texCoords[1]) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - dv[0]->texCoords[0]) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] -
				if(fabs(bb) < 0.00000001f)

				// do each vertex
				for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
					// calculate s tangent vector
					s = dv[k]->texCoords[0] + 10.0f;
					t = dv[k]->texCoords[1];
					bary[0] = ((dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
					bary[1] = ((dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
					bary[2] = ((dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;

					dv[k]->tangent[0] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[0] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[0] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[0];
					dv[k]->tangent[1] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[1] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[1] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[1];
					dv[k]->tangent[2] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[2] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[2] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[2];

					VectorSubtract(dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->position, dv[k]->tangent);

					// calculate t tangent vector (binormal)
					s = dv[k]->texCoords[0];
					t = dv[k]->texCoords[1] + 10.0f;
					bary[0] = ((dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
					bary[1] = ((dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
					bary[2] = ((dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;

					dv[k]->binormal[0] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[0] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[0] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[0];
					dv[k]->binormal[1] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[1] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[1] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[1];
					dv[k]->binormal[2] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[2] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[2] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[2];

					VectorSubtract(dv[k]->binormal, dv[k]->position, dv[k]->binormal);

					// calculate the normal as cross product N=TxB
#if 0
					CrossProduct(dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->binormal, dv[k]->normal);

					// Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process for B
					// compute the cross product B=NxT to obtain
					// an orthogonal basis
					CrossProduct(dv[k]->normal, dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->binormal);

					if(DotProduct(dv[k]->normal, faceNormal) < 0)
					//VectorAdd(dv[k]->normal, faceNormal, dv[k]->normal);

#if 1
			for(j = 0, v = surf->verts; j < surf->numVerts; j++, v++)

#if 0
		// do another extra smoothing for normals to avoid flat shading
		for(j = 0; j < surf->numVerts; j++)
			for(k = 0; k < surf->numVerts; k++)
				if(j == k)

				if(VectorCompare(surf->verts[j].position, surf->verts[k].position))
					VectorAdd(surf->verts[j].normal, surf->verts[k].normal, surf->verts[j].normal);


	// split the surfaces into VBO surfaces by the maximum number of GPU vertex skinning bones
		int				numRemaining;
		growList_t		sortedTriangles;
		growList_t      vboTriangles;
		growList_t      vboSurfaces;

		int				numBoneReferences;
		int				boneReferences[MAX_BONES];

		Com_InitGrowList(&vboSurfaces, 10);

		for(i = 0, surf = mdmModel->surfaces; i < mdmModel->numSurfaces; i++, surf++)
			// sort triangles
			Com_InitGrowList(&sortedTriangles, 1000);

			for(j = 0, tri = surf->triangles; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++)
				skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_Allocate(sizeof(*sortTri));

				for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
					sortTri->indexes[k] = tri->indexes[k];
					sortTri->vertexes[k] = &surf->verts[tri->indexes[k]];
				sortTri->referenced = qfalse;

				Com_AddToGrowList(&sortedTriangles, sortTri);

			//qsort(sortedTriangles.elements, sortedTriangles.currentElements, sizeof(void *), CompareTrianglesByBoneReferences);

	#if 0
			for(j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
				int		b[MAX_WEIGHTS * 3];

				skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);

				for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
					v = sortTri->vertexes[k];

					for(l = 0; l < MAX_WEIGHTS; l++)
						b[k * 3 + l] = (l < v->numWeights) ? v->weights[l]->boneIndex : 9999;

					qsort(b, MAX_WEIGHTS * 3, sizeof(int), CompareBoneIndices);
					//ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "bone indices: %i %i %i %i\n", b[k * 3 + 0], b[k * 3 + 1], b[k * 3 + 2], b[k * 3 + 3]);

			numRemaining = sortedTriangles.currentElements;
				numBoneReferences = 0;
				Com_Memset(boneReferences, 0, sizeof(boneReferences));

				Com_InitGrowList(&vboTriangles, 1000);

				for(j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
					skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);


					if(AddTriangleToVBOTriangleList(&vboTriangles, sortTri, &numBoneReferences, boneReferences))
						sortTri->referenced = qtrue;

					ri.Printf(PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadMDM: could not add triangles to a remaining VBO surface for model '%s'\n", modName);

				AddSurfaceToVBOSurfacesListMDM(&vboSurfaces, &vboTriangles, mdmModel, surf, i, numBoneReferences, boneReferences);
				numRemaining -= vboTriangles.currentElements;


			for(j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
				skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);


		// move VBO surfaces list to hunk
		mdmModel->numVBOSurfaces = vboSurfaces.currentElements;
		mdmModel->vboSurfaces = ri.Hunk_Alloc(mdmModel->numVBOSurfaces * sizeof(*mdmModel->vboSurfaces), h_low);

		for(i = 0; i < mdmModel->numVBOSurfaces; i++)
			mdmModel->vboSurfaces[i] = (srfVBOMDMMesh_t *) Com_GrowListElement(&vboSurfaces, i);


	return qtrue;
コード例 #13
ファイル: net.c プロジェクト: cfr/qfusion
* NET_TCP_GetPacket
static int NET_TCP_GetPacket( const socket_t *socket, netadr_t *address, msg_t *message )
	int ret;
	uint8_t buffer[MAX_PACKETLEN + 4];
	int len;

	assert( socket && socket->open && socket->connected && socket->type == SOCKET_TCP );
	assert( address );
	assert( message );

	// peek the message to see if the whole packet is ready
	ret = recv( socket->handle, (char*)buffer, sizeof( buffer ), MSG_PEEK );
	if( ret == SOCKET_ERROR )
		NET_SetErrorStringFromLastError( "recv" );
		if( Sys_NET_GetLastError() == NET_ERR_WOULDBLOCK )  // would block
			return 0;
		return -1;

	if( ret < 4 )  // the length information is not yet received
		return 0;

	memcpy( &len, buffer, 4 );
	len = LittleLong( len );

	if( len > MAX_PACKETLEN || len > (int)message->maxsize )
		NET_SetErrorString( "Oversized packet" );
		return -1;

	if( ret < len + 4 )  // the whole packet is not yet ready
		return 0;

