コード例 #1
ファイル: RateItScene.cpp プロジェクト: SSDAM/heriswap
 void onExit(Scene::Enum) override {
     RENDERING(textToReadContainer)->show = false;
     TEXT(textToRead)->show = false;
     for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
         TEXT(boutonText[i])->show = false;
         RENDERING(boutonContainer[i])->show = false;
         BUTTON(boutonContainer[i])->enabled = false;
コード例 #2
 void onExit(Scene::Enum) override {
     for (int i=0; i<Text::Count; i++) {
         TEXT(texts[i])->show = false;
     for (int i=0; i<Button::Count; i++) {
         RENDERING(buttons[i])->show =
             BUTTON(buttons[i])->enabled = false;
     for (int i=0; i<Image::Count; i++) {
         RENDERING(images[i])->show = false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: RateItScene.cpp プロジェクト: SSDAM/heriswap
    void onEnter(Scene::Enum) override {
        Entity menufg = theEntityManager.getEntityByName(HASH("mainmenu/foreground", 0x0));
        Entity menubg = theEntityManager.getEntityByName(HASH("mainmenu/background", 0x0));
        RENDERING(menubg)->show =
            RENDERING(menufg)->show = true;

        RENDERING(textToReadContainer)->show = true;
        TEXT(textToRead)->show = true;
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            RENDERING(boutonContainer[i])->show = true;
            TEXT(boutonText[i])->show = true;
            BUTTON(boutonContainer[i])->enabled = true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: GameModeManager.cpp プロジェクト: SSDAM/heriswap
void GameModeManager::Enter() {
    PROFILE("GameModeManager", "Enter", BeginEvent);

    RENDERING(herisson)->show = true;
    RENDERING(herisson)->color.a = 1;
    RENDERING(branch)->show = true;
    SCROLLING(decor2nd)->show = true;
    SCROLLING(decor1er)->show = true;

    TRANSFORM(herisson)->position.x = initialHerissonPosition(herisson);
    PROFILE("GameModeManager", "Enter", EndEvent);
コード例 #5
void ScrollingSystem::initScrolling(Entity e, ScrollingComponent* sc) {
    ScrollingElement se;

    TransformationComponent* ptc = TRANSFORM(e);
    for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
        se.e[i] = theEntityManager.CreateEntity(HASH("scroll/e", 0x4ab48dfd));

        ADD_COMPONENT(se.e[i], Transformation);
        ADD_COMPONENT(se.e[i], Rendering);
        ADD_COMPONENT(se.e[i], Anchor);

        TRANSFORM(se.e[i])->size = sc->displaySize;
        auto* tc = ANCHOR(se.e[i]);
        tc->parent = e;
        tc->position = -glm::vec2(sc->direction.x * ptc->size.x, sc->direction.y * ptc->size.y) * (float)i;
        tc->z = i * 0.001f;

        RenderingComponent* rc = RENDERING(se.e[i]);
        se.imageIndex[i] = i % sc->images.size();
        rc->texture = sc->images[se.imageIndex[i]];
        // rc->color = debugColors[se.imageIndex[i]];
        se.hasBeenVisible[i] = false;
        rc->flags = sc->renderingFlags;
    elements[e] = se;
コード例 #6
ファイル: GameModeManager.cpp プロジェクト: SSDAM/heriswap
void GameModeManager::toggleDebugDisplay() {
    _debug = !_debug;
    for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
        RENDERING(debugEntities[2*i])->show = _debug;
        TEXT(debugEntities[2*i+1])->show = _debug;
コード例 #7
ファイル: GameModeManager.cpp プロジェクト: SSDAM/heriswap
void GameModeManager::TogglePauseDisplay(bool paused) {
    //show levelbig score

    BUTTON(uiHelper.pauseButton)->enabled = !paused;
    RENDERING(uiHelper.pauseButton)->show = !paused;
コード例 #8
ファイル: GameModeManager.cpp プロジェクト: SSDAM/heriswap
void GameModeManager::showGameDecor(bool onlyBg) {
    SCROLLING(decor2nd)->show = true;
    SCROLLING(decor1er)->show = true;

    RENDERING(herisson)->show = !onlyBg;
    RENDERING(branch)->show = !onlyBg;
    if (onlyBg)

