コード例 #1
 *  Incorporate one 3D vector measurement
static inline void update_state(const struct FloatVect3 *i_expected, struct FloatVect3* b_measured, struct FloatVect3* noise) {

  /* converted expected measurement from inertial to body frame */
  struct FloatVect3 b_expected;
  FLOAT_QUAT_VMULT(b_expected, ahrs_impl.ltp_to_imu_quat, *i_expected);

  // S = HPH' + JRJ
  float H[3][6] = {{           0., -b_expected.z,  b_expected.y, 0., 0., 0.},
                   { b_expected.z,            0., -b_expected.x, 0., 0., 0.},
                   {-b_expected.y,  b_expected.x,            0., 0., 0., 0.}};
  float tmp[3][6];
  MAT_MUL(3,6,6, tmp, H, ahrs_impl.P);
  float S[3][3];
  MAT_MUL_T(3,6,3, S, tmp, H);

  /* add the measurement noise */
  S[0][0] += noise->x;
  S[1][1] += noise->y;
  S[2][2] += noise->z;

  float invS[3][3];
  MAT_INV33(invS, S);

  // K = PH'invS
  float tmp2[6][3];
  MAT_MUL_T(6,6,3, tmp2, ahrs_impl.P, H);
  float K[6][3];
  MAT_MUL(6,3,3, K, tmp2, invS);

  // P = (I-KH)P
  float tmp3[6][6];
  MAT_MUL(6,3,6, tmp3, K, H);
  float I6[6][6] = {{ 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. },
                    {  0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0. },
                    {  0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0. },
                    {  0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0. },
                    {  0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0. },
                    {  0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. }};
  float tmp4[6][6];
  MAT_SUB(6,6, tmp4, I6, tmp3);
  float tmp5[6][6];
  MAT_MUL(6,6,6, tmp5, tmp4, ahrs_impl.P);
  memcpy(ahrs_impl.P, tmp5, sizeof(ahrs_impl.P));

  // X = X + Ke
  struct FloatVect3 e;
  VECT3_DIFF(e, *b_measured, b_expected);
  ahrs_impl.gibbs_cor.qx  += K[0][0]*e.x + K[0][1]*e.y + K[0][2]*e.z;
  ahrs_impl.gibbs_cor.qy  += K[1][0]*e.x + K[1][1]*e.y + K[1][2]*e.z;
  ahrs_impl.gibbs_cor.qz  += K[2][0]*e.x + K[2][1]*e.y + K[2][2]*e.z;
  ahrs_impl.gyro_bias.p  += K[3][0]*e.x + K[3][1]*e.y + K[3][2]*e.z;
  ahrs_impl.gyro_bias.q  += K[4][0]*e.x + K[4][1]*e.y + K[4][2]*e.z;
  ahrs_impl.gyro_bias.r  += K[5][0]*e.x + K[5][1]*e.y + K[5][2]*e.z;

コード例 #2
 * Fit a linear model from samples to target values.
 * Effectively a wrapper for the pprz_svd_float and pprz_svd_solve_float functions.
 * @param[in] targets The target values
 * @param[in] samples The samples / feature vectors
 * @param[in] D The dimensionality of the samples
 * @param[in] count The number of samples
 * @param[in] use_bias Whether to use the bias. Please note that params should always be of size D+1, but in case of no bias, the bias value is set to 0.
 * @param[out] parameters* Parameters of the linear fit
 * @param[out] fit_error* Total error of the fit
void fit_linear_model(float *targets, int D, float (*samples)[D], uint16_t count, bool use_bias, float *params,
                      float *fit_error)

  // We will solve systems of the form A x = b,
  // where A = [nx(D+1)] matrix with entries [s1, ..., sD, 1] for each sample (1 is the bias)
  // and b = [nx1] vector with the target values.
  // x in the system are the parameters for the linear regression function.

  // local vars for iterating, random numbers:
  int sam, d;
  uint16_t n_samples = count;
  uint8_t D_1 = D + 1;
  // ensure that n_samples is high enough to ensure a result for a single fit:
  n_samples = (n_samples < D_1) ? D_1 : n_samples;
  // n_samples should not be higher than count:
  n_samples = (n_samples < count) ? n_samples : count;

  // initialize matrices and vectors for the full point set problem:
  // this is used for determining inliers
  float _AA[count][D_1];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(AA, _AA, count);
  float _targets_all[count][1];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(targets_all, _targets_all, count);

  for (sam = 0; sam < count; sam++) {
    for (d = 0; d < D; d++) {
      AA[sam][d] = samples[sam][d];
    if (use_bias) {
      AA[sam][D] = 1.0f;
    } else {
      AA[sam][D] = 0.0f;
    targets_all[sam][0] = targets[sam];

