コード例 #1
void DrawCursorText()
	// Restore Background

	// Save Background
	mouse.backposx		= POS_X>>3;
	mouse.backposy		= POS_Y>>3;

	Bit16u result;
	mouse.backData[0]	= result & 0xFF;
	mouse.backData[1]	= result>>8;
	mouse.background	= true;
	// Write Cursor
	result = (result & mouse.textAndMask) ^ mouse.textXorMask;
コード例 #2
ファイル: mouse.cpp プロジェクト: rhenssel/vDos
void DrawCursor()									// In graphics mode, always use standard SDL cursor
	if (!mouse.hidden && CurMode->type == M_TEXT)	// Not hidden and in Textmode
		RestoreCursorBackgroundText();				// Restore Background
		// Save Background
		mouse.backposx = POS_X>>3;
		mouse.backposy = POS_Y>>3;
		// use current page (CV program)

		Bit16u result;
		ReadCharAttr(mouse.backposx, mouse.backposy, page, &result);
		mouse.backChar = (Bit8u)(result & 0xFF);
		mouse.backAttr = (Bit8u)(result>>8);
		mouse.background = true;
		// Write Cursor
		result = (result & mouse.textAndMask) ^ mouse.textXorMask;
		WriteChar(mouse.backposx, mouse.backposy, page, (Bit8u)(result&0xFF), (Bit8u)(result>>8), true);
コード例 #3
ファイル: mouse.cpp プロジェクト: tramboi/dosbox
void DrawCursorText() {	
	// Restore Background

	// Save Background
	mouse.backposx		= POS_X>>3;
	mouse.backposy		= POS_Y>>3;

	//use current page (CV program)
	Bit8u page = real_readb(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_PAGE);
	Bit16u result;

	mouse.backData[0]	= (Bit8u)(result & 0xFF);
	mouse.backData[1]	= (Bit8u)(result>>8);
	mouse.background	= true;
	// Write Cursor
	result = (result & mouse.textAndMask) ^ mouse.textXorMask;
コード例 #4
ファイル: FILEDEMO.C プロジェクト: recolic/80x86-asm-learning
    static char text[MAXSEARCH];  /* Pointer to buffer for search text  */
    static char date_time[19];    /* Receive file date and time         */
    int err, mode, handle, len;   /* Codes, file handle, bytes read     */
    int row, col, ch;             /* Cursor coordinates, kb character   */
    int i, j, attr;               /* Index variables, file attribute    */
    int disp_attr;                /* Display attribute                  */
    char *spec, *ptr, *buffer;    /* File spec, char match, read buffer */
    long dsize, disk_use;         /* Disk size and usage                */
    struct DISKSTAT disk;         /* Structure for disk size params     */

    static char copy_msg[] =
        "Files can be copied or moved in 2 different modes:\n" \
        "      0  -  overwrite target file if it exists\n" \
        "      1  -  abort if target file exists\n\n" \
        "Mode 1 is supported only with DOS versions 3.0 or higher.\n"
    static char move_msg[] =
        "Quick Move uses DOS function 56h (Rename File) to effectively " \
        "move a file from\none directory to another directory on the " \
        "same drive.  It copies the entry\nfrom the source directory to " \
        "the target directory, but does not physically\ncopy the file.\n\n" \
        "Source and target specifications must be given in full, " \
        "including filenames,\neven if the names are the same."
    static char grep_msg[] =
        "The Find Text option uses the StrFindChar and StrCompare procedures " \
        "to locate\na text string within specified files, like Unix's " \
        "\"grep\" command.  Find Text\nis limited to case-sensitive searches " \
        "within the current directory.\n\nEnter the desired search string " \
        "without quotation marks.  When specifying the\nfilename, use " \
        "wildcard characters to expand the search to a group of files --\n" \
        "for example, \"*.*\" searches all files within the current " \
        "directory, \"*.bat\"\nlimits the search to batch files, and so forth."
    static char attr_msg[] =
        "\t\t\t1    normal      \n" \
        "\t\t\t2    read-only   \n" \
        "\t\t\t3    hidden      \n" \
        "\t\t\t4    system      \n" \
        "\t\t\t     volume      \n" \
        "\t\t\t     subdirectory\n" \
        "\t\t\t5    archive     \n"