    // delete leaves
    for (unsigned int az=0;az<branchLeaves.size();az++) {
        RENDERING(branchLeaves[az].e)->show = !onlyBg;
コード例 #9
ファイル: GameModeManager.cpp プロジェクト: SSDAM/heriswap
void GameModeManager::Exit() {
    RENDERING(herisson)->show = false;
    RENDERING(branch)->show = false;
    SCROLLING(decor2nd)->show = false;
    SCROLLING(decor1er)->show = false;


    // delete leaves
    for (unsigned int az=0;az<branchLeaves.size();az++) {
    PROFILE("GameModeManager", "Exit", InstantEvent);
コード例 #10
ファイル: GameModeManager.cpp プロジェクト: SSDAM/heriswap
Entity GameModeManager::createAndAddLeave(int type, const glm::vec2& position, float rotation) {
    Entity e = theEntityManager.CreateEntity(HASH("branch/leave", 0x6ac1ed8f));
    ADD_COMPONENT(e, Transformation);
    ADD_COMPONENT(e, Rendering);
    ADD_COMPONENT(e, Twitch);
    RENDERING(e)->texture = theRenderingSystem.loadTextureFile(HeriswapGame::cellTypeToTextureNameAndRotation(type, 0));
    RENDERING(e)->show = true;
    RENDERING(e)->flags = RenderingFlags::NonOpaque;

    TRANSFORM(e)->size = HeriswapGame::CellSize(8, type) * HeriswapGame::CellContentScale();

    TRANSFORM(e)->position = position;
    TRANSFORM(e)->rotation = rotation;

    TRANSFORM(e)->z = glm::lerp(DL_LeafMin, DL_LeafMax, glm::linearRand(0.f, 1.f));

    return e;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Game_Private.cpp プロジェクト: SSDAM/heriswap
 void PrivateData::Setup() {
    soundButton = theEntityManager.CreateEntityFromTemplate("general/soundButton");

    if (storageAPI->isOption("sound", "on"))
        RENDERING(soundButton)->texture = theRenderingSystem.loadTextureFile("sound_on");
        RENDERING(soundButton)->texture = theRenderingSystem.loadTextureFile("sound_off");

    for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
        Entity e = theEntityManager.CreateEntityFromTemplate("general/cloud");
        theBackgroundSystem.initCloud(e, i);

    for(auto it : mode2Manager)

    menu = theEntityManager.CreateEntityFromTemplate("music/menuTrack");

    inGameMusic.masterTrack = theEntityManager.CreateEntityFromTemplate("music/masterTrack");

    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        std::stringstream a;
        a << "" << "secondaryTracks_" << i;
        inGameMusic.secondaryTracks[i] = theEntityManager.CreateEntityFromTemplate("music/secondaryTrack");
        MUSIC(inGameMusic.secondaryTracks[i])->master = MUSIC(inGameMusic.masterTrack);
    inGameMusic.accessoryTrack = theEntityManager.CreateEntityFromTemplate("music/accessoryTrack");
    MUSIC(inGameMusic.accessoryTrack)->master = MUSIC(inGameMusic.masterTrack);

    inGameMusic.stressTrack = theEntityManager.CreateEntityFromTemplate("music/stressTrack");
    MUSIC(inGameMusic.stressTrack)->master = MUSIC(inGameMusic.masterTrack);

    const float MusicFadeOut = 1;
    theMusicSystem.forEachECDo([&MusicFadeOut] (Entity, MusicComponent *mc) -> void {
        mc->fadeOut = MusicFadeOut;

    (static_cast<NormalGameModeManager*> (mode2Manager[Normal]))->stressTrack = inGameMusic.stressTrack;
    // PauseStateManager* pause = static_cast<PauseStateManager*> (state2Manager[Pause]);
    // pause->helpMgr = static_cast<HelpStateManager*> (state2Manager[Help]);

    // static_cast<ModeMenuStateManager*>(state2Manager[ModeMenu])->helpMgr = pause->helpMgr;
コード例 #12
void ScrollingSystem::DoUpdate(float dt) {
    FOR_EACH_ENTITY_COMPONENT(Scrolling, a, sc)
        EltIt iter = elements.find(a);
        if (iter == elements.end()) {
            if ( glm::abs(glm::length(sc->direction) - 1) <= 0.001) {
                initScrolling(a, sc);
                iter = elements.find(a);
        if (!sc->show) {
            ScrollingElement& se = iter->second;
            for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
                RENDERING(se.e[i])->show = false;

        LOGF_IF(sc->speed < 0, "Scrolling component '" << sc << "' has a speed < 0");

