コード例 #1
ファイル: RClass.cpp プロジェクト: NickSpyrison/qtbase
QList<Method *> RClass::methods(Method::Qualifiers qualifiers) const {
  SEXP _env = methodEnv();
  SEXP names = R_lsInternal(_env, (Rboolean)false);
  QList<Method *> meths;
  for (int i = 0; i < length(names); i++) {
    const char *name = CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, i));
    SEXP fun = findVarInFrame(_env, install(name));
    if ((RMethod(this, name, fun).qualifiers() & qualifiers) == qualifiers)
      meths << new RMethod(this, name, fun);
  meths.append(parent()->methods(qualifiers | Method::NotPrivate));
  return meths;
コード例 #2
SEXP InstanceObjectTable::objects() const {
  Method::Qualifiers qual = Method::NotStatic;
  QList<Method *> methods; 
  SEXP nameVector;
  QSet<const char *> nameSet;


  if (!_internal)
    qual |= Method::Public;
  methods = _instance->klass()->methods(qual);
  foreach(Method *m, methods) // put names into set to get unique ones

  int numFields = 0;
  SEXP fields;
  if (_internal) {
    PROTECT(fields = R_lsInternal(fieldEnv(), TRUE));
    numFields = length(fields);
  PROTECT(nameVector = allocVector(STRSXP, nameSet.size() + numFields));
  int i = 0; // iterate over set, populate R vector
  foreach(const char *name, nameSet)
    SET_STRING_ELT(nameVector, i++, mkChar(name));
  for(int j = 0; i < length(nameVector); i++, j++)
    SET_STRING_ELT(nameVector, i, STRING_ELT(fields, j));

    delete methods.takeFirst();  

  if (_internal)
  return nameVector;
コード例 #3
// TODO: split out some of the large blocks into helper functions, to make this easier to read
void RKStructureGetter::getStructureWorker (SEXP val, const QString &name, bool misplaced, RData *storage) {

	bool is_function = false;
	bool is_container = false;
	bool is_environment = false;
	unsigned int type = 0;
	unsigned int count;

	RK_DO (qDebug ("fetching '%s': %p, s-type %d", name.toLatin1().data(), val, TYPEOF (val)), RBACKEND, DL_DEBUG);

	PROTECT (val);
	// manually resolve any promises
	SEXP value = resolvePromise (val);
	UNPROTECT (1);		/* val */
	PROTECT (value);

	// first field: get name
	RData *namedata = new RData;
	namedata->datatype = RData::StringVector;
	namedata->length = 1;
	QString *name_dummy = new QString[1];
	name_dummy[0] = name;
	namedata->data = name_dummy;

	// get classes
	SEXP classes_s;

	if (TYPEOF (value) == LANGSXP) {	// if it's a call, we should NEVER send it through eval
		extern SEXP R_data_class (SEXP, Rboolean);
		classes_s = R_data_class (value, (Rboolean) 0);

		value = coerceVector (value, EXPRSXP);	// make sure the object is safe for everything to come
		UNPROTECT (1); /* old value */

		PROTECT (classes_s);
		PROTECT (value);
	} else {
		classes_s = callSimpleFun (class_fun, value, R_BaseEnv);
		PROTECT (classes_s);

	QString *classes = SEXPToStringList (classes_s, &count);
	unsigned int num_classes = count;
	UNPROTECT (1);	/* classes_s */

	// store classes
	RData *classdata = new RData;
	classdata->datatype = RData::StringVector;
	classdata->data = classes;
	classdata->length = num_classes;

