コード例 #1
ファイル: SqErrorHandling.cpp プロジェクト: henryrao/kdguigl
void RaiseLoadResError(KdPagePtr pagePtr, const WCHAR* filaName, const WCHAR* documentURI)
	WTF::String sFilaName(filaName);
	sFilaName.replace(".svg", "");
	sFilaName = sFilaName.right(15);

	WTF::String sDocumentURI(documentURI);
	sDocumentURI.replace(".svg", "");
	sDocumentURI = sDocumentURI.right(15);

	WTF::String outPut;
	outPut = outPut.format("%ws %ws", sFilaName.charactersWithNullTermination(), sDocumentURI.charactersWithNullTermination());

	ReportErrorW(L"res", outPut.charactersWithNullTermination(), 0);

	if (IsDebuggerPresent())
コード例 #2
ファイル: rmdir.WINDOWS.cpp プロジェクト: blueskyll/condor
int TraverseDirectoryTreeW (
   LPCWSTR pszPath, 
   LPCWSTR pszPattern, 
   DWORD   fdwFlags, 
   PFNTraverseDirectoryTreeCallbackW pfnCallback, 
   LPVOID  pvUser,
   int     nCurrentDepth)
   bool fSubdirs    = (fdwFlags & TDT_SUBDIRS) != 0;
   bool fDiagnostic = (fdwFlags & TDT_DIAGNOSTIC) != 0;
   //bool fDirFirst   = (fdwFlags & TDT_DIRFIRST) != 0;
   //bool fDirLast    = (fdwFlags & TDT_DIRLAST) != 0;

   if (fDiagnostic)
      if (pszPattern)
         bprintfl(*g_pbpDiag, "TDT[%d]: %04x path = '%s' pattern = '%s' subdirs = %d", nCurrentDepth, fdwFlags, pszPath, pszPattern, fSubdirs);
         bprintfl(*g_pbpDiag, "TDT[%d]: %04x path = '%s' pattern = NULL subdirs = %d", nCurrentDepth, fdwFlags, pszPath, fSubdirs);

   // build a string containing path\pattern, we will pass this
   // into FindFirstFile. there are some special cases.
   // we treat paths that end in \ as meaning path\*.
   // we replace *.* with * since it means the same thing and
   // is easier to parse. (this is a special case go back to DOS). 
   int cchPath = lstrlenW(pszPath);
   int cchMax = cchPath + MAX_PATH + 2;
   LPWSTR psz = (LPWSTR)malloc(cchMax * sizeof(WCHAR));
   lstrcpyW(psz, pszPath);
   LPWSTR pszNext = psz + lstrlenW(psz);

   bool fMatchAll = false;
   if (pszPattern && pszPattern[0])
      if (0 == lstrcmpW(pszPattern, L"*.*") || 0 == lstrcmpW(pszPattern, L"*"))
         fMatchAll = true;
      pszNext = PathAddBackslashW(psz);
      lstrcpyW(pszNext, pszPattern);
   else if (pszNext > psz && (pszNext[-1] == '\\' || pszNext[-1] == '/'))
      fMatchAll = true;
      pszNext[0] = '*';
      pszNext[1] = 0;

   HRESULT hr = S_OK;
   int err = ERROR_SUCCESS;
   int ixCurrentItem = 0;
   DWORD dwFirst = TDT_FIRST;

   LinkedFindData * pdirs = NULL;

   WIN32_FIND_DATAW wfd;
   HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFileW(psz, &wfd);
   if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind) 
      err = GetLastError();
      // if we can't open the directory because of an access denied error
      // it might be the DACLs that are causing the problem. If so, then
      // just remove the dacls. we are going to be deleting the directory
      // anway...
      if (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == err)
         int errT = RemoveFileDACLs(pszPath, fdwFlags & TDT_DIAGNOSTIC, g_pbpDiag);
         if (errT)
            err = errT;
            hFind = FindFirstFileW(psz, &wfd);
            if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind) 
               errT = GetLastError();
               if (errT != err)
                  ReportErrorW(errT, "FindFirstFile ", psz);
               err = 0;
      if (err)
         ReportErrorW(err, "FindFirstFile ", psz);

   if (hFind && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFind)
      do {
         // ignore . and ..
         if (IsDotOrDotDot(wfd.cFileName))


         bool fSkip = false;
         if (wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
            // if we are recursing, and we happen to be matching all, then remember this
            // directory for later (so we don't need to enumerate again for dirs).
            // otherwise we will have to re-enumerate in this directory to get subdirs.
            if (fSubdirs && fMatchAll) 
               LinkedFindData * pdir = (LinkedFindData*)malloc(sizeof(LinkedFindData));
               pdir->wfd = wfd;
               pdir->next = pdirs;
               pdirs = pdir;
               fSkip = true;  // we will do the callback for this directory later, if at all.
            else if (fdwFlags & TDT_NODIRS)
               fSkip = true;
            if (fdwFlags & TDT_NOFILES)
               fSkip = true;

         if (fDiagnostic)
            bprintfl (*g_pbpDiag, "TDT[%d]: 0x%08x %s %s", nCurrentDepth, wfd.dwFileAttributes, wfd.cFileName, fSkip ? "<skip>" : "");

         if ( ! fSkip)
            lstrcpyW(pszNext, wfd.cFileName); 
            if ( ! pfnCallback(pvUser, psz, pszNext - psz, (fdwFlags & ~(TDT_DIRLAST | TDT_DIRFIRST)) | dwFirst, nCurrentDepth, ixCurrentItem, wfd))
            dwFirst = 0;

         } while (FindNextFileW(hFind, &wfd));

         if (fDiagnostic)
            bprintfl (*g_pbpDiag, "TDT[%d]: Done with %s %s", nCurrentDepth, pszPath, pszPattern);