        ScrollingElement& se = iter->second;
        for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
            RENDERING(se.e[i])->show = true;

            AnchorComponent* tc = ANCHOR(se.e[i]);
            tc->position += sc->direction * (sc->speed * dt);

            bool isVisible = theRenderingSystem.isVisible(se.e[i]);
            if (!se.hasBeenVisible[i] && isVisible) {
                se.hasBeenVisible[i] = true;
            } else if (se.hasBeenVisible[i] && !isVisible) {
                se.imageIndex[i] = (se.imageIndex[i] + 2) % sc->images.size();
                RENDERING(se.e[i])->texture = sc->images[se.imageIndex[i]];
                const auto* ptc = TRANSFORM(a);
                tc->position =
                    ANCHOR(se.e[(i+1)%2])->position -
                    glm::vec2(sc->direction.x * ptc->size.x, sc->direction.y * ptc->size.y);
                se.hasBeenVisible[i] = false;
コード例 #13
void TouchInputManager::activateDebug(Entity camera) {
    for (int i=0; i<MAX_TOUCH_POINT; i++) {
        debugState[i] = theEntityManager.CreateEntity(HASH("debug_input", 0x0));
        ADD_COMPONENT(debugState[i], Transformation);
        ADD_COMPONENT(debugState[i], Anchor);
        ANCHOR(debugState[i])->parent = camera;
        ANCHOR(debugState[i])->z = 0.9999f - TRANSFORM(camera)->z;
        ADD_COMPONENT(debugState[i], Rendering);
        RENDERING(debugState[i])->show = 1;
コード例 #14
    ///--------------------- UPDATE SECTION ---------------------------------------//
    Scene::Enum update(float dt) override {
        Entity animLogo = e(HASH("logo/logo_anim", 0xed78c546));

        if (timeAccum > 0.8 + 0.05 + 0.25 + 0.05) {
            RENDERING(animLogo)->show = false;
            return Scene::Menu;
        } else if (timeAccum > 0.8 + 0.05 + 0.25) {
            RENDERING(animLogo)->texture = theRenderingSystem.loadTextureFile("soupe_logo2_365_331");
        else if (timeAccum > 0.8 + 0.05) {
            if (!soundPlayed) {
                SOUND(animLogo)->sound = theSoundSystem.loadSoundFile("sounds/logo_blink.ogg");
                soundPlayed = true;
            RENDERING(animLogo)->texture = theRenderingSystem.loadTextureFile("soupe_logo3_365_331");
        else if (timeAccum > 0.8) {
            RENDERING(animLogo)->show = true;

        timeAccum += dt;
        return Scene::Logo;
コード例 #15
ファイル: GameModeManager.cpp プロジェクト: SSDAM/heriswap
void GameModeManager::Setup() {
    herisson = theEntityManager.CreateEntityFromTemplate("gamemode/herisson");

    branch = theEntityManager.CreateEntityFromTemplate("gamemode/branch");

    decor2nd = theEntityManager.CreateEntityFromTemplate("gamemode/decor2nd");
    // HACK
    TRANSFORM(decor2nd)->size.x = PlacementHelper::ScreenSize.x;

    SCROLLING(decor2nd)->images.push_back(HASH("decor2nd_0", 0x2da4a4da));
    SCROLLING(decor2nd)->images.push_back(HASH("decor2nd_3", 0xb93314de));
    SCROLLING(decor2nd)->images.push_back(HASH("decor2nd_2", 0xc2edcdae));
    SCROLLING(decor2nd)->images.push_back(HASH("decor2nd_1", 0xe8c9a7d4));

    decor1er = theEntityManager.CreateEntityFromTemplate("gamemode/decor1er");
    TRANSFORM(decor1er)->size.x = PlacementHelper::ScreenSize.x;

    SCROLLING(decor1er)->images.push_back(HASH("decor1er_0", 0x3a3efebf));
    SCROLLING(decor1er)->images.push_back(HASH("decor1er_1", 0x5ba415d2));
    SCROLLING(decor1er)->images.push_back(HASH("decor1er_2", 0x68f8263e));
    SCROLLING(decor1er)->images.push_back(HASH("decor1er_3", 0x4d7b9af));