	// basic classification
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_classes; ++i) {
#warning: Using is.data.frame() may be more reliable (would need to be called only on List-objects, thus no major performance hit)
		if (classes[i] == "data.frame") type |= RObject::DataFrame;

	if (callSimpleBool (is_matrix_fun, value, R_BaseEnv)) type |= RObject::Matrix;
	if (callSimpleBool (is_array_fun, value, R_BaseEnv)) type |= RObject::Array;
	if (callSimpleBool (is_list_fun, value, R_BaseEnv)) type |= RObject::List;

	if (type != 0) {
		is_container = true;
		type |= RObject::Container;
	} else {
		if (callSimpleBool (is_function_fun, value, R_BaseEnv)) {
			is_function = true;
			type |= RObject::Function;
		} else if (callSimpleBool (is_environment_fun, value, R_BaseEnv)) {
			is_container = true;
			is_environment = true;
			type |= RObject::Environment;
		} else {
			type |= RObject::Variable;
			if (callSimpleBool (is_factor_fun, value, R_BaseEnv)) type |= RObject::Factor;
			else if (callSimpleBool (is_numeric_fun, value, R_BaseEnv)) type |= RObject::Numeric;
			else if (callSimpleBool (is_character_fun, value, R_BaseEnv)) type |= RObject::Character;
			else if (callSimpleBool (is_logical_fun, value, R_BaseEnv)) type |= RObject::Logical;
	if (misplaced) type |= RObject::Misplaced;

	// get meta data, if any
	RData *metadata = new RData;
	metadata->datatype = RData::StringVector;
	if (!Rf_isNull (Rf_getAttrib (value, meta_attrib))) {
		type |= RObject::HasMetaObject;

		SEXP meta_s = callSimpleFun (get_meta_fun, value, R_GlobalEnv);
		PROTECT (meta_s);
		metadata->data = SEXPToStringList (meta_s, &count);
		metadata->length = count;
		UNPROTECT (1);	/* meta_s */
	} else {
		metadata->length = 1;
		QString *meta_dummy = new QString[1];
		meta_dummy[0] = "";
		metadata->data = meta_dummy;

	// store type
	RData *typedata = new RData;
	typedata->datatype = RData::IntVector;
	typedata->length = 1;
	int *type_dummy = new int[1];
	type_dummy[0] = type;
	typedata->data = type_dummy;

	// get dims
	int *dims;
	unsigned int num_dims;
	SEXP dims_s = callSimpleFun (dims_fun, value, R_BaseEnv);
	if (!Rf_isNull (dims_s)) {
		dims = SEXPToIntArray (dims_s, &num_dims);
	} else {
		num_dims = 1;

		unsigned int len = Rf_length (value);
		if ((len < 2) && (!is_function)) {		// suspicious. Maybe some kind of list
			SEXP len_s = callSimpleFun (length_fun, value, R_BaseEnv);
			PROTECT (len_s);
			if (Rf_isNull (len_s)) {
				dims = new int[1];
				dims[0] = len;
			} else {
				dims = SEXPToIntArray (len_s, &num_dims);
			UNPROTECT (1); /* len_s */
		} else {
			dims = new int[1];
			dims[0] = len;

	// store dims
	RData *dimdata = new RData;
	dimdata->datatype = RData::IntVector;
	dimdata->length = num_dims;
	dimdata->data = dims;

	// store everything we have so far
	if (is_container) {
		storage->length = 6;
	} else if (is_function) {
		storage->length = 7;
	} else {
		storage->length = 5;
	storage->datatype = RData::StructureVector;
	RData **res = new RData*[storage->length];
	storage->data = res;
	res[0] = namedata;
	res[1] = typedata;
	res[2] = classdata;
	res[3] = metadata;
	res[4] = dimdata;

	// now add the extra info for containers and functions
	if (is_container) {
		bool do_env = (is_environment && (++envir_depth < 2));
		bool do_cont = is_container && (!is_environment);

		RData *childdata = new RData;
		childdata->datatype = RData::StructureVector;
		childdata->length = 0;
		childdata->data = 0;
		res[5] = childdata;

