コード例 #1
ファイル: cb_search.c プロジェクト: 0culus/ioq3
void split_cb_shape_sign_unquant(
spx_sig_t *exc,
const void *par,                      /* non-overlapping codebook */
int   nsf,                      /* number of samples in subframe */
SpeexBits *bits,
char *stack,
spx_int32_t *seed
   int i,j;
   VARDECL(int *ind);
   VARDECL(int *signs);
   const signed char *shape_cb;
   //int shape_cb_size;
   int subvect_size, nb_subvect;
   const split_cb_params *params;
   int have_sign;

   params = (const split_cb_params *) par;
   subvect_size = params->subvect_size;
   nb_subvect = params->nb_subvect;
   //shape_cb_size = 1<<params->shape_bits;
   shape_cb = params->shape_cb;
   have_sign = params->have_sign;

   ALLOC(ind, nb_subvect, int);
   ALLOC(signs, nb_subvect, int);

   /* Decode codewords and gains */
   for (i=0;i<nb_subvect;i++)
      if (have_sign)
         signs[i] = speex_bits_unpack_unsigned(bits, 1);
         signs[i] = 0;
      ind[i] = speex_bits_unpack_unsigned(bits, params->shape_bits);
   /* Compute decoded excitation */
   for (i=0;i<nb_subvect;i++)
      spx_word16_t s=1;
      if (signs[i])
      if (s==1)
         for (j=0;j<subvect_size;j++)
      } else {
         for (j=0;j<subvect_size;j++)
      for (j=0;j<subvect_size;j++)
コード例 #2
ファイル: mdf.c プロジェクト: FreshLeaf8865/mumble
EXPORT int speex_echo_ctl(SpeexEchoState *st, int request, void *ptr)
         (*(int*)ptr) = st->frame_size;
         st->sampling_rate = (*(int*)ptr);
         st->spec_average = DIV32_16(SHL32(EXTEND32(st->frame_size), 15), st->sampling_rate);
         st->beta0 = DIV32_16(SHL32(EXTEND32(st->frame_size), 16), st->sampling_rate);
         st->beta_max = DIV32_16(SHL32(EXTEND32(st->frame_size), 14), st->sampling_rate);
         st->beta0 = (2.0f*st->frame_size)/st->sampling_rate;
         st->beta_max = (.5f*st->frame_size)/st->sampling_rate;
         if (st->sampling_rate<12000)
            st->notch_radius = QCONST16(.9, 15);
         else if (st->sampling_rate<24000)
            st->notch_radius = QCONST16(.982, 15);
            st->notch_radius = QCONST16(.992, 15);
         (*(int*)ptr) = st->sampling_rate;
         /*FIXME: Implement this for multiple channels */
         *((spx_int32_t *)ptr) = st->M * st->frame_size;
         int M = st->M, N = st->window_size, n = st->frame_size, i, j;
         spx_int32_t *filt = (spx_int32_t *) ptr;
            /*FIXME: Implement this for multiple channels */
            for (i=0;i<N;i++)
               st->wtmp2[i] = EXTRACT16(PSHR32(st->W[j*N+i],16+NORMALIZE_SCALEDOWN));
            spx_ifft(st->fft_table, st->wtmp2, st->wtmp);
            spx_ifft(st->fft_table, &st->W[j*N], st->wtmp);
               filt[j*n+i] = PSHR32(MULT16_16(32767,st->wtmp[i]), WEIGHT_SHIFT-NORMALIZE_SCALEDOWN);
         speex_warning_int("Unknown speex_echo_ctl request: ", request);
         return -1;
   return 0;
コード例 #3
static void kf_bfly2(
        kiss_fft_cpx * Fout,
        const size_t fstride,
        const kiss_fft_cfg st,
        int m,
        int N,
        int mm
    kiss_fft_cpx * Fout2;
    kiss_fft_cpx * tw1;
    kiss_fft_cpx t;
    if (!st->inverse) {
       int i,j;
       kiss_fft_cpx * Fout_beg = Fout;
       for (i=0;i<N;i++)
          Fout = Fout_beg + i*mm;
          Fout2 = Fout + m;
          tw1 = st->twiddles;
             /* Almost the same as the code path below, except that we divide the input by two
              (while keeping the best accuracy possible) */
             ms_word32_t tr, ti;
             tr = SHR32(SUB32(MULT16_16(Fout2->r , tw1->r),MULT16_16(Fout2->i , tw1->i)), 1);
             ti = SHR32(ADD32(MULT16_16(Fout2->i , tw1->r),MULT16_16(Fout2->r , tw1->i)), 1);
             tw1 += fstride;
             Fout2->r = PSHR32(SUB32(SHL32(EXTEND32(Fout->r), 14), tr), 15);
             Fout2->i = PSHR32(SUB32(SHL32(EXTEND32(Fout->i), 14), ti), 15);
             Fout->r = PSHR32(ADD32(SHL32(EXTEND32(Fout->r), 14), tr), 15);
             Fout->i = PSHR32(ADD32(SHL32(EXTEND32(Fout->i), 14), ti), 15);
    } else {
       int i,j;
       kiss_fft_cpx * Fout_beg = Fout;
       for (i=0;i<N;i++)
          Fout = Fout_beg + i*mm;
          Fout2 = Fout + m;
          tw1 = st->twiddles;
             C_MUL (t,  *Fout2 , *tw1);
             tw1 += fstride;
             C_SUB( *Fout2 ,  *Fout , t );
             C_ADDTO( *Fout ,  t );
コード例 #4
void bmw_small_f2(uint32_t* h, uint32_t* q, const void* m){
	uint32_t xl=0, xh;
	uint8_t i;
		xl ^= q[i];
	xh = xl;
		xh ^= q[i];
	cli_putstr("\r\n XL = ");
	cli_hexdump_rev(&xl, 4);
	cli_putstr("\r\n XH = ");
	cli_hexdump_rev(&xh, 4);
	memcpy(h, m, 16*4);
	h[0] ^= SHL32(xh, 5) ^ SHR32(q[16], 5);
	h[1] ^= SHR32(xh, 7) ^ SHL32(q[17], 8);
	h[2] ^= SHR32(xh, 5) ^ SHL32(q[18], 5);
	h[3] ^= SHR32(xh, 1) ^ SHL32(q[19], 5);
	h[4] ^= SHR32(xh, 3) ^ q[20];
	h[5] ^= SHL32(xh, 6) ^ SHR32(q[21], 6);
	h[6] ^= SHR32(xh, 4) ^ SHL32(q[22], 6);
	h[7] ^= SHR32(xh,11) ^ SHL32(q[23], 2);
	for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
		h[i] += xl ^ q[24+i] ^ q[i];
	for(i=0; i<8; ++i){
		h[8+i] ^= xh ^ q[24+i];
		h[8+i] += ROTL32(h[(4+i)%8],i+9);
	h[ 8] += SHL32(xl, 8) ^ q[23] ^ q[ 8];
	h[ 9] += SHR32(xl, 6) ^ q[16] ^ q[ 9];
	h[10] += SHL32(xl, 6) ^ q[17] ^ q[10];
	h[11] += SHL32(xl, 4) ^ q[18] ^ q[11];
	h[12] += SHR32(xl, 3) ^ q[19] ^ q[12];
	h[13] += SHR32(xl, 4) ^ q[20] ^ q[13];
	h[14] += SHR32(xl, 7) ^ q[21] ^ q[14];
	h[15] += SHR32(xl, 2) ^ q[22] ^ q[15];
	memxor(q+9, q+16, 7*4);
	q[8] ^= q[23];
	h[ 8] += SHL32(xl, 8) ^ q[ 8];
	h[ 9] += SHR32(xl, 6) ^ q[ 9];
	h[10] += SHL32(xl, 6) ^ q[10];
	h[11] += SHL32(xl, 4) ^ q[11];
	h[12] += SHR32(xl, 3) ^ q[12];
	h[13] += SHR32(xl, 4) ^ q[13];
	h[14] += SHR32(xl, 7) ^ q[14];
	h[15] += SHR32(xl, 2) ^ q[15];