	// ok we have the whole packet ready, get it

	// read the 4 byte header
	ret = NET_TCP_Get( socket, NULL, buffer, 4 );
	if( ret == -1 )
		return -1;
	if( ret != 4 )
		NET_SetErrorString( "Couldn't read the whole packet" );
		return -1;

	ret = NET_TCP_Get( socket, NULL, message->data, len );
	if( ret == SOCKET_ERROR )
		return -1;
	if( ret != (int)len )
		NET_SetErrorString( "Couldn't read the whole packet" );
		return -1;

	*address = socket->remoteAddress;

	message->readcount = 0;
	message->cursize = ret;

	return true;
コード例 #14
ファイル: tr_bsp.cpp プロジェクト: Politovsky/OpenJK
static void ParseMesh ( dsurface_t *ds, mapVert_t *verts, msurface_t *surf, world_t &worldData, int index) {
	srfGridMesh_t	*grid;
	int				i, j, k;
	int				width, height, numPoints;
	drawVert_t points[MAX_PATCH_SIZE*MAX_PATCH_SIZE];
	int				lightmapNum[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
	vec3_t			bounds[2];
	vec3_t			tmpVec;
	static surfaceType_t	skipData = SF_SKIP;

		lightmapNum[i] = LittleLong( ds->lightmapNum[i] );
		if (lightmapNum[i] >= 0)
			lightmapNum[i] += worldData.startLightMapIndex;

	// get fog volume
	surf->fogIndex = LittleLong( ds->fogNum ) + 1;
	if (index && !surf->fogIndex && tr.world && tr.world->globalFog != -1)
		surf->fogIndex = worldData.globalFog;

	// get shader value
	surf->shader = ShaderForShaderNum( ds->shaderNum, lightmapNum, ds->lightmapStyles, ds->vertexStyles, worldData );
	if ( r_singleShader->integer && !surf->shader->sky ) {
		surf->shader = tr.defaultShader;

	// we may have a nodraw surface, because they might still need to
	// be around for movement clipping
	if ( worldData.shaders[ LittleLong( ds->shaderNum ) ].surfaceFlags & SURF_NODRAW ) {
		surf->data = &skipData;

	width = LittleLong( ds->patchWidth );
	height = LittleLong( ds->patchHeight );

	verts += LittleLong( ds->firstVert );
	numPoints = width * height;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++ ) {
		for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
			points[i].xyz[j] = LittleFloat( verts[i].xyz[j] );
			points[i].normal[j] = LittleFloat( verts[i].normal[j] );
		for ( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ ) {
			points[i].st[j] = LittleFloat( verts[i].st[j] );
				points[i].lightmap[k][j] = LittleFloat( verts[i].lightmap[k][j] );
			R_ColorShiftLightingBytes( verts[i].color[k], points[i].color[k] );

	// pre-tesseleate
	grid = R_SubdividePatchToGrid( width, height, points );
	surf->data = (surfaceType_t *)grid;

	// copy the level of detail origin, which is the center
	// of the group of all curves that must subdivide the same
	// to avoid cracking
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
		bounds[0][i] = LittleFloat( ds->lightmapVecs[0][i] );
		bounds[1][i] = LittleFloat( ds->lightmapVecs[1][i] );
	VectorAdd( bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[1] );
	VectorScale( bounds[1], 0.5f, grid->lodOrigin );
	VectorSubtract( bounds[0], grid->lodOrigin, tmpVec );
	grid->lodRadius = VectorLength( tmpVec );
コード例 #15
static FStrifeDialogueNode *ReadTeaserNode (FileReader *lump, DWORD &prevSpeakerType)
	FStrifeDialogueNode *node;
	TeaserSpeech speech;
	char fullsound[16];
	const PClass *type;
	int j;

	node = new FStrifeDialogueNode;

	lump->Read (&speech, sizeof(speech));

	// Byte swap all the ints in the original data
	speech.SpeakerType = LittleLong(speech.SpeakerType);
	speech.DropType = LittleLong(speech.DropType);

	// Assign the first instance of a conversation as the default for its
	// actor, so newly spawned actors will use this conversation by default.
	type = GetStrifeType (speech.SpeakerType);
	node->SpeakerType = type;

	if ((signed)speech.SpeakerType >= 0 && prevSpeakerType != speech.SpeakerType)
		if (type != NULL)
			ClassRoots[type->TypeName] = StrifeDialogues.Size();
		DialogueRoots[speech.SpeakerType] = StrifeDialogues.Size();
		prevSpeakerType = speech.SpeakerType;

	// Convert the rest of the data to our own internal format.
	node->Dialogue = ncopystring (speech.Dialogue);

	// The Teaser version doesn't have portraits.

	// The speaker's voice for this node, if any.
	if (speech.VoiceNumber != 0)
		mysnprintf (fullsound, countof(fullsound), "svox/voc%u", speech.VoiceNumber);
		node->SpeakerVoice = fullsound;
		node->SpeakerVoice = 0;

	// The speaker's name, if any.
	speech.Dialogue[0] = 0; 	//speech.Name[16] = 0;
	node->SpeakerName = ncopystring (speech.Name);

	// The item the speaker should drop when killed.
	node->DropType = GetStrifeType (speech.DropType);

	// Items you need to have to make the speaker use a different node.
	for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
		node->ItemCheck[j].Item = NULL;
		node->ItemCheck[j].Amount = -1;
	node->ItemCheckNode = 0;
	node->Children = NULL;

	ParseReplies (&node->Children, &speech.Responses[0]);

	return node;
コード例 #16
ファイル: tr_bsp.cpp プロジェクト: Politovsky/OpenJK
static void ParseTriSurf( dsurface_t *ds, mapVert_t *verts, msurface_t *surf, int *indexes, world_t &worldData, int index ) {
	srfTriangles_t	*tri;
	int				i, j, k;
	int				numVerts, numIndexes;

	// get fog volume
	surf->fogIndex = LittleLong( ds->fogNum ) + 1;
	if (index && !surf->fogIndex && tr.world && tr.world->globalFog != -1)
		surf->fogIndex = worldData.globalFog;