		// fetch list of child names
		unsigned int childcount;
		SEXP childnames_s;
		if (do_env) {
			childnames_s = R_lsInternal (value, (Rboolean) 1);
		} else if (do_cont) {
			childnames_s = callSimpleFun (names_fun, value, R_BaseEnv);
		} else {
			childnames_s = R_NilValue; // dummy
		PROTECT (childnames_s);
		QString *childnames = SEXPToStringList (childnames_s, &childcount);

		childdata->length = childcount;
		RData **children = new RData*[childcount];
		childdata->data = children;
		childdata->length = childcount;
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childcount; ++i) {		// in case there is an error while fetching one of the children, let's pre-initialize everything.
			children[i] = new RData;
			children[i]->data = 0;
			children[i]->length = 0;
			children[i]->datatype = RData::NoData;

		if (do_env) {
			RK_DO (qDebug ("recurse into environment %s", name.toLatin1().data ()), RBACKEND, DL_DEBUG);
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childcount; ++i) {
				SEXP current_childname = install(CHAR(STRING_ELT(childnames_s, i)));
				PROTECT (current_childname);
				SEXP child = Rf_findVar (current_childname, value);
				PROTECT (child);

				bool child_misplaced = false;
				if (with_namespace) {
					/* before R 2.4.0, operator "::" would only work on true namespaces, not on package names (operator "::" work, if there is a namespace, and that namespace has the symbol in it)
					TODO remove once we depend on R >= 2.4.0 */
#					ifndef R_2_5
					if (Rf_isNull (namespace_envir)) {
						child_misplaced = true;
					} else {
						SEXP dummy = Rf_findVarInFrame (namespace_envir, current_childname);
						if (Rf_isNull (dummy) || (dummy == R_UnboundValue)) child_misplaced = true;
					/* for R 2.4.0 or greater: operator "::" works if package has no namespace at all, or has a namespace with the symbol in it */
#					else
					if (!Rf_isNull (namespace_envir)) {
						SEXP dummy = Rf_findVarInFrame (namespace_envir, current_childname);
						if (Rf_isNull (dummy) || (dummy == R_UnboundValue)) child_misplaced = true;
#					endif

				getStructureSafe (child, childnames[i], child_misplaced, children[i]);
				UNPROTECT (2); /* childname, child */
		} else if (do_cont) {
			RK_DO (qDebug ("recurse into list %s", name.toLatin1().data ()), RBACKEND, DL_DEBUG);
			// fewer elements than names() can happen, although I doubt it is supposed to happen.
			// see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3002439&group_id=50231&atid=459007
			bool may_be_special = Rf_length (value) < childcount;
			if (Rf_isList (value) && (!may_be_special)) {		// old style list
				for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childcount; ++i) {
					SEXP child = CAR (value);
					getStructureSafe (child, childnames[i], false, children[i]);
					CDR (value);
			} else if (Rf_isNewList (value) && (!may_be_special)) {				// new style list
				for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childcount; ++i) {
					SEXP child = VECTOR_ELT(value, i);
					getStructureSafe (child, childnames[i], false, children[i]);
			} else {		// probably an S4 object disguised as a list
				SEXP index = Rf_allocVector(INTSXP, 1);
				PROTECT (index);
				for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childcount; ++i) {
					INTEGER (index)[0] = (i + 1);
					SEXP child = callSimpleFun2 (double_brackets_fun, value, index, R_BaseEnv);
					getStructureSafe (child, childnames[i], false, children[i]);
				UNPROTECT (1); /* index */
		UNPROTECT (1);   /* childnames_s */
		delete [] childnames;
	} else if (is_function) {
		RData *funargsdata = new RData;
		funargsdata->datatype = RData::StringVector;
		funargsdata->length = 0;
		funargsdata->data = 0;
		res[5] = funargsdata;

		RData *funargvaluesdata = new RData;
		funargvaluesdata->datatype = RData::StringVector;
		funargvaluesdata->length = 0;
		funargvaluesdata->data = 0;
		res[6] = funargvaluesdata;

