コード例 #1
ファイル: NCSFile.cpp プロジェクト: forostm/libecw
 * Set a file view.
 * Set a view of the ecw file in world coordinates, specifying the top left and bottom right extents.
 * @param nBands Number of bands
 * @param pBandList Pointer to a list of INT bands to view
 * @param nWidth The output view sampled width
 * @param nHeight The output view sampled height
 * @param dWorldTLX Top left X value in world coordinates 
 * @param dWorldTLY Top left Y value in world coordinates
 * @param dWorldBRX Bottom right X value in world coordinates
 * @param dWorldBRY Bottom right Y value in world coordinates
 * @see SetView()
 * @return NCS_SUCCESS if successfull, or an NCSError value.
NCSError CNCSFile::SetView ( INT32 nBands, INT32 *pBandList,
					   INT32 nWidth, INT32 nHeight,
					   IEEE8 dWorldTLX, IEEE8 dWorldTLY,
					   IEEE8 dWorldBRX, IEEE8 dWorldBRY )
	INT32 nDatasetTLX, nDatasetTLY, nDatasetBRX, nDatasetBRY;
	NCSError nError;

	m_dSetViewWorldTLX = dWorldTLX;
	m_dSetViewWorldTLY = dWorldTLY;
	m_dSetViewWorldBRX = dWorldBRX;
	m_dSetViewWorldBRY = dWorldBRY;

	// We still need to correct dataset coords, so convert the world to datasets.
	ConvertWorldToDataset(m_dSetViewWorldTLX, m_dSetViewWorldTLY, &nDatasetTLX, &nDatasetTLY);
	ConvertWorldToDataset(m_dSetViewWorldBRX, m_dSetViewWorldBRY, &nDatasetBRX, &nDatasetBRY);

		// Do the set view with the adjusted extents
	nError = CNCSJP2FileView::SetView(nBands, 
									nDatasetTLX, nDatasetTLY,
									nDatasetBRX, nDatasetBRY,
									nWidth, nHeight,
									m_dSetViewWorldTLX, m_dSetViewWorldTLY,
									m_dSetViewWorldBRX, m_dSetViewWorldBRY).GetErrorNumber();

	if (nError == NCS_SUCCESS) {
		m_bHaveValidSetView = TRUE;
	} else if( nError == NCS_FILEIO_ERROR ) {
		m_bHaveValidSetView = FALSE;
	} else if( nError == NCS_CONNECTION_LOST ) {
		char buf[1024];														//[01]
		sprintf(buf, "SetView() Error - %s", NCSGetErrorText(nError));		//[01]
		NCSFormatErrorText(nError, buf);									//[01]
		m_bHaveValidSetView = FALSE;
	} else {
		char buf[1024];														//[01]
		sprintf(buf, "SetView() Error - %s", NCSGetErrorText(nError));		//[01]
		nError = NCS_ECW_ERROR;												//[01]
		NCSFormatErrorText(nError, buf);									//[01]

		m_bHaveValidSetView = FALSE;
	m_bSetViewModeIsWorld = TRUE;

	return (NCSError)nError;
コード例 #2
ファイル: NCSFile.cpp プロジェクト: forostm/libecw
 * Set a file view.
 * Set a view of the ecw file in dataset units, specifying the top left and bottom right extents.
 * @param nBands Number of bands
 * @param pBandList Pointer to a list of INT bands to view
 * @param nWidth The output view sampled width
 * @param nHeight The output view sampled height
 * @param dDatasetTLX Top left X value in dataset units 
 * @param dDatasetTLY Top left Y value in dataset units
 * @param dDatasetBRX Bottom right X value in dataset units
 * @param dDatasetBRY Bottom right Y value in dataset units
 * @see SetView()
 * @return NCS_SUCCESS if successfull, or an NCSError value.
NCSError CNCSFile::SetView ( INT32 nBands, INT32 *pBandList, 
				   INT32 nWidth, INT32 nHeight,
				   INT32 dDatasetTLX, INT32 dDatasetTLY,
				   INT32 dDatasetBRX, INT32 dDatasetBRY )
	NCSError	nError;
	m_nSetViewDatasetTLX = dDatasetTLX;
	m_nSetViewDatasetTLY = dDatasetTLY;
	m_nSetViewDatasetBRX = dDatasetBRX;
	m_nSetViewDatasetBRY = dDatasetBRY;

