コード例 #1
ファイル: PluginDefinition.cpp プロジェクト: akavel/GOnpp
// initialize the GO_CMD variable to hold the path for go.exe
BOOL initialize_go_cmd(){
	// allocate string to hold value obtained from environment variable
	LPTSTR raw_goroot = (LPTSTR) calloc(MAX_ENVIRON, sizeof(TCHAR));
	if (raw_goroot == NULL){
		::MessageBox(nppData._nppHandle, TEXT("Out of memory, f**k!"), TEXT("E R R O R"), MB_OK);
		return FALSE;

	// allocate memory to hold string "xyz\bin\go.exe"
	// will be freed in pluginCleanUp
	GO_CMD = (LPTSTR) calloc(MAX_PATH, sizeof(TCHAR));
	if (GO_CMD == NULL){
		::MessageBox(nppData._nppHandle, TEXT("Out of memory, f**k!"), TEXT("E R R O R"), MB_OK);
		return FALSE;

	// if GOBIN is set set assume that go.exe is there
	DWORD length = GetEnvironmentVariable(_TEXT("GOBIN"), raw_goroot, MAX_ENVIRON);
	if (length != 0){
		if (PathCombine(GO_CMD, raw_goroot, TEXT("go.exe")) == NULL) return FALSE;

		return TRUE;
	// if GOROOT is set assume that go.exe is there
	length = GetEnvironmentVariable(_TEXT("GOROOT"), raw_goroot, MAX_ENVIRON);
	if (length != 0){
		if (PathCombine(GO_CMD, raw_goroot, TEXT("bin\\go.exe")) == NULL) return FALSE;

		return TRUE;

	// if neither is set, pray that go.exe is somewhere on the path
	if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND){
		GO_CMD = _T("go.exe");

		CommandExec c = CommandExec(GO_CMD, _T(""));
		BOOL start = c.Start();
		BOOL end = c.Wait();
		DWORD status = c.ExitStatus();
		if ( ! start && ! end && status ){
				_T("go configuration error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
コード例 #2
ファイル: ExtractorDXT1.cpp プロジェクト: irov/Mengine
static void ForcePathQuoteSpaces( WCHAR * _quotePath, const std::wstring & _path )
	if( _path.empty() == true )
		wcscpy_s( _quotePath, 2, L"" );


	std::wstring true_path = _path;

	if( _path[0] == L'/' )
		true_path[0] = true_path[1];
		true_path[1] = L':';

	const WCHAR * pathBuffer = true_path.c_str();
	size_t pathSize = true_path.size();

	PathCanonicalize( _quotePath, pathBuffer );
	if( PathQuoteSpaces( _quotePath ) == FALSE )
		wmemmove( _quotePath + 1, _quotePath, pathSize );
		_quotePath[0] = '\"';
		_quotePath[pathSize + 1] = '\"';
		_quotePath[pathSize + 2] = 0;
コード例 #3
// Initialize your plugin data here
// It will be called while plugin loading
BOOL initialize_go_cmd(){
	LPTSTR raw_goroot = (LPTSTR) calloc(MAX_ENVIRON, sizeof(TCHAR));
	if (raw_goroot == NULL){
		::MessageBox(nppData._nppHandle, TEXT("Out of memory, f**k!"), TEXT("E R R O R"), MB_OK);
		return FALSE;

	// we add one for the NULL here...
	GO_CMD = (LPTSTR) calloc(MAX_PATH, sizeof(TCHAR));
	if (GO_CMD == NULL){
		::MessageBox(nppData._nppHandle, TEXT("Out of memory, f**k!"), TEXT("E R R O R"), MB_OK);
		return FALSE;

