コード例 #1
ファイル: scoop.c プロジェクト: tioui/EiffelStudio
rt_public void eif_log_call (int routine_id, EIF_SCP_PID p, call_data * a)
	BODY_INDEX body_id;
	EIF_REFERENCE t = eif_access (a -> target);
	EIF_TYPED_VALUE * result = a -> result;
	EIF_REFERENCE result_reference = NULL;
	if (result) {
		RT_GC_PROTECT (result_reference);
		a -> result_address = &result_reference;
	CHECK("Target attached", t);
	a -> body_index = body_id;
	if (result) {
		switch (result -> type & SK_HEAD) {
		case SK_REF:
		case SK_EXP:
				/* Retrieve reference from the GC-protected storage. */
			result -> it_ref = result_reference;
		RT_GC_WEAN (result_reference);
コード例 #2
ファイル: copy.c プロジェクト: ebezault/EiffelStudio
rt_private EIF_REFERENCE spclone(EIF_REFERENCE source)
    /* Clone an of Eiffel object `source'. Assumes that source
     * is a special object.

    EIF_REFERENCE result;		/* Clone pointer */
    union overhead *zone;		/* Pointer on source header */
    uint16 flags;				/* Source object flags */
    EIF_TYPE_INDEX dtype, dftype;

    if ((EIF_REFERENCE) 0 == source)
        return (EIF_REFERENCE) 0;				/* Void source */

    RT_GC_PROTECT(source);			/* Protection against GC */

    zone = HEADER(source);				/* Allocation of a new object */
    flags = zone->ov_flags;
    dtype = zone->ov_dtype;
    dftype = zone->ov_dftype;
    result = spmalloc(RT_SPECIAL_COUNT(source), RT_SPECIAL_ELEM_SIZE(source), EIF_TEST(!(flags & EO_REF)));

    /* Keep the reference flag and the composite one and the type */
    HEADER(result)->ov_flags |= flags & (EO_REF | EO_COMP);
    HEADER(result)->ov_dtype = dtype;
    HEADER(result)->ov_dftype = dftype;
    /* Keep the count and the element size */
    RT_SPECIAL_COUNT(result) = RT_SPECIAL_COUNT(source);

    if (!egc_has_old_special_semantic) {
        /* If by default allocation does not clear the data of a SPECIAL,
         * we actually need to do clear it otherwise we end up with a SPECIAL
         * object that is susceptible to be manipulated by the GC while waiting to
         * be filled. */
        memset(result, 0, RT_SPECIAL_VISIBLE_SIZE(result));

    RT_GC_WEAN(source);				/* Remove GC protection */

    return result;
コード例 #3
ファイル: copy.c プロジェクト: ebezault/EiffelStudio
    /* Recursive Eiffel clone. This function recursively clones the source
     * object and returns a pointer to the top of the new tree.
    EIF_REFERENCE root = (EIF_REFERENCE)  0;		/* Root of the deep cloned object */
    jmp_buf exenv;					/* Environment saving */
    struct {
        union overhead discard;		/* Pseudo object header */
        EIF_REFERENCE boot;					/* Anchor point for cloning process */
    } anchor;
    struct rt_traversal_context traversal_context;
    int volatile is_locked;

#ifdef DEBUG
    int xobjs;

    if (source == NULL) {
        return NULL;			/* Void source */

    /* The deep clone of the source will be attached in the 'boot' entry from
     * the anchor structure. It all happens as if we were in fact deep cloning
     * the anchor pseudo-object.

    memset (&anchor, 0, sizeof(anchor));	/* Reset header */
    anchor.boot = (EIF_REFERENCE)  &root;	/* To boostrap cloning process */

    RT_GC_PROTECT(source);	/* Protect source: allocation will occur */

#ifdef DEBUG
    xobjs = nomark(source);
    printf("Source has %x %d objects\n", source, xobjs);

    /* Set up an exception trap. If any exception occurs, control will be
     * transferred back here by the run-time to give us a chance to clean-up
     * our structures.

        RTXDRH;							/* Save stack contexts */
        EIF_EO_STORE_LOCK;				/* Because we perform a traversal that marks
										   objects, we need to be sure we are the
										   only one doing it. */
        is_locked = 1;

        excatch(&exenv);		/* Record pseudo-execution vector */
        if (setjmp(exenv)) {
            RTXSCH;						/* Restore stack contexts */
            map_reset(1);				/* Reset in emergency situation */
            /* If we locked the EO_STORE_MUTEX, then we need to unmark objects
             * and unlock it. */
            if (is_locked) {
                /* We are only concerned abount unmarking objects, so we do not perform any
                 * accounting. */
                CHECK ("Not accounting", traversal_context.accounting == 0);
                CHECK ("Not unmarking", traversal_context.is_unmarking == 0);
                /* First we mark again all objects. */
                traversal_context.is_unmarking = 0;
                traversal(&traversal_context, source);
                /* Then we unmark them. */
                traversal_context.is_unmarking = 1;
                traversal(&traversal_context, source);
                /* Now we can unlock our mutex. */
            ereturn(MTC_NOARG);					/* And propagate the exception */

        /* Now start the traversal of the source, allocating all the objects as
         * needed and stuffing them into a FIFO stack for later perusal by the
         * cloning process.

        memset (&traversal_context, 0, sizeof(struct rt_traversal_context));
        traversal_context.accounting = TR_MAP;
        traversal(&traversal_context, source);		/* Object traversal, mark with EO_STORE */
        hash_malloc(&hclone, traversal_context.obj_nb);	/* Hash table allocation */
        map_start();					/* Restart at bottom of FIFO stack */

#ifdef DEBUG
        printf("Computed %x %d objects\n\n", source, traversal_context.obj_nb);

        /* Throughout the deep cloning process, we need to maintain the notion of
         * enclosing object for GC aging tests. The enclosing object is defined as
         * being the object to which the currently cloned tree will be attached.
         * We need to initialize the cloning process by computing a valid reference
         * into the root variable. That will be the enclosing object, and of course
         * it cannot be void, ever, or something really really weird is happening.
         * To get rid of code duplication, I am initially calling rdeepclone with
         * an enclosing object address set to anchor.boot. The anchor structure
         * represents a pseudo anchor object for the object hierarchy being cloned.

        rdeepclone(source, (EIF_REFERENCE) &anchor.boot, 0);	/* Recursive clone */
        hash_free(&hclone);						/* Free hash table */
        map_reset(0);							/* And eif_free maping table */
        /* Release all the hector pointers asked for during the map table
         * construction (obj_nb exactly) */
        CHECK("Has objects", traversal_context.obj_nb > 0);
        eif_ostack_npop(&hec_stack, traversal_context.obj_nb);

#ifdef DEBUG
        xobjs= nomark(source);
        printf("Source now has %d objects\n", xobjs);
        xobjs = nomark(anchor.boot);
        printf("Result has %d objects\n", xobjs);

        RT_GC_WEAN(source);			/* Release GC protection */
        expop(&eif_stack);			/* Remove pseudo execution vector */

    EIF_EO_STORE_UNLOCK;		/* Free marking mutex */
    is_locked = 0;

    return anchor.boot;			/* The cloned object tree */