	if ((m_nSetViewDatasetTLX < 0) || (m_nSetViewDatasetTLY < 0 ) ||
		(m_nSetViewDatasetBRX > m_nWidth-1) || (m_nSetViewDatasetBRY > m_nHeight-1)) {
		// OK some or all of the view is outside the dataset, adjust accordingly
/*#ifdef _DEBUG
		::MessageBox(NULL, NCS_T("Problem with view"), NCS_T("DEBUG"), MB_OK);
		// clamp
		if (m_nSetViewDatasetTLX < 0)
			m_nSetViewDatasetTLX = 0;
		if (m_nSetViewDatasetTLY < 0 )
			m_nSetViewDatasetTLY = 0;
		if (m_nSetViewDatasetBRX > m_nWidth-1)
			m_nSetViewDatasetBRX = m_nWidth-1;
		if (m_nSetViewDatasetBRY > m_nHeight-1)
			m_nSetViewDatasetBRY = m_nHeight-1;

	// Do the set view with the adjusted extents
	nError = CNCSJP2FileView::SetView(nBands, 
									  m_nSetViewDatasetTLX, m_nSetViewDatasetTLY,
									  m_nSetViewDatasetBRX, m_nSetViewDatasetBRY,
									  nWidth, nHeight).GetErrorNumber();

	if (nError == NCS_SUCCESS) {
		m_bHaveValidSetView = TRUE;
	} else if( nError == NCS_FILEIO_ERROR ) {
		m_bHaveValidSetView = FALSE;
	} else {
		char buf[1024];														//[01]
		sprintf(buf, "SetView() Error - %s", NCSGetErrorText(nError));		//[01]
		nError = NCS_ECW_ERROR;												//[01]
		NCSFormatErrorText(nError, buf);									//[01]
		m_bHaveValidSetView = FALSE;

	m_bSetViewModeIsWorld = FALSE;

	return (NCSError)nError;
コード例 #3
ECWDataset::BeginAsyncReader( int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, 
                              void *pBuf, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize,
                              GDALDataType eBufType,
                              int nBandCount, int* panBandMap,
                              int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace,
                              char **papszOptions)

    int   i;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Provide default packing if needed.                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nPixelSpace == 0 )
        nPixelSpace = GDALGetDataTypeSize(eBufType) / 8;
    if( nLineSpace == 0 )
        nLineSpace = nPixelSpace * nBufXSize;
    if( nBandSpace == 0 )
        nBandSpace = nLineSpace * nBufYSize;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do a bit of validation.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nXSize < 1 || nYSize < 1 || nBufXSize < 1 || nBufYSize < 1 )
        CPLDebug( "GDAL", 
                  "BeginAsyncReader() skipped for odd window or buffer size.\n"
                  "  Window = (%d,%d)x%dx%d\n"
                  "  Buffer = %dx%d\n",
                  nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize, 
                  nBufXSize, nBufYSize );
        return NULL;

    if( nXOff < 0 || nXOff > INT_MAX - nXSize || nXOff + nXSize > nRasterXSize
        || nYOff < 0 || nYOff > INT_MAX - nYSize || nYOff + nYSize > nRasterYSize )
        ReportError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "Access window out of range in RasterIO().  Requested\n"
                  "(%d,%d) of size %dx%d on raster of %dx%d.",
                  nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize, nRasterXSize, nRasterYSize );
        return NULL;

    if( nBandCount <= 0 || nBandCount > nBands )
        ReportError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, "Invalid band count" );
        return NULL;

    if( panBandMap != NULL )
        for( i = 0; i < nBandCount; i++ )
            if( panBandMap[i] < 1 || panBandMap[i] > nBands )
                ReportError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                      "panBandMap[%d] = %d, this band does not exist on dataset.",
                      i, panBandMap[i] );
                return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the corresponding async reader.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    ECWAsyncReader *poReader = new ECWAsyncReader();

