コード例 #1
ファイル: integrator.cpp プロジェクト: DINKIN/pbrt-v3
// SamplerIntegrator Method Definitions
void SamplerIntegrator::Render(const Scene &scene) {
    ProfilePhase p(Prof::IntegratorRender);
    Preprocess(scene, *sampler);
    // Render image tiles in parallel

    // Compute number of tiles, _nTiles_, to use for parallel rendering
    Bounds2i sampleBounds = camera->film->GetSampleBounds();
    Vector2i sampleExtent = sampleBounds.Diagonal();
    const int tileSize = 16;
    Point2i nTiles((sampleExtent.x + tileSize - 1) / tileSize,
                   (sampleExtent.y + tileSize - 1) / tileSize);
    ProgressReporter reporter(nTiles.x * nTiles.y, "Rendering");
        StatTimer timer(&renderingTime);
        ParallelFor2D([&](Point2i tile) {
            // Render section of image corresponding to _tile_

            // Allocate _MemoryArena_ for tile
            MemoryArena arena;

            // Get sampler instance for tile
            int seed = tile.y * nTiles.x + tile.x;
            std::unique_ptr<Sampler> tileSampler = sampler->Clone(seed);

            // Compute sample bounds for tile
            int x0 = sampleBounds.pMin.x + tile.x * tileSize;
            int x1 = std::min(x0 + tileSize, sampleBounds.pMax.x);
            int y0 = sampleBounds.pMin.y + tile.y * tileSize;
            int y1 = std::min(y0 + tileSize, sampleBounds.pMax.y);
            Bounds2i tileBounds(Point2i(x0, y0), Point2i(x1, y1));

            // Get _FilmTile_ for tile
            std::unique_ptr<FilmTile> filmTile =

            // Loop over pixels in tile to render them
            for (Point2i pixel : tileBounds) {
                    ProfilePhase pp(Prof::StartPixel);
                do {
                    // Initialize _CameraSample_ for current sample
                    CameraSample cameraSample =

                    // Generate camera ray for current sample
                    RayDifferential ray;
                    Float rayWeight =
                        camera->GenerateRayDifferential(cameraSample, &ray);
                        1 / std::sqrt((Float)tileSampler->samplesPerPixel));

                    // Evaluate radiance along camera ray
                    Spectrum L(0.f);
                    if (rayWeight > 0) L = Li(ray, scene, *tileSampler, arena);

                    // Issue warning if unexpected radiance value returned
                    if (L.HasNaNs()) {
                            "Not-a-number radiance value returned "
                            "for image sample.  Setting to black.");
                        L = Spectrum(0.f);
                    } else if (L.y() < -1e-5) {
                            "Negative luminance value, %f, returned "
                            "for image sample.  Setting to black.",
                        L = Spectrum(0.f);
                    } else if (std::isinf(L.y())) {
                            "Infinite luminance value returned "
                            "for image sample.  Setting to black.");
                        L = Spectrum(0.f);

                    // Add camera ray's contribution to image
                    filmTile->AddSample(cameraSample.pFilm, L, rayWeight);

                    // Free _MemoryArena_ memory from computing image sample
                    // value
                } while (tileSampler->StartNextSample());

            // Merge image tile into _Film_
        }, nTiles);

    // Save final image after rendering
コード例 #2
ファイル: bdpt.cpp プロジェクト: wjakob/pbrt-v3
void BDPTIntegrator::Render(const Scene &scene) {
    std::unique_ptr<LightDistribution> lightDistribution =
        CreateLightSampleDistribution(lightSampleStrategy, scene);

    // Compute a reverse mapping from light pointers to offsets into the
    // scene lights vector (and, equivalently, offsets into
    // lightDistr). Added after book text was finalized; this is critical
    // to reasonable performance with 100s+ of light sources.
    std::unordered_map<const Light *, size_t> lightToIndex;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < scene.lights.size(); ++i)
        lightToIndex[scene.lights[i].get()] = i;

    // Partition the image into tiles
    Film *film = camera->film;
    const Bounds2i sampleBounds = film->GetSampleBounds();
    const Vector2i sampleExtent = sampleBounds.Diagonal();
    const int tileSize = 16;
    const int nXTiles = (sampleExtent.x + tileSize - 1) / tileSize;
    const int nYTiles = (sampleExtent.y + tileSize - 1) / tileSize;
    ProgressReporter reporter(nXTiles * nYTiles, "Rendering");