    #if SAC_DEBUG
    _debug = false;
    for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
        debugEntities[2*i] = theEntityManager.CreateEntity(HASH("debug/Entities", 0x15df1b7c));
        ADD_COMPONENT(debugEntities[2*i], Rendering);
        ADD_COMPONENT(debugEntities[2*i], Transformation);
        RENDERING(debugEntities[2*i])->texture = theRenderingSystem.loadTextureFile(HeriswapGame::cellTypeToTextureNameAndRotation(i, 0));
        TRANSFORM(debugEntities[2*i])->z = DL_DebugLayer;
        TRANSFORM(debugEntities[2*i])->size = glm::vec2((float)PlacementHelper::GimpWidthToScreen(80));

        debugEntities[2*i + 1] = theEntityManager.CreateEntity(HASH("debug/Entities", 0x15df1b7c));
        ADD_COMPONENT(debugEntities[2*i + 1], Text);
        TEXT(debugEntities[2*i + 1])->positioning = TextComponent::CENTER;
        ADD_COMPONENT(debugEntities[2*i + 1], Transformation);
        TRANSFORM(debugEntities[2*i + 1])->position = TRANSFORM(debugEntities[2*i])->position;
        TRANSFORM(debugEntities[2*i+1])->z = DL_DebugLayer + 0.01f;
        TEXT(debugEntities[2*i + 1])->fontName = HASH("typo", 0x5a18f4a9);
        TEXT(debugEntities[2*i + 1])->charHeight = PlacementHelper::GimpHeightToScreen(25);
コード例 #16
ファイル: SpawnScene.cpp プロジェクト: SSDAM/heriswap
	static Entity createCell(Feuille& f, bool assignGridPos) {
		Entity e = theEntityManager.CreateEntityFromTemplate("spawn/cell");
		ADD_COMPONENT(e, HeriswapGrid);
	    ADD_COMPONENT(e, Twitch);

		TRANSFORM(e)->position = HeriswapGame::GridCoordsToPosition(f.X, f.Y, theHeriswapGridSystem.GridSize);
		TRANSFORM(e)->z = DL_Cell + Random::Float(0.f, 1.f) * 0.001f;
		RenderingComponent* rc = RENDERING(e);
		rc->show = true;

		TRANSFORM(e)->size = glm::vec2(0.f);
		ADSR(e)->idleValue = HeriswapGame::CellSize(theHeriswapGridSystem.GridSize, f.type).x * HeriswapGame::CellContentScale();
		HERISWAPGRID(e)->type = f.type;
		if (assignGridPos) {
			HERISWAPGRID(e)->i = f.X;
			HERISWAPGRID(e)->j = f.Y;
		rc->texture = theRenderingSystem.loadTextureFile(HeriswapGame::cellTypeToTextureNameAndRotation(f.type, &TRANSFORM(e)->rotation));
		return e;
コード例 #17
ファイル: SpawnScene.cpp プロジェクト: SSDAM/heriswap
	void removeEntitiesInCombination() {
		std::vector<Combinais> c;
		unsigned int ite = 0;
		//remove direct combinations but keep combinations to do (give up at 100 try)
		do {
			c = theHeriswapGridSystem.LookForCombination(false,true);
			// change type from cells in combi
			for(unsigned int i=0; i<c.size(); i++) {
				int j = Random::Int(0, c[i].points.size()-1);
				Entity e = theHeriswapGridSystem.GetOnPos(c[i].points[j].x, c[i].points[j].y);
				int type, iter = 0;
				do {
					type = Random::Int(0, theHeriswapGridSystem.Types-1);
				} while (theHeriswapGridSystem.GridPosIsInCombination(c[i].points[j].x, c[i].points[j].y, type, 0) && iter < 100);
				HERISWAPGRID(e)->type = type;
				RenderingComponent* rc = RENDERING(e);
				rc->texture = theRenderingSystem.loadTextureFile(HeriswapGame::cellTypeToTextureNameAndRotation(type, &TRANSFORM(e)->rotation));
		} while((!c.empty() || !theHeriswapGridSystem.StillCombinations()) && ite<100);
コード例 #18
ファイル: console2.c プロジェクト: bossjones/burro-engine
cairo_surface_t *
console_render_to_cairo_surface ()
  uint32_t timer, fast_blink_on, slow_blink_on;
  int width, height;
  cairo_surface_t *surf;
  uint32_t *data;
  int stride;

  int tile_j, tile_i, delta_tile_i, delta_tile_j;
  int map_index;
  uint32_t index, c;
  int glyph_bpd, glyph_stride, glyph_width, glyph_height, glyph_xoffset,
  uint8_t *glyph_bitmap;