コード例 #5
ファイル: mdct.c プロジェクト: EvolveLabs/electron-celt
void clt_mdct_init(mdct_lookup *l,int N)
   int i;
   int N2;
   l->n = N;
   N2 = N>>1;
   l->kfft = cpx32_fft_alloc(N>>2);
   if (l->kfft==NULL)
   l->trig = (kiss_twiddle_scalar*)celt_alloc(N2*sizeof(kiss_twiddle_scalar));
   if (l->trig==NULL)
   /* We have enough points that sine isn't necessary */
#if defined(FIXED_POINT)
   for (i=0;i<N2;i++)
      l->trig[i] = SAMP_MAX*cos(2*M_PI*(i+1./8.)/N);
   for (i=0;i<N2;i++)
      l->trig[i] = TRIG_UPSCALE*celt_cos_norm(DIV32(ADD32(SHL32(EXTEND32(i),17),16386),N));
   for (i=0;i<N2;i++)
      l->trig[i] = cos(2*M_PI*(i+1./8.)/N);
コード例 #6
void noise_codebook_quant(
spx_word16_t target[],			/* target vector */
spx_coef_t ak[],			/* LPCs for this subframe */
spx_coef_t awk1[],			/* Weighted LPCs for this subframe */
spx_coef_t awk2[],			/* Weighted LPCs for this subframe */
const void *par,                      /* Codebook/search parameters*/
int   p,                        /* number of LPC coeffs */
int   nsf,                      /* number of samples in subframe */
spx_sig_t *exc,
spx_word16_t *r,
SpeexBits *bits,
char *stack,
int   complexity,
int   update_target
   int i;
   VARDECL(spx_word16_t *tmp);
   ALLOC(tmp, nsf, spx_word16_t);
   residue_percep_zero16(target, ak, awk1, awk2, tmp, nsf, p, stack);

   for (i=0;i<nsf;i++)
   SPEEX_MEMSET(target, 0, nsf);
コード例 #7
void lsp_interpolate(spx_lsp_t *old_lsp, spx_lsp_t *new_lsp, spx_lsp_t *interp_lsp, int len, int subframe, int nb_subframes)
   int i;

   spx_word16_t tmp = DIV32_16(SHL32(EXTEND32(1 + subframe),14),nb_subframes);
   spx_word16_t tmp2 = 16384-tmp;

   for (i=0;i<len;i++)
      interp_lsp[i] = MULT16_16_P14(tmp2,old_lsp[i]) + MULT16_16_P14(tmp,new_lsp[i]);
   interp_lsp[0] = MULT16_16_P14(tmp2,old_lsp[0]) + MULT16_16_P14(tmp,new_lsp[0]);
   interp_lsp[1] = MULT16_16_P14(tmp2,old_lsp[1]) + MULT16_16_P14(tmp,new_lsp[1]);
   interp_lsp[2] = MULT16_16_P14(tmp2,old_lsp[2]) + MULT16_16_P14(tmp,new_lsp[2]);
   interp_lsp[3] = MULT16_16_P14(tmp2,old_lsp[3]) + MULT16_16_P14(tmp,new_lsp[3]);
   interp_lsp[4] = MULT16_16_P14(tmp2,old_lsp[4]) + MULT16_16_P14(tmp,new_lsp[4]);
   interp_lsp[5] = MULT16_16_P14(tmp2,old_lsp[5]) + MULT16_16_P14(tmp,new_lsp[5]);
   interp_lsp[6] = MULT16_16_P14(tmp2,old_lsp[6]) + MULT16_16_P14(tmp,new_lsp[6]);
   interp_lsp[7] = MULT16_16_P14(tmp2,old_lsp[7]) + MULT16_16_P14(tmp,new_lsp[7]);
   interp_lsp[8] = MULT16_16_P14(tmp2,old_lsp[8]) + MULT16_16_P14(tmp,new_lsp[8]);
   interp_lsp[9] = MULT16_16_P14(tmp2,old_lsp[9]) + MULT16_16_P14(tmp,new_lsp[9]);
コード例 #8
ファイル: pitch.c プロジェクト: DrKLO/Telegram
static void celt_fir5(opus_val16 *x,
         const opus_val16 *num,
         int N)
   int i;
   opus_val16 num0, num1, num2, num3, num4;
   opus_val32 mem0, mem1, mem2, mem3, mem4;
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
      opus_val32 sum = SHL32(EXTEND32(x[i]), SIG_SHIFT);
      sum = MAC16_16(sum,num0,mem0);
      sum = MAC16_16(sum,num1,mem1);
      sum = MAC16_16(sum,num2,mem2);
      sum = MAC16_16(sum,num3,mem3);
      sum = MAC16_16(sum,num4,mem4);
      mem4 = mem3;
      mem3 = mem2;
      mem2 = mem1;
      mem1 = mem0;
      mem0 = x[i];
      x[i] = ROUND16(sum, SIG_SHIFT);
コード例 #9
ファイル: resample.c プロジェクト: CharaD7/wireshark
static int resampler_basic_interpolate_single(SpeexResamplerState *st, spx_uint32_t channel_index, const spx_word16_t *in, spx_uint32_t *in_len, spx_word16_t *out, spx_uint32_t *out_len)
   const int N = st->filt_len;
   int out_sample = 0;
   int last_sample = st->last_sample[channel_index];
   spx_uint32_t samp_frac_num = st->samp_frac_num[channel_index];
   const int out_stride = st->out_stride;
   const int int_advance = st->int_advance;
   const int frac_advance = st->frac_advance;
   const spx_uint32_t den_rate = st->den_rate;
   spx_word32_t sum;

   while (!(last_sample >= (spx_int32_t)*in_len || out_sample >= (spx_int32_t)*out_len))
      const spx_word16_t *iptr = & in[last_sample];

      const int offset = samp_frac_num*st->oversample/st->den_rate;
      const spx_word16_t frac = PDIV32(SHL32((samp_frac_num*st->oversample) % st->den_rate,15),st->den_rate);
      const spx_word16_t frac = ((float)((samp_frac_num*st->oversample) % st->den_rate))/st->den_rate;
      spx_word16_t interp[4];

      int j;
      spx_word32_t accum[4] = {0,0,0,0};

      for(j=0;j<N;j++) {
        const spx_word16_t curr_in=iptr[j];
        accum[0] += MULT16_16(curr_in,st->sinc_table[4+(j+1)*st->oversample-offset-2]);
        accum[1] += MULT16_16(curr_in,st->sinc_table[4+(j+1)*st->oversample-offset-1]);
        accum[2] += MULT16_16(curr_in,st->sinc_table[4+(j+1)*st->oversample-offset]);
        accum[3] += MULT16_16(curr_in,st->sinc_table[4+(j+1)*st->oversample-offset+1]);

      cubic_coef(frac, interp);
      sum = MULT16_32_Q15(interp[0],SHR32(accum[0], 1)) + MULT16_32_Q15(interp[1],SHR32(accum[1], 1)) + MULT16_32_Q15(interp[2],SHR32(accum[2], 1)) + MULT16_32_Q15(interp[3],SHR32(accum[3], 1));
      sum = SATURATE32PSHR(sum, 15, 32767);
      cubic_coef(frac, interp);
      sum = interpolate_product_single(iptr, st->sinc_table + st->oversample + 4 - offset - 2, N, st->oversample, interp);

      out[out_stride * out_sample++] = sum;
      last_sample += int_advance;
      samp_frac_num += frac_advance;
      if (samp_frac_num >= den_rate)
         samp_frac_num -= den_rate;

   st->last_sample[channel_index] = last_sample;
   st->samp_frac_num[channel_index] = samp_frac_num;
   return out_sample;
コード例 #10
ファイル: lsp.c プロジェクト: DastanIqbal/pfhiaxdroid
void lsp_interpolate(spx_lsp_t *old_lsp, spx_lsp_t *new_lsp, spx_lsp_t *interp_lsp, int len, int subframe, int nb_subframes)
   int i;
   spx_word16_t tmp = DIV32_16(SHL32(EXTEND32(1 + subframe),14),nb_subframes);
   spx_word16_t tmp2 = 16384-tmp;
   for (i=0;i<len;i++)
      interp_lsp[i] = MULT16_16_P14(tmp2,old_lsp[i]) + MULT16_16_P14(tmp,new_lsp[i]);
コード例 #11
ファイル: celt_lpc.c プロジェクト: 03050903/godot
void celt_fir_c(
         const opus_val16 *_x,
         const opus_val16 *num,
         opus_val16 *_y,
         int N,
         int ord,
         opus_val16 *mem,
         int arch)
   int i,j;
   VARDECL(opus_val16, rnum);
   VARDECL(opus_val16, x);

   ALLOC(rnum, ord, opus_val16);
   ALLOC(x, N+ord, opus_val16);
      rnum[i] = num[ord-i-1];
      x[i] = mem[ord-i-1];
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
      mem[i] = _x[N-i-1];
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
      opus_val32 sum = SHL32(EXTEND32(_x[i]), SIG_SHIFT);
      for (j=0;j<ord;j++)
         sum = MAC16_16(sum,rnum[j],x[i+j]);
      _y[i] = SATURATE16(PSHR32(sum, SIG_SHIFT));
   for (i=0;i<N-3;i+=4)
      opus_val32 sum[4]={0,0,0,0};
      xcorr_kernel(rnum, x+i, sum, ord, arch);
      _y[i  ] = SATURATE16(ADD32(EXTEND32(_x[i  ]), PSHR32(sum[0], SIG_SHIFT)));
      _y[i+1] = SATURATE16(ADD32(EXTEND32(_x[i+1]), PSHR32(sum[1], SIG_SHIFT)));
      _y[i+2] = SATURATE16(ADD32(EXTEND32(_x[i+2]), PSHR32(sum[2], SIG_SHIFT)));
      _y[i+3] = SATURATE16(ADD32(EXTEND32(_x[i+3]), PSHR32(sum[3], SIG_SHIFT)));
   for (;i<N;i++)
      opus_val32 sum = 0;
      for (j=0;j<ord;j++)
         sum = MAC16_16(sum,rnum[j],x[i+j]);
      _y[i] = SATURATE16(ADD32(EXTEND32(_x[i]), PSHR32(sum, SIG_SHIFT)));
コード例 #12
ファイル: mlp.c プロジェクト: CEPBEP/onion-phone
void mlp_process(const MLP * m, const opus_val16 * in, opus_val16 * out)
	int j;
	opus_val16 hidden[MAX_NEURONS];
	const opus_val16 *W = m->weights;
	/* Copy to tmp_in */
	for (j = 0; j < m->topo[1]; j++) {
		int k;
		opus_val32 sum = SHL32(EXTEND32(*W++), 8);
		for (k = 0; k < m->topo[0]; k++)
			sum = MAC16_16(sum, in[k], *W++);
		hidden[j] = tansig_approx(sum);
	for (j = 0; j < m->topo[2]; j++) {
		int k;
		opus_val32 sum = SHL32(EXTEND32(*W++), 14);
		for (k = 0; k < m->topo[1]; k++)
			sum = MAC16_16(sum, hidden[k], *W++);
		out[j] = tansig_approx(EXTRACT16(PSHR32(sum, 17)));
コード例 #13
ファイル: celt_lpc.c プロジェクト: 03050903/godot
void _celt_lpc(
      opus_val16       *_lpc, /* out: [0...p-1] LPC coefficients      */
const opus_val32 *ac,  /* in:  [0...p] autocorrelation values  */
int          p
   int i, j;
   opus_val32 r;
   opus_val32 error = ac[0];
   opus_val32 lpc[LPC_ORDER];
   float *lpc = _lpc;