    poReader->poDS = this;

    poReader->nXOff = nXOff;
    poReader->nYOff = nYOff;
    poReader->nXSize = nXSize;
    poReader->nYSize = nYSize;

    poReader->pBuf = pBuf;
    poReader->nBufXSize = nBufXSize;
    poReader->nBufYSize = nBufYSize;
    poReader->eBufType = eBufType;
    poReader->nBandCount = nBandCount;
    poReader->panBandMap = (int *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(int),nBandCount);
    if( panBandMap != NULL )
        memcpy( poReader->panBandMap, panBandMap, sizeof(int) * nBandCount );
        for( i = 0; i < nBandCount; i++ )
            poReader->panBandMap[i] = i + 1;

    poReader->nPixelSpace = nPixelSpace;
    poReader->nLineSpace = nLineSpace;
    poReader->nBandSpace = nBandSpace;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a new view for this request.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poReader->poFileView = OpenFileView( GetDescription(), true, 
                                         poReader->bUsingCustomStream );

    if( poReader->poFileView == NULL )
        delete poReader;
        return NULL;

    poReader->poFileView->SetClientData( poReader );
    poReader->poFileView->SetRefreshCallback( ECWAsyncReader::RefreshCB );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Issue a corresponding SetView command.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    std::vector<UINT32> anBandIndices;
    NCSError     eNCSErr;
    CNCSError    oErr;
    for( i = 0; i < nBandCount; i++ )
        anBandIndices.push_back( panBandMap[i] - 1 );

    oErr = poReader->poFileView->SetView( nBandCount, &(anBandIndices[0]),
                                          nXOff, nYOff, 
                                          nXOff + nXSize - 1, 
                                          nYOff + nYSize - 1,
                                          nBufXSize, nBufYSize );
    eNCSErr = oErr.GetErrorNumber();
    if( eNCSErr != NCS_SUCCESS )
        delete poReader;
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "%s", NCSGetErrorText(eNCSErr) );
        return NULL;

    return poReader;
コード例 #4
ファイル: dexample1.c プロジェクト: forostm/libecw
int test_openview( char *szInputFilename, BOOLEAN bRandomReads, BOOLEAN bReportTime )

	NCSFileView *pNCSFileView;
	NCSFileViewFileInfo	*pNCSFileInfo;

	NCSError eError = NCS_SUCCESS;
	UINT8	**p_p_output_line = NULL;
	UINT8	*p_output_buffer = NULL;
	UINT32	x_size, y_size, number_x, number_y;
	UINT32	start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y;
	UINT32	line;
	int		regions;
	double	total_pixels = 0.0;
	UINT32	band;
	UINT32	nBands;
	UINT32	*band_list = NULL;	/* list of individual bands to read, may be subset of actual bands */

	clock_t	start_time, mark_time;

	printf("ECW READ EXAMPLE\n");
	start_time = mark_time = clock();
	**	Open the input NCSFileView
	eError = NCScbmOpenFileView(szInputFilename, &pNCSFileView, NULL);

	if (eError != NCS_SUCCESS) {
		printf("Could not open view for file:%s\n",szInputFilename);
		printf("Error = %s\n", NCSGetErrorText(eError));
	NCScbmGetViewFileInfo(pNCSFileView, &pNCSFileInfo);
	x_size = pNCSFileInfo->nSizeX;
	y_size = pNCSFileInfo->nSizeY;
	nBands = pNCSFileInfo->nBands;
	printf("Input file is [%ld x %ld by %d bands]\n",
		(long)x_size, (long)y_size, nBands);

	// Have to set up the band list. Compatible with ER Mapper's method.
	// In this example we always request all bands.
	band_list = (UINT32 *) malloc(sizeof(UINT32) * nBands);
	if( !band_list ) {
		printf("Error - unable to malloc band list\n");
	for( band = 0; band < nBands; band++ )
		band_list[band] = band;

// All of image
	start_x = 0;		start_y = 0;
	end_x = x_size - 1;	end_y = y_size - 1;
	number_x = x_size;	number_y = y_size;

