コード例 #1
	PhysXSphericalJoint::PhysXSphericalJoint(PxPhysics* physx, const SPHERICAL_JOINT_DESC& desc)
		PxRigidActor* actor0 = nullptr;
		if (desc.bodies[0].body != nullptr)
			actor0 = static_cast<PhysXRigidbody*>(desc.bodies[0].body)->_getInternal();

		PxRigidActor* actor1 = nullptr;
		if (desc.bodies[1].body != nullptr)
			actor1 = static_cast<PhysXRigidbody*>(desc.bodies[1].body)->_getInternal();

		PxTransform tfrm0 = toPxTransform(desc.bodies[0].position, desc.bodies[0].rotation);
		PxTransform tfrm1 = toPxTransform(desc.bodies[1].position, desc.bodies[1].rotation);

		PxSphericalJoint* joint = PxSphericalJointCreate(*physx, actor0, tfrm0, actor1, tfrm1);
		joint->userData = this;

		mInternal = bs_new<FPhysXJoint>(joint, desc);

		PxSphericalJointFlags flags;

		if (((UINT32)desc.flag & (UINT32)Flag::Limit) != 0)
			flags |= PxSphericalJointFlag::eLIMIT_ENABLED;


		// Calls to virtual methods are okay here
コード例 #2
// spherical joint limited to an angle of at most pi/4 radians (45 degrees)
PxJoint* createLimitedSpherical(PxRigidActor* a0, const PxTransform& t0, PxRigidActor* a1, const PxTransform& t1)
	PxSphericalJoint* j = PxSphericalJointCreate(*gPhysics, a0, t0, a1, t1);
	j->setLimitCone(PxJointLimitCone(PxPi / 4, PxPi / 4, 0.05f));
	j->setSphericalJointFlag(PxSphericalJointFlag::eLIMIT_ENABLED, true);
	return j;