コード例 #1
ファイル: nsPKCS12Blob.cpp プロジェクト: dimitrianoudi/Jaxer
// nsPKCS12Blob::ExportToFile
// Having already loaded the certs, form them into a blob (loading the keys
// also), encode the blob, and stuff it into the file.
// TODO: handle slots correctly
//       mirror "slotToUse" behavior from PSM 1.x
//       verify the cert array to start off with?
//       open output file as nsIFileStream object?
//       set appropriate error codes
nsPKCS12Blob::ExportToFile(nsILocalFile *file, 
                           nsIX509Cert **certs, int numCerts)
  nsNSSShutDownPreventionLock locker;
  nsresult rv;
  SECStatus srv = SECSuccess;
  SEC_PKCS12ExportContext *ecx = NULL;
  SEC_PKCS12SafeInfo *certSafe = NULL, *keySafe = NULL;
  SECItem unicodePw;
  nsAutoString filePath;
  int i;
  nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> localFileRef;
  NS_ASSERTION(mToken, "Need to set the token before exporting");
  // init slot

  PRBool InformedUserNoSmartcardBackup = PR_FALSE;
  int numCertsExported = 0;

  rv = mToken->Login(PR_TRUE);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) goto finish;
  // get file password (unicode)
  unicodePw.data = NULL;
  rv = newPKCS12FilePassword(&unicodePw);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) goto finish;
  if (unicodePw.data == NULL) {
    return NS_OK;
  // what about slotToUse in psm 1.x ???
  // create export context
  ecx = SEC_PKCS12CreateExportContext(NULL, NULL, NULL /*slot*/, NULL);
  if (!ecx) {
    srv = SECFailure;
    goto finish;
  // add password integrity
  srv = SEC_PKCS12AddPasswordIntegrity(ecx, &unicodePw, SEC_OID_SHA1);
  if (srv) goto finish;
#if 0
  // count the number of certs to export
  nrv = mCertArray->Count(&numCerts);
  if (NS_FAILED(nrv)) goto finish;
  // loop over the certs
  for (i=0; i<numCerts; i++) {
    nsCOMPtr<nsIX509Cert> cert;
    nrv = mCertArray->GetElementAt(i, getter_AddRefs(cert));
    if (NS_FAILED(nrv)) goto finish;
  for (i=0; i<numCerts; i++) {
//    nsNSSCertificate *cert = reinterpret_cast<nsNSSCertificate *>(certs[i]);
    nsNSSCertificate *cert = (nsNSSCertificate *)certs[i];
    // get it as a CERTCertificate XXX
    CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
    CERTCertificateCleaner nssCertCleaner(nssCert);
    nssCert = cert->GetCert();
    if (!nssCert) {
      rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
      goto finish;
    // We can only successfully export certs that are on 
    // internal token.  Most, if not all, smart card vendors
    // won't let you extract the private key (in any way
    // shape or form) from the card.  So let's punt if 
    // the cert is not in the internal db.
    if (nssCert->slot && !PK11_IsInternal(nssCert->slot)) {
      // we aren't the internal token, see if the key is extractable.
      SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey=PK11_FindKeyByDERCert(nssCert->slot,
                                                      nssCert, this);

      if (privKey) {
        PRBool privKeyIsExtractable = isExtractable(privKey);


        if (!privKeyIsExtractable) {
          if (!InformedUserNoSmartcardBackup) {
            InformedUserNoSmartcardBackup = PR_TRUE;