   for (i = 0; i < p; i++)
      lpc[i] = 0;
   if (ac[0] != 0)
      for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
         /* Sum up this iteration's reflection coefficient */
         opus_val32 rr = 0;
         for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
            rr += MULT32_32_Q31(lpc[j],ac[i - j]);
         rr += SHR32(ac[i + 1],3);
         r = -frac_div32(SHL32(rr,3), error);
         /*  Update LPC coefficients and total error */
         lpc[i] = SHR32(r,3);
         for (j = 0; j < (i+1)>>1; j++)
            opus_val32 tmp1, tmp2;
            tmp1 = lpc[j];
            tmp2 = lpc[i-1-j];
            lpc[j]     = tmp1 + MULT32_32_Q31(r,tmp2);
            lpc[i-1-j] = tmp2 + MULT32_32_Q31(r,tmp1);

         error = error - MULT32_32_Q31(MULT32_32_Q31(r,r),error);
         /* Bail out once we get 30 dB gain */
         if (error<SHR32(ac[0],10))
         if (error<.001f*ac[0])
   for (i=0;i<p;i++)
      _lpc[i] = ROUND16(lpc[i],16);
コード例 #14
void noise_codebook_unquant(
spx_sig_t *exc,
const void *par,                      /* non-overlapping codebook */
int   nsf,                      /* number of samples in subframe */
SpeexBits *bits,
char *stack,
spx_int32_t *seed
   int i;
   /* FIXME: This is bad, but I don't think the function ever gets called anyway */
   for (i=0;i<nsf;i++)
      exc[i]=SHL32(EXTEND32(speex_rand(1, seed)),SIG_SHIFT);
コード例 #15
ファイル: mdf.c プロジェクト: FreshLeaf8865/mumble
static inline void filter_dc_notch16(const spx_int16_t *in, spx_word16_t radius, spx_word16_t *out, int len, spx_mem_t *mem, int stride)
   int i;
   spx_word16_t den2;
   den2 = MULT16_16_Q15(radius,radius) + MULT16_16_Q15(QCONST16(.7,15),MULT16_16_Q15(32767-radius,32767-radius));
   den2 = radius*radius + .7*(1-radius)*(1-radius);
   /*printf ("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n", num[0], num[1], num[2], den[0], den[1], den[2]);*/
   for (i=0;i<len;i++)
      spx_word16_t vin = in[i*stride];
      spx_word32_t vout = mem[0] + SHL32(EXTEND32(vin),15);
      mem[0] = mem[1] + SHL32(SHL32(-EXTEND32(vin),15) + MULT16_32_Q15(radius,vout),1);
      mem[0] = mem[1] + 2*(-vin + radius*vout);
      mem[1] = SHL32(EXTEND32(vin),15) - MULT16_32_Q15(den2,vout);
      out[i] = SATURATE32(PSHR32(MULT16_32_Q15(radius,vout),15),32767);
コード例 #16
static void compute_twiddles(kiss_twiddle_cpx *twiddles, int nfft)
   int i;
   for (i=0;i<nfft;++i) {
      opus_val32 phase = -i;
      kf_cexp2(twiddles+i, DIV32(SHL32(phase,17),nfft));
   for (i=0;i<nfft;++i) {
      const double pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327;
      double phase = ( -2*pi /nfft ) * i;
      kf_cexp(twiddles+i, phase );
コード例 #17
ファイル: lpc.c プロジェクト: 03050903/godot
/* returns minimum mean square error    */
spx_word32_t _spx_lpc(
spx_coef_t       *lpc, /* out: [0...p-1] LPC coefficients      */
const spx_word16_t *ac,  /* in:  [0...p] autocorrelation values  */
int          p
   int i, j;  
   spx_word16_t r;
   spx_word16_t error = ac[0];

   if (ac[0] == 0)
      for (i = 0; i < p; i++)
         lpc[i] = 0;
      return 0;

   for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {

      /* Sum up this iteration's reflection coefficient */
      spx_word32_t rr = NEG32(SHL32(EXTEND32(ac[i + 1]),13));
      for (j = 0; j < i; j++) 
         rr = SUB32(rr,MULT16_16(lpc[j],ac[i - j]));
      r = DIV32_16(rr+PSHR32(error,1),ADD16(error,8));
      r = rr/(error+.003*ac[0]);
      /*  Update LPC coefficients and total error */
      lpc[i] = r;
      for (j = 0; j < i>>1; j++) 
         spx_word16_t tmp  = lpc[j];
         lpc[j]     = MAC16_16_P13(lpc[j],r,lpc[i-1-j]);
         lpc[i-1-j] = MAC16_16_P13(lpc[i-1-j],r,tmp);
      if (i & 1) 
         lpc[j] = MAC16_16_P13(lpc[j],lpc[j],r);

      error = SUB16(error,MULT16_16_Q13(r,MULT16_16_Q13(error,r)));
   return error;
コード例 #18
ファイル: lsp.c プロジェクト: TomDataworks/whisper_client
void lsp_interpolate(spx_lsp_t *old_lsp, spx_lsp_t *new_lsp, spx_lsp_t *lsp, int len, int subframe, int nb_subframes, spx_word16_t margin)
   int i;
   spx_word16_t m = margin;
   spx_word16_t m2 = 25736-margin;
   spx_word16_t tmp = DIV32_16(SHL32(EXTEND32(1 + subframe),14),nb_subframes);
   spx_word16_t tmp2 = 16384-tmp;
   for (i=0;i<len;i++)
      lsp[i] = MULT16_16_P14(tmp2,old_lsp[i]) + MULT16_16_P14(tmp,new_lsp[i]);
   /* Enforce margin to sure the LSPs are stable*/
   if (lsp[0]<m)
   if (lsp[len-1]>m2)
   for (i=1;i<len-1;i++)
      if (lsp[i]<lsp[i-1]+m)

      if (lsp[i]>lsp[i+1]-m)
         lsp[i]= SHR16(lsp[i],1) + SHR16(lsp[i+1]-m,1);
コード例 #19
 * User-callable function to allocate all necessary storage space for the fft.
 * The return value is a contiguous block of memory, allocated with malloc.  As such,
 * It can be freed with free(), rather than a kiss_fft-specific function.
 * */
kiss_fft_cfg kiss_fft_alloc(int nfft,int inverse_fft,void * mem,size_t * lenmem )
    kiss_fft_cfg st=NULL;
    size_t memneeded = sizeof(struct kiss_fft_state)
        + sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx)*(nfft-1); /* twiddle factors*/

    if ( lenmem==NULL ) {
        st = ( kiss_fft_cfg)KISS_FFT_MALLOC( memneeded );
        if (mem != NULL && *lenmem >= memneeded)
            st = (kiss_fft_cfg)mem;
        *lenmem = memneeded;
    if (st) {
        int i;
        st->inverse = inverse_fft;
        for (i=0;i<nfft;++i) {
            ms_word32_t phase = i;
            if (!st->inverse)
                phase = -phase;
            kf_cexp2(st->twiddles+i, DIV32(SHL32(phase,17),nfft));
        for (i=0;i<nfft;++i) {
           const double pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327;
           double phase = ( -2*pi /nfft ) * i;
           if (st->inverse)
              phase *= -1;
           kf_cexp(st->twiddles+i, phase );
    return st;
コード例 #20
ファイル: celt_lpc.c プロジェクト: FunkyVerb/devtools-window
void celt_fir(const opus_val16 *x,
         const opus_val16 *num,
         opus_val16 *y,
         int N,
         int ord,
         opus_val16 *mem)
   int i,j;

