コード例 #1
ファイル: querygpib.c プロジェクト: a4a881d4/oai
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int loop;
  for (loop=0;loop<=19-1;loop++)
    inData[loop] = 0;
  unsigned short addlist[2] = {atoi(argv[1]), NOADDR}; // list to enable inst 

  //Reset Card 0 (i.e:gpib0)
  // ENABLE all on GPIB bus
  EnableRemote(0, addlist);
  // If