	// get shader
	surf->shader = ShaderForShaderNum( ds->shaderNum, lightmapsVertex, ds->lightmapStyles, ds->vertexStyles, worldData );
	if ( r_singleShader->integer && !surf->shader->sky ) {
		surf->shader = tr.defaultShader;

	numVerts = LittleLong( ds->numVerts );
	numIndexes = LittleLong( ds->numIndexes );

	if ( numVerts >= SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES ) {
		Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "ParseTriSurf: verts > MAX (%d > %d) on misc_model %s", numVerts, SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES, surf->shader->name );
	if ( numIndexes >= SHADER_MAX_INDEXES ) {
		Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "ParseTriSurf: indices > MAX (%d > %d) on misc_model %s", numIndexes, SHADER_MAX_INDEXES, surf->shader->name );

	tri = (srfTriangles_t *) Z_Malloc( sizeof( *tri ) + numVerts * sizeof( tri->verts[0] ) + numIndexes * sizeof( tri->indexes[0] ), TAG_HUNKMISCMODELS, qfalse );
	tri->dlightBits = 0; //JIC
	tri->surfaceType = SF_TRIANGLES;
	tri->numVerts = numVerts;
	tri->numIndexes = numIndexes;
	tri->verts = (drawVert_t *)(tri + 1);
	tri->indexes = (int *)(tri->verts + tri->numVerts );

	surf->data = (surfaceType_t *)tri;

	// copy vertexes
	verts += LittleLong( ds->firstVert );
	ClearBounds( tri->bounds[0], tri->bounds[1] );
	for ( i = 0 ; i < numVerts ; i++ ) {
		for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
			tri->verts[i].xyz[j] = LittleFloat( verts[i].xyz[j] );
			tri->verts[i].normal[j] = LittleFloat( verts[i].normal[j] );
		AddPointToBounds( tri->verts[i].xyz, tri->bounds[0], tri->bounds[1] );
		for ( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ ) {
			tri->verts[i].st[j] = LittleFloat( verts[i].st[j] );
				tri->verts[i].lightmap[k][j] = LittleFloat( verts[i].lightmap[k][j] );
			R_ColorShiftLightingBytes( verts[i].color[k], tri->verts[i].color[k] );

	// copy indexes
	indexes += LittleLong( ds->firstIndex );
	for ( i = 0 ; i < numIndexes ; i++ ) {
		tri->indexes[i] = LittleLong( indexes[i] );
		if ( tri->indexes[i] < 0 || tri->indexes[i] >= numVerts ) {
			Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Bad index in triangle surface" );
コード例 #17
static void ParseReplies (FStrifeDialogueReply **replyptr, Response *responses)
	FStrifeDialogueReply *reply;
	int j, k;

	// Byte swap first.
	for (j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
		responses[j].GiveType = LittleLong(responses[j].GiveType);
		responses[j].Link = LittleLong(responses[j].Link);
		responses[j].Log = LittleLong(responses[j].Log);
		for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
			responses[j].Item[k] = LittleLong(responses[j].Item[k]);
			responses[j].Count[k] = LittleLong(responses[j].Count[k]);

	for (j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
		Response *rsp = &responses[j];

		// If the reply has no text and goes nowhere, then it doesn't
		// need to be remembered.
		if (rsp->Reply[0] == 0 && rsp->Link == 0)
		reply = new FStrifeDialogueReply;

		// The next node to use when this reply is chosen.
		reply->NextNode = rsp->Link;

		// The message to record in the log for this reply.
		reply->LogNumber = rsp->Log;
		reply->LogString = NULL;

		// The item to receive when this reply is used.
		reply->GiveType = GetStrifeType (rsp->GiveType);
		reply->ActionSpecial = 0;

		// Do you need anything special for this reply to succeed?
		for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
			reply->ItemCheck[k].Item = GetStrifeType (rsp->Item[k]);
			reply->ItemCheck[k].Amount = rsp->Count[k];

		// If the first item check has a positive amount required, then
		// add that to the reply string. Otherwise, use the reply as-is.
		reply->Reply = copystring (rsp->Reply);
		reply->NeedsGold = (rsp->Count[0] > 0);

		// QuickYes messages are shown when you meet the item checks.
		// QuickNo messages are shown when you don't.
		if (rsp->Yes[0] == '_' && rsp->Yes[1] == 0)
			reply->QuickYes = NULL;
			reply->QuickYes = ncopystring (rsp->Yes);
		if (reply->ItemCheck[0].Item != 0)
			reply->QuickNo = ncopystring (rsp->No);
			reply->QuickNo = NULL;
		reply->Next = *replyptr;
		*replyptr = reply;
		replyptr = &reply->Next;
コード例 #18
ファイル: tr_bsp.cpp プロジェクト: Politovsky/OpenJK
static	void R_LoadNodesAndLeafs (lump_t *nodeLump, lump_t *leafLump, world_t &worldData) {
	int			i, j, p;
	dnode_t		*in;
	dleaf_t		*inLeaf;
	mnode_t 	*out;
	int			numNodes, numLeafs;

	in = (dnode_t *)(fileBase + nodeLump->fileofs);
	if (nodeLump->filelen % sizeof(dnode_t) ||
		leafLump->filelen % sizeof(dleaf_t) ) {
		Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "LoadMap: funny lump size in %s",worldData.name);
	numNodes = nodeLump->filelen / sizeof(dnode_t);
	numLeafs = leafLump->filelen / sizeof(dleaf_t);

	out = (struct mnode_s *) Hunk_Alloc ( (numNodes + numLeafs) * sizeof(*out), qtrue );	

	worldData.nodes = out;
	worldData.numnodes = numNodes + numLeafs;
	worldData.numDecisionNodes = numNodes;

	// load nodes
	for ( i=0 ; i<numNodes; i++, in++, out++)
		for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
			out->mins[j] = LittleLong (in->mins[j]);
			out->maxs[j] = LittleLong (in->maxs[j]);
		p = LittleLong(in->planeNum);
		out->plane = worldData.planes + p;

		out->contents = CONTENTS_NODE;	// differentiate from leafs

		for (j=0 ; j<2 ; j++)
			p = LittleLong (in->children[j]);
			if (p >= 0)
				out->children[j] = worldData.nodes + p;
				out->children[j] = worldData.nodes + numNodes + (-1 - p);
	// load leafs
	inLeaf = (dleaf_t *)(fileBase + leafLump->fileofs);
	for ( i=0 ; i<numLeafs ; i++, inLeaf++, out++)
		for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
			out->mins[j] = LittleLong (inLeaf->mins[j]);
			out->maxs[j] = LittleLong (inLeaf->maxs[j]);

		out->cluster = LittleLong(inLeaf->cluster);
		out->area = LittleLong(inLeaf->area);

		if ( out->cluster >= worldData.numClusters ) {
			worldData.numClusters = out->cluster + 1;

		out->firstmarksurface = worldData.marksurfaces +
		out->nummarksurfaces = LittleLong(inLeaf->numLeafSurfaces);