// TODO: this is still the major bottleneck, but no idea, how to improve on this
		SEXP formals_s = callSimpleFun (get_formals_fun, value, R_GlobalEnv);
		PROTECT (formals_s);
		// the default values
		funargvaluesdata->data = SEXPToStringList (formals_s, &(funargvaluesdata->length));

		// the argument names
		SEXP names_s = getAttrib (formals_s, R_NamesSymbol);
		PROTECT (names_s);
		funargsdata->data = SEXPToStringList (names_s, &(funargsdata->length));

		UNPROTECT (2); /* names_s, formals_s */

	UNPROTECT (1); /* value */
コード例 #4
ファイル: nvimcom.c プロジェクト: UglyMelon007/Vim
static void nvimcom_list_env()
    const char *varName;
    SEXP envVarsSEXP, varSEXP;

    if(tmpdir[0] == 0)

    if(objbr_auto != 1)

#ifndef WIN32
    struct timeval begin, middle, end, tdiff1, tdiff2;
    if(verbose > 1)
        gettimeofday(&begin, NULL);

    memset(obbrbuf2, 0, obbrbufzise);
    char *p = nvimcom_strcat(obbrbuf2, ".GlobalEnv | Libraries\n\n");

    PROTECT(envVarsSEXP = R_lsInternal(R_GlobalEnv, allnames));
    for(int i = 0; i < Rf_length(envVarsSEXP); i++){
        varName = CHAR(STRING_ELT(envVarsSEXP, i));
        PROTECT(varSEXP = Rf_findVar(Rf_install(varName), R_GlobalEnv));
        if (varSEXP != R_UnboundValue) // should never be unbound
            p = nvimcom_browser_line(&varSEXP, varName, "", "   ", p);
        } else {
            REprintf("Unexpected R_UnboundValue returned from R_lsInternal.\n");

#ifndef WIN32
    if(verbose > 1)
        gettimeofday(&middle, NULL);

    int len1 = strlen(obbrbuf1);
    int len2 = strlen(obbrbuf2);
    if(len1 != len2){
    } else {
        for(int i = 0; i < len1; i++){
            if(obbrbuf1[i] != obbrbuf2[i]){
#ifndef WIN32
    if(verbose > 1){
        gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
        timersub(&middle, &begin, &tdiff1);
        timersub(&end, &middle, &tdiff2);
        Rprintf("Time to Update the Object Browser: %ld.%06ld + %ld.%06ld\n",
                (long int)tdiff1.tv_sec, (long int)tdiff1.tv_usec,
                (long int)tdiff2.tv_sec, (long int)tdiff2.tv_usec);
コード例 #5
// TODO: split out some of the large blocks into helper functions, to make this easier to read
void RKStructureGetter::getStructureWorker (SEXP val, const QString &name, int add_type_flags, RData *storage, int nesting_depth) {

	bool at_toplevel = (toplevel_value == val);
	bool is_function = false;
	bool is_container = false;
	bool is_environment = false;
	bool no_recurse = (nesting_depth >= 2);	// TODO: should be configurable
	unsigned int type = 0;

	RK_DEBUG (RBACKEND, DL_DEBUG, "fetching '%s': %p, s-type %d", name.toLatin1().data(), val, TYPEOF (val));

	SEXP value = val;
	PROTECT_INDEX value_index;
	PROTECT_WITH_INDEX (value, &value_index);
	// manually resolve any promises
	REPROTECT (value = resolvePromise (value), value_index);

	bool is_s4 = Rf_isS4 (value);
	SEXP baseenv = R_BaseEnv;
	if (is_s4) baseenv = R_GlobalEnv;

	// first field: get name
	RData *namedata = new RData;
	namedata->setData (QStringList (name));

	// get classes
	SEXP classes_s;

	if ((TYPEOF (value) == LANGSXP) || (TYPEOF (value) == SYMSXP)) {	// if it's a call, we should NEVER send it through eval
		extern SEXP R_data_class (SEXP, Rboolean);
		classes_s = R_data_class (value, (Rboolean) 0);