    // Allocate buffers for debug visualization
    const int bufferCount = (1 + maxDepth) * (6 + maxDepth) / 2;
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Film>> weightFilms(bufferCount);
    if (visualizeStrategies || visualizeWeights) {
        for (int depth = 0; depth <= maxDepth; ++depth) {
            for (int s = 0; s <= depth + 2; ++s) {
                int t = depth + 2 - s;
                if (t == 0 || (s == 1 && t == 1)) continue;

                std::string filename =
                    StringPrintf("bdpt_d%02i_s%02i_t%02i.exr", depth, s, t);

                weightFilms[BufferIndex(s, t)] = std::unique_ptr<Film>(new Film(
                    Bounds2f(Point2f(0, 0), Point2f(1, 1)),
                    film->diagonal * 1000, filename, 1.f));

    // Render and write the output image to disk
    if (scene.lights.size() > 0) {
        ParallelFor2D([&](const Point2i tile) {
            // Render a single tile using BDPT
            MemoryArena arena;
            int seed = tile.y * nXTiles + tile.x;
            std::unique_ptr<Sampler> tileSampler = sampler->Clone(seed);
            int x0 = sampleBounds.pMin.x + tile.x * tileSize;
            int x1 = std::min(x0 + tileSize, sampleBounds.pMax.x);
            int y0 = sampleBounds.pMin.y + tile.y * tileSize;
            int y1 = std::min(y0 + tileSize, sampleBounds.pMax.y);
            Bounds2i tileBounds(Point2i(x0, y0), Point2i(x1, y1));
            std::unique_ptr<FilmTile> filmTile =
            for (Point2i pPixel : tileBounds) {
                if (!InsideExclusive(pPixel, pixelBounds))
                do {
                    // Generate a single sample using BDPT
                    Point2f pFilm = (Point2f)pPixel + tileSampler->Get2D();

                    // Trace the camera subpath
                    Vertex *cameraVertices = arena.Alloc<Vertex>(maxDepth + 2);
                    Vertex *lightVertices = arena.Alloc<Vertex>(maxDepth + 1);
                    int nCamera = GenerateCameraSubpath(
                        scene, *tileSampler, arena, maxDepth + 2, *camera,
                        pFilm, cameraVertices);
                    // Get a distribution for sampling the light at the
                    // start of the light subpath. Because the light path
                    // follows multiple bounces, basing the sampling
                    // distribution on any of the vertices of the camera
                    // path is unlikely to be a good strategy. We use the
                    // PowerLightDistribution by default here, which
                    // doesn't use the point passed to it.
                    const Distribution1D *lightDistr =
                    // Now trace the light subpath
                    int nLight = GenerateLightSubpath(
                        scene, *tileSampler, arena, maxDepth + 1,
                        cameraVertices[0].time(), *lightDistr, lightToIndex,

                    // Execute all BDPT connection strategies
                    Spectrum L(0.f);
                    for (int t = 1; t <= nCamera; ++t) {
                        for (int s = 0; s <= nLight; ++s) {
                            int depth = t + s - 2;
                            if ((s == 1 && t == 1) || depth < 0 ||
                                depth > maxDepth)
                            // Execute the $(s, t)$ connection strategy and
                            // update _L_
                            Point2f pFilmNew = pFilm;
                            Float misWeight = 0.f;
                            Spectrum Lpath = ConnectBDPT(
                                scene, lightVertices, cameraVertices, s, t,
                                *lightDistr, lightToIndex, *camera, *tileSampler,
                                &pFilmNew, &misWeight);
                            VLOG(2) << "Connect bdpt s: " << s <<", t: " << t <<
                                ", Lpath: " << Lpath << ", misWeight: " << misWeight;
                            if (visualizeStrategies || visualizeWeights) {
                                Spectrum value;
                                if (visualizeStrategies)
                                    value =
                                        misWeight == 0 ? 0 : Lpath / misWeight;
                                if (visualizeWeights) value = Lpath;
                                weightFilms[BufferIndex(s, t)]->AddSplat(
                                    pFilmNew, value);
                            if (t != 1)
                                L += Lpath;
                                film->AddSplat(pFilmNew, Lpath);
                    VLOG(2) << "Add film sample pFilm: " << pFilm << ", L: " << L <<
                        ", (y: " << L.y() << ")";
                    filmTile->AddSample(pFilm, L);
                } while (tileSampler->StartNextSample());
        }, Point2i(nXTiles, nYTiles));
    film->WriteImage(1.0f / sampler->samplesPerPixel);

    // Write buffers for debug visualization
    if (visualizeStrategies || visualizeWeights) {
        const Float invSampleCount = 1.0f / sampler->samplesPerPixel;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < weightFilms.size(); ++i)
            if (weightFilms[i]) weightFilms[i]->WriteImage(invSampleCount);
コード例 #3
ファイル: bdpt.cpp プロジェクト: zhongleiyang/pbrt-v3
void BDPTIntegrator::Render(const Scene &scene) {
    ProfilePhase p(Prof::IntegratorRender);
    // Compute _lightDistr_ for sampling lights proportional to power
    std::unique_ptr<Distribution1D> lightDistr =