	// chain decendants
	R_SetParent (worldData.nodes, NULL);
コード例 #19
ファイル: images.c プロジェクト: raynorpat/cake

$mip filename x y width height <OPTIONS>
must be multiples of sixteen
void Cmd_Mip (void)
	int             x,y,xl,yl,xh,yh,w,h;
	byte            *screen_p, *source;
	int             linedelta;
	miptex_t		*qtex;
	int				miplevel, mipstep;
	int				xx, yy, pix;
	int				count;
	int				flags, value, contents;
	mipparm_t		*mp;
	char			lumpname[64];
	byte			*lump_p;
	char			filename[1024];
	char			animname[64];

	GetToken (false);
	strcpy (lumpname, token);

	GetToken (false);
	xl = atoi (token);
	GetToken (false);
	yl = atoi (token);
	GetToken (false);
	w = atoi (token);
	GetToken (false);
	h = atoi (token);

	if ( (w & 15) || (h & 15) )
		Error ("line %i: miptex sizes must be multiples of 16", scriptline);

	flags = 0;
	contents = 0;
	value = 0;

	animname[0] = 0;

	// get optional flags and values
	while (TokenAvailable ())
		GetToken (false);

		for (mp=mipparms ; mp->name ; mp++)
			if (!strcmp(mp->name, token))
				switch (mp->type)
				case pt_animvalue:
					GetToken (false);	// specify the next animation frame
					strcpy (animname, token);
				case pt_flags:
					flags |= mp->flags;
				case pt_contents:
					contents |= mp->flags;
				case pt_flagvalue:
					flags |= mp->flags;
					GetToken (false);	// specify the light value
					value = atoi(token);
		if (!mp->name)
			Error ("line %i: unknown parm %s", scriptline, token);

	sprintf (filename, "%stextures/%s/%s.wal", gamedir, mip_prefix, lumpname);
	if (g_release)
		return;	// textures are only released by $maps

	xh = xl+w;
	yh = yl+h;

	qtex = malloc (sizeof(miptex_t) + w*h*2);
	memset (qtex, 0, sizeof(miptex_t));

	qtex->width = LittleLong(w);
	qtex->height = LittleLong(h);
	qtex->flags = LittleLong(flags);
	qtex->contents = LittleLong(contents);
	qtex->value = LittleLong(value);
	sprintf (qtex->name, "%s/%s", mip_prefix, lumpname);
	if (animname[0])
		sprintf (qtex->animname, "%s/%s", mip_prefix, animname);

	lump_p = (byte *)(&qtex->value+1);

	screen_p = byteimage + yl*byteimagewidth + xl;
	linedelta = byteimagewidth - w;

	source = lump_p;
	qtex->offsets[0] = LittleLong(lump_p - (byte *)qtex);

	for (y=yl ; y<yh ; y++)
		for (x=xl ; x<xh ; x++)
			pix = *screen_p++;
			if (pix == 255)
				pix = 1;		// should never happen
			*lump_p++ = pix;
		screen_p += linedelta;

// subsample for greater mip levels
	d_red = d_green = d_blue = 0;	// no distortion yet

	for (miplevel = 1 ; miplevel<4 ; miplevel++)
		qtex->offsets[miplevel] = LittleLong(lump_p - (byte *)qtex);

		mipstep = 1<<miplevel;
		for (y=0 ; y<h ; y+=mipstep)

			for (x = 0 ; x<w ; x+= mipstep)
				count = 0;
				for (yy=0 ; yy<mipstep ; yy++)
					for (xx=0 ; xx<mipstep ; xx++)
						pixdata[count] = source[ (y+yy)*w + x + xx ];
				*lump_p++ = AveragePixels (count);

// dword align the size
	while ((int)lump_p&3)
		*lump_p++ = 0;

// write it out
	printf ("writing %s\n", filename);
	SaveFile (filename, (byte *)qtex, lump_p - (byte *)qtex);

	free (qtex);
コード例 #20
ファイル: tr_image_bmp.c プロジェクト: librelous/librelous
void R_LoadBMP( const char *name, byte **pic, int *width, int *height )
	int		columns, rows;
	unsigned	numPixels;
	byte	*pixbuf;
	int		row, column;
	byte	*buf_p;
	byte	*end;
	union {
		byte *b;
		void *v;
	} buffer;
	int		length;
	BMPHeader_t bmpHeader;
	byte		*bmpRGBA;

	*pic = NULL;

		*width = 0;

		*height = 0;

	// load the file
	length = ri.FS_ReadFile( ( char * ) name, &buffer.v);
	if (!buffer.b || length < 0) {

	if (length < 54)
		ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "LoadBMP: header too short (%s)\n", name );

	buf_p = buffer.b;
	end = buffer.b + length;

	bmpHeader.id[0] = *buf_p++;
	bmpHeader.id[1] = *buf_p++;
	bmpHeader.fileSize = LittleLong( * ( int * ) buf_p );
	buf_p += 4;
	bmpHeader.reserved0 = LittleLong( * ( int * ) buf_p );
	buf_p += 4;
	bmpHeader.bitmapDataOffset = LittleLong( * ( int * ) buf_p );
	buf_p += 4;
	bmpHeader.bitmapHeaderSize = LittleLong( * ( int * ) buf_p );
	buf_p += 4;
	bmpHeader.width = LittleLong( * ( int * ) buf_p );
	buf_p += 4;
	bmpHeader.height = LittleLong( * ( int * ) buf_p );
	buf_p += 4;
	bmpHeader.planes = LittleShort( * ( short * ) buf_p );
	buf_p += 2;
	bmpHeader.bitsPerPixel = LittleShort( * ( short * ) buf_p );
	buf_p += 2;
	bmpHeader.compression = LittleLong( * ( int * ) buf_p );
	buf_p += 4;
	bmpHeader.bitmapDataSize = LittleLong( * ( int * ) buf_p );
	buf_p += 4;
	bmpHeader.hRes = LittleLong( * ( int * ) buf_p );
	buf_p += 4;
	bmpHeader.vRes = LittleLong( * ( int * ) buf_p );
	buf_p += 4;
	bmpHeader.colors = LittleLong( * ( int * ) buf_p );
	buf_p += 4;
	bmpHeader.importantColors = LittleLong( * ( int * ) buf_p );
	buf_p += 4;

	if ( bmpHeader.bitsPerPixel == 8 )
		if (buf_p + sizeof(bmpHeader.palette) > end)
			ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "LoadBMP: header too short (%s)\n", name );