	// do many region reads as tests
	if( bRandomReads ) 
		regions = 10;
		regions = 100;
//		regions = 5000;

	while( regions -- ) {
		{	// work out a random region to read
			number_x = number_y = 512;
			// define a random region and size
			start_x = (UINT32) (RAND() * x_size);
			end_x	= (UINT32) (RAND() * (x_size - start_x)) + start_x;
			start_y = (UINT32) (RAND() * y_size);
			end_y	= (UINT32) (RAND() * (y_size - start_y)) + start_y;

			// make a square view area
			if( (end_x - start_x) < MAX_WINDOW ) {
				end_x = start_x + MAX_WINDOW;
				if( end_x >= x_size ) { // [01]
					start_x = x_size - MAX_WINDOW;
					end_x = x_size-1;
			if( (end_y - start_y) < MAX_WINDOW ) {
				end_y = start_y + MAX_WINDOW;
				if( end_y >= y_size ) { // [01]
					start_y = y_size - MAX_WINDOW;
					end_y = y_size-1;
			if( (end_x - start_x) < (end_y - start_y) )
				end_y = start_y + (end_x - start_x);
				end_x = start_x + (end_y - start_y);
			number_x = number_y = MAX_WINDOW;	

		printf("Region %4d: [%d,%d] to [%d,%d] for [%d,%d]\n",
			regions, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, number_x, number_y);

		eError = NCScbmSetFileView(pNCSFileView, 
						nBands, band_list,
						start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y,
						number_x, number_y);
		if( eError != NCS_SUCCESS) {
			printf("Error while setting file view to %d bands, TL[%d,%d] BR[%d,%d], Window size [%d,%d]\n",
				nBands, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, number_x, number_y);
			printf("Error = %s\n", NCSGetErrorText(eError));

		p_output_buffer = (UINT8 *) malloc( sizeof(UINT8) * number_x * nBands);
		p_p_output_line = (UINT8 **) malloc( sizeof(UINT8 *) * nBands);

		if( !p_p_output_line || !p_output_buffer) {
			printf("Malloc error for output buffers\n");
			if( p_p_output_line )
				free((char *) p_p_output_line);
			if( p_output_buffer )
				free((char *) p_output_buffer);

		for(band = 0; band < nBands; band++ )
			p_p_output_line[band] = p_output_buffer + (band * number_x);

		**	Read each line of the compressed file
		for( line = 0; line < number_y; line++ ) {
			NCSEcwReadStatus eReadStatus;
			eReadStatus = NCScbmReadViewLineBIL( pNCSFileView, p_p_output_line);
			if (eReadStatus != NCSECW_READ_OK) {
				printf("Read line error at line %d\n",line);
				printf("Status code = %d\n", eReadStatus);
				free((char *) p_p_output_line);
				free((char *) p_output_buffer);
		free((char *) p_p_output_line);
		free((char *) p_output_buffer);

		if( bReportTime ) {
			double	pixels, seconds, pixels_per_second, seconds_per_megapixel;

			// time for this run
			seconds = ((double) (clock() - mark_time)) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
			if( seconds == 0 )
				seconds = 0.01;
			pixels = (double) number_x * (double) number_y;
			pixels_per_second = pixels / seconds;
			seconds_per_megapixel = seconds / (pixels / 1000000.0);
			printf("Region time:%5.2lf sec.%5.2lf Mpixels/sec. %4.2lf secs/Mpixel (%6.2lf Mpixels)\n",
				seconds, pixels_per_second / 1000000, seconds_per_megapixel, (pixels/1000000));
			// cumulative time
			mark_time = clock();
			seconds = ((double) (mark_time - start_time)) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
			if( seconds == 0 )
				seconds = 0.001;
			total_pixels	+= pixels;
			pixels_per_second = total_pixels / seconds;
			seconds_per_megapixel = seconds / (total_pixels / 1000000.0);

	if( bReportTime ) {
		double	seconds, pixels_per_second, seconds_per_megapixel;

