コード例 #1
ファイル: computeWeights.c プロジェクト: preesm/preesm-apps
void computeWeights(int height, int width, int horOrVert, int *offset,
		unsigned char *rgbL, float *weights) {
	int i, j;

	// hOffset of vOffset depending on the computed weights
	int hOffset = (horOrVert == 0) ? LOAD_INT(offset) : 0;
	int vOffset = (horOrVert == 1) ? LOAD_INT(offset) : 0;

	// Distance coeff
	float distanceCoeff = -(float) (LOAD_INT(offset)) / 36.0;
	//distanceCoeff *= -1;

	// Scan the pixels of the rgb image
	for (j = 0; j < height; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
			float r0, g0, b0, r, g, b;
			float weightM, weightP, weightO;

			 // Compute the weights
            r0 = rgbL[3*(j*width+i)];
            g0 = rgbL[3*(j*width+i)+1];
            b0 = rgbL[3*(j*width+i)+2];

            r  = rgbL[3*(max(j-vOffset,0)*width+max(i-hOffset,0))];
            g  = rgbL[3*(max(j-vOffset,0)*width+max(i-hOffset,0))+1];
            b  = rgbL[3*(max(j-vOffset,0)*width+max(i-hOffset,0))+2];
            weightM = sqrtf((r0-r)*(r0-r)+(g0-g)*(g0-g)+(b0-b)*(b0-b))* R_gamaC;

            r  = rgbL[3*(min(j+vOffset,height-1)*width+min(i+hOffset,width-1))];
            g  = rgbL[3*(min(j+vOffset,height-1)*width+min(i+hOffset,width-1))+1];
            b  = rgbL[3*(min(j+vOffset,height-1)*width+min(i+hOffset,width-1))+2];
            weightP = sqrtf((r0-r)*(r0-r)+(g0-g)*(g0-g)+(b0-b)*(b0-b))* R_gamaC;

			weightM = exp(distanceCoeff - weightM);
			weightP = exp(distanceCoeff - weightP);

			weightO = 1 / (weightM + weightP + 1);
			weightM = weightM * weightO;
			weightP = weightP * weightO;

			// Store the three weights one after the other in the
			// output buffer;
			STORE_FLOAT(&weights[3*(j*width+i)+0], &weightO);
			STORE_FLOAT(&weights[3*(j*width+i)+1], &weightM);
			STORE_FLOAT(&weights[3*(j*width+i)+2], &weightP);
コード例 #2
ファイル: costConstruction.c プロジェクト: blaunay/preesm
void costConstruction(int height, int width, float truncValue,
		unsigned char *disparity, float *grayL, float *grayR,
		unsigned char *cenL, unsigned char *cenR, float *disparityError) {
	int i, j;

	// For each disparity, scan the pixels of the left image
	for (j = 0; j < height; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
			unsigned char censusCost;
			int leftPxlIdx = j * width + i;
			int rightPxlIdx = j * width
					+ (((i - *disparity) > 0) ? i - *disparity : 0);
			float result;

			// Get the cost from the census signatures
			censusCost = hammingCost(cenL + leftPxlIdx, cenR + rightPxlIdx);

			// Combination method 3 -- weight addition
			result =
							+ censusCost / 5.0;
			STORE_FLOAT(&disparityError[leftPxlIdx], &result);
コード例 #3
ファイル: rgb2Gray.c プロジェクト: preesm/preesm-apps
void rgb2Gray(int size, unsigned char *rgb, float *gray){
    int idx;
	for (idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
		float res = RGB2GRAY_COEF_R * (float) rgb[3*idx]
				+ RGB2GRAY_COEF_G * (float) rgb[3*idx+1]
				+ RGB2GRAY_COEF_B * (float) rgb[3*idx+2];

		STORE_FLOAT(&gray[idx], &res);
コード例 #4
ファイル: icode.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/mudos-1
static void ins_real P1(double, l)
    float f = (float)l;

    if (prog_code + 4 > prog_code_max) {
	mem_block_t *mbp = &mem_block[A_PROGRAM];

	prog_code = mbp->block + mbp->current_size;
	prog_code_max = mbp->block + mbp->max_size;
    STORE_FLOAT(prog_code, f);