		Com_Memcpy( bmpHeader.palette, buf_p, sizeof( bmpHeader.palette ) );
		buf_p += sizeof(bmpHeader.palette);

	if (buffer.b + bmpHeader.bitmapDataOffset > end)
		ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "LoadBMP: invalid offset value in header (%s)\n", name );

	buf_p = buffer.b + bmpHeader.bitmapDataOffset;

	if ( bmpHeader.id[0] != 'B' && bmpHeader.id[1] != 'M' ) 
		ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "LoadBMP: only Windows-style BMP files supported (%s)\n", name );
	if ( bmpHeader.fileSize != length )
		ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "LoadBMP: header size does not match file size (%u vs. %u) (%s)\n", bmpHeader.fileSize, length, name );
	if ( bmpHeader.compression != 0 )
		ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "LoadBMP: only uncompressed BMP files supported (%s)\n", name );
	if ( bmpHeader.bitsPerPixel < 8 )
		ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "LoadBMP: monochrome and 4-bit BMP files not supported (%s)\n", name );

	switch ( bmpHeader.bitsPerPixel )
		case 8:
		case 16:
		case 24:
		case 32:
			ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "LoadBMP: illegal pixel_size '%hu' in file '%s'\n", bmpHeader.bitsPerPixel, name );

	columns = bmpHeader.width;
	rows = bmpHeader.height;
	if ( rows < 0 )
		rows = -rows;
	numPixels = columns * rows;

	if(columns <= 0 || !rows || numPixels > 0x1FFFFFFF // 4*1FFFFFFF == 0x7FFFFFFC < 0x7FFFFFFF
	    || ((numPixels * 4) / columns) / 4 != rows)
	  ri.Error (ERR_DROP, "LoadBMP: %s has an invalid image size\n", name);
	if(buf_p + numPixels*bmpHeader.bitsPerPixel/8 > end)
	  ri.Error (ERR_DROP, "LoadBMP: file truncated (%s)\n", name);

	if ( width ) 
		*width = columns;
	if ( height )
		*height = rows;

	bmpRGBA = ri.Malloc( numPixels * 4 );
	*pic = bmpRGBA;

	for ( row = rows-1; row >= 0; row-- )
		pixbuf = bmpRGBA + row*columns*4;

		for ( column = 0; column < columns; column++ )
			unsigned char red, green, blue, alpha;
			int palIndex;
			unsigned short shortPixel;

			switch ( bmpHeader.bitsPerPixel )
			case 8:
				palIndex = *buf_p++;
				*pixbuf++ = bmpHeader.palette[palIndex][2];
				*pixbuf++ = bmpHeader.palette[palIndex][1];
				*pixbuf++ = bmpHeader.palette[palIndex][0];
				*pixbuf++ = 0xff;
			case 16:
				shortPixel = * ( unsigned short * ) pixbuf;
				pixbuf += 2;
				*pixbuf++ = ( shortPixel & ( 31 << 10 ) ) >> 7;
				*pixbuf++ = ( shortPixel & ( 31 << 5 ) ) >> 2;
				*pixbuf++ = ( shortPixel & ( 31 ) ) << 3;
				*pixbuf++ = 0xff;

			case 24:
				blue = *buf_p++;
				green = *buf_p++;
				red = *buf_p++;
				*pixbuf++ = red;
				*pixbuf++ = green;
				*pixbuf++ = blue;
				*pixbuf++ = 255;
			case 32:
				blue = *buf_p++;
				green = *buf_p++;
				red = *buf_p++;
				alpha = *buf_p++;
				*pixbuf++ = red;
				*pixbuf++ = green;
				*pixbuf++ = blue;
				*pixbuf++ = alpha;

	ri.FS_FreeFile( buffer.v );

コード例 #21
ファイル: model.c プロジェクト: richard-allen/q2pro
qerror_t MOD_LoadMD2(model_t *model, const void *rawdata, size_t length)
    dmd2header_t header;
    dmd2frame_t *src_frame;
    //dmd2trivertx_t *src_vert;
    dmd2triangle_t *src_tri;
    dmd2stvert_t *src_st;
    maliasframe_t *dst_frame;
    //maliasvert_t *dst_vert;
    maliastri_t *dst_tri;
    maliasst_t *dst_st;
    char skinname[MAX_QPATH];
    char *src_skin;
    int i, j;
    qerror_t ret;

    if (length < sizeof(header)) {
        return Q_ERR_FILE_TOO_SMALL;

    // byte swap the header
    header = *(dmd2header_t *)rawdata;
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(header) / 4; i++) {
        ((uint32_t *)&header)[i] = LittleLong(((uint32_t *)&header)[i]);

    // validate the header
    ret = MOD_ValidateMD2(&header, length);
    if (ret) {
        if (ret == Q_ERR_TOO_FEW) {
            // empty models draw nothing
            model->type = MOD_EMPTY;
            return Q_ERR_SUCCESS;
        return ret;

    Hunk_Begin(&model->hunk, 0x400000);
    model->type = MOD_ALIAS;

    // load triangle indices
    model->tris = MOD_Malloc(header.num_tris * sizeof(maliastri_t));
    model->numtris = header.num_tris;

    src_tri = (dmd2triangle_t *)((byte *)rawdata + header.ofs_tris);
    dst_tri = model->tris;
    for (i = 0; i < header.num_tris; i++, src_tri++, dst_tri++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            unsigned idx_xyz = LittleShort(src_tri->index_xyz[j]);
            unsigned idx_st = LittleShort(src_tri->index_st[j]);

            if (idx_xyz >= header.num_xyz || idx_st >= header.num_st) {
                ret = Q_ERR_BAD_INDEX;
                goto fail;

            dst_tri->index_xyz[j] = idx_xyz;
            dst_tri->index_st[j] = idx_st;