    // Partition the image into tiles
    Film *film = camera->film;
    const Bounds2i sampleBounds = film->GetSampleBounds();
    const Vector2i sampleExtent = sampleBounds.Diagonal();
    const int tileSize = 16;
    const int nXTiles = (sampleExtent.x + tileSize - 1) / tileSize;
    const int nYTiles = (sampleExtent.y + tileSize - 1) / tileSize;
    ProgressReporter reporter(nXTiles * nYTiles, "Rendering");

    // Allocate buffers for debug visualization
    const int bufferCount = (1 + maxDepth) * (6 + maxDepth) / 2;
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Film>> weightFilms(bufferCount);
    if (visualizeStrategies || visualizeWeights) {
        for (int depth = 0; depth <= maxDepth; ++depth) {
            for (int s = 0; s <= depth + 2; ++s) {
                int t = depth + 2 - s;
                if (t == 0 || (s == 1 && t == 1)) continue;

                std::string filename =
                    StringPrintf("bdpt_d%02i_s%02i_t%02i.exr", depth, s, t);

                weightFilms[BufferIndex(s, t)] = std::unique_ptr<Film>(new Film(
                    Bounds2f(Point2f(0, 0), Point2f(1, 1)),
                    film->diagonal * 1000, filename, 1.f));

    // Render and write the output image to disk
    if (scene.lights.size() > 0) {
        StatTimer timer(&renderingTime);
        ParallelFor2D([&](const Point2i tile) {
            // Render a single tile using BDPT
            MemoryArena arena;
            int seed = tile.y * nXTiles + tile.x;
            std::unique_ptr<Sampler> tileSampler = sampler->Clone(seed);
            int x0 = sampleBounds.pMin.x + tile.x * tileSize;
            int x1 = std::min(x0 + tileSize, sampleBounds.pMax.x);
            int y0 = sampleBounds.pMin.y + tile.y * tileSize;
            int y1 = std::min(y0 + tileSize, sampleBounds.pMax.y);
            Bounds2i tileBounds(Point2i(x0, y0), Point2i(x1, y1));
            std::unique_ptr<FilmTile> filmTile =
            for (Point2i pPixel : tileBounds) {
                if (!InsideExclusive(pPixel, pixelBounds))
                do {
                    // Generate a single sample using BDPT
                    Point2f pFilm = (Point2f)pPixel + tileSampler->Get2D();

                    // Trace the camera and light subpaths
                    Vertex *cameraVertices = arena.Alloc<Vertex>(maxDepth + 2);
                    Vertex *lightVertices = arena.Alloc<Vertex>(maxDepth + 1);
                    int nCamera = GenerateCameraSubpath(
                        scene, *tileSampler, arena, maxDepth + 2, *camera,
                        pFilm, cameraVertices);
                    int nLight = GenerateLightSubpath(
                        scene, *tileSampler, arena, maxDepth + 1,
                        cameraVertices[0].time(), *lightDistr, lightVertices);

                    // Execute all BDPT connection strategies
                    Spectrum L(0.f);
                    for (int t = 1; t <= nCamera; ++t) {
                        for (int s = 0; s <= nLight; ++s) {
                            int depth = t + s - 2;
                            if ((s == 1 && t == 1) || depth < 0 ||
                                depth > maxDepth)
                            // Execute the $(s, t)$ connection strategy and
                            // update _L_
                            Point2f pFilmNew = pFilm;
                            Float misWeight = 0.f;
                            Spectrum Lpath = ConnectBDPT(
                                scene, lightVertices, cameraVertices, s, t,
                                *lightDistr, *camera, *tileSampler, &pFilmNew,
                            if (visualizeStrategies || visualizeWeights) {
                                Spectrum value;
                                if (visualizeStrategies)
                                    value =
                                        misWeight == 0 ? 0 : Lpath / misWeight;
                                if (visualizeWeights) value = Lpath;
                                weightFilms[BufferIndex(s, t)]->AddSplat(
                                    pFilmNew, value);
                            if (t != 1)
                                L += Lpath;
                                film->AddSplat(pFilmNew, Lpath);
                    filmTile->AddSample(pFilm, L);
                } while (tileSampler->StartNextSample());
        }, Point2i(nXTiles, nYTiles));
    film->WriteImage(1.0f / sampler->samplesPerPixel);

    // Write buffers for debug visualization
    if (visualizeStrategies || visualizeWeights) {
        const Float invSampleCount = 1.0f / sampler->samplesPerPixel;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < weightFilms.size(); ++i)
            if (weightFilms[i]) weightFilms[i]->WriteImage(invSampleCount);