    // XXX this is why, to verify the slot is the same
    // PK11_FindObjectForCert(nssCert, NULL, slot);
    // create the cert and key safes
    keySafe = SEC_PKCS12CreateUnencryptedSafe(ecx);
    if (!SEC_PKCS12IsEncryptionAllowed() || PK11_IsFIPS()) {
      certSafe = keySafe;
    } else {
      certSafe = SEC_PKCS12CreatePasswordPrivSafe(ecx, &unicodePw,
    if (!certSafe || !keySafe) {
      rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
      goto finish;
    // add the cert and key to the blob
    srv = SEC_PKCS12AddCertAndKey(ecx, certSafe, NULL, nssCert,
                                  CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(), // XXX
                                  keySafe, NULL, PR_TRUE, &unicodePw,
    if (srv) goto finish;
    // cert was dup'ed, so release it
  if (!numCertsExported) goto finish;
  // prepare the instance to write to an export file
  this->mTmpFile = NULL;
  // Use the nsCOMPtr var localFileRef so that
  // the reference to the nsILocalFile we create gets released as soon as
  // we're out of scope, ie when this function exits.
  if (filePath.RFind(".p12", PR_TRUE, -1, 4) < 0) {
    // We're going to add the .p12 extension to the file name just like
    // Communicator used to.  We create a new nsILocalFile and initialize
    // it with the new patch.
    localFileRef = do_CreateInstance(NS_LOCAL_FILE_CONTRACTID, &rv);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) goto finish;
    file = localFileRef;
  rv = file->OpenNSPRFileDesc(PR_RDWR|PR_CREATE_FILE|PR_TRUNCATE, 0664, 
  if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !this->mTmpFile) goto finish;
  // encode and write
  srv = SEC_PKCS12Encode(ecx, write_export_file, this);
  if (srv) goto finish;
  if (NS_FAILED(rv) || srv != SECSuccess) {
  if (ecx)
  if (this->mTmpFile) {
    this->mTmpFile = NULL;
  return rv;

//  private members

// unicodeToItem
// For the NSS PKCS#12 library, must convert PRUnichars (shorts) to
// a buffer of octets.  Must handle byte order correctly.
// TODO: Is there a mozilla way to do this?  In the string lib?
nsPKCS12Blob::unicodeToItem(const PRUnichar *uni, SECItem *item)
  int len = 0;
  while (uni[len++] != 0);
  SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, item, sizeof(PRUnichar) * len);
  int i = 0;
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    item->data[2*i  ] = (unsigned char )(uni[i] << 8);
    item->data[2*i+1] = (unsigned char )(uni[i]);
  memcpy(item->data, uni, item->len);
コード例 #2
ファイル: y2ktmo.c プロジェクト: AbrahamJewowich/FreeSWITCH
static void AcceptThread(void *arg)
    PRIntervalTime timeout = (PRIntervalTime) arg;
    PRIntervalTime elapsed;
#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(WIN32)
    PRInt32 timeout_msecs = PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(timeout);
    PRInt32 elapsed_msecs;
#if defined(XP_UNIX)
    struct timeval end_time_tv;
#if defined(WIN32)
    struct _timeb end_time_tb;
    PRFileDesc *sock;
    PRNetAddr addr;
    PRFileDesc *accepted;

    sock = PR_NewTCPSocket();
    if (sock == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "PR_NewTCPSocket failed\n");
    memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    addr.inet.family = PR_AF_INET;
    addr.inet.port = 0;
    addr.inet.ip = PR_htonl(PR_INADDR_ANY);
    if (PR_Bind(sock, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "PR_Bind failed\n");
    if (PR_Listen(sock, 5) == PR_FAILURE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "PR_Listen failed\n");
    accepted = PR_Accept(sock, NULL, timeout);
    if (accepted != NULL || PR_GetError() != PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "PR_Accept did not time out\n");
    elapsed = (PRIntervalTime)(PR_IntervalNow() - start_time);
    if (elapsed + tolerance < timeout || elapsed > timeout + tolerance) {
        fprintf(stderr, "timeout wrong\n");
#if defined(XP_UNIX)
    gettimeofday(&end_time_tv, NULL);
    elapsed_msecs = 1000*(end_time_tv.tv_sec - start_time_tv.tv_sec)
            + (end_time_tv.tv_usec - start_time_tv.tv_usec)/1000;
#if defined(WIN32)
    elapsed_msecs = 1000*(end_time_tb.time - start_time_tb.time)
            + (end_time_tb.millitm - start_time_tb.millitm);
#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(WIN32)
    if (elapsed_msecs + tolerance_msecs < timeout_msecs
            || elapsed_msecs > timeout_msecs + tolerance_msecs) {
        fprintf(stderr, "timeout wrong\n");
    if (PR_Close(sock) == PR_FAILURE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "PR_Close failed\n");
    if (debug_mode) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Accept thread (scope %d) done\n",
コード例 #3
ファイル: httpget.c プロジェクト: bringhurst/vbox
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    PRHostEnt hostentry;
    char buf[PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE];
    PRNetAddr addr;
    PRFileDesc *socket = NULL, *file = NULL;
    PRIntn cmdSize;
    char host[HOST_SIZE];
    char port[PORT_SIZE];
    char path[PATH_SIZE];
    char line[LINE_SIZE];
    int exitStatus = 0;
    PRBool endOfHeader = PR_FALSE;
    char *url;
    char *fileName = NULL;
    PRUint32 fileSize;