    // load base s and t vertices
    model->sts = MOD_Malloc(header.num_st * sizeof(maliasst_t));
    model->numsts = header.num_st;

    src_st = (dmd2stvert_t *)((byte *)rawdata + header.ofs_st);
    dst_st = model->sts;
    for (i = 0; i < header.num_st; i++, src_st++, dst_st++) {
        dst_st->s = (int16_t)LittleShort(src_st->s);
        dst_st->t = (int16_t)LittleShort(src_st->t);

    // load the frames
    model->frames = MOD_Malloc(header.num_frames * sizeof(maliasframe_t));
    model->numframes = header.num_frames;
    model->numverts = header.num_xyz;

    src_frame = (dmd2frame_t *)((byte *)rawdata + header.ofs_frames);
    dst_frame = model->frames;
    for (i = 0; i < header.num_frames; i++, dst_frame++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            dst_frame->scale[j] = LittleFloat(src_frame->scale[j]);
            dst_frame->translate[j] = LittleFloat(src_frame->translate[j]);
        // verts are all 8 bit, so no swapping needed
        dst_frame->verts = MOD_Malloc(header.num_xyz * sizeof(maliasvert_t));

        // TODO: check normal indices
        memcpy(dst_frame->verts, src_frame->verts, header.num_xyz * sizeof(maliasvert_t));

        src_frame = (dmd2frame_t *)((byte *)src_frame + header.framesize);

    // register all skins
    src_skin = (char *)rawdata + header.ofs_skins;
    for (i = 0; i < header.num_skins; i++) {
        if (!Q_memccpy(skinname, src_skin, 0, sizeof(skinname))) {
            ret = Q_ERR_STRING_TRUNCATED;
            goto fail;
        FS_NormalizePath(skinname, skinname);
        model->skins[i] = IMG_Find(skinname, IT_SKIN);
        src_skin += MD2_MAX_SKINNAME;
    model->numskins = header.num_skins;

    return Q_ERR_SUCCESS;

    return ret;
コード例 #22
ファイル: net_chan.cpp プロジェクト: Jsoucek/q3ce

Returns qfalse if the message should not be processed due to being
out of order or a fragment.

Msg must be large enough to hold MAX_MSGLEN, because if this is the
final fragment of a multi-part message, the entire thing will be
copied out.
qboolean Netchan_Process( netchan_t *chan, msg_t *msg ) {
	int			sequence;
	int			qport;
	int			fragmentStart, fragmentLength;
	qboolean	fragmented;

	// XOR unscramble all data in the packet after the header
//	Netchan_UnScramblePacket( msg );

	// get sequence numbers		
	MSG_BeginReadingOOB( msg );
	sequence = MSG_ReadLong( msg );

	// check for fragment information
	if ( sequence & FRAGMENT_BIT ) {
		sequence &= ~FRAGMENT_BIT;
		fragmented = qtrue;
	} else {
		fragmented = qfalse;

	// read the qport if we are a server
	if ( chan->sock == NS_SERVER ) {
		qport = MSG_ReadShort( msg );

	// read the fragment information
	if ( fragmented ) {
		fragmentStart = MSG_ReadShort( msg );
		fragmentLength = MSG_ReadShort( msg );
	} else {
		fragmentStart = 0;		// stop warning message
		fragmentLength = 0;

	if ( showpackets->integer ) {
		if ( fragmented ) {
			Com_Printf( "%s recv %4i : s=%i fragment=%i,%i\n"
				, netsrcString[ chan->sock ]
				, msg->cursize
				, sequence
				, fragmentStart, fragmentLength );
		} else {
			Com_Printf( "%s recv %4i : s=%i\n"
				, netsrcString[ chan->sock ]
				, msg->cursize
				, sequence );

	// discard out of order or duplicated packets
	if ( sequence <= chan->incomingSequence ) {
		if ( showdrop->integer || showpackets->integer ) {
			Com_Printf( "%s:Out of order packet %i at %i\n"
				, NET_AdrToString( chan->remoteAddress )
				,  sequence
				, chan->incomingSequence );
		return qfalse;

	// dropped packets don't keep the message from being used
	chan->dropped = sequence - (chan->incomingSequence+1);
	if ( chan->dropped > 0 ) {
		if ( showdrop->integer || showpackets->integer ) {
			Com_Printf( "%s:Dropped %i packets at %i\n"
			, NET_AdrToString( chan->remoteAddress )
			, chan->dropped
			, sequence );

	// if this is the final framgent of a reliable message,
	// bump incoming_reliable_sequence 
	if ( fragmented ) {
		// TTimo
		// make sure we add the fragments in correct order
		// either a packet was dropped, or we received this one too soon
		// we don't reconstruct the fragments. we will wait till this fragment gets to us again
		// (NOTE: we could probably try to rebuild by out of order chunks if needed)
		if ( sequence != chan->fragmentSequence ) {
			chan->fragmentSequence = sequence;
			chan->fragmentLength = 0;

		// if we missed a fragment, dump the message
		if ( fragmentStart != chan->fragmentLength ) {
			if ( showdrop->integer || showpackets->integer ) {
				Com_Printf( "%s:Dropped a message fragment\n"
				, NET_AdrToString( chan->remoteAddress )
				, sequence);
			// we can still keep the part that we have so far,
			// so we don't need to clear chan->fragmentLength
			return qfalse;

		// copy the fragment to the fragment buffer
		if ( fragmentLength < 0 || msg->readcount + fragmentLength > msg->cursize ||
			chan->fragmentLength + fragmentLength > sizeof( chan->fragmentBuffer ) ) {
			if ( showdrop->integer || showpackets->integer ) {
				Com_Printf ("%s:illegal fragment length\n"
				, NET_AdrToString (chan->remoteAddress ) );
			return qfalse;

		Com_Memcpy( chan->fragmentBuffer + chan->fragmentLength, 
			msg->data + msg->readcount, fragmentLength );

		chan->fragmentLength += fragmentLength;

