void test_encode_kanji(int num) { QRcode *qrcode; QRdata *qrdata; int len, ret; len = fill8bitString(); qrcode = QRcode_encodeString((char *)data, 0, num % 4, QR_MODE_8, 1); if(qrcode == NULL) { if(errno == ERANGE) return; perror("test_encdoe_kanji aborted at QRcode_encodeString():"); return; } qrdata = QRcode_decode(qrcode); if(qrdata == NULL) { printf("#%d: Failed to decode this code.\n", num); QRcode_free(qrcode); return; } if(qrdata->size != len) { printf("#%d: length mismatched (orig: %d, decoded: %d)\n", num, len, qrdata->size); } ret = memcmp(qrdata->data, data, len); if(ret != 0) { printf("#%d: data mismatched.\n", num); } QRdata_free(qrdata); QRcode_free(qrcode); }
void test_decodeVeryLong(void) { char str[4000]; int i; QRcode *qrcode; QRdata *qrdata; testStart("Test code words (very long string)."); for(i=0; i<3999; i++) { str[i] = decodeAnTable[(int)drand(45)]; } str[3999] = '\0'; qrcode = QRcode_encodeString(str, 0, QR_ECLEVEL_L, QR_MODE_8, 0); qrdata = QRcode_decode(qrcode); assert_nonnull(qrdata, "Failed to decode.\n"); if(qrdata != NULL) { assert_equal(strlen(str), qrdata->size, "Lengths of input/output mismatched.\n"); assert_zero(strncmp(str, (char *)(qrdata->data), qrdata->size), "Decoded data %s is different from the original %s\n", qrdata->data, str); } if(qrdata != NULL) QRdata_free(qrdata); if(qrcode != NULL) QRcode_free(qrcode); testFinish(); }
void test_decodeLong(void) { char *str = "12345678901234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?????????????"; QRcode *qrcode; QRdata *qrdata; testStart("Test code words (long, splitted)."); qrcode = QRcode_encodeString(str, 0, QR_ECLEVEL_H, QR_MODE_8, 1); qrdata = QRcode_decode(qrcode); assert_nonnull(qrdata, "Failed to decode.\n"); if(qrdata != NULL) { assert_equal(strlen(str), qrdata->size, "Lengths of input/output mismatched.\n"); assert_zero(strncmp(str, (char *)(qrdata->data), qrdata->size), "Decoded data %s is different from the original %s\n", qrdata->data, str); } if(qrdata != NULL) QRdata_free(qrdata); if(qrcode != NULL) QRcode_free(qrcode); testFinish(); }
void test_decodeSimple(void) { char *str = "AC-42"; QRcode *qrcode; QRdata *qrdata; testStart("Test code words."); qrcode = QRcode_encodeString(str, 1, QR_ECLEVEL_H, QR_MODE_8, 1); qrdata = QRcode_decode(qrcode); assert_nonnull(qrdata, "Failed to decode.\n"); if(qrdata != NULL) { assert_equal(strlen(str), qrdata->size, "Lengths of input/output mismatched: %d, expected %d.\n", qrdata->size, (int)strlen(str)); assert_zero(strncmp(str, (char *)(qrdata->data), qrdata->size), "Decoded data %s is different from the original %s\n", qrdata->data, str); } if(qrdata != NULL) QRdata_free(qrdata); if(qrcode != NULL) QRcode_free(qrcode); testFinish(); }
void test_encode_an(int num) { int ret; int len; len = fillANData(); QRcode *qrcode; QRdata *qrdata; FILE *fp; char buf[256]; qrcode = QRcode_encodeString((char *)data, 0, num % 4, QR_MODE_8, num % 2); if(qrcode == NULL) { if(errno == ERANGE) return; perror("test_encode_an aborted at QRcode_encodeString():"); printf("Length: %d\n", len); printf("Level: %d\n", num % 4); return; } qrdata = QRcode_decode(qrcode); if(qrdata == NULL) { printf("#%d: Failed to decode this code.\n", num); QRcode_free(qrcode); return; } if(qrdata->size != len) { printf("#%d: length mismatched (orig: %d, decoded: %d)\n", num, len, qrdata->size); } ret = memcmp(qrdata->data, data, len); if(ret != 0) { unsigned char *frame, *p; int x,y, c; QRinput *input; QRcode *origcode; BitStream *bstream; int spec[5]; printf("#%d: data mismatched.\n", num); printf("Version: %d\n", qrcode->version); QRspec_getEccSpec(qrcode->version, num%4, spec); printf("DataLength: %d\n", QRspec_rsDataLength(spec)); printf("BlockNum1: %d\n", QRspec_rsBlockNum1(spec)); printf("BlockNum: %d\n", QRspec_rsBlockNum(spec)); printf("DataCodes1: %d\n", QRspec_rsDataCodes1(spec)); snprintf(buf, 256, "monkey-orig-%d.dat", num); fp = fopen(buf, "w"); fputs((char *)data, fp); fclose(fp); snprintf(buf, 256, "monkey-result-%d.dat", num); fp = fopen(buf, "w"); fputs((char *)qrdata->data, fp); fclose(fp); snprintf(buf, 256, "monkey-result-unmasked-%d.dat", num); fp = fopen(buf, "w"); frame = QRcode_unmask(qrcode); p = frame; for(y=0; y<qrcode->width; y++) { for(x=0; x<qrcode->width; x++) { fputc((*p&1)?'1':'0', fp); p++; } fputc('\n', fp); } fclose(fp); free(frame); snprintf(buf, 256, "monkey-orig-unmasked-%d.dat", num); fp = fopen(buf, "w"); input = QRinput_new2(0, num % 4); Split_splitStringToQRinput((char *)data, input, QR_MODE_8, num % 2); origcode = QRcode_encodeMask(input, -2); p = origcode->data; for(y=0; y<origcode->width; y++) { for(x=0; x<origcode->width; x++) { fputc((*p&1)?'1':'0', fp); p++; } fputc('\n', fp); } fclose(fp); QRcode_free(origcode); snprintf(buf, 256, "monkey-orig-bits-%d.dat", num); fp = fopen(buf, "w"); bstream = QRinput_mergeBitStream(input); c = 0; for(x=0; x<bstream->length; x++) { fputc((bstream->data[x]&1)?'1':'0', fp); if((x & 7) == 7) { fputc(' ', fp); c++; } if((x & 63) == 63) { fprintf(fp, "%d\n", c); } } fclose(fp); QRinput_free(input); BitStream_free(bstream); snprintf(buf, 256, "monkey-result-bits-%d.dat", num); fp = fopen(buf, "w"); p = QRcode_extractBits(qrcode, &y); c = 0; for(x=0; x<y; x++) { fputc((p[x]&1)?'1':'0', fp); if((x & 7) == 7) { fputc(' ', fp); c++; } if((x & 63) == 63) { fprintf(fp, "%d\n", c); } } fclose(fp); free(p); } QRdata_free(qrdata); QRcode_free(qrcode); }