  // decompose A in u, w, v with singular value decomposition A = u * w * vT.
  // u replaces A as output:
  float _parameters[D_1][1];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(parameters, _parameters, D_1);
  float w[n_samples], _v[D_1][D_1];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(v, _v, D_1);

  // solve the system:

  pprz_svd_float(AA, w, v, count, D_1);
  pprz_svd_solve_float(parameters, AA, w, v, targets_all, count, D_1, 1);

  // used to determine the error of a set of parameters on the whole set:
  float _bb[count][1];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(bb, _bb, count);
  float _C[count][1];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(C, _C, count);

  // error is determined on the entire set
  // bb = AA * parameters:
  MAT_MUL(count, D_1, 1, bb, AA, parameters);
  // subtract bu_all: C = 0 in case of perfect fit:
  MAT_SUB(count, 1, C, bb, targets_all);
  *fit_error = 0;
  for (sam = 0; sam < count; sam++) {
    *fit_error += fabsf(C[sam][0]);
  *fit_error /= count;

  for (d = 0; d < D_1; d++) {
    params[d] = parameters[d][0];
コード例 #3
ファイル: linear_flow_fit.c プロジェクト: HWal/paparazzi
 * Analyze a linear flow field, retrieving information such as divergence, surface roughness, focus of expansion, etc.
 * @param[in] vectors The optical flow vectors
 * @param[in] count The number of optical flow vectors
 * @param[in] error_threshold Error used to determine inliers / outliers.
 * @param[in] n_iterations Number of RANSAC iterations.
 * @param[in] n_samples Number of samples used for a single fit (min. 3).
 * @param[out] parameters_u* Parameters of the horizontal flow field
 * @param[out] parameters_v* Parameters of the vertical flow field
 * @param[out] fit_error* Total error of the finally selected fit
 * @param[out] min_error_u* Error fit horizontal flow field
 * @param[out] min_error_v* Error fit vertical flow field
 * @param[out] n_inliers_u* Number of inliers in the horizontal flow fit.
 * @param[out] n_inliers_v* Number of inliers in the vertical flow fit.
void fit_linear_flow_field(struct flow_t *vectors, int count, float error_threshold, int n_iterations, int n_samples, float *parameters_u, float *parameters_v, float *fit_error, float *min_error_u, float *min_error_v, int *n_inliers_u, int *n_inliers_v)

  // We will solve systems of the form A x = b,
  // where A = [nx3] matrix with entries [x, y, 1] for each optic flow location
  // and b = [nx1] vector with either the horizontal (bu) or vertical (bv) flow.
  // x in the system are the parameters for the horizontal (pu) or vertical (pv) flow field.

  // local vars for iterating, random numbers:
  int sam, p, i_rand, si, add_si;

  // ensure that n_samples is high enough to ensure a result for a single fit:
  n_samples = (n_samples < MIN_SAMPLES_FIT) ? MIN_SAMPLES_FIT : n_samples;
  // n_samples should not be higher than count:
  n_samples = (n_samples < count) ? n_samples : count;

  // initialize matrices and vectors for the full point set problem:
  // this is used for determining inliers
  float _AA[count][3];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(AA, _AA, count);
  float _bu_all[count][1];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(bu_all, _bu_all, count);
  float _bv_all[count][1];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(bv_all, _bv_all, count);
  for (sam = 0; sam < count; sam++) {
    AA[sam][0] = (float) vectors[sam].pos.x;
    AA[sam][1] = (float) vectors[sam].pos.y;
    AA[sam][2] = 1.0f;
    bu_all[sam][0] = (float) vectors[sam].flow_x;
    bv_all[sam][0] = (float) vectors[sam].flow_y;

  // later used to determine the error of a set of parameters on the whole set:
  float _bb[count][1];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(bb, _bb, count);
  float _C[count][1];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(C, _C, count);

  // ***************
  // perform RANSAC:
  // ***************

  // set up variables for small linear system solved repeatedly inside RANSAC:
  float _A[n_samples][3];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(A, _A, n_samples);
  float _bu[n_samples][1];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(bu, _bu, n_samples);
  float _bv[n_samples][1];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(bv, _bv, n_samples);
  float w[n_samples], _v[3][3];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(v, _v, 3);
  float _pu[3][1];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(pu, _pu, 3);
  float _pv[3][1];
  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(pv, _pv, 3);

  // iterate and store parameters, errors, inliers per fit:
  float PU[n_iterations * 3];
  float PV[n_iterations * 3];
  float errors_pu[n_iterations];
  errors_pu[0] = 0.0;
  float errors_pv[n_iterations];
  errors_pv[0] = 0.0;
  int n_inliers_pu[n_iterations];
  int n_inliers_pv[n_iterations];
  int it, ii;
  for (it = 0; it < n_iterations; it++) {
    // select a random sample of n_sample points:
    int sample_indices[n_samples];
    i_rand = 0;