		// if this wasn't the last fragment, don't process anything
		if ( fragmentLength == FRAGMENT_SIZE ) {
			return qfalse;

		if ( chan->fragmentLength > msg->maxsize ) {
			Com_Printf( "%s:fragmentLength %i > msg->maxsize\n"
				, NET_AdrToString (chan->remoteAddress ),
				chan->fragmentLength );
			return qfalse;

		// copy the full message over the partial fragment

		// make sure the sequence number is still there
		*(int *)msg->data = LittleLong( sequence );

		Com_Memcpy( msg->data + 4, chan->fragmentBuffer, chan->fragmentLength );
		msg->cursize = chan->fragmentLength + 4;
		chan->fragmentLength = 0;
		msg->readcount = 4;	// past the sequence number
		msg->bit = 32;	// past the sequence number

		// TTimo
		// clients were not acking fragmented messages
		chan->incomingSequence = sequence;
		return qtrue;

	// the message can now be read from the current message pointer
	chan->incomingSequence = sequence;

	return qtrue;
コード例 #23
ファイル: bsp.c プロジェクト: mecwerks/spearmint
bspFile_t *BSP_Load( const char *name ) {
	union {
		int				*i;
		void			*v;
	} buf;
	int				i;
	int				length;
	bspFile_t		*bspFile = NULL;
	int				freeSlot = -1;

#ifndef BSPC
	if ( !name || !name[0] ) {
		Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "BSP_Load: NULL name" );

	// check if already loaded
	for ( i = 0; i < MAX_BSP_FILES; i++ ) {
		if ( !bsp_loadedFiles[i] ) {
			if ( freeSlot == -1 ) {
				freeSlot = i;

		if ( !Q_stricmp( bsp_loadedFiles[i]->name, name ) ) {
			return bsp_loadedFiles[i];

	if ( freeSlot == -1 ) {
		Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "No free slot to load BSP '%s'", name );

	// load the file
#ifndef BSPC
	length = FS_ReadFile( name, &buf.v );
	length = LoadQuakeFile((quakefile_t *) name, &buf.v);

	if ( !buf.i ) {
		// File not found.
		return NULL;

	// check formats
	for ( i = 0; i < numBspFormats; i++ ) {
		bspFile = bspFormats[i]->loadFunction( bspFormats[i], name, buf.v, length );
		if ( bspFile ) {

	if ( i == numBspFormats ) {
		int ident = LittleLong( buf.i[0] );
		int version = LittleLong( buf.i[1] );

		Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Unsupported BSP %s: ident %c%c%c%c, version %d",
				name, ident & 0xff, ( ident >> 8 ) & 0xff, ( ident >> 16 ) & 0xff,
				( ident >> 24 ) & 0xff, version );
コード例 #24
ファイル: RoffSystem.cpp プロジェクト: CreaterX/OpenJK
// CROFFSystem::InitROFF2
//	Handles stuffing the roff data in the CROFF object for version 2
//	pass in the file data and the object to stuff the data into.
//	returns initialization success or failure
qboolean CROFFSystem::InitROFF2( unsigned char *data, CROFF *obj )
	int	i;

	TROFF2Header *hdr = (TROFF2Header *)data;

	obj->mROFFEntries		= LittleLong(hdr->mCount);
	obj->mMoveRotateList	= new TROFF2Entry[LittleLong(hdr->mCount)];
	obj->mFrameTime			= LittleLong(hdr->mFrameRate);
	obj->mLerp				= 1000 / LittleLong(hdr->mFrameRate);
	obj->mNumNoteTracks		= LittleLong(hdr->mNumNotes);

	if ( obj->mMoveRotateList != 0 )
	{ // Step past the header to get to the goods
		TROFF2Entry *roff_data = ( TROFF2Entry *)&hdr[1];

		// Copy all of the goods into our ROFF cache
		for ( i = 0; i < LittleLong(hdr->mCount); i++ )
#ifdef Q3_BIG_ENDIAN
			obj->mMoveRotateList[i].mOriginOffset[0] = LittleFloat(roff_data[i].mOriginOffset[0]);
			obj->mMoveRotateList[i].mOriginOffset[1] = LittleFloat(roff_data[i].mOriginOffset[1]);
			obj->mMoveRotateList[i].mOriginOffset[2] = LittleFloat(roff_data[i].mOriginOffset[2]);
			obj->mMoveRotateList[i].mRotateOffset[0] = LittleFloat(roff_data[i].mRotateOffset[0]);
			obj->mMoveRotateList[i].mRotateOffset[1] = LittleFloat(roff_data[i].mRotateOffset[1]);
			obj->mMoveRotateList[i].mRotateOffset[2] = LittleFloat(roff_data[i].mRotateOffset[2]);
			VectorCopy( roff_data[i].mOriginOffset, obj->mMoveRotateList[i].mOriginOffset );
			VectorCopy( roff_data[i].mRotateOffset, obj->mMoveRotateList[i].mRotateOffset );
			obj->mMoveRotateList[i].mStartNote = LittleLong(roff_data[i].mStartNote);
			obj->mMoveRotateList[i].mNumNotes = LittleLong(roff_data[i].mNumNotes);


		if (obj->mNumNoteTracks)
			size_t	size = 0;
			char	*ptr, *start;

			ptr = start = (char *)&roff_data[i];

				size += strlen(ptr) + 1;
				ptr += strlen(ptr) + 1;

			obj->mNoteTrackIndexes = new char *[obj->mNumNoteTracks];
			ptr = obj->mNoteTrackIndexes[0] = new char[size];
			memcpy(obj->mNoteTrackIndexes[0], start, size);

				ptr += strlen(ptr) + 1;
				obj->mNoteTrackIndexes[i] = ptr;
		return qfalse;

	return qtrue;
コード例 #25
ファイル: textures.cpp プロジェクト: kriswema/zhlt-linux
// =====================================================================================
//  TEX_InitFromWad
// =====================================================================================
bool            TEX_InitFromWad()
    int             i, j;
    wadinfo_t       wadinfo;
    char            szTmpWad[1024]; // arbitrary, but needs to be large.
    char*           pszWadFile;
    const char*     pszWadroot;
    wadpath_t*      currentwad;

