int test_sz(int n, TCHAR value[i]) { printf("=== test %i ===\n", n); int ret = 0; TCHAR empty[4096]; memset(empty, 0xCC, sizeof(empty)); buffer_t buffer((LPBYTE)empty, sizeof(empty)); valueList_t v = ParseValues(buffer_t((LPBYTE)value, sizeof(TCHAR)*i), REG_SZ); if (memcmp(v.begin()->p, value, (i + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR))) { printf("list: got ?? expected %S [%i]\n", value, (i + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); ++ret; } MakeMultiSzRegString(buffer, v); if (buffer.cbBytes != sizeof(TCHAR) * (i + 1)) { printf("got %i bytes, expected %i\n", buffer.cbBytes, sizeof(TCHAR) * (i + 1)); ++ret; } if (memcmp(empty, value, (i + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR))) { printf("got ?? expected %S [%i]\n", value, (i + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); ++ret; } if (ret) { for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) { printf("%02x ", ((char*)empty)[i]& 0xFF); } printf("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) { printf("%2c ", (((char*)empty)[i] ? ((char*)empty)[i] : ' ')); } printf("\n"); } return ret; }
bool ProcFS::ReadUptime(Uptime &uptime) { FILE *fp = OpenFILE("uptime"); if (fp == nullptr) return false; ParseValues(fp, 1024, ' ', false, [&](size_t index, char const *value) -> bool { char *end; switch (index) { case UPTIME_F_RUN_TIME: uptime.run_time.tv_sec = strtoll(value, &end, 0); if (*end++ == '.') { uptime.run_time.tv_nsec = strtoll(end, nullptr, 0) * 10000000; } break; case UPTIME_F_IDLE_TIME: uptime.idle_time.tv_sec = strtoll(value, &end, 0); if (*end++ == '.') { uptime.idle_time.tv_nsec = strtoll(end, nullptr, 0) * 10000000; } break; } return true; }); std::fclose(fp); return true; }
void CRABEquippedEntity::Init(TConfigurationNode& t_tree) { try { /* * Init entity. * Here we explicitly avoid to call CPositionalEntity::Init() because that * would also initialize position and orientation, which, instead, must * be calculated from reference entity and offsets. */ CEntity::Init(t_tree); /* Get offsets */ GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_tree, "pos_offset", m_cPosOffset, m_cPosOffset); std::string strRotOffset; GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_tree, "rot_offset", strRotOffset, strRotOffset); if(strRotOffset != "") { CDegrees cRotOffsetEuler[3]; ParseValues(strRotOffset, 3, cRotOffsetEuler, ','); m_cRotOffset.FromEulerAngles(ToRadians(cRotOffsetEuler[0]), ToRadians(cRotOffsetEuler[1]), ToRadians(cRotOffsetEuler[2])); } /* Parse and look up the anchor */ std::string strAnchorId; GetNodeAttribute(t_tree, "anchor", strAnchorId); /* * NOTE: here we get a reference to the embodied entity * This line works under the assumption that: * 1. the RABEquippedEntity has a parent; * 2. the parent has a child whose id is "body" * 3. the "body" is an embodied entity * If any of the above is false, this line will bomb out. */ m_pcEntityBody = &GetParent().GetComponent<CEmbodiedEntity>("body"); m_psAnchor = &m_pcEntityBody->GetAnchor(strAnchorId); /* Get message size */ size_t unMsgSize; GetNodeAttribute(t_tree, "msg_size", unMsgSize); m_cData.Resize(unMsgSize); /* Get transmission range */ GetNodeAttribute(t_tree, "range", m_fRange); /* Set init position and orientation */ Update(); SetInitPosition(GetPosition()); SetInitOrientation(GetOrientation()); } catch(CARGoSException& ex) { THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED("Error initializing a range and bearing entity \"" << GetId() << "\"", ex); } }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ADMObject *XMLADMData::Parse(const std::string& type, void *userdata) { ADMHEADER header; ADMObject *obj; ParseHeader(header, type, userdata); // delete any existing object of the same ID UNLESS it's an ADMAudioTrack if ((obj = Create(type,,, (type != ADMAudioTrack::Type))) != NULL) { ParseValues(obj, userdata); PostParse(obj, userdata); obj->SetValues(); } return obj; }