    // sampling without replacement:
    while (i_rand < n_samples) {
      si = rand() % count;
      add_si = 1;
      for (ii = 0; ii < i_rand; ii++) {
        if (sample_indices[ii] == si) { add_si = 0; }
      if (add_si) {
        sample_indices[i_rand] = si;
        i_rand ++;

    // Setup the system:
    for (sam = 0; sam < n_samples; sam++) {
      A[sam][0] = (float) vectors[sample_indices[sam]].pos.x;
      A[sam][1] = (float) vectors[sample_indices[sam]].pos.y;
      A[sam][2] = 1.0f;
      bu[sam][0] = (float) vectors[sample_indices[sam]].flow_x;
      bv[sam][0] = (float) vectors[sample_indices[sam]].flow_y;

    // Solve the small system:

    // for horizontal flow:
    // decompose A in u, w, v with singular value decomposition A = u * w * vT.
    // u replaces A as output:
    pprz_svd_float(A, w, v, n_samples, 3);
    pprz_svd_solve_float(pu, A, w, v, bu, n_samples, 3, 1);
    PU[it * 3] = pu[0][0];
    PU[it * 3 + 1] = pu[1][0];
    PU[it * 3 + 2] = pu[2][0];

    // for vertical flow:
    pprz_svd_solve_float(pv, A, w, v, bv, n_samples, 3, 1);
    PV[it * 3] = pv[0][0];
    PV[it * 3 + 1] = pv[1][0];
    PV[it * 3 + 2] = pv[2][0];

    // count inliers and determine their error on all points:
    errors_pu[it] = 0;
    errors_pv[it] = 0;
    n_inliers_pu[it] = 0;
    n_inliers_pv[it] = 0;

    // for horizontal flow:
    // bb = AA * pu:
    MAT_MUL(count, 3, 1, bb, AA, pu);
    // subtract bu_all: C = 0 in case of perfect fit:
    MAT_SUB(count, 1, C, bb, bu_all);

    for (p = 0; p < count; p++) {
      C[p][0] = abs(C[p][0]);
      if (C[p][0] < error_threshold) {
        errors_pu[it] += C[p][0];
      } else {
        errors_pu[it] += error_threshold;

    // for vertical flow:
    // bb = AA * pv:
    MAT_MUL(count, 3, 1, bb, AA, pv);
    // subtract bv_all: C = 0 in case of perfect fit:
    MAT_SUB(count, 1, C, bb, bv_all);

    for (p = 0; p < count; p++) {
      C[p][0] = abs(C[p][0]);
      if (C[p][0] < error_threshold) {
        errors_pv[it] += C[p][0];
      } else {
        errors_pv[it] += error_threshold;

  // After all iterations:
  // select the parameters with lowest error:
  // for horizontal flow:
  int param;
  int min_ind = 0;
  *min_error_u = (float)errors_pu[0];
  for (it = 1; it < n_iterations; it++) {
    if (errors_pu[it] < *min_error_u) {
      *min_error_u = (float)errors_pu[it];
      min_ind = it;
  for (param = 0; param < 3; param++) {
    parameters_u[param] = PU[min_ind * 3 + param];
  *n_inliers_u = n_inliers_pu[min_ind];

  // for vertical flow:
  min_ind = 0;
  *min_error_v = (float)errors_pv[0];
  for (it = 0; it < n_iterations; it++) {
    if (errors_pv[it] < *min_error_v) {
      *min_error_v = (float)errors_pv[it];
      min_ind = it;
  for (param = 0; param < 3; param++) {
    parameters_v[param] = PV[min_ind * 3 + param];
  *n_inliers_v = n_inliers_pv[min_ind];

  // error has to be determined on the entire set without threshold:
  // bb = AA * pu:
  MAT_MUL(count, 3, 1, bb, AA, pu);
  // subtract bu_all: C = 0 in case of perfect fit:
  MAT_SUB(count, 1, C, bb, bu_all);
  *min_error_u = 0;
  for (p = 0; p < count; p++) {
    *min_error_u += abs(C[p][0]);
  // bb = AA * pv:
  MAT_MUL(count, 3, 1, bb, AA, pv);
  // subtract bv_all: C = 0 in case of perfect fit:
  MAT_SUB(count, 1, C, bb, bv_all);
  *min_error_v = 0;
  for (p = 0; p < count; p++) {
    *min_error_v += abs(C[p][0]);
  *fit_error = (*min_error_u + *min_error_v) / (2 * count);