   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
      opus_val32 sum = SHL32(EXTEND32(x[i]), SIG_SHIFT);
      for (j=0;j<ord;j++)
         sum += MULT16_16(num[j],mem[j]);
      for (j=ord-1;j>=1;j--)
      mem[0] = x[i];
      y[i] = ROUND16(sum, SIG_SHIFT);
コード例 #21
void pitch_unquant_3tap(
    spx_word16_t exc[],             /* Input excitation */
    spx_word32_t exc_out[],         /* Output excitation */
    int   start,                    /* Smallest pitch value allowed */
    int   end,                      /* Largest pitch value allowed */
    spx_word16_t pitch_coef,        /* Voicing (pitch) coefficient */
    const void* par,
    int   nsf,                      /* Number of samples in subframe */
    int* pitch_val,
    spx_word16_t* gain_val,
    SpeexBits* bits,
    char* stack,
    int count_lost,
    int subframe_offset,
    spx_word16_t last_pitch_gain,
    int cdbk_offset
) {
    int i;
    int pitch;
    int gain_index;
    spx_word16_t gain[3];
    const signed char* gain_cdbk;
    int gain_cdbk_size;
    const ltp_params* params;

    params = (const ltp_params*) par;
    gain_cdbk_size = 1 << params->gain_bits;
    gain_cdbk = params->gain_cdbk + 4 * gain_cdbk_size * cdbk_offset;

    pitch = speex_bits_unpack_unsigned(bits, params->pitch_bits);
    pitch += start;
    gain_index = speex_bits_unpack_unsigned(bits, params->gain_bits);
    /*printf ("decode pitch: %d %d\n", pitch, gain_index);*/
    gain[0] = ADD16(32, (spx_word16_t)gain_cdbk[gain_index * 4]);
    gain[1] = ADD16(32, (spx_word16_t)gain_cdbk[gain_index * 4 + 1]);
    gain[2] = ADD16(32, (spx_word16_t)gain_cdbk[gain_index * 4 + 2]);
    gain[0] = 0.015625 * gain_cdbk[gain_index * 4] + .5;
    gain[1] = 0.015625 * gain_cdbk[gain_index * 4 + 1] + .5;
    gain[2] = 0.015625 * gain_cdbk[gain_index * 4 + 2] + .5;

    if (count_lost && pitch > subframe_offset) {
        spx_word16_t gain_sum;
        if (1) {
            spx_word16_t tmp = count_lost < 4 ? last_pitch_gain : SHR16(last_pitch_gain, 1);
            if (tmp > 62)
                tmp = 62;
            spx_word16_t tmp = count_lost < 4 ? last_pitch_gain : 0.5 * last_pitch_gain;
            if (tmp > .95)
                tmp = .95;
            gain_sum = gain_3tap_to_1tap(gain);

            if (gain_sum > tmp) {
                spx_word16_t fact = DIV32_16(SHL32(EXTEND32(tmp), 14), gain_sum);
                for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    gain[i] = MULT16_16_Q14(fact, gain[i]);



    *pitch_val = pitch;
    gain_val[0] = gain[0];
    gain_val[1] = gain[1];
    gain_val[2] = gain[2];
    gain[0] = SHL16(gain[0], 7);
    gain[1] = SHL16(gain[1], 7);
    gain[2] = SHL16(gain[2], 7);
    SPEEX_MEMSET(exc_out, 0, nsf);
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        int j;
        int tmp1, tmp3;
        int pp = pitch + 1 - i;
        tmp1 = nsf;
        if (tmp1 > pp)
            tmp1 = pp;
        for (j = 0; j < tmp1; j++)
            exc_out[j] = MAC16_16(exc_out[j], gain[2 - i], exc[j - pp]);
        tmp3 = nsf;
        if (tmp3 > pp + pitch)
            tmp3 = pp + pitch;
        for (j = tmp1; j < tmp3; j++)
            exc_out[j] = MAC16_16(exc_out[j], gain[2 - i], exc[j - pp - pitch]);
    /*for (i=0;i<nsf;i++)
コード例 #22
ファイル: celt_lpc.c プロジェクト: 03050903/godot
int _celt_autocorr(
                   const opus_val16 *x,   /*  in: [0...n-1] samples x   */
                   opus_val32       *ac,  /* out: [0...lag-1] ac values */
                   const opus_val16       *window,
                   int          overlap,
                   int          lag,
                   int          n,
                   int          arch
   opus_val32 d;
   int i, k;
   int fastN=n-lag;
   int shift;
   const opus_val16 *xptr;
   VARDECL(opus_val16, xx);
   ALLOC(xx, n, opus_val16);
   if (overlap == 0)
      xptr = x;
   } else {
      for (i=0;i<n;i++)
         xx[i] = x[i];
      for (i=0;i<overlap;i++)
         xx[i] = MULT16_16_Q15(x[i],window[i]);
         xx[n-i-1] = MULT16_16_Q15(x[n-i-1],window[i]);
      xptr = xx;
      opus_val32 ac0;
      ac0 = 1+(n<<7);
      if (n&1) ac0 += SHR32(MULT16_16(xptr[0],xptr[0]),9);
         ac0 += SHR32(MULT16_16(xptr[i],xptr[i]),9);
         ac0 += SHR32(MULT16_16(xptr[i+1],xptr[i+1]),9);

      shift = celt_ilog2(ac0)-30+10;
      shift = (shift)/2;
      if (shift>0)
            xx[i] = PSHR32(xptr[i], shift);
         xptr = xx;
      } else
         shift = 0;
   celt_pitch_xcorr(xptr, xptr, ac, fastN, lag+1, arch);
   for (k=0;k<=lag;k++)
      for (i = k+fastN, d = 0; i < n; i++)
         d = MAC16_16(d, xptr[i], xptr[i-k]);
      ac[k] += d;
   shift = 2*shift;
   if (shift<=0)
      ac[0] += SHL32((opus_int32)1, -shift);
   if (ac[0] < 268435456)
      int shift2 = 29 - EC_ILOG(ac[0]);
      for (i=0;i<=lag;i++)
         ac[i] = SHL32(ac[i], shift2);
      shift -= shift2;
   } else if (ac[0] >= 536870912)
      int shift2=1;
      if (ac[0] >= 1073741824)
      for (i=0;i<=lag;i++)
         ac[i] = SHR32(ac[i], shift2);
      shift += shift2;

   return shift;
コード例 #23
ファイル: cb_search.c プロジェクト: thaidao/Workspace_Ex
void split_cb_search_shape_sign(
spx_word16_t target[],			/* target vector */
spx_coef_t ak[],			/* LPCs for this subframe */
spx_coef_t awk1[],			/* Weighted LPCs for this subframe */
spx_coef_t awk2[],			/* Weighted LPCs for this subframe */
const void *par,                      /* Codebook/search parameters*/
int   p,                        /* number of LPC coeffs */
int   nsf,                      /* number of samples in subframe */
spx_sig_t *exc,
spx_word16_t *r,
SpeexBits *bits,
char *stack,
int   complexity,
int   update_target
   int i,j,m,q;
   const signed char *shape_cb;
   int shape_cb_size = 32, subvect_size = 10;
   int best_index;
   spx_word32_t best_dist;
   spx_word16_t resp[320];
   spx_word16_t *resp2 = resp;
   spx_word32_t E[32];
   spx_word16_t t[40];
   spx_sig_t  e[40];

   /* FIXME: Do we still need to copy the target? */
   SPEEX_COPY(t, target, nsf);

     int i, k;
     spx_word16_t shape[10];
	 for (i=0;i<shape_cb_size;i++)
       spx_word16_t *res;
       res = resp+i*subvect_size;
       for (k=0;k<subvect_size;k++)
          shape[k] = (spx_word16_t)shape_cb[i*subvect_size+k];

       /* Compute codeword response using convolution with impulse response */
	     spx_word32_t resj;
         spx_word16_t res16;
		 // 0          
         resj = MULT16_16(shape[0],r[0]);
		 res16 = EXTRACT16(SHR32(resj, 13));
         // Compute codeword energy 
         res[0] = res16;
		 // 1          
         resj = MULT16_16(shape[0],r[1]);    
		 resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[1],r[0]);
         res16 = EXTRACT16(SHR32(resj, 13));
         // Compute codeword energy 
         res[1] = res16;
         // 2         
         resj = MULT16_16(shape[0],r[2]);    
		 resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[1],r[1]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[2],r[0]);
         res16 = EXTRACT16(SHR32(resj, 13));
         // Compute codeword energy 
         res[2] = res16;
         // 3          
         resj = MULT16_16(shape[0],r[3]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[1],r[2]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[2],r[1]);
		 resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[3],r[0]);
         res16 = EXTRACT16(SHR32(resj, 13));
         // Compute codeword energy 
         res[3] = res16;
         // 4        
         resj = MULT16_16(shape[0],r[4]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[1],r[3]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[2],r[2]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[3],r[1]);
		 resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[4],r[0]);
         res16 = EXTRACT16(SHR32(resj, 13));
         // Compute codeword energy 
         res[4] = res16;
         // 5   
         resj = MULT16_16(shape[0],r[5]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[1],r[4]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[2],r[3]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[3],r[2]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[4],r[1]);
		 resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[5],r[0]);
         res16 = EXTRACT16(SHR32(resj, 13));
         // Compute codeword energy 
         res[5] = res16;
         // 6         
         resj = MULT16_16(shape[0],r[6]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[1],r[5]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[2],r[4]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[3],r[3]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[4],r[2]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[5],r[1]);
		 resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[6],r[0]);
         res16 = EXTRACT16(SHR32(resj, 13));
         // Compute codeword energy 
         res[6] = res16;
         // 7 
         resj = MULT16_16(shape[0],r[7]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[1],r[6]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[2],r[5]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[3],r[4]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[4],r[3]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[5],r[2]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[6],r[1]);
		 resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[7],r[0]);
         res16 = EXTRACT16(SHR32(resj, 13));
         // Compute codeword energy 
         res[7] = res16;
         // 8          
         resj = MULT16_16(shape[0],r[8]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[1],r[7]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[2],r[6]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[3],r[5]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[4],r[4]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[5],r[3]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[6],r[2]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[7],r[1]);
		 resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[8],r[0]);
         res16 = EXTRACT16(SHR32(resj, 13));
         // Compute codeword energy 
         res[8] = res16;
         // 9       
         resj = MULT16_16(shape[0],r[9]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[1],r[8]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[2],r[7]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[3],r[6]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[4],r[5]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[5],r[4]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[6],r[3]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[7],r[2]);
         resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[8],r[1]);
		 resj = MAC16_16(resj,shape[9],r[0]);
         res16 = EXTRACT16(SHR32(resj, 13));
         // Compute codeword energy 
         res[9] = res16;