    if (argc != 2 && argc != 4) {

    if (argc == 2) {
	 * case 1: httpget url
	url = argv[1];
    } else {
	if (strcmp(argv[1], "-o") == 0) {
	     * case 2: httpget -o outputfile url
	    fileName = argv[2];
	    url = argv[3];
        } else {
	     * case 3: httpget url -o outputfile
	    url = argv[1];
	    if (strcmp(argv[2], "-o") != 0) {
	    fileName = argv[3];

    if (ParseURL(url, host, sizeof(host), port, sizeof(port),
	    path, sizeof(path)) == PR_FAILURE) {

    if (PR_GetHostByName(host, buf, sizeof(buf), &hostentry)
	    == PR_FAILURE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "httpget: unknown host name: %s\n", host);

    addr.inet.family = PR_AF_INET;
    addr.inet.port = PR_htons((short) atoi(port));
    addr.inet.ip = *((PRUint32 *) hostentry.h_addr_list[0]);

    socket = PR_NewTCPSocket();
    if (socket == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr, "httpget: cannot create new tcp socket\n");

    if (PR_Connect(socket, &addr, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT) == PR_FAILURE) {
	fprintf(stderr, "httpget: cannot connect to http server\n");
	exitStatus = 1;
	goto done;

    if (fileName == NULL) {
	file = PR_STDOUT;
    } else {
        file = PR_Open(fileName, PR_RDWR | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE,
        if (file == NULL) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "httpget: cannot open file %s: (%d, %d)\n",
		    fileName, PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError());
	    exitStatus = 1;
	    goto done;

    cmdSize = PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", path);
    PR_ASSERT(cmdSize == (PRIntn) strlen("GET  HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
            + (PRIntn) strlen(path));
    if (PR_Write(socket, buf, cmdSize) != cmdSize) {
	fprintf(stderr, "httpget: cannot write to http server\n");
	exitStatus = 1;
	goto done;

    if (ReadLine(socket, line, sizeof(line)) <= 0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "httpget: cannot read line from http server\n");
	exitStatus = 1;
	goto done;

    /* HTTP response: 200 == OK */
    if (strstr(line, "200") == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr, "httpget: %s\n", line);
	exitStatus = 1;
	goto done;

    while (ReadLine(socket, line, sizeof(line)) > 0) {
	if (line[0] == '\n') {
	    endOfHeader = PR_TRUE;
	if (strncmp(line, "Content-Length", 14) == 0
		|| strncmp(line, "Content-length", 14) == 0) {
	    char *p = line + 14;

	    while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') {
	    if (*p != ':') {
	    while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') {
	    fileSize = 0;
	    while ('0' <= *p && *p <= '9') {
		fileSize = 10 * fileSize + (*p - '0');
    if (endOfHeader == PR_FALSE) {
	fprintf(stderr, "httpget: cannot read line from http server\n");
	exitStatus = 1;
	goto done;

    if (fileName == NULL || fileSize == 0) {
        FetchFile(socket, file);
    } else {
	FastFetchFile(socket, file, fileSize);

    if (socket) PR_Close(socket);
    if (file) PR_Close(file);
    return exitStatus;