		// cumulative time
		mark_time = clock();
		seconds = ((double) (mark_time - start_time)) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
		if( seconds == 0 )
			seconds = 0.001;
		pixels_per_second = total_pixels / seconds;
		seconds_per_megapixel = seconds / (total_pixels / 1000000.0);
		printf("ALL    time:%5.2lf sec.%5.2lf Mpixels/sec. %4.2lf secs/Mpixel (%6.2lf Mpixels)\n",
			seconds, pixels_per_second / 1000000, seconds_per_megapixel, total_pixels / 1000000);

	// Make the second argument below TRUE if this is the last view of the file and you
	// want the file closed, otherwise it will be kept open in the cache. This can
	// sometimes be an problem when writing plugins.
	NCScbmCloseFileViewEx(pNCSFileView, FALSE);

コード例 #5
ECWDataset::BeginAsyncReader( int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, 
                              void *pBuf, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize,
                              GDALDataType eBufType,
                              int nBandCount, int* panBandMap,
                              int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace,
                              char **papszOptions)

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Provide default packing if needed.                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nPixelSpace == 0 )
        nPixelSpace = GDALGetDataTypeSize(eBufType) / 8;
    if( nLineSpace == 0 )
        nLineSpace = nPixelSpace * nBufXSize;
    if( nBandSpace == 0 )
        nBandSpace = nLineSpace * nBufYSize;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We should do a bit of validation first - perhaps add later.     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the corresponding async reader.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    ECWAsyncReader *poReader = new ECWAsyncReader();

    poReader->poDS = this;

    poReader->nXOff = nXOff;
    poReader->nYOff = nYOff;
    poReader->nXSize = nXSize;
    poReader->nYSize = nYSize;

    poReader->pBuf = pBuf;
    poReader->nBufXSize = nBufXSize;
    poReader->nBufYSize = nBufYSize;
    poReader->eBufType = eBufType;
    poReader->nBandCount = nBandCount;
    poReader->panBandMap = (int *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(int),nBandCount);
    memcpy( poReader->panBandMap, panBandMap, sizeof(int) * nBandCount );

    poReader->nPixelSpace = nPixelSpace;
    poReader->nLineSpace = nLineSpace;
    poReader->nBandSpace = nBandSpace;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a new view for this request.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poReader->poFileView = OpenFileView( GetDescription(), true, 
                                         poReader->bUsingCustomStream );

    if( poReader->poFileView == NULL )
        delete poReader;
        return NULL;

    poReader->poFileView->SetClientData( poReader );
    poReader->poFileView->SetRefreshCallback( ECWAsyncReader::RefreshCB );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Issue a corresponding SetView command.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    std::vector<UINT32> anBandIndices;
    int   i;
    NCSError     eNCSErr;
    CNCSError    oErr;
    for( i = 0; i < nBandCount; i++ )
        anBandIndices.push_back( panBandMap[i] - 1 );

    oErr = poReader->poFileView->SetView( nBandCount, &(anBandIndices[0]),
                                          nXOff, nYOff, 
                                          nXOff + nXSize - 1, 
                                          nYOff + nYSize - 1,
                                          nBufXSize, nBufYSize );
    eNCSErr = oErr.GetErrorNumber();
    if( eNCSErr != NCS_SUCCESS )
        delete poReader;
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "%s", NCSGetErrorText(eNCSErr) );
        return NULL;

    return poReader;
コード例 #6
ファイル: cexample2.c プロジェクト: forostm/libecw
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	NCSEcwCompressClient *pClient;
	char *szInputFilename;
	char *szOutputFilename;
	NCSFileView *pNCSFileView;
	NCSFileViewFileInfo	*pNCSFileInfo;
	UINT8 *pReadBuffer;
	UINT8 **ppInputBandBufferArray;
	NCSError eError;
	INT32 nBand;
	IEEE4 fTargetCompressionOverride = 0.0;

	// Check user has specified a file on command line
	if (argc < 3 || argc > 4) {
			"Usage: %s InputFilename OutputFilename [Target Compression]",
	else {
		szInputFilename = argv[1];
		szOutputFilename = argv[2];
		if (argc == 4) {
			fTargetCompressionOverride = (float)atof(argv[3]);

	// Initialize the ECW JPEG 2000 SDK libraries
	// Open the input file
	eError = NCScbmOpenFileView(szInputFilename, &pNCSFileView, NULL);
	if (eError != NCS_SUCCESS) {
		ReportError("Could not open view for file:%s, Error = %s",
			szInputFilename, NCSGetErrorText(eError));

