コード例 #1
ファイル: dng_rational.cpp プロジェクト: KDE/digikam
void dng_srational::Set_real64 (real64 x, int32 dd)

	if (x == 0.0)

		*this = dng_srational (0, 1);


	if (dd == 0)

		real64 y = Abs_real64 (x);

		if (y >= 32768.0)
			dd = 1;

		else if (y >= 1.0)
			dd = 32768;

			dd = 32768 * 32768;


	*this = dng_srational (Round_int32 (x * dd), dd);

コード例 #2
ファイル: dng_matrix.cpp プロジェクト: aizvorski/dng_sdk
void dng_matrix::SafeRound (real64 factor)
	real64 invFactor = 1.0 / factor;
	for (uint32 j = 0; j < Rows (); j++)
		// Round each row to the specified accuracy, but make sure the
		// a rounding does not affect the total of the elements in a row
		// more than necessary.
		real64 error = 0.0;
		for (uint32 k = 0; k < Cols (); k++)
			fData [j] [k] += error;
			real64 rounded = Round_int32 (fData [j] [k] * factor) * invFactor;
			error = fData [j] [k] - rounded;
			fData [j] [k] = rounded;
コード例 #3
ファイル: dng_matrix.cpp プロジェクト: aizvorski/dng_sdk
void dng_vector::Round (real64 factor)
	real64 invFactor = 1.0 / factor;
	for (uint32 j = 0; j < Count (); j++)	
		fData [j] = Round_int32 (fData [j] * factor) * invFactor;
コード例 #4
ファイル: dng_matrix.cpp プロジェクト: aizvorski/dng_sdk
void dng_matrix::Round (real64 factor)
	real64 invFactor = 1.0 / factor;
	for (uint32 j = 0; j < Rows (); j++)	
		for (uint32 k = 0; k < Cols (); k++)
			fData [j] [k] = Round_int32 (fData [j] [k] * factor) * invFactor;
コード例 #5
dng_linearize_plane::dng_linearize_plane (dng_host &host,
										  dng_linearization_info &info,
										  const dng_image &srcImage,
										  dng_image &dstImage,
										  uint32 plane)

	:	fSrcImage (srcImage)
	,	fDstImage (dstImage)
	,	fPlane (plane)
	,	fActiveArea (info.fActiveArea)
	,	fSrcPixelType (srcImage.PixelType ())
	,	fDstPixelType (dstImage.PixelType ())
	,	fReal32 (false)
	,	fScale (0.0f)
	,	fScale_buffer ()
	,	fBlack_2D_rows (0)
	,	fBlack_2D_cols (0)
	,	fBlack_2D_buffer ()
	,	fBlack_1D_rows (0)
	,	fBlack_1D_buffer ()


	uint32 j;
	uint32 k;

	// Make sure the source pixel type is supported.

	if (fSrcPixelType != ttByte  &&
		fSrcPixelType != ttShort &&
		fSrcPixelType != ttLong)

		DNG_REPORT ("Unsupported source pixel type");

		ThrowProgramError ();


	if (fDstPixelType != ttShort &&
		fDstPixelType != ttFloat)

		DNG_REPORT ("Unsupported destination pixel type");

		ThrowProgramError ();


	// Are we using floating point math?

	fReal32 = (fSrcPixelType == ttLong ||
			   fDstPixelType == ttFloat);

	// Find the scale for this plane.

	real64 maxBlack = info.MaxBlackLevel (plane);

	real64 minRange = info.fWhiteLevel [plane] - maxBlack;

	if (minRange <= 0.0)
		ThrowBadFormat ();

	real64 scale = 1.0 / minRange;

	fScale = (real32) scale;

	// Calculate two-dimensional black pattern, if any.

	if (info.fBlackDeltaH.Get ())

		fBlack_2D_rows = info.fBlackLevelRepeatRows;
		fBlack_2D_cols = info.fActiveArea.W ();


	else if (info.fBlackLevelRepeatCols > 1)

		fBlack_2D_rows = info.fBlackLevelRepeatRows;
		fBlack_2D_cols = info.fBlackLevelRepeatCols;


	if (fBlack_2D_rows)

		fBlack_2D_buffer.Reset (host.Allocate (fBlack_2D_rows * fBlack_2D_cols * 4));

		for (j = 0; j < fBlack_2D_rows; j++)

			for (k = 0;  k < fBlack_2D_cols; k++)

				real64 x = info.fBlackLevel [j]
											[k % info.fBlackLevelRepeatCols]

				if (info.fBlackDeltaH.Get ())

					x += info.fBlackDeltaH->Buffer_real64 () [k];


				x *= scale;

				uint32 index = j * fBlack_2D_cols + k;

				if (fReal32)

					fBlack_2D_buffer->Buffer_real32 () [index] = (real32) x;



					x *= 0x0FFFF * 256.0;

					int32 y = Round_int32 (x);

					fBlack_2D_buffer->Buffer_int32 () [index] = y;





	// Calculate one-dimensional (per row) black pattern, if any.

	if (info.fBlackDeltaV.Get ())

		fBlack_1D_rows = info.fActiveArea.H ();


	else if (fBlack_2D_rows == 0 &&
			 (info.fBlackLevelRepeatRows > 1 || fSrcPixelType != ttShort))

		fBlack_1D_rows = info.fBlackLevelRepeatRows;


	if (fBlack_1D_rows)

		fBlack_1D_buffer.Reset (host.Allocate (fBlack_1D_rows * 4));

		for (j = 0; j < fBlack_1D_rows; j++)

			real64 x = 0.0;

			if (fBlack_2D_rows == 0)

				x = info.fBlackLevel [j % info.fBlackLevelRepeatRows]


			if (info.fBlackDeltaV.Get ())

				x += info.fBlackDeltaV->Buffer_real64 () [j];


			x *= scale;

			if (fReal32)

				fBlack_1D_buffer->Buffer_real32 () [j] = (real32) x;



				x *= 0x0FFFF * 256.0;

				int32 y = Round_int32 (x);

				fBlack_1D_buffer->Buffer_int32 () [j] = y;




	// Calculate scale table, if any.

	if (fSrcPixelType != ttLong)

		// Find linearization table, if any.

		uint16 *lut = NULL;

		uint32 lutEntries = 0;

		if (info.fLinearizationTable.Get ())

			lut = info.fLinearizationTable->Buffer_uint16 ();

			lutEntries = info.fLinearizationTable->LogicalSize () >> 1;