		REPROTECT (value = Rf_coerceVector (value, EXPRSXP), value_index);	// make sure the object is safe for everything to come

		PROTECT (classes_s);
	} else {
		classes_s = RKRSupport::callSimpleFun (class_fun, value, baseenv);
		PROTECT (classes_s);

	QStringList classes = RKRSupport::SEXPToStringList (classes_s);
	UNPROTECT (1);	/* classes_s */

	// store classes
	RData *classdata = new RData;
	classdata->setData (classes);

	// basic classification
	for (int i = classes.size () - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
#warning: Using is.data.frame() may be more reliable (would need to be called only on List-objects, thus no major performance hit)
		if (classes[i] == "data.frame") type |= RObject::DataFrame;

	if (RKRSupport::callSimpleBool (is_matrix_fun, value, baseenv)) type |= RObject::Matrix;
	if (RKRSupport::callSimpleBool (is_list_fun, value, baseenv)) type |= RObject::List;

	if (type != 0) {
		is_container = true;
		type |= RObject::Container;
	} else {
		if (RKRSupport::callSimpleBool (is_function_fun, value, baseenv)) {
			is_function = true;
			type |= RObject::Function;
		} else if (RKRSupport::callSimpleBool (is_environment_fun, value, baseenv)) {
			is_container = true;
			type |= RObject::Environment;
			is_environment = true;
		} else {
			type |= RObject::Variable;
			if (RKRSupport::callSimpleBool (is_factor_fun, value, baseenv)) type |= RObject::Factor;
			else if (RKRSupport::callSimpleBool (is_numeric_fun, value, baseenv)) type |= RObject::Numeric;
			else if (RKRSupport::callSimpleBool (is_character_fun, value, baseenv)) type |= RObject::Character;
			else if (RKRSupport::callSimpleBool (is_logical_fun, value, baseenv)) type |= RObject::Logical;

			if (RKRSupport::callSimpleBool (is_array_fun, value, baseenv)) type |= RObject::Array;
	type |= add_type_flags;

	if (is_container) {
		if (no_recurse) {
			type |= RObject::Incomplete;
			RK_DEBUG (RBACKEND, DL_DEBUG, "Depth limit reached. Will not recurse into %s", name.toLatin1().data ());

	// get meta data, if any
	RData *metadata = new RData;
	if (!Rf_isNull (Rf_getAttrib (value, meta_attrib))) {
		SEXP meta_s = RKRSupport::callSimpleFun (get_meta_fun, value, R_GlobalEnv);
		PROTECT (meta_s);
		metadata->setData (RKRSupport::SEXPToStringList (meta_s));
		UNPROTECT (1);	/* meta_s */
	} else {
		metadata->setData (QStringList ());

	// get dims
	RData::IntStorage dims;
	SEXP dims_s = RKRSupport::callSimpleFun (dims_fun, value, baseenv);
	if (!Rf_isNull (dims_s)) {
		dims = RKRSupport::SEXPToIntArray (dims_s);
	} else {
		unsigned int len = Rf_length (value);
		if ((len < 2) && (!is_function)) {		// suspicious. Maybe some kind of list
			SEXP len_s = RKRSupport::callSimpleFun (length_fun, value, baseenv);
			PROTECT (len_s);
			if (Rf_isNull (len_s)) {
				dims.append (len);
			} else {
				dims = RKRSupport::SEXPToIntArray (len_s);
			UNPROTECT (1); /* len_s */
		} else {
			dims.append (len);

	// store dims
	RData *dimdata = new RData;
	dimdata->setData (dims);

	RData *slotsdata = new RData ();
	// does it have slots?
	if (is_s4) {
		type |= RObject::S4Object;
		if (no_recurse) {
			type |= RObject::Incomplete;
			RK_DEBUG (RBACKEND, DL_DEBUG, "Depth limit reached. Will not recurse into slots of %s", name.toLatin1().data ());
		} else {
			RData::RDataStorage dummy (1, 0);
			dummy[0] = new RData ();