    ReadCharAttr( &disp_attr );
    clear_scrn( disp_attr, 0, 24 );
    SetCurPos( 8, 0 );
    puts( "Welcome to the FILEDEMO program.\n\n\nThis program is meant " \
          "to encourage experimentation while demonstrating how to\naccess " \
          "DOS from assembly-language procedures.  As a safety precaution, " \
          "however,\nwe suggest you DO NOT experiment with files that " \
          "cannot easily be replaced." );

        /* Display current drive and directory */
        clear_scrn( disp_attr, 0, 24 );
        SetCurPos( 0, 0 );
        printf( "Current Directory:  %c:\\", (char)(GetCurDrive() + 'A') );
        GetCurDir( source );
        puts( source );

        /* Display DOS version */
        SetCurPos( 1, 0 );
        printf( "DOS Version:        %2.1f", ( (float) GetVer() ) / 100 );

        /* Display disk statistics for current drive */
        SetCurPos( 0, 58 );
        GetDiskSize( 0, &disk );
        dsize = (long)disk.bytes * disk.sects * disk.total;
        disk_use = (long)(disk.total - disk.avail) * disk.bytes * disk.sects;
        printf( "Disk Size: %6lu K", dsize / 1024 );
        SetCurPos( 1, 58 );
        printf( "Disk Use:  %6lu K", disk_use / 1024 );

        /* Display menu and poll for keystroke */
        clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 23 );
        SetCurPos( 5, 0 );
        puts( " \t               ***      FILE " \
              "Demonstration Program      ***" );
        SetCurPos( 7, 0 );
        puts( " \tA  List Directory       \t\tH  Get/Set File Attribute" );
        puts( " \tB  Copy File            \t\tI  Get File Date and Time" );
        puts( " \tC  Move File            \t\tJ  Rename File" );
        puts( " \tD  Make Subdirectory    \t\tK  Delete File" );
        puts( " \tE  Remove Subdirectory  \t\tL  Create Unique File" );
        puts( " \tF  Change Default Drive \t\tM  Quick Move" );
        puts( " \tG  Change Directory     \t\tN  Find Text" );
        printf( "\n\n\tSelect an option, or press ESC to quit: " );
        ch = getch();
        switch( (ch = toupper( ch )) )
            /* List first 60 files in specified directory */
            case 'A':
                err  = list_dir( get_spec( 1 ), disp_attr );
                if( !err )

            /* Copy or Move File according to requested mode:
             *          0 = overwrite target
             *          1 = abort if target exists
             * If Move requested, delete source file after copy.
            case 'B':
            case 'C':
                clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 17 );
                SetCurPos( 9, 0 );
                puts( copy_msg );
                mode = -1;
                while( (mode < 0)  ||  (mode > 1) )
                    SetCurPos( 16, 0 );
                    printf( "Enter copy mode:  " );
                    mode = (int)(getche() - '0');
                spec = get_spec( 2 );                   /* Get source     */
                strcpy( source, spec );                 /* Save in buffer */
                spec = get_spec( 3 );                   /* Get target     */
                err  = CopyFile( mode, source, spec );
                if( (ch == 'C')  &&  !err )
                    err = DelFile( source );

            /* Make Directory */
            case 'D':
                err = MakeDir( get_spec( 1 ) );

            /* Remove Directory */
            case 'E':
                err = RemoveDir( get_spec( 1 ) );

            /* Change Default Drive */
            case 'F':
                SetCurPos( 18, 0 );
                printf( "Enter new drive letter:  " );
                ch = getch();
                ch = toupper( ch );
                ChangeDrive( ch );
                err = 0;

            /* Change Directory */
            case 'G':
                err = ChangeDir( get_spec( 1 ) );

            /* Get and Set File Attributes */
            case 'H':
                strcpy( source, get_spec( 3 ) );
                if( (err = GetAttribute( source )) != -1 )
                    attr = err;
                    if( !attr )
                        attr_msg[6] = '*';
                        attr_msg[6] = ' ';
                    for( j = 1, i = 27; j <= 32; j <<= 1, i+= 21 )
                        attr_msg[i] = ' ';
                        if( attr & j )
                            attr_msg[i] = '*';
                    err = 0;
                    clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 17 );
                    SetCurPos( 7, 0 );
                    puts( attr_msg );
                    printf( "\n\nToggle attribute bits by selecting 1-5, " \
                            "or any other key to exit:  " );
                    mode = (int)( getch() - '0' );
                    if( (mode > 0)  &&  (mode < 6) )
                        switch( --mode )
                            case 0:
                                attr = 0;