	DWORD length = GetEnvironmentVariable(_TEXT("GOBIN"), raw_goroot, MAX_ENVIRON);
	if (length != 0){
		if (PathCombine(GO_CMD, raw_goroot, TEXT("go.exe")) == NULL) return FALSE;
		return TRUE;
	length = GetEnvironmentVariable(_TEXT("GOROOT"), raw_goroot, MAX_ENVIRON);
	if (length == 0){
		if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND){
				TEXT("GOnpp can't find neither your GOROOT nor your GOBIN environment variable!\n \
						Set it and restart notepad++ to use GOnpp."),
				TEXT("GOROOT not found!"),
		return FALSE;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ExPaths.cpp プロジェクト: SpivEgin/stexbar
std::wstring CDeskBand::GetFilePaths(const std::map<std::wstring, ULONG>& items, std::wstring separator, bool quotespaces, bool includefiles, bool includefolders, bool useunc)
    WCHAR buf[MAX_PATH+2];
    std::wstring sRet;
    if (!items.empty())
        for (std::map<std::wstring, ULONG>::const_iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it)
            if (((it->second & SFGAO_FOLDER)&&(includefolders))||(((it->second & SFGAO_FOLDER)==0)&&(includefiles)))
                if (!sRet.empty())
                    sRet += separator;
                std::wstring sPath = it->first;
                if (useunc)
                    sPath = ConvertToUNC(sPath);
                if (quotespaces)
                    _tcscpy_s(buf, _countof(buf), sPath.c_str());
                    sRet += buf;
                    sRet += sPath;
    return sRet;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ExPaths.cpp プロジェクト: SpivEgin/stexbar
std::wstring CDeskBand::GetFileNames(const std::map<std::wstring, ULONG>& items, std::wstring separator, bool quotespaces, bool includefiles, bool includefolders)
    std::wstring sRet;
    WCHAR buf[MAX_PATH+2];
    if (!items.empty())
        for (std::map<std::wstring, ULONG>::const_iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it)
            if (((it->second & SFGAO_FOLDER)&&(includefolders))||(((it->second & SFGAO_FOLDER)==0)&&(includefiles)))
                size_t pos = it->first.find_last_of('\\');
                if (pos != std::string::npos)
                    if (!sRet.empty())
                        sRet += separator;
                    if (quotespaces)
                        _tcscpy_s(buf, _countof(buf), it->first.substr(pos+1).c_str());
                        sRet += buf;
                        sRet += it->first.substr(pos+1);
    return sRet;
コード例 #6
ファイル: rundlg.c プロジェクト: mingpen/OpenNT
void BrowsePushed(LPRUNDLG_DATA lprd)
    HWND hDlg = lprd->hDlg;
    TCHAR szText[MAX_PATH];

    // Get out of the "synchronized input queues" state
    if (lprd->dwThreadId)
        AttachThreadInput(GetCurrentThreadId(), lprd->dwThreadId, FALSE);
        lprd->dwThreadId = 0;

    GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_COMMAND, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText));

    if (GetFileNameFromBrowse(hDlg, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText), lprd->lpszWorkingDir,
        SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_COMMAND, szText);
        EnableOKButton(hDlg, szText);
        // place the focus on OK
        // SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK));
        SendMessage(hDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK), TRUE);
コード例 #7
// Method:    GetAutoStartupApplicationPaths
// FullName:  CAutoStartupInfo::GetAutoStartupApplicationPaths
// Access:    private
// Returns:   bool
// Qualifier:
// Parameter: HKEY hKey_i
// Parameter: StringVector & KeyValues_io
bool CAutoStartupInfo::GetAutoStartupApplicationPaths( const HKEY hKey_i )
    // Key name and key value buffers
    TCHAR szKeyNameBuff[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
    DWORD dwKeyNameLength = MAX_PATH;

    for( DWORD dwIndex = 0;
            RegEnumValue( hKey_i, dwIndex, szKeyNameBuff, &dwKeyNameLength, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) == ERROR_SUCCESS;
            ++dwIndex )
        CString csKeyValue;
        if( GetRegKeyStringValue( hKey_i, szKeyNameBuff, csKeyValue ))
            if( IsEnvironmentVarPath( csKeyValue ))
                // Get expanded path
                TCHAR szExpandedPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
                ExpandEnvironmentStrings( csKeyValue, szExpandedPath, MAX_PATH );

                // Copy back to original buffer
                csKeyValue = szExpandedPath;

            LPTSTR lptszKeyValueBuff = csKeyValue.GetBufferSetLength( csKeyValue.GetLength() + MAX_PATH );