			SEXP slots_pseudo_object = RKRSupport::callSimpleFun (rk_get_slots_fun, value, R_GlobalEnv);
			PROTECT (slots_pseudo_object);
			getStructureSafe (slots_pseudo_object, "SLOTS", RObject::PseudoObject, dummy[0], nesting_depth);	// do not increase depth for this pseudo-object

			slotsdata->setData (dummy);

	// store type
	RData *typedata = new RData;
	typedata->setData (RData::IntStorage (1, type));

	// store everything we have so far
	int storage_length = RObject::StorageSizeBasicInfo;
	if (is_container) {
		storage_length = RObject::StorageSizeBasicInfo + 1;
	} else if (is_function) {
		storage_length = RObject::StorageSizeBasicInfo + 2;
	RData::RDataStorage res (storage_length, 0);
	res[RObject::StoragePositionName] = namedata;
	res[RObject::StoragePositionType] = typedata;
	res[RObject::StoragePositionClass] = classdata;
	res[RObject::StoragePositionMeta] = metadata;
	res[RObject::StoragePositionDims] = dimdata;
	res[RObject::StoragePositionSlots] = slotsdata;

	// now add the extra info for containers and functions
	if (is_container) {
		bool do_env = (is_environment && (!no_recurse));
		bool do_cont = is_container && (!is_environment) && (!no_recurse);

		// fetch list of child names
		SEXP childnames_s;
		if (do_env) {
			childnames_s = R_lsInternal (value, (Rboolean) 1);
		} else if (do_cont) {
			childnames_s = RKRSupport::callSimpleFun (names_fun, value, baseenv);
		} else {
			childnames_s = R_NilValue; // dummy
		PROTECT (childnames_s);
		QStringList childnames = RKRSupport::SEXPToStringList (childnames_s);
		int childcount = childnames.size ();
		if (childcount > NAMED_CHILDREN_LIMIT) {
			RK_DEBUG (RBACKEND, DL_WARNING, "object %s has %d named children. Will only retrieve the first %d", name.toLatin1().data (), childcount, NAMED_CHILDREN_LIMIT);
			childcount = NAMED_CHILDREN_LIMIT;

		RData::RDataStorage children (childcount, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i < childcount; ++i) {
			children[i] = new RData ();		// NOTE: RData-ctor pre-initalizes these to empty. Thus, we're safe even if there is an error while fetching one of the children.

		if (do_env) {
			RK_DEBUG (RBACKEND, DL_DEBUG, "recurse into environment %s", name.toLatin1().data ());
			if (!Rf_isEnvironment (value)) {
				// some classes (ReferenceClasses) are identified as envionments by is.environment(), but are not internally ENVSXPs.
				// For these, Rf_findVar would fail.
				REPROTECT (value = RKRSupport::callSimpleFun (as_environment_fun, value, R_GlobalEnv), value_index);
			for (int i = 0; i < childcount; ++i) {
				SEXP current_childname = Rf_install(CHAR(STRING_ELT(childnames_s, i)));		// ??? Why does simply using STRING_ELT(childnames_i, i) crash?
				PROTECT (current_childname);
				SEXP child = Rf_findVar (current_childname, value);
				PROTECT (child);

				bool child_misplaced = false;
				if (at_toplevel && with_namespace && (!RKRBackend::this_pointer->RRuntimeIsVersion (2, 14, 0))) {
					if (!Rf_isNull (namespace_envir)) {
						SEXP dummy = Rf_findVarInFrame (namespace_envir, current_childname);
						if (Rf_isNull (dummy) || (dummy == R_UnboundValue)) child_misplaced = true;