                            case 1:
                            case 2:
                            case 3:
                                attr = attr ^ (1 << (--mode) );

                            case 4:
                                attr = attr ^ 32;
                        err = SetAttribute( attr, source );

            /* Get File Date and Time */
            case 'I':
                if( (handle = OpenFile( 0, get_spec( 3 ) )) == -1 )
                    err = 1;
                    err = 0;
                if( !err )
                    if( !(err = GetFileTime( handle, date_time )) )
                        clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 17 );
                        SetCurPos( 12, 10 );
                        printf( "File's date and time stamp:  %s", date_time );
                        CloseFile( handle );

            /* Rename File */
            case 'J':
                strcpy( source, get_spec( 2 ) );
                err = RenameFile( source, get_spec( 3 ) );

            /* Delete File */
            case 'K':
                err = DelFile( get_spec( 3 ) );

            /* Create File with Unique Name */
            case 'L':
                strcpy( source, get_spec( 1 ) );
                handle = UniqueFile( 0, source );   /* Normal file attr = 0 */
                if( handle >= 0 )
                    printf( "\n\nDOS creates file %s", source );
                    err = 0;
                else err = 1;

            /* Quick Move from one directory to another */
            case 'M':
                clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 17 );
                SetCurPos( 8, 0 );
                puts( move_msg );
                strcpy( source, get_spec( 2 ) );
                err = RenameFile( source, get_spec( 3 ) );

            /* Search files for specified text */
            case 'N':
                clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 17 );
                buffer = (char *) malloc( BUFFSIZE + 1 );
                if( buffer == NULL )
                    SetCurPos( 12, 26 );
                    puts( "Insufficient memory for option" );
                    err = 1;
                SetCurPos( 7, 0 );
                puts( grep_msg );
                SetCurPos( 18, 0 );
                printf( "Enter search text:  " );
                GetStr( text, MAXSEARCH );

                /* Find first data file. */
                if( err = FindFirst( 0, get_spec( 3 ), &file ) )
                    clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 17 );
                    SetCurPos( 12, 24 );
                    puts( "No files found matching specification" );

                /* If file found, initialize screen coordinates and
                 * open file for reading.
                    clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 17 );
                    row = 6;
                    col = 0;
                        if( (handle = OpenFile( 0, file.filename )) != -1 )

                            /* If file opened successfully, read a block
                             * of BUFFSIZE bytes. If end-of-file encountered
                             * (number of bytes read not equal to BUFFSIZE)
                             * or read error, set error flag to break loop.
                             * Terminate block with a NULL character to 
                             * make it an ASCIIZ string.
                            err = 0;
                            while( !err )
                                len = ReadFile( handle, BUFFSIZE, buffer );
                                if( (len == 0)  ||  (len != BUFFSIZE) )
                                ptr = buffer;
                                *( ptr + len ) = 0;

                                /* Search block for first character in text */
                                while( spec = StrFindChar( text[0], ptr, 0 ) )

                                    /* If initial character found, compare
                                     * remaining characters in search text.
                                     * If all characters match, display file
                                     * name and break out of loop.
                                    ptr = StrCompare( ++spec, &text[1],
                                          (strlen( text ) - 1) );
                                    if( !ptr )
                                        SetCurPos( row++, col );
                                        puts( file.filename );
                                        if( row == 16)
                                            row  = 6;
                                            col += 20;
                                        err  = 1;
                            CloseFile( handle );
                            err = 1;
                    } while( !FindNext( &file ) );

                    if( (row == 6)  &&  (col == 0) )
                        SetCurPos( 12, 22 );
                        puts( "Text not found in specified file(s)" );
                    err = 0;
                free( buffer );             /* Free allocated block */


        if( err )
            clear_scrn( disp_attr, 24, 24 );
            SetCurPos( 24, 0 );
            printf( "***  Error  ***\a" );

    } while( ch != ESCAPE );            /* Exit if ESC key pressed    */

    clear_scrn( disp_attr, 0, 24 );     /* Clear screen before exit   */
    SetCurPos( 23, 0 );                 /*   and set cursor to bottom */
    return( 0 );