	// Get input file information
	eError = NCScbmGetViewFileInfo(pNCSFileView, &pNCSFileInfo);
	if (eError != NCS_SUCCESS) {
		ReportError("Could not get file information for file:%s, Error = %s",
			szInputFilename, NCSGetErrorText(eError));

	// Set up the input band list and set the view
		INT32 *pBandList;

		pBandList = (UINT32 *)malloc(sizeof(UINT32) * pNCSFileInfo->nBands);
		if (pBandList == NULL) {
			ReportError("Unable to malloc band list.");
		for (nBand = 0; nBand < pNCSFileInfo->nBands; nBand++) {
			pBandList[nBand] = nBand;

		// Set the view we want to read (the whole file)
		eError = NCScbmSetFileView(
		if (eError != NCS_SUCCESS) {
			ReportError("Error setting file view: %s",

	// The read function wants an array of band buffers to store
	// the data in. We allocate one block of memory and then point
	// set up the band points to point to different locations within
	// it. Alternatively, we could allocate a separate buffer for each
	// band.

	pReadBuffer = (UINT8 *)malloc(sizeof(UINT8) *
								  pNCSFileInfo->nSizeX *
	if (pReadBuffer == NULL) {
		ReportError("Could not malloc read buffer");

	ppInputBandBufferArray = (UINT8 **)malloc(sizeof(UINT8 *) *
	if (ppInputBandBufferArray == NULL) {
		ReportError("Could not malloc band buffer array");

	for (nBand = 0; nBand < pNCSFileInfo->nBands; nBand++) {
		ppInputBandBufferArray[nBand] = pReadBuffer + 
			(nBand * pNCSFileInfo->nSizeX * sizeof(UINT8));

	// Now set up the output side of the task. First we need to
	// allocate and set up a client structure for the compression

	if (pClient = NCSEcwCompressAllocClient()) {
		NCSError eError;
		ReadInfo CompressReadInfo;

		// output filename
		strcpy(pClient->szOutputFilename, szOutputFilename);

		// Set up the target compression
		if (fTargetCompressionOverride != 0.0) {
			// User has specified a compression
			pClient->fTargetCompression = fTargetCompressionOverride;
		else {
			// Use the same compression it was originally compressed with
			pClient->fTargetCompression = (float)pNCSFileInfo->nCompressionRate;
		// Set up the input dimensions
		pClient->nInOutSizeX = pNCSFileInfo->nSizeX;
		pClient->nInOutSizeY = pNCSFileInfo->nSizeY;
		pClient->nInputBands = pNCSFileInfo->nBands;

		// Currently there isn't a way to find out what type of file we have,
		// so we make a guess based on the # of input bands.
		if(pClient->nInputBands == 1) {
			pClient->eCompressFormat = COMPRESS_UINT8;
		else if(pClient->nInputBands == 3) {
			pClient->eCompressFormat = COMPRESS_RGB;
		else {
			pClient->eCompressFormat = COMPRESS_MULTI;

		// Set up optional projection information
		pClient->fCellIncrementX = pNCSFileInfo->fCellIncrementX;
		pClient->fCellIncrementY = pNCSFileInfo->fCellIncrementY;
		pClient->fOriginX = pNCSFileInfo->fOriginX;
		pClient->fOriginY = pNCSFileInfo->fOriginY;
		pClient->eCellSizeUnits = pNCSFileInfo->eCellSizeUnits;
		strcpy(pClient->szDatum, pNCSFileInfo->szDatum);
		strcpy(pClient->szProjection, pNCSFileInfo->szProjection);

		// Specify the callbacks and client data ptr
		pClient->pReadCallback = ReadCallback;
		pClient->pStatusCallback = StatusCallback;
		pClient->pCancelCallback = CancelCallback;

		// Set up client data for read callback
		CompressReadInfo.pNCSFileView = pNCSFileView;
		CompressReadInfo.ppInputBandBufferArray = ppInputBandBufferArray;
		CompressReadInfo.nPercentComplete = 0;
		CompressReadInfo.pErrorBuffer[0] = '\0';
		pClient->pClientData = (void *)&CompressReadInfo;