				getStructureSafe (child, childnames[i], child_misplaced ? RObject::Misplaced : 0, children[i], nesting_depth + 1);
				UNPROTECT (2); /* current_childname, child */
		} else if (do_cont) {
			RK_DEBUG (RBACKEND, DL_DEBUG, "recurse into list %s", name.toLatin1().data ());
			// fewer elements than names() can happen, although I doubt it is supposed to happen.
			// see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3002439&group_id=50231&atid=459007
			bool may_be_special = Rf_length (value) < childcount;
			if (Rf_isList (value) && (!may_be_special)) {		// old style list
				for (int i = 0; i < childcount; ++i) {
					SEXP child = CAR (value);
					getStructureSafe (child, childnames[i], 0, children[i], nesting_depth + 1);
					CDR (value);
			} else if (Rf_isNewList (value) && (!may_be_special)) {				// new style list
				for (int i = 0; i < childcount; ++i) {
					SEXP child = VECTOR_ELT(value, i);
					getStructureSafe (child, childnames[i], 0, children[i], nesting_depth + 1);
			} else {		// probably an S4 object disguised as a list
				SEXP index = Rf_allocVector(INTSXP, 1);
				PROTECT (index);
				for (int i = 0; i < childcount; ++i) {
					INTEGER (index)[0] = (i + 1);
					SEXP child = RKRSupport::callSimpleFun2 (double_brackets_fun, value, index, baseenv);
					getStructureSafe (child, childnames[i], 0, children[i], nesting_depth + 1);
				UNPROTECT (1); /* index */
		UNPROTECT (1);   /* childnames_s */

		RData *childdata = new RData;
		childdata->setData (children);
		res[RObject::StoragePositionChildren] = childdata;

		if (is_environment && at_toplevel && with_namespace) {
			RData *namespacedata = new RData;

			if (no_recurse) {
				type |= RObject::Incomplete;
				RK_DEBUG (RBACKEND, DL_DEBUG, "Depth limit reached. Will not recurse into namespace of %s", name.toLatin1().data ());
			} else {
				RData::RDataStorage dummy (1, 0);
				dummy[0] = new RData ();

				getStructureSafe (namespace_envir, "NAMESPACE", RObject::PseudoObject, dummy[0], nesting_depth+99);	// HACK: By default, do not recurse into the children of the namespace, until dealing with the namespace object itself.

				namespacedata->setData (dummy);

			res.insert (RObject::StoragePositionNamespace, namespacedata);
	} else if (is_function) {
// TODO: getting the formals is still a bit of a bottleneck, but no idea, how to improve on this, any further
		SEXP formals_s;
		if (Rf_isPrimitive (value)) formals_s = FORMALS (RKRSupport::callSimpleFun (args_fun, value, baseenv));	// primitives don't have formals, internally
		else formals_s = FORMALS (value);
		PROTECT (formals_s);

		// get the default values
		QStringList formals = RKRSupport::SEXPToStringList (formals_s);
		// for the most part, the implicit as.character in SEXPToStringList does a good on the formals (and it's the fastest of many options that I have tried).
		// Only for naked strings (as in 'function (a="something")'), we're missing the quotes. So we add quotes, after conversion, as needed:
		SEXP dummy = formals_s;
		const int formals_len = Rf_length (formals_s);
		for (int i = 0; i < formals_len; ++i) {
			if (TYPEOF (CAR (dummy)) == STRSXP) formals[i] = RKRSharedFunctionality::quote (formals[i]);
			dummy = CDR (dummy);
		RData *funargvaluesdata = new RData;
		funargvaluesdata->setData (formals);

		// the argument names
		SEXP names_s = Rf_getAttrib (formals_s, R_NamesSymbol);
		PROTECT (names_s);
		RData *funargsdata = new RData;
		funargsdata->setData (RKRSupport::SEXPToStringList (names_s));

		UNPROTECT (2); /* names_s, formals_s */

		res[RObject::StoragePositionFunArgs] = funargsdata;
		res[RObject::StoragePositionFunValues] = funargvaluesdata;

	UNPROTECT (1); /* value */

	RK_ASSERT (!res.contains (0));
	storage->setData (res);