   for (i=0;i<4;i++)
      spx_word16_t *x=t+subvect_size*i;
      /*Find new n-best based on previous n-best j*/
      vq_nbest(x, resp2, subvect_size, shape_cb_size, E, 1, &best_index, &best_dist, stack);
         int rind;
         spx_word16_t *res;
         spx_word16_t sign=1;
         rind = best_index;
         if (rind>=shape_cb_size)
         res = resp+rind*subvect_size;
         if (sign>0)
            for (m=0;m<subvect_size;m++)
               t[subvect_size*i+m] = SUB16(t[subvect_size*i+m], res[m]);
            for (m=0;m<subvect_size;m++)
               t[subvect_size*i+m] = ADD16(t[subvect_size*i+m], res[m]);

         if (sign==1)
            for (j=0;j<subvect_size;j++)
         } else {
            for (j=0;j<subvect_size;j++)
      for (m=0;m<subvect_size;m++)
         spx_word16_t g;
         int rind;
         spx_word16_t sign=1;
         rind = best_index;
         if (rind>=shape_cb_size)

         target_update(t+subvect_size*(i+1), g, r+q, nsf-subvect_size*(i+1));

   /* Update excitation */
   /* FIXME: We could update the excitation directly above */
   for (j=0;j<nsf;j++)

コード例 #24
/** Finds the best quantized 3-tap pitch predictor by analysis by synthesis */
static spx_word32_t pitch_gain_search_3tap(
    const spx_word16_t target[],       /* Target vector */
    const spx_coef_t ak[],          /* LPCs for this subframe */
    const spx_coef_t awk1[],        /* Weighted LPCs #1 for this subframe */
    const spx_coef_t awk2[],        /* Weighted LPCs #2 for this subframe */
    spx_sig_t exc[],                /* Excitation */
    const signed char* gain_cdbk,
    int gain_cdbk_size,
    int   pitch,                    /* Pitch value */
    int   p,                        /* Number of LPC coeffs */
    int   nsf,                      /* Number of samples in subframe */
    SpeexBits* bits,
    char* stack,
    const spx_word16_t* exc2,
    const spx_word16_t* r,
    spx_word16_t* new_target,
    int*  cdbk_index,
    int plc_tuning,
    spx_word32_t cumul_gain,
    int scaledown
) {
    int i, j;
    VARDECL(spx_word16_t * tmp1);
    VARDECL(spx_word16_t * e);
    spx_word16_t* x[3];
    spx_word32_t corr[3];
    spx_word32_t A[3][3];
    spx_word16_t gain[3];
    spx_word32_t err;
    spx_word16_t max_gain = 128;
    int          best_cdbk = 0;

    ALLOC(tmp1, 3 * nsf, spx_word16_t);
    ALLOC(e, nsf, spx_word16_t);

    if (cumul_gain > 262144)
        max_gain = 31;

    x[0] = tmp1;
    x[1] = tmp1 + nsf;
    x[2] = tmp1 + 2 * nsf;

    for (j = 0; j < nsf; j++)
        new_target[j] = target[j];

        VARDECL(spx_mem_t * mm);
        int pp = pitch - 1;
        ALLOC(mm, p, spx_mem_t);
        for (j = 0; j < nsf; j++) {
            if (j - pp < 0)
                e[j] = exc2[j - pp];
            else if (j - pp - pitch < 0)
                e[j] = exc2[j - pp - pitch];
                e[j] = 0;
        /* Scale target and excitation down if needed (avoiding overflow) */
        if (scaledown) {
            for (j = 0; j < nsf; j++)
                e[j] = SHR16(e[j], 1);
            for (j = 0; j < nsf; j++)
                new_target[j] = SHR16(new_target[j], 1);
        for (j = 0; j < p; j++)
            mm[j] = 0;
        iir_mem16(e, ak, e, nsf, p, mm, stack);
        for (j = 0; j < p; j++)
            mm[j] = 0;
        filter_mem16(e, awk1, awk2, e, nsf, p, mm, stack);
        for (j = 0; j < nsf; j++)
            x[2][j] = e[j];
    for (i = 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        spx_word16_t e0 = exc2[-pitch - 1 + i];
        /* Scale excitation down if needed (avoiding overflow) */
        if (scaledown)
            e0 = SHR16(e0, 1);
        x[i][0] = MULT16_16_Q14(r[0], e0);
        for (j = 0; j < nsf - 1; j++)
            x[i][j + 1] = ADD32(x[i + 1][j], MULT16_16_P14(r[j + 1], e0));

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        corr[i] = inner_prod(x[i], new_target, nsf);
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
            A[i][j] = A[j][i] = inner_prod(x[i], x[j], nsf);

        spx_word32_t C[9];
        spx_word16_t C16[9];
        spx_word16_t* C16 = C;
        C[0] = corr[2];
        C[1] = corr[1];
        C[2] = corr[0];
        C[3] = A[1][2];
        C[4] = A[0][1];
        C[5] = A[0][2];
        C[6] = A[2][2];
        C[7] = A[1][1];
        C[8] = A[0][0];

        /*plc_tuning *= 2;*/
        if (plc_tuning < 2)
            plc_tuning = 2;
        if (plc_tuning > 30)
            plc_tuning = 30;
        C[0] = SHL32(C[0], 1);
        C[1] = SHL32(C[1], 1);
        C[2] = SHL32(C[2], 1);
        C[3] = SHL32(C[3], 1);
        C[4] = SHL32(C[4], 1);
        C[5] = SHL32(C[5], 1);
        C[6] = MAC16_32_Q15(C[6], MULT16_16_16(plc_tuning, 655), C[6]);
        C[7] = MAC16_32_Q15(C[7], MULT16_16_16(plc_tuning, 655), C[7]);
        C[8] = MAC16_32_Q15(C[8], MULT16_16_16(plc_tuning, 655), C[8]);
        normalize16(C, C16, 32767, 9);
        C[6] *= .5 * (1 + .02 * plc_tuning);
        C[7] *= .5 * (1 + .02 * plc_tuning);
        C[8] *= .5 * (1 + .02 * plc_tuning);

        best_cdbk = pitch_gain_search_3tap_vq(gain_cdbk, gain_cdbk_size, C16, max_gain);

        gain[0] = ADD16(32, (spx_word16_t)gain_cdbk[best_cdbk * 4]);
        gain[1] = ADD16(32, (spx_word16_t)gain_cdbk[best_cdbk * 4 + 1]);
        gain[2] = ADD16(32, (spx_word16_t)gain_cdbk[best_cdbk * 4 + 2]);
        /*printf ("%d %d %d %d\n",gain[0],gain[1],gain[2], best_cdbk);*/
        gain[0] = 0.015625 * gain_cdbk[best_cdbk * 4]  + .5;
        gain[1] = 0.015625 * gain_cdbk[best_cdbk * 4 + 1] + .5;
        gain[2] = 0.015625 * gain_cdbk[best_cdbk * 4 + 2] + .5;
        *cdbk_index = best_cdbk;

    SPEEX_MEMSET(exc, 0, nsf);
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        int j;
        int tmp1, tmp3;
        int pp = pitch + 1 - i;
        tmp1 = nsf;
        if (tmp1 > pp)
            tmp1 = pp;
        for (j = 0; j < tmp1; j++)
            exc[j] = MAC16_16(exc[j], SHL16(gain[2 - i], 7), exc2[j - pp]);
        tmp3 = nsf;
        if (tmp3 > pp + pitch)
            tmp3 = pp + pitch;
        for (j = tmp1; j < tmp3; j++)
            exc[j] = MAC16_16(exc[j], SHL16(gain[2 - i], 7), exc2[j - pp - pitch]);
    for (i = 0; i < nsf; i++) {
        spx_word32_t tmp = ADD32(ADD32(MULT16_16(gain[0], x[2][i]), MULT16_16(gain[1], x[1][i])),
                                 MULT16_16(gain[2], x[0][i]));
        new_target[i] = SUB16(new_target[i], EXTRACT16(PSHR32(tmp, 6)));
    err = inner_prod(new_target, new_target, nsf);

    return err;
コード例 #25
void open_loop_nbest_pitch(spx_word16_t* sw, int start, int end, int len, int* pitch, spx_word16_t* gain, int N, char* stack) {
    int i, j, k;
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t * best_score);
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t * best_ener);
    spx_word32_t e0;
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t * corr);
    /* In fixed-point, we need only one (temporary) array of 32-bit values and two (corr16, ener16)
       arrays for (normalized) 16-bit values */
    VARDECL(spx_word16_t * corr16);
    VARDECL(spx_word16_t * ener16);
    spx_word32_t* energy;
    int cshift = 0, eshift = 0;
    int scaledown = 0;
    ALLOC(corr16, end - start + 1, spx_word16_t);
    ALLOC(ener16, end - start + 1, spx_word16_t);
    ALLOC(corr, end - start + 1, spx_word32_t);
    energy = corr;
    /* In floating-point, we need to float arrays and no normalized copies */
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t * energy);
    spx_word16_t* corr16;
    spx_word16_t* ener16;
    ALLOC(energy, end - start + 2, spx_word32_t);
    ALLOC(corr, end - start + 1, spx_word32_t);
    corr16 = corr;
    ener16 = energy;