   // we want to traverse subdirs, but we were unable to build a list of dirs when we 
   // enumerated the files, so re-enumerate with * to get the directories.
   if (fSubdirs && ! fMatchAll)
      if (hFind && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFind)

      lstrcpyW(pszNext, L"*");
      hFind = FindFirstFileW(psz, &wfd);
      if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFind) 
         do {
            if ((wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && ! IsDotOrDotDot(wfd.cFileName))
               LinkedFindData * pdir = (LinkedFindData*)malloc(sizeof(LinkedFindData));
               pdir->wfd = wfd;
               pdir->next = pdirs;
               pdirs = pdir;

            } while (FindNextFileW(hFind, &wfd));

   err = GetLastError();
   if (ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES == err)
      err = ERROR_SUCCESS;

   // now traverse and callback subdirectories.
   if (fSubdirs && pdirs)
      pdirs = ReverseLinkedList(pdirs);
      while (pdirs)
         LinkedFindData * pdir = pdirs;
         pdirs = pdirs->next;

         lstrcpyW(pszNext, pdir->wfd.cFileName); 
         if ((fdwFlags & TDT_DIRFIRST) && ! (fdwFlags & TDT_NODIRS))
            if (fDiagnostic)
               bprintfl (*g_pbpDiag, "TDT[%d]: DIRFIRST 0x%08x %s %s", nCurrentDepth, pszPath, pszPattern);

            if ( ! pfnCallback(pvUser, psz, pszNext - psz, TDT_DIRFIRST | (fdwFlags & ~TDT_DIRLAST) | dwFirst, nCurrentDepth, ixCurrentItem, pdir->wfd))
            dwFirst = 0;

         err = TraverseDirectoryTreeW(psz, pszPattern, fdwFlags, pfnCallback, pvUser, nCurrentDepth+1);

         if ((fdwFlags & TDT_DIRLAST) && ! (fdwFlags & TDT_NODIRS))
            if (fDiagnostic)
               bprintfl (*g_pbpDiag, "TDT[%d]: DIRLAST 0x%08x %s %s", nCurrentDepth, pszPath, pszPattern);

            if ( ! pfnCallback(pvUser, psz, pszNext - psz, TDT_DIRLAST | (fdwFlags & ~TDT_DIRFIRST) | dwFirst, nCurrentDepth, ixCurrentItem, pdir->wfd))
            dwFirst = 0;

   if (hFind && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFind)

   return err;
コード例 #3
ファイル: rmdir.WINDOWS.cpp プロジェクト: blueskyll/condor
int RemoveFileDACLs(LPCWSTR pszPath, BOOL fDiagnostic, BPRINT_BUFFER *pbp)
   // make sure that we have ESE_SECURITY priviledge
   int err = 0;
   if ( ! AddLocalPrivilege(ESE_SECURITY))
      err = GetLastError();
      if (fDiagnostic)
         ReportError(err, "AdjustTokenPrivileges");

   // setup globals, this do nothing if this is not the first time
   // this function was called. 
   InitStandardSids(fDiagnostic, pbp);
   //InitUserSid(fDiagnostic, pbp);
   InitOwnerSid(fDiagnostic, pbp);

   // Attempt to put a NULL Dacl on the file/directory
   ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
   InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&si, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION);
   MSC_SUPPRESS_WARNING(6248) // warning: setting the DACL to null will result in unprotected object...
   SetSecurityDescriptorDacl (&si,  TRUE, NULL, FALSE);

   if ( ! SetFileSecurityW(pszPath, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &si))
      err = GetLastError();
      if (fDiagnostic)
         ReportErrorW (err, "SetFileSecurity(DACL)[1] ", pszPath);
      if (fDiagnostic)
         if (bprint_IsEmpty(*pbp))
            bprintfl(*pbp, "DACLs removed from %s", pszPath);
            bprint(*pbp, " DACLs removed");
      return 0;

   // Attempt to make take ownership of the file.

   SetSecurityDescriptorOwner (&si, ls.OwnerSid, FALSE);

   if (SetFileSecurityW(pszPath, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &si))
      err = 0;
      err = GetLastError();
      if (fDiagnostic)
         ReportErrorW (err, "SetFileSecurity(Owner)[1] ", pszPath);

      //InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&si, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION);
      //SetSecurityDescriptorOwner (&si, ls.OwnerSid, FALSE);

      if ( ! AddLocalPrivilege(ESE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP))
         static bool fReportedSeTakeOwner = false;
         if (fDiagnostic && ! fReportedSeTakeOwner)
            ReportErrorW(GetLastError(), "SeTakeOwnership ", pszPath);
            fReportedSeTakeOwner = true;
      else if ( ! SetFileSecurityW(pszPath, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &si))
         err = GetLastError();
         if (fDiagnostic)
            ReportErrorW (err, "SetFileSecurity(Owner)[2] ", pszPath);
         err = 0;

   // if we successfully took ownership, try again to set a NULL DACL 
   if ( ! err)
      if (fDiagnostic)
         if (bprint_IsEmpty(*pbp))
            bprintfl(*pbp, "Ownership taken of %s", pszPath);
            bprint(*pbp, " Ownership taken");

      if ( ! SetFileSecurityW(pszPath, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &si))
         err = GetLastError();
         if (fDiagnostic)
            ReportErrorW (err, "SetFileSecurity(DACL)[2] ", pszPath);
         if (fDiagnostic)
            if (bprint_IsEmpty(*pbp))
               bprintfl(*pbp, "DACLs removed from %s", pszPath);
               bprintfl(*pbp, " DACLs removed", pszPath);
         return 0;

   return err; 