            // If path is unquoted then quote, because PathRemoveArgs requires paths with spaces to
            // be quoted
            if( !_tcschr( lptszKeyValueBuff, _T( '\"' )))
                PathQuoteSpaces( lptszKeyValueBuff );

            // Remove command line arguments from path
            PathRemoveArgs( lptszKeyValueBuff );

            // Check whether file exists or not, searches for file in the standard paths
            // that are set
            BOOL bFound = PathFileExists( lptszKeyValueBuff );

            // Removes any quotes from path
            PathUnquoteSpaces( lptszKeyValueBuff );

            // If file is a shortcut then resolve to real path
            if( bFound &&
                    Utils::IsShortcut( lptszKeyValueBuff ))
                bFound = Utils::ResolveShortcut( lptszKeyValueBuff );

            AddAutoStartExePath( csKeyValue );
        }// End if

        dwKeyNameLength = MAX_PATH;
    }// End for

    return true;
}// End GetAutoStartupApplicationPaths
コード例 #8
ファイル: shtools.cpp プロジェクト: derekdreery/frhed
STDAPI CreateShellCommand(LPCTSTR subkey)
	TCHAR cmd[MAX_PATH + 20];
	GetModuleFileName(0, cmd, MAX_PATH);
	lstrcat(cmd, _T(" \"%1\""));
	LONG err = RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, subkey, REG_SZ, cmd, lstrlen(cmd) * sizeof(TCHAR));
	return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err);
コード例 #9
ファイル: FilePath.cpp プロジェクト: KnowNo/test-code-backup
CString CFilePath::QuoteSpaces(CString const &sString)
    if (sString.Find(' ')>=0)
        CString sCopy(sString);
        CStringLock Buffer(sCopy, sCopy.GetLength() + 2);
        return sCopy;

    return sString;
コード例 #10
ファイル: goCommand.cpp プロジェクト: akavel/GOnpp
BOOL goCommand::combineCommandLine(LPCTSTR go_cmd, LPTSTR pkg)

	size_t size = _tcslen(go_cmd) + _tcslen(this->cmd) +_tcslen(pkg) + 2;
	LPTSTR args = (LPTSTR) calloc(size + 1, sizeof(TCHAR));
	if (args == NULL) return FALSE;

	_tcsncat(args, go_cmd, __min(_tcslen(go_cmd), size - _tcslen(args)));
	_tcsncat(args, _T(" "), __min(sizeof(args), size - _tcslen(args)));
	_tcsncat(args, cmd, __min( _tcslen(cmd), size -_tcslen(args)));
	_tcsncat(args, _T(" "), __min(sizeof(args), size - _tcslen(args)));
	_tcsncat(args, pkg, __min( _tcslen(pkg), size -_tcslen(args)));

	this->commandLine = args;
	return TRUE;
コード例 #11
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
	// Let windows think we started properly so it doesn't show the appstarting cursor
	MSG msg;
	PostMessage(NULL, WM_NULL, 0, 0);
	GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0);

	// Find vim
	LPSTR program = FindProgram();
	if (program == NULL) {
		MessageBox(NULL, "Could not find a vimXY folder", "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	// Create a properly quoted command line
	size_t bufsize = strlen(program) + 1 + strlen(lpCmdLine) + 1;
	LPSTR buf = new CHAR[bufsize];
	strcpy_s(buf, bufsize, program);
	if (*lpCmdLine) {
		strcat_s(buf, bufsize, " ");
		strcat_s(buf, bufsize, lpCmdLine);

	// Run Vim
	STARTUPINFO sinfo = {0};
	if (!CreateProcess(program, buf, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &sinfo, &pinfo)) {
		Fail("Could not launch Vim");
	delete[] buf;

	// Wait for it to exit
	if (WaitForSingleObject(pinfo.hProcess, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED) {
	DWORD exitcode;
	if (!GetExitCodeProcess(pinfo.hProcess, &exitcode)) {
	return exitcode;
コード例 #12
ファイル: nssm.cpp プロジェクト: myhhx/nssm
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR **argv) {