    ALLOC(best_score, N, spx_word32_t);
    ALLOC(best_ener, N, spx_word32_t);
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        best_score[i] = -1;
        best_ener[i] = 0;
        pitch[i] = start;

    for (i = -end; i < len; i++) {
        if (ABS16(sw[i]) > 16383) {
            scaledown = 1;
    /* If the weighted input is close to saturation, then we scale it down */
    if (scaledown) {
        for (i = -end; i < len; i++) {
            sw[i] = SHR16(sw[i], 1);
    energy[0] = inner_prod(sw - start, sw - start, len);
    e0 = inner_prod(sw, sw, len);
    for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
        /* Update energy for next pitch*/
        energy[i - start + 1] = SUB32(ADD32(energy[i - start], SHR32(MULT16_16(sw[-i - 1], sw[-i - 1]), 6)), SHR32(MULT16_16(sw[-i + len - 1], sw[-i + len - 1]), 6));
        if (energy[i - start + 1] < 0)
            energy[i - start + 1] = 0;

    eshift = normalize16(energy, ener16, 32766, end - start + 1);

    /* In fixed-point, this actually overrites the energy array (aliased to corr) */
    pitch_xcorr(sw, sw - end, corr, len, end - start + 1, stack);

    /* Normalize to 180 so we can square it and it still fits in 16 bits */
    cshift = normalize16(corr, corr16, 180, end - start + 1);
    /* If we scaled weighted input down, we need to scale it up again (OK, so we've just lost the LSB, who cares?) */
    if (scaledown) {
        for (i = -end; i < len; i++) {
            sw[i] = SHL16(sw[i], 1);

    /* Search for the best pitch prediction gain */
    for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
        spx_word16_t tmp = MULT16_16_16(corr16[i - start], corr16[i - start]);
        /* Instead of dividing the tmp by the energy, we multiply on the other side */
        if (MULT16_16(tmp, best_ener[N - 1]) > MULT16_16(best_score[N - 1], ADD16(1, ener16[i - start]))) {
            /* We can safely put it last and then check */
            best_score[N - 1] = tmp;
            best_ener[N - 1] = ener16[i - start] + 1;
            pitch[N - 1] = i;
            /* Check if it comes in front of others */
            for (j = 0; j < N - 1; j++) {
                if (MULT16_16(tmp, best_ener[j]) > MULT16_16(best_score[j], ADD16(1, ener16[i - start]))) {
                    for (k = N - 1; k > j; k--) {
                        best_score[k] = best_score[k - 1];
                        best_ener[k] = best_ener[k - 1];
                        pitch[k] = pitch[k - 1];
                    best_score[j] = tmp;
                    best_ener[j] = ener16[i - start] + 1;
                    pitch[j] = i;

    /* Compute open-loop gain if necessary */
    if (gain) {
        for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
            spx_word16_t g;
            i = pitch[j];
            g = DIV32(SHL32(EXTEND32(corr16[i - start]), cshift), 10 + SHR32(MULT16_16(spx_sqrt(e0), spx_sqrt(SHL32(EXTEND32(ener16[i - start]), eshift))), 6));
            /* FIXME: g = max(g,corr/energy) */
            if (g < 0)
                g = 0;
            gain[j] = g;

コード例 #26
ファイル: lsp.c プロジェクト: TomDataworks/whisper_client
void lsp_to_lpc(const spx_lsp_t *freq,spx_coef_t *ak,int lpcrdr, char *stack)
/*  float *freq 	array of LSP frequencies in the x domain	*/
/*  float *ak 		array of LPC coefficients 			*/
/*  int lpcrdr  	order of LPC coefficients 			*/
    int i,j;
    spx_word32_t xout1,xout2,xin;
    spx_word32_t mult, a;
    VARDECL(spx_word16_t *freqn);
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t **xp);
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t *xpmem);
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t **xq);
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t *xqmem);
    int m = lpcrdr>>1;

       Reconstruct P(z) and Q(z) by cascading second order polynomials
       in form 1 - 2cos(w)z(-1) + z(-2), where w is the LSP frequency.
       In the time domain this is:

       y(n) = x(n) - 2cos(w)x(n-1) + x(n-2)
       This is what the ALLOCS below are trying to do:

         int xp[m+1][lpcrdr+1+2]; // P matrix in QIMP
         int xq[m+1][lpcrdr+1+2]; // Q matrix in QIMP

       These matrices store the output of each stage on each row.  The
       final (m-th) row has the output of the final (m-th) cascaded
       2nd order filter.  The first row is the impulse input to the
       system (not written as it is known).

       The version below takes advantage of the fact that a lot of the
       outputs are zero or known, for example if we put an inpulse
       into the first section the "clock" it 10 times only the first 3
       outputs samples are non-zero (it's an FIR filter).

    ALLOC(xp, (m+1), spx_word32_t*);
    ALLOC(xpmem, (m+1)*(lpcrdr+1+2), spx_word32_t);

    ALLOC(xq, (m+1), spx_word32_t*);
    ALLOC(xqmem, (m+1)*(lpcrdr+1+2), spx_word32_t);
    for(i=0; i<=m; i++) {
      xp[i] = xpmem + i*(lpcrdr+1+2);
      xq[i] = xqmem + i*(lpcrdr+1+2);

    /* work out 2cos terms in Q14 */

    ALLOC(freqn, lpcrdr, spx_word16_t);
    for (i=0;i<lpcrdr;i++) 
       freqn[i] = ANGLE2X(freq[i]);

    #define QIMP  21   /* scaling for impulse */

    xin = SHL32(EXTEND32(1), (QIMP-1)); /* 0.5 in QIMP format */
    /* first col and last non-zero values of each row are trivial */
    for(i=0;i<=m;i++) {
     xp[i][1] = 0;
     xp[i][2] = xin;
     xp[i][2+2*i] = xin;
     xq[i][1] = 0;
     xq[i][2] = xin;
     xq[i][2+2*i] = xin;

    /* 2nd row (first output row) is trivial */

    xp[1][3] = -MULT16_32_Q14(freqn[0],xp[0][2]);
    xq[1][3] = -MULT16_32_Q14(freqn[1],xq[0][2]);

    xout1 = xout2 = 0;

    /* now generate remaining rows */

    for(i=1;i<m;i++) {

      for(j=1;j<2*(i+1)-1;j++) {
	mult = MULT16_32_Q14(freqn[2*i],xp[i][j+1]);
	xp[i+1][j+2] = ADD32(SUB32(xp[i][j+2], mult), xp[i][j]);
	mult = MULT16_32_Q14(freqn[2*i+1],xq[i][j+1]);
	xq[i+1][j+2] = ADD32(SUB32(xq[i][j+2], mult), xq[i][j]);

      /* for last col xp[i][j+2] = xq[i][j+2] = 0 */

      mult = MULT16_32_Q14(freqn[2*i],xp[i][j+1]);
      xp[i+1][j+2] = SUB32(xp[i][j], mult);
      mult = MULT16_32_Q14(freqn[2*i+1],xq[i][j+1]);
      xq[i+1][j+2] = SUB32(xq[i][j], mult);

    /* process last row to extra a{k} */

    for(j=1;j<=lpcrdr;j++) {
      int shift = QIMP-13;

      /* final filter sections */
      a = PSHR32(xp[m][j+2] + xout1 + xq[m][j+2] - xout2, shift); 
      xout1 = xp[m][j+2];
      xout2 = xq[m][j+2];
      /* hard limit ak's to +/- 32767 */

      if (a < -32767) a = -32767;
      if (a > 32767) a = 32767;
      ak[j-1] = (short)a;