int test_multi(int n, TCHAR *data, DWORD dataLen, TCHAR** ref, int refLen) { printf("=== test %i ===\n", n); int ret = 0; TCHAR empty[4096]; memset(empty, 0xCC, sizeof(empty)); buffer_t buffer((LPBYTE)empty, sizeof(empty)); valueList_t v = ParseValues(buffer_t((LPBYTE)data, dataLen), REG_MULTI_SZ); MakeMultiSzRegString(buffer, v); if (v.size() != refLen) { printf("got %i items, expected %i\n", v.size(), refLen); ++ret; } int i = 0; for (valueList_t::const_iterator it = v.begin(); i < refLen && it != v.end(); ++it, ++i) { if (_tcscmp(it->p, ref[i])) { printf("got mismatch at position %i\n", i); ++ret; } } if (memcmp(empty, data, dataLen)) { printf("mismatch in raw buffer\n"); ++ret; } if (ret) { for (int i = 0; i < dataLen + 2; ++i) { printf("%02x ", ((char*)empty)[i]& 0xFF); } printf("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < dataLen + 2; ++i) { printf("%2c ", (((char*)empty)[i] ? ((char*)empty)[i] : ' ')); } printf("\n"); } return ret; }
bool ProcFS::ReadStat(pid_t pid, pid_t tid, Stat &stat) { FILE *fp = OpenFILE(pid, tid, "stat"); if (fp == nullptr) return false; // // The complicated logic about the comm field is brought // to you to the insane way of Linux to `encode' that field, // an evil executable may contains ')' in its name and // break the parsing. // std::string comm; size_t field_index = STAT_F_PID; bool may_end_comm = false; ParseValues(fp, 1024, ' ', true, [&](size_t, char const *value) -> bool { if (field_index == STAT_F_TCOMM) { // // Is this really the end? // if (may_end_comm && value[strlen(value) - 2] != ')') { // // Yes, save the "tcomm" field, and advance field index. // comm = comm.substr(0, comm.rfind(')')); strncpy(stat.tcomm, comm.c_str(), sizeof(stat.tcomm)); field_index++; } else { if (!may_end_comm) { value++; // strip the initial '(' } comm += value; // // Assume it is not the end. // may_end_comm = true; // // We'll process the next item to know if this was // really the end of the comm. // return true; } } switch (field_index++) { case STAT_F_STATE: stat.state = value[0]; break; case STAT_F_PID: = std::strtol(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_PPID: stat.ppid = std::strtol(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_PGRP: stat.pgrp = std::strtol(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_SID: stat.sid = std::strtol(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_TTY_NR: stat.tty_nr = std::strtoul(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_TTY_PGRP: stat.tty_pgrp = std::strtol(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_FLAGS: stat.flags = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_MIN_FLT: stat.min_flt = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_CMIN_FLT: stat.cmin_flt = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_MAJ_FLT: stat.maj_flt = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_CMAJ_FLT: stat.cmaj_flt = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_UTIME: stat.utime = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_STIME: stat.stime = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_CUTIME: stat.cutime = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_CSTIME: stat.cstime = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_PRIORITY: stat.priority = std::strtol(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_NICE: stat.nice = std::strtol(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_NUM_THREADS: stat.num_threads = std::strtoul(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_START_TIME: stat.start_time = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_VSIZE: stat.vsize = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_RSS: stat.rss = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_RSSLIM: stat.rsslim = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_START_CODE: stat.start_code = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_END_CODE: stat.end_code = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_START_STACK: stat.start_stack = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_ESP: stat.esp = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_EIP: stat.eip = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_PENDING: stat.pending = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_BLOCKED: stat.blocked = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_SIGIGN: stat.sigign = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_SIGCATCH: stat.sigcatch = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_WCHAN: stat.wchan = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_EXIT_SIGNAL: stat.exit_signal = std::strtoul(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_TASK_CPU: stat.task_cpu = std::strtoul(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_RT_PRIORITY: stat.rt_priority = std::strtol(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_POLICY: stat.policy = std::strtoul(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_BLKIO_TICKS: stat.blkio_ticks = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_GTIME: stat.gtime = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_CGTIME: stat.cgtime = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_START_DATA: stat.start_data = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_END_DATA: stat.end_data = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; case STAT_F_START_BRK: stat.start_brk = strtoull(value, nullptr, 0); break; default: break; } return true; }); std::fclose(fp); return true; }
void lt_XMLTags::init(XMLByteStream &xmlbs) { if(!get_count()) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("XMLTags.no_GP") ); } GPList<lt_XMLTags> level; GUTF8String tag,raw(xmlbs.gets(0,'<',false)); int linesread=xmlbs.get_lines_read(); if(!isspaces(raw)) { G_THROW( (ERR_MSG("XMLTags.raw_string") "\t")+raw); } GUTF8String encoding; for(int len;(len=(tag=xmlbs.gets(0,'>',true)).length());) { if(tag[len-1] != '>') { G_THROW((ERR_MSG("XMLTags.bad_tag") "\t")+tag); } switch(tag[1]) { case '?': { while(len < 4 || tag.substr(len-2,len) != "?>") { GUTF8String cont(xmlbs.gets(0,'>',true)); if(!cont.length()) { G_THROW( (ERR_MSG("XMLTags.bad_PI") "\t")+tag); } len=((tag+=cont).length()); } char const *n; GUTF8String xtag = tag.substr(2,-1); GUTF8String xname = tagtoname(xtag,n); if(xname.downcase() == "xml") { ParseValues(n,args); for(GPosition pos=args;pos;++pos) { if(args.key(pos) == "encoding") { const GUTF8String e=args[pos].upcase(); if(e != encoding) { xmlbs.set_encoding((encoding=e)); } } } } break; } case '!': { if(tag[2] == '-' && tag[3] == '-') { while((len < 7) || (tag.substr(len-3,-1) != "-->")) { GUTF8String cont(xmlbs.gets(0,'>',true)); if(!cont.length()) { GUTF8String mesg; mesg.format( ERR_MSG("XMLTags.bad_comment") "\t%s",(const char *)tag); G_THROW(mesg); } len=((tag+=cont).length()); } } break; } case '/': { GUTF8String xname=tagtoname(tag.substr(2,-1)); GPosition last=level.lastpos(); if(last) { if(level[last]->name != xname) { G_THROW( (ERR_MSG("XMLTags.unmatched_end") "\t") +level[last]->name+("\t"+GUTF8String(level[last]->get_Line())) +("\t"+xname)+("\t"+GUTF8String(linesread+1))); } level.del(last); }else { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("XMLTags.bad_form") ); } break; } default: { GPosition last=level.lastpos(); GP<lt_XMLTags> t; if(last) { t=new lt_XMLTags(tag.substr(1,len-1)); level[last]->addtag(t); if(tag[len-2] != '/') { level.append(t); } }else if(tag[len-2] != '/') { char const *n; GUTF8String xtag = tag.substr(1,-1); name=tagtoname(xtag, n); ParseValues(n,args); t=this; level.append(t); }else { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("XMLTags.no_body") ); } t->set_Line(linesread+1); break; } } if((raw=xmlbs.gets(0,'<',false))[0]) { linesread=xmlbs.get_lines_read(); GPosition last=level.lastpos(); if(last) { level[last]->addraw(raw); }else if(!isspaces(raw)) { G_THROW(( ERR_MSG("XMLTags.raw_string") "\t")+raw); } } } }
lt_XMLTags::lt_XMLTags(const char n[]) : startline(0) { char const *t; name=tagtoname(n,t); ParseValues(t,args); }