#ifdef UNICODE
    Ensure we write in UTF-16 mode, so that non-ASCII characters don't get
    mangled.  If we were compiled in ANSI mode it won't work.
  _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);
  _setmode(_fileno(stderr), _O_U16TEXT);

  /* Remember if we are admin */

  /* Set up function pointers. */
  if (get_imports()) exit(111);

  /* Remember our path for later. */
  GetModuleFileName(0, unquoted_imagepath, _countof(unquoted_imagepath));
  GetModuleFileName(0, imagepath, _countof(imagepath));

  /* Elevate */
  if (argc > 1) {
      Valid commands are:
      start, stop, pause, continue, install, edit, get, set, reset, unset, remove
    if (str_equiv(argv[1], _T("start"))) exit(control_service(NSSM_SERVICE_CONTROL_START, argc - 2, argv + 2));
    if (str_equiv(argv[1], _T("stop"))) exit(control_service(SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, argc - 2, argv + 2));
    if (str_equiv(argv[1], _T("restart"))) {
      int ret = control_service(SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, argc - 2, argv + 2);
      if (ret) exit(ret);
      exit(control_service(NSSM_SERVICE_CONTROL_START, argc - 2, argv + 2));
    if (str_equiv(argv[1], _T("pause"))) exit(control_service(SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE, argc - 2, argv + 2));
    if (str_equiv(argv[1], _T("continue"))) exit(control_service(SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE, argc - 2, argv + 2));
    if (str_equiv(argv[1], _T("status"))) exit(control_service(SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE, argc - 2, argv + 2));
    if (str_equiv(argv[1], _T("rotate"))) exit(control_service(NSSM_SERVICE_CONTROL_ROTATE, argc - 2, argv + 2));
    if (str_equiv(argv[1], _T("install"))) {
      if (! is_admin) exit(elevate(argc, argv, NSSM_MESSAGE_NOT_ADMINISTRATOR_CANNOT_INSTALL));
      exit(pre_install_service(argc - 2, argv + 2));
    if (str_equiv(argv[1], _T("edit")) || str_equiv(argv[1], _T("get")) || str_equiv(argv[1], _T("set")) || str_equiv(argv[1], _T("reset")) || str_equiv(argv[1], _T("unset"))) {
      int ret = pre_edit_service(argc - 1, argv + 1);
      if (ret == 3 && ! is_admin && argc == 3) exit(elevate(argc, argv, NSSM_MESSAGE_NOT_ADMINISTRATOR_CANNOT_EDIT));
      /* There might be a password here. */
      for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) SecureZeroMemory(argv[i], _tcslen(argv[i]) * sizeof(TCHAR));
    if (str_equiv(argv[1], _T("list"))) exit(list_nssm_services());
    if (str_equiv(argv[1], _T("remove"))) {
      if (! is_admin) exit(elevate(argc, argv, NSSM_MESSAGE_NOT_ADMINISTRATOR_CANNOT_REMOVE));
      exit(pre_remove_service(argc - 2, argv + 2));

  /* Thread local storage for error message buffer */
  tls_index = TlsAlloc();

  /* Register messages */
  if (is_admin) create_messages();

    Optimisation for Windows 2000:
    When we're run from the command line the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher() call
    will time out after a few seconds on Windows 2000.  On newer versions the
    call returns instantly.  Check for stdin first and only try to call the
    function if there's no input stream found.  Although it's possible that
    we're running with input redirected it's much more likely that we're
    actually running as a service.
    This will save time when running with no arguments from a command prompt.
  if (! GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)) {
    /* Start service magic */
    SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY table[] = { { NSSM, service_main }, { 0, 0 } };
    if (! StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(table)) {
      unsigned long error = GetLastError();
      /* User probably ran nssm with no argument */
      if (error == ERROR_FAILED_SERVICE_CONTROLLER_CONNECT) exit(usage(1));
      log_event(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, NSSM_EVENT_DISPATCHER_FAILED, error_string(error), 0);
  else exit(usage(1));

  /* And nothing more to do */
コード例 #13
ファイル: PathStr.cpp プロジェクト: Dewb/UltraWhorld
void CPathStr::QuoteSpaces()
	char	*p = GetBuffer(MAX_PATH);