  timer = SDL_GetTicks ();
  fast_blink_on = (timer / FAST_BLINK_TIME) % 2;
  slow_blink_on = (timer / SLOW_BLINK_TIME) % 2;

  width = CONSOLE_COLS;
  height = CONSOLE_ROWS;
  surf = xcairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
				      width * FIXED8x12_MAXWIDTH,
				      height * FIXED8x12_MAXHEIGHT);
  data = xcairo_image_surface_get_argb32_data (surf);
  stride = xcairo_image_surface_get_argb32_stride (surf);
  xcairo_surface_flush (surf);

  for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
      for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
	  uint32_t cell = cells[r * CONSOLE_COLS + c];
	  uint16_t rendering = RENDERING (cell);
	  uint16_t codepoint = CODEPOINT (cell);
	  uint16_t fg_color_index =
	    (rendering & COLOR_FG_MASK) >> COLOR_FG_OFFSET;
	  uint16_t bg_color_index =
	    (rendering & COLOR_BG_MASK) >> COLOR_BG_OFFSET;
	  uint16_t intensity_index =
	  uint16_t polarity = rendering & POLARITY_MASK;
	  uint16_t blink = rendering & BLINK_MASK;
	  uint16_t underline = rendering & UNDERLINE_MASK;

	  uint32_t fg_argb =
	    fg_palette[fg_color_index * CONSOLE_NUM_INTENSITIES +
	  uint32_t bg_argb = bg_palette[bg_color_index];

	  // Xor the inverse and blink states to see if we're inverse now.
	  if ((polarity == POLARITY_NEGATIVE) !=
	      (((blink == BLINK_FAST) && (fast_blink_on))
	       || (blink == BLINK_SLOW) && (slow_blink_on)))
	      uint32_t temp_argb = fg_argb;
	      fg_argb = bg_argb;
	      bg_argb = temp_argb;

	  /* Swap again if we're the cursor and the cursor is visible */
	  if (r == row && c == col && cursor_visible)
	      uint32_t temp_argb = fg_argb;
	      fg_argb = bg_argb;
	      bg_argb = temp_argb;

	  glyph_bitmap = get_glyph (0,
				    &glyph_bpd, &glyph_stride,
				    &glyph_width, &glyph_height,
				    &glyph_xoffset, &glyph_yoffset);

	  for (int j = 0; j < glyph_height; j++)
	      for (int i = 0; i < glyph_width; i++)
		  uint32_t pixel_argb;

		  if ((underline == UNDERLINE_SINGLY
		       || underline == UNDERLINE_DOUBLY)
		      && (j == glyph_height - 1))
		    pixel_argb = fg_argb;
		  else if ((underline == UNDERLINE_DOUBLY) &&
			   (j == glyph_height - 2))
		    pixel_argb = fg_argb;
		  else if (glyph_bitmap
			   && glyph_bitmap[j] & (1 << (glyph_width - i - 1)))
		    pixel_argb = fg_argb;
		    pixel_argb = bg_argb;

		  data[(r * FIXED8x12_MAXHEIGHT + j) * stride
		       + c * FIXED8x12_MAXWIDTH + i] = pixel_argb;
	  xcairo_surface_mark_dirty (surf);
  return surf;
コード例 #19
void TouchInputManager::Update() {
    if (!camera) {
        LOGW_EVERY_N(60, "No camera defined -> no input handling");
    TransformationComponent* tc = TRANSFORM(camera);

    const glm::vec2 windowSize(theRenderingSystem.screenW, theRenderingSystem.screenH);
    glm::vec2 coords;
    const unsigned pointers = ptr->maxTouchingCount();

    for (unsigned i=0; i<pointers; i++) {
        wasTouching[i] = touching[i];
        touching[i] = ptr->isTouching(i, &coords);
        if (touching[i]) {
            // convert window coordinates -> world coords
            lastTouchedPositionScreen[i] = windowToScreen(coords);
            lastTouchedPosition[i] = windowToWorld(coords, tc);

            if (!wasTouching[i]) {
                onTouchPosition[i] = lastTouchedPositionScreen[i];
        #if !SAC_MOBILE
            lastOverPositionScreen[i] = windowToScreen(coords);
            lastOverPosition[i] = windowToWorld(coords, tc);