コード例 #27
ファイル: filterbank.c プロジェクト: 03050903/godot
FilterBank *filterbank_new(int banks, spx_word32_t sampling, int len, int type)
   FilterBank *bank;
   spx_word32_t df;
   spx_word32_t max_mel, mel_interval;
   int i;
   int id1;
   int id2;
   df = DIV32(SHL32(sampling,15),MULT16_16(2,len));
   max_mel = toBARK(EXTRACT16(sampling/2));
   mel_interval = PDIV32(max_mel,banks-1);
   bank = (FilterBank*)speex_alloc(sizeof(FilterBank));
   bank->nb_banks = banks;
   bank->len = len;
   bank->bank_left = (int*)speex_alloc(len*sizeof(int));
   bank->bank_right = (int*)speex_alloc(len*sizeof(int));
   bank->filter_left = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(len*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   bank->filter_right = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(len*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   /* Think I can safely disable normalisation that for fixed-point (and probably float as well) */
   bank->scaling = (float*)speex_alloc(banks*sizeof(float));
   for (i=0;i<len;i++)
      spx_word16_t curr_freq;
      spx_word32_t mel;
      spx_word16_t val;
      curr_freq = EXTRACT16(MULT16_32_P15(i,df));
      mel = toBARK(curr_freq);
      if (mel > max_mel)
      id1 = DIV32(mel,mel_interval);
      id1 = (int)(floor(mel/mel_interval));
      if (id1>banks-2)
         id1 = banks-2;
         val = Q15_ONE;
      } else {
         val = DIV32_16(mel - id1*mel_interval,EXTRACT16(PSHR32(mel_interval,15)));
      id2 = id1+1;
      bank->bank_left[i] = id1;
      bank->filter_left[i] = SUB16(Q15_ONE,val);
      bank->bank_right[i] = id2;
      bank->filter_right[i] = val;
   /* Think I can safely disable normalisation for fixed-point (and probably float as well) */
   for (i=0;i<bank->nb_banks;i++)
      bank->scaling[i] = 0;
   for (i=0;i<bank->len;i++)
      int id = bank->bank_left[i];
      bank->scaling[id] += bank->filter_left[i];
      id = bank->bank_right[i];
      bank->scaling[id] += bank->filter_right[i];
   for (i=0;i<bank->nb_banks;i++)
      bank->scaling[i] = Q15_ONE/(bank->scaling[i]);
   return bank;
コード例 #28
void split_cb_search_shape_sign(
spx_word16_t target[],			/* target vector */
spx_coef_t ak[],			/* LPCs for this subframe */
spx_coef_t awk1[],			/* Weighted LPCs for this subframe */
spx_coef_t awk2[],			/* Weighted LPCs for this subframe */
const void *par,                      /* Codebook/search parameters*/
int   p,                        /* number of LPC coeffs */
int   nsf,                      /* number of samples in subframe */
spx_sig_t *exc,
spx_word16_t *r,
SpeexBits *bits,
char *stack,
int   complexity,
int   update_target
   int i,j,k,m,n,q;
   VARDECL(spx_word16_t *resp);
#ifdef _USE_SSE
   VARDECL(__m128 *resp2);
   VARDECL(__m128 *E);
   spx_word16_t *resp2;
   VARDECL(spx_word32_t *E);
   VARDECL(spx_word16_t *t);
   VARDECL(spx_sig_t *e);
   VARDECL(spx_word16_t *tmp);
   VARDECL(spx_word32_t *ndist);
   VARDECL(spx_word32_t *odist);
   VARDECL(int *itmp);
   VARDECL(spx_word16_t **ot2);
   VARDECL(spx_word16_t **nt2);
   spx_word16_t **ot, **nt;
   VARDECL(int **nind);
   VARDECL(int **oind);
   VARDECL(int *ind);
   const signed char *shape_cb;
   int shape_cb_size, subvect_size, nb_subvect;
   const split_cb_params *params;
   int N=2;
   VARDECL(int *best_index);
   VARDECL(spx_word32_t *best_dist);
   VARDECL(int *best_nind);
   VARDECL(int *best_ntarget);
   int have_sign;
   if (N>10)
   /* Complexity isn't as important for the codebooks as it is for the pitch */
   if (N<1)
   if (N==1)
   ALLOC(ot2, N, spx_word16_t*);
   ALLOC(nt2, N, spx_word16_t*);
   ALLOC(oind, N, int*);
   ALLOC(nind, N, int*);

   params = (const split_cb_params *) par;
   subvect_size = params->subvect_size;
   nb_subvect = params->nb_subvect;
   shape_cb_size = 1<<params->shape_bits;
   shape_cb = params->shape_cb;
   have_sign = params->have_sign;
   ALLOC(resp, shape_cb_size*subvect_size, spx_word16_t);
#ifdef _USE_SSE
   ALLOC(resp2, (shape_cb_size*subvect_size)>>2, __m128);
   ALLOC(E, shape_cb_size>>2, __m128);
   resp2 = resp;
   ALLOC(E, shape_cb_size, spx_word32_t);
   ALLOC(t, nsf, spx_word16_t);
   ALLOC(e, nsf, spx_sig_t);
   ALLOC(ind, nb_subvect, int);

   ALLOC(tmp, 2*N*nsf, spx_word16_t);
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
   ALLOC(best_index, N, int);
   ALLOC(best_dist, N, spx_word32_t);
   ALLOC(best_nind, N, int);
   ALLOC(best_ntarget, N, int);
   ALLOC(ndist, N, spx_word32_t);
   ALLOC(odist, N, spx_word32_t);
   ALLOC(itmp, 2*N*nb_subvect, int);
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
   SPEEX_COPY(t, target, nsf);

   for (j=0;j<N;j++)
      SPEEX_COPY(&ot[j][0], t, nsf);

   /* Pre-compute codewords response and energy */
   compute_weighted_codebook(shape_cb, r, resp, resp2, E, shape_cb_size, subvect_size, stack);

   for (j=0;j<N;j++)
   /*For all subvectors*/
   for (i=0;i<nb_subvect;i++)
      /*"erase" nbest list*/
      for (j=0;j<N;j++)
      /* This is not strictly necessary, but it provides an additonal safety 
         to prevent crashes in case something goes wrong in the previous
         steps (e.g. NaNs) */
      for (j=0;j<N;j++)
         best_nind[j] = best_ntarget[j] = 0;
      /*For all n-bests of previous subvector*/
      for (j=0;j<N;j++)
         spx_word16_t *x=ot[j]+subvect_size*i;
         spx_word32_t tener = 0;
         for (m=0;m<subvect_size;m++)
            tener = MAC16_16(tener, x[m],x[m]);
         tener = SHR32(tener,1);
         tener *= .5;
         /*Find new n-best based on previous n-best j*/
         if (have_sign)
            vq_nbest_sign(x, resp2, subvect_size, shape_cb_size, E, N, best_index, best_dist, stack);
            vq_nbest(x, resp2, subvect_size, shape_cb_size, E, N, best_index, best_dist, stack);

         /*For all new n-bests*/
         for (k=0;k<N;k++)
            /* Compute total distance (including previous sub-vectors */
            spx_word32_t err = ADD32(ADD32(odist[j],best_dist[k]),tener);
            /*update n-best list*/
            if (err<ndist[N-1])
               for (m=0;m<N;m++)
                  if (err < ndist[m])
                     for (n=N-1;n>m;n--)
                        ndist[n] = ndist[n-1];
                        best_nind[n] = best_nind[n-1];
                        best_ntarget[n] = best_ntarget[n-1];
                     /* n is equal to m here, so they're interchangeable */
                     ndist[m] = err;
                     best_nind[n] = best_index[k];
                     best_ntarget[n] = j;
         if (i==0)
      for (j=0;j<N;j++)
         /*previous target (we don't care what happened before*/
         for (m=(i+1)*subvect_size;m<nsf;m++)
         /* New code: update the rest of the target only if it's worth it */
         for (m=0;m<subvect_size;m++)
            spx_word16_t g;
            int rind;
            spx_word16_t sign=1;
            rind = best_nind[j];
            if (rind>=shape_cb_size)

            target_update(nt[j]+subvect_size*(i+1), g, r+q, nsf-subvect_size*(i+1));

         for (q=0;q<nb_subvect;q++)

      /*update old-new data*/
      /* just swap pointers instead of a long copy */
         spx_word16_t **tmp2;
      for (j=0;j<N;j++)
         for (m=0;m<nb_subvect;m++)
      for (j=0;j<N;j++)

   /*save indices*/
   for (i=0;i<nb_subvect;i++)
   /* Put everything back together */
   for (i=0;i<nb_subvect;i++)
      int rind;
      spx_word16_t sign=1;
      rind = ind[i];
      if (rind>=shape_cb_size)
      if (sign==1)
         for (j=0;j<subvect_size;j++)
      } else {
         for (j=0;j<subvect_size;j++)
      for (j=0;j<subvect_size;j++)
   /* Update excitation */
   for (j=0;j<nsf;j++)
   /* Update target: only update target if necessary */
   if (update_target)
      VARDECL(spx_word16_t *r2);
      ALLOC(r2, nsf, spx_word16_t);
      for (j=0;j<nsf;j++)
         r2[j] = EXTRACT16(PSHR32(e[j] ,6));
      syn_percep_zero16(r2, ak, awk1, awk2, r2, nsf,p, stack);
      for (j=0;j<nsf;j++)
コード例 #29
static void split_cb_search_shape_sign_N1(
spx_word16_t target[],			/* target vector */
spx_coef_t ak[],			/* LPCs for this subframe */
spx_coef_t awk1[],			/* Weighted LPCs for this subframe */
spx_coef_t awk2[],			/* Weighted LPCs for this subframe */
const void *par,                      /* Codebook/search parameters*/
int   p,                        /* number of LPC coeffs */
int   nsf,                      /* number of samples in subframe */
spx_sig_t *exc,
spx_word16_t *r,
SpeexBits *bits,
char *stack,
int   update_target
   int i,j,m,q;
   VARDECL(spx_word16_t *resp);
#ifdef _USE_SSE
   VARDECL(__m128 *resp2);
   VARDECL(__m128 *E);
   spx_word16_t *resp2;
   VARDECL(spx_word32_t *E);
   VARDECL(spx_word16_t *t);
   VARDECL(spx_sig_t *e);
   const signed char *shape_cb;
   int shape_cb_size, subvect_size, nb_subvect;
   const split_cb_params *params;
   int best_index;
   spx_word32_t best_dist;
   int have_sign;
   params = (const split_cb_params *) par;
   subvect_size = params->subvect_size;
   nb_subvect = params->nb_subvect;
   shape_cb_size = 1<<params->shape_bits;
   shape_cb = params->shape_cb;
   have_sign = params->have_sign;
   ALLOC(resp, shape_cb_size*subvect_size, spx_word16_t);
#ifdef _USE_SSE
   ALLOC(resp2, (shape_cb_size*subvect_size)>>2, __m128);
   ALLOC(E, shape_cb_size>>2, __m128);
   resp2 = resp;
   ALLOC(E, shape_cb_size, spx_word32_t);
   ALLOC(t, nsf, spx_word16_t);
   ALLOC(e, nsf, spx_sig_t);
   /* FIXME: Do we still need to copy the target? */
   SPEEX_COPY(t, target, nsf);