		// Open the compression
		eError = NCSEcwCompressOpen(pClient, FALSE);
		if (eError != NCS_SUCCESS) {
			ReportError("NCSCompressOpen failed: %s", NCSGetErrorText(eError));
		else {
			// Opened OK, now do the compression
			eError = NCSEcwCompress(pClient);
				ReportError("Compression error: %s (%s)",
					NCSGetErrorText(eError), CompressReadInfo.pErrorBuffer);
			else if (eError != NCS_SUCCESS) {
				ReportError("Compression error: %s", NCSGetErrorText(eError));
			else {		// Compressed ok

				// Close the compression
				eError = NCSEcwCompressClose(pClient);
				if (eError != NCS_SUCCESS) {
					ReportError("NCSEcwCompressClose failed: %s",

				// output stats
				fprintf(stdout, "Target ratio:    %.1lf\r\n"
								"Actual ratio:    %.1lf\r\n"
#ifdef WIN32
								"Output size:     %I64d bytes\r\n"
								"Output size:     %lld bytes\r\n"
								"Time taken:      %.1lf seconds\r\n"
								"Data Rate:       %.1lf MB/s\r\n",

		// Free client
	else {
		// Couldn't alloc client structure
		ReportError("NCSEcwCompressAllocClient() failed!");

	// Shutdown library resources
	fprintf(stdout, "Hit Enter to exit");
コード例 #7
ファイル: cexample1.c プロジェクト: forostm/libecw
** main()
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	NCSEcwCompressClient *pClient;

	if (argc != 2) 
		fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s <output filename>\r\n", argv[0]);

	** Initialize library resources
	** First we need to alloc a client structure
	if(pClient = NCSEcwCompressAllocClient()) {
		NCSError eError;
		ReadInfo RI = { 0 };

		** Set up the input dimensions
		pClient->nInputBands = TEST_NR_BANDS;
		pClient->nInOutSizeX = TEST_WIDTH;
		pClient->nInOutSizeY = TEST_HEIGHT;

		** Set format and ratio based on # of input bands
		** Format can be:
		** COMPRESS_UINT8 (Grayscale)
		** COMPRESS_MULTI (Multi band grayscale)
		if(pClient->nInputBands == 1) {
			pClient->eCompressFormat = COMPRESS_UINT8;
			pClient->fTargetCompression = 20.0f;
		} else if(pClient->nInputBands == 3) {
			pClient->eCompressFormat = COMPRESS_RGB;
			pClient->fTargetCompression = 10.0f;
		} else {
			pClient->eCompressFormat = COMPRESS_MULTI;
			pClient->fTargetCompression = 20.0f;

		** Give output filename
		strcpy(pClient->szOutputFilename, argv[1]);

		** Specify the callbacks and client data ptr
		pClient->pReadCallback = ReadCallback;
		pClient->pStatusCallback = StatusCallback;
		pClient->pCancelCallback = CancelCallback;
		pClient->pClientData = (void*)&RI;

		** Open the compression
		eError = NCSEcwCompressOpen(pClient, FALSE);

		if(eError == NCS_SUCCESS) {
			** Opened OK, now do the compression
			eError = NCSEcwCompress(pClient);

			** Close the compression
		if(eError == NCS_SUCCESS) {
			** Compressed OK, output stats
			fprintf(stdout, "Target ratio:    %.1lf\r\n"
							"Actual ratio:    %.1lf\r\n"
#ifdef WIN32
							"Output size:     %I64d bytes\r\n"
							"Output size:     %lld bytes\r\n"
							"Time taken:      %.1lf seconds\r\n"
							"Data Rate:       %.1lf MB/s\r\n",
		} else {
			** Got an error, dump to stderr
			fprintf(stderr, "Compression error: %s\r\n", NCSGetErrorText(eError)); 
		** Free client
	} else {
		** Couldn't alloc client structure
		fprintf(stderr, "NCSEcwCompressAllocClient() failed!");

	fprintf(stdout, "Hit Enter to exit");