        // first click condition: was touched + is released
        if (!touching[i] && wasTouching[i]) {
            // click is valid if ~no move between on touch and on release event
            clicked[i] = (glm::distance2(lastTouchedPositionScreen[i], onTouchPosition[i]) < 0.005);

            if (clicked[i]) {
                float t = TimeUtil::GetTime();
                glm::vec2 pos = lastTouchedPositionScreen[i];

                if ((t - lastClickTime[i] < 0.3) && glm::distance2(pos, lastClickPosition[i]) < 0.005) {
                    doubleclicked[i] = true;
                    LOGV(1, "DOUBLE CLICKED("<< i << ") TOO!");
                } else {
                    lastClickPosition[i] = pos;
                    doubleclicked[i] = false;
                    LOGV(1, "CLICK(" << i << ") at " << t << ": " << pos);
                lastClickTime[i] = t;
            } else {
                doubleclicked[i] = false;
        } else {
            clicked[i] = doubleclicked[i] = false;

        if (theReplayManager.isReplayModeEnabled()) {
            theReplayManager.saveIsTouching(i, touching[i], coords);

    if (!debugState[0])
    const auto* cam = TRANSFORM(ANCHOR(debugState[0])->parent);
    for (int i=0; i<MAX_TOUCH_POINT; i++) {
        TRANSFORM(debugState[i])->size = glm::vec2(0.05 * cam->size.y);

        ANCHOR(debugState[i])->position =
                cam->size * glm::vec2(-0.5, 0.5) - glm::vec2(0, TRANSFORM(debugState[i])->size.y * i),

        if (touching[i])
            RENDERING(debugState[i])->color = Color(0, 1, 0);
            RENDERING(debugState[i])->color = Color(1, 0, 0);
コード例 #20
void PlatformerSystem::DoUpdate(float) {
    FOR_EACH_ENTITY_COMPONENT(Platformer, entity, pltf)
        PhysicsComponent* pc = PHYSICS(entity);
        TransformationComponent* tc = TRANSFORM(entity);
        glm::vec2 newPosition(tc->position + glm::rotate(pltf->offset, tc->rotation));

        // if going down
        if (pc->linearVelocity.y < 0) {
            TransformationComponent* tc = TRANSFORM(entity);

            // did we intersect a platform ?
            for (std::map<Entity, bool>::const_iterator it=pltf->platforms.begin(); it != pltf->platforms.end(); ++it) {
                if (!it->second)
                TransformationComponent* pltfTC = TRANSFORM(it->first);
                if (IntersectionUtil::lineLine(
                    pltf->previousPosition, newPosition,
                    pltfTC->position + glm::rotate(glm::vec2(pltfTC->size.x * 0.5, pltfTC->size.y * 0.5), pltfTC->rotation),
                    pltfTC->position + glm::rotate(glm::vec2(-pltfTC->size.x * 0.5, pltfTC->size.y * 0.5), pltfTC->rotation),
                    0)) {
                    // We did intersect...
                    pc->gravity.y = 0;
                    pc->linearVelocity = glm::vec2(0.0f);
                    tc->position.y = pltfTC->position.y + tc->size.y * 0.5;
                    ANIMATION(entity)->name = HASH("jumptorunL2R", 0x9bdaadc5);
                    if (RUNNER(entity)->speed < 0)
                        RENDERING(entity)->flags |= RenderingFlags::MirrorHorizontal;
                        RENDERING(entity)->flags &= ~(RenderingFlags::MirrorHorizontal);
                    newPosition = tc->position + glm::rotate(pltf->offset, tc->rotation);
                    pltf->onPlatform = it->first;
        } else if (pc->linearVelocity.y == 0) {
            if (pltf->onPlatform) {
                if (!onPlatform(newPosition, 0.5, pltf->onPlatform)) {
                    bool foundNew = false;
                    for (std::map<Entity, bool>::const_iterator it=pltf->platforms.begin(); it != pltf->platforms.end(); ++it) {
                        if (it->first == pltf->onPlatform || !it->second)
                        if (onPlatform(newPosition, 0.5, it->first)) {
                            pltf->onPlatform = it->first;
                            foundNew = true;
                    if (!foundNew) {
                        pltf->onPlatform = 0;
                        pc->gravity.y= -150;
                        LOGV(1, "No on a platform anymore");
                } else if (!pltf->platforms[pltf->onPlatform]) {
                    pltf->onPlatform = 0;
                    pc->gravity.y = -150;
        } else {
            pltf->onPlatform = 0;
        pltf->previousPosition = newPosition;