   compute_weighted_codebook(shape_cb, r, resp, resp2, E, shape_cb_size, subvect_size, stack);

   for (i=0;i<nb_subvect;i++)
      spx_word16_t *x=t+subvect_size*i;
      /*Find new n-best based on previous n-best j*/
      if (have_sign)
         vq_nbest_sign(x, resp2, subvect_size, shape_cb_size, E, 1, &best_index, &best_dist, stack);
         vq_nbest(x, resp2, subvect_size, shape_cb_size, E, 1, &best_index, &best_dist, stack);
         int rind;
         spx_word16_t *res;
         spx_word16_t sign=1;
         rind = best_index;
         if (rind>=shape_cb_size)
         res = resp+rind*subvect_size;
         if (sign>0)
            for (m=0;m<subvect_size;m++)
               t[subvect_size*i+m] = SUB16(t[subvect_size*i+m], res[m]);
            for (m=0;m<subvect_size;m++)
               t[subvect_size*i+m] = ADD16(t[subvect_size*i+m], res[m]);

         if (sign==1)
            for (j=0;j<subvect_size;j++)
         } else {
            for (j=0;j<subvect_size;j++)
         for (j=0;j<subvect_size;j++)
      for (m=0;m<subvect_size;m++)
         spx_word16_t g;
         int rind;
         spx_word16_t sign=1;
         rind = best_index;
         if (rind>=shape_cb_size)
         target_update(t+subvect_size*(i+1), g, r+q, nsf-subvect_size*(i+1));

   /* Update excitation */
   /* FIXME: We could update the excitation directly above */
   for (j=0;j<nsf;j++)
   /* Update target: only update target if necessary */
   if (update_target)
      VARDECL(spx_word16_t *r2);
      ALLOC(r2, nsf, spx_word16_t);
      for (j=0;j<nsf;j++)
         r2[j] = EXTRACT16(PSHR32(e[j] ,6));
      syn_percep_zero16(r2, ak, awk1, awk2, r2, nsf,p, stack);
      for (j=0;j<nsf;j++)
コード例 #30
void lsp_to_lpc(spx_lsp_t *freq,spx_coef_t *ak,int lpcrdr, char *stack)
/*  float *freq     array of LSP frequencies in the x domain    */
/*  float *ak         array of LPC coefficients             */
/*  int lpcrdr      order of LPC coefficients             */
    int i,j;
    spx_word32_t xout1,xout2,xin;
    spx_word32_t mult, a;
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t *xpmem);
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t *xqmem);
    VARDECL(spx_word16_t *freqn);
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t **xp);
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t **xq);
    spx_word16_t freqn[FIXED_LPC_SIZE];
    spx_word32_t *xp[(FIXED_LPC_SIZE/2)+1];
    spx_word32_t *xq[(FIXED_LPC_SIZE/2)+1];

    int m = lpcrdr>>1;


       Reconstruct P(z) and Q(z) by cascading second order polynomials
       in form 1 - 2cos(w)z(-1) + z(-2), where w is the LSP frequency.
       In the time domain this is:

       y(n) = x(n) - 2cos(w)x(n-1) + x(n-2)

       This is what the ALLOCS below are trying to do:

         int xp[m+1][lpcrdr+1+2]; // P matrix in QIMP
         int xq[m+1][lpcrdr+1+2]; // Q matrix in QIMP

       These matrices store the output of each stage on each row.  The
       final (m-th) row has the output of the final (m-th) cascaded
       2nd order filter.  The first row is the impulse input to the
       system (not written as it is known).

       The version below takes advantage of the fact that a lot of the
       outputs are zero or known, for example if we put an inpulse
       into the first section the "clock" it 10 times only the first 3
       outputs samples are non-zero (it's an FIR filter).

    ALLOC(xp, (m+1), spx_word32_t*);
    ALLOC(xpmem, (m+1)*(lpcrdr+1+2), spx_word32_t);

    ALLOC(xq, (m+1), spx_word32_t*);
    ALLOC(xqmem, (m+1)*(lpcrdr+1+2), spx_word32_t);

    for(i=0; i<=m; i++) {
      xp[i] = xpmem + i*(lpcrdr+1+2);
      xq[i] = xqmem + i*(lpcrdr+1+2);
    for(i=0; i<=m; i++) {
      xp[i] = xpmem + i*(FIXED_LPC_SIZE+1+2);
      xq[i] = xqmem + i*(FIXED_LPC_SIZE+1+2);
    /* work out 2cos terms in Q14 */

    ALLOC(freqn, lpcrdr, spx_word16_t);
    for (i=0;i<lpcrdr;i++)
       freqn[i] = ANGLE2X(freq[i]);
    for (i=0;i<FIXED_LPC_SIZE;i++)
       freqn[i] = ANGLE2X(freq[i]);

    #define QIMP  21   /* scaling for impulse */

    xin = SHL32(EXTEND32(1), (QIMP-1)); /* 0.5 in QIMP format */

    /* first col and last non-zero values of each row are trivial */

    for(i=0;i<=m;i++) {
     xp[i][1] = 0;
     xp[i][2] = xin;
     xp[i][2+2*i] = xin;
     xq[i][1] = 0;
     xq[i][2] = xin;
     xq[i][2+2*i] = xin;

    /* 2nd row (first output row) is trivial */

    xp[1][3] = -MULT16_32_Q14(freqn[0],xp[0][2]);
    xq[1][3] = -MULT16_32_Q14(freqn[1],xq[0][2]);

    xout1 = xout2 = 0;

    /* now generate remaining rows */

    for(i=1;i<m;i++) {

      for(j=1;j<2*(i+1)-1;j++) {
    mult = MULT16_32_Q14(freqn[2*i],xp[i][j+1]);
    xp[i+1][j+2] = ADD32(SUB32(xp[i][j+2], mult), xp[i][j]);
    mult = MULT16_32_Q14(freqn[2*i+1],xq[i][j+1]);
    xq[i+1][j+2] = ADD32(SUB32(xq[i][j+2], mult), xq[i][j]);

      /* for last col xp[i][j+2] = xq[i][j+2] = 0 */

      mult = MULT16_32_Q14(freqn[2*i],xp[i][j+1]);
      xp[i+1][j+2] = SUB32(xp[i][j], mult);
      mult = MULT16_32_Q14(freqn[2*i+1],xq[i][j+1]);
      xq[i+1][j+2] = SUB32(xq[i][j], mult);

    /* process last row to extra a{k} */

    for(j=1;j<=lpcrdr;j++) {
    for(j=1;j<=FIXED_LPC_SIZE;j++) {
      int shift = QIMP-13;

      /* final filter sections */
      a = PSHR32(xp[m][j+2] + xout1 + xq[m][j+2] - xout2, shift);
      xout1 = xp[m][j+2];
      xout2 = xq[m][j+2];

      /* hard limit ak's to +/- 32767 */

      if (a < -32767) a = -32767;
      if (a > 32767) a = 32767;
      ak[j-1] = (short)a;




void lsp_to_lpc(spx_lsp_t *freq,spx_coef_t *ak,int lpcrdr, char *stack)
/*  float *freq     array of LSP frequencies in the x domain    */
/*  float *ak         array of LPC coefficients             */
/*  int lpcrdr      order of LPC coefficients             */

    int i,j;
    float xout1,xout2,xin1,xin2;
    VARDECL(float *Wp);
    float *pw,*n1,*n2,*n3,*n4=NULL;
    VARDECL(float *x_freq);
    int m = lpcrdr>>1;

    ALLOC(Wp, 4*m+2, float);
    pw = Wp;

    /* initialise contents of array */

    for(i=0;i<=4*m+1;i++){           /* set contents of buffer to 0 */
    *pw++ = 0.0;

    /* Set pointers up */

    pw = Wp;
    xin1 = 1.0;
    xin2 = 1.0;

    ALLOC(x_freq, lpcrdr, float);
    for (i=0;i<lpcrdr;i++)
       x_freq[i] = ANGLE2X(freq[i]);

    /* reconstruct P(z) and Q(z) by  cascading second order
      polynomials in form 1 - 2xz(-1) +z(-2), where x is the
      LSP coefficient */

       int i2=0;
        n1 = pw+(i*4);
        n2 = n1 + 1;
        n3 = n2 + 1;
        n4 = n3 + 1;
        xout1 = xin1 - 2.f*x_freq[i2] * *n1 + *n2;
        xout2 = xin2 - 2.f*x_freq[i2+1] * *n3 + *n4;
        *n2 = *n1;
        *n4 = *n3;
        *n1 = xin1;
        *n3 = xin2;
        xin1 = xout1;
        xin2 = xout2;
    xout1 = xin1 + *(n4+1);
    xout2 = xin2 - *(n4+2);
    if (j>0)
       ak[j-1] = (xout1 + xout2)*0.5f;
    *(n4+1) = xin1;
    *(n4+2) = xin2;

    xin1 = 0.0;
    xin2 = 0.0;