    Log("\n"); // looks cleaner

    szTmpWad[0] = 0;
    pszWadroot = getenv("WADROOT");


    // for eachwadpath
    for (i = 0; i < g_iNumWadPaths; i++)
        FILE*           texfile;                           // temporary used in this loop
        bool            bExcludeThisWad = false;

        currentwad = g_pWadPaths[i];
        pszWadFile = currentwad->path;

        #ifdef _DEBUG
        Log("[dbg] Attempting to parse wad: '%s'\n", pszWadFile);

        if (g_bWadAutoDetect && !currentwad->usedtextures)

        #ifdef _DEBUG
        Log("[dbg] Parsing wad\n");

        texfiles[nTexFiles] = fopen(pszWadFile, "rb");

        #ifdef SYSTEM_WIN32
        if (!texfiles[nTexFiles])
            // cant find it, maybe this wad file has a hard code drive
            if (pszWadFile[1] == ':')
                pszWadFile += 2;                           // skip past the drive
                texfiles[nTexFiles] = fopen(pszWadFile, "rb");

        if (!texfiles[nTexFiles] && pszWadroot)
            char            szTmp[_MAX_PATH];
            char            szFile[_MAX_PATH];
            char            szSubdir[_MAX_PATH];

            ExtractFile(pszWadFile, szFile);

            ExtractFilePath(pszWadFile, szTmp);
            ExtractFile(szTmp, szSubdir);

            // szSubdir will have a trailing separator
            safe_snprintf(szTmp, _MAX_PATH, "%s" SYSTEM_SLASH_STR "%s%s", pszWadroot, szSubdir, szFile);
            texfiles[nTexFiles] = fopen(szTmp, "rb");

            #ifdef SYSTEM_POSIX
            if (!texfiles[nTexFiles])
                // if we cant find it, Convert to lower case and try again
                texfiles[nTexFiles] = fopen(szTmp, "rb");

        if (!texfiles[nTexFiles])
            // still cant find it, error out
            Fatal(assume_COULD_NOT_FIND_WAD, "Could not open wad file %s", pszWadFile);

        // look and see if we're supposed to include the textures from this WAD in the bsp.
        WadInclude_i it;
        for (it = g_WadInclude.begin(); it != g_WadInclude.end(); it++)
            if (stristr(pszWadFile, it->c_str()))
                Log("Including Wadfile: %s\n", pszWadFile);
                bExcludeThisWad = true;             // wadincluding this one
                s_WadIncludeMap[nTexFiles] = true;

        if (!bExcludeThisWad)
            Log("Using Wadfile: %s\n", pszWadFile);
            safe_snprintf(szTmpWad, 1024, "%s%s;", szTmpWad, pszWadFile);

        // temp assignment to make things cleaner:
        texfile = texfiles[nTexFiles];

        // read in this wadfiles information
        SafeRead(texfile, &wadinfo, sizeof(wadinfo));

        // make sure its a valid format
        if (strncmp(wadinfo.identification, "WAD2", 4) && strncmp(wadinfo.identification, "WAD3", 4))
            Log(" - ");
            Error("%s isn't a Wadfile!", pszWadFile);

        wadinfo.numlumps        = LittleLong(wadinfo.numlumps);
        wadinfo.infotableofs    = LittleLong(wadinfo.infotableofs);

        // read in lump
        if (fseek(texfile, wadinfo.infotableofs, SEEK_SET))
            Warning("fseek to %d in wadfile %s failed\n", wadinfo.infotableofs, pszWadFile);

        // memalloc for this lump
        lumpinfo = (lumpinfo_t*)realloc(lumpinfo, (nTexLumps + wadinfo.numlumps) * sizeof(lumpinfo_t));

        // for each texlump
        for (j = 0; j < wadinfo.numlumps; j++, nTexLumps++)
            SafeRead(texfile, &lumpinfo[nTexLumps], (sizeof(lumpinfo_t) - sizeof(int)) );  // iTexFile is NOT read from file

            if (!TerminatedString(lumpinfo[nTexLumps].name, MAXWADNAME))
                lumpinfo[nTexLumps].name[MAXWADNAME - 1] = 0;
                Log(" - ");
                Warning("Unterminated texture name : wad[%s] texture[%d] name[%s]\n", pszWadFile, nTexLumps, lumpinfo[nTexLumps].name);

            CleanupName(lumpinfo[nTexLumps].name, lumpinfo[nTexLumps].name);

            lumpinfo[nTexLumps].filepos = LittleLong(lumpinfo[nTexLumps].filepos);
            lumpinfo[nTexLumps].disksize = LittleLong(lumpinfo[nTexLumps].disksize);
            lumpinfo[nTexLumps].iTexFile = nTexFiles;

            if (lumpinfo[nTexLumps].disksize > MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE)
                Log(" - ");
                Warning("Larger than expected texture (%d bytes): '%s'",
                    lumpinfo[nTexLumps].disksize, lumpinfo[nTexLumps].name);


        // AJM: this feature is dependant on autowad. :(
        // CONSIDER: making it standard?
            double percused = ((float)(currentwad->usedtextures) / (float)(g_numUsedTextures)) * 100;
            Log(" - Contains %i used texture%s, %2.2f percent of map (%d textures in wad)\n",
                currentwad->usedtextures, currentwad->usedtextures == 1 ? "" : "s", percused, wadinfo.numlumps);

        hlassume(nTexFiles < MAX_TEXFILES, assume_MAX_TEXFILES);

    //Log("num of used textures: %i\n", g_numUsedTextures);

    // AJM: Tommy suggested i add this warning message in, and  it certianly doesnt
    //  hurt to be cautious. Especially one of the possible side effects he mentioned was svc_bad
    if (nTexFiles > 8)
        Warning("More than 8 wadfiles are in use. (%i)\n"
                "This may be harmless, and if no strange side effects are occurring, then\n"
                "it can safely be ignored. However, if your map starts exhibiting strange\n"
                "or obscure errors, consider this as suspect.\n"
                , nTexFiles);

    // sort texlumps in memory by name
    qsort((void*)lumpinfo, (size_t) nTexLumps, sizeof(lumpinfo[0]), lump_sorter_by_name);

    SetKeyValue(&g_entities[0], "wad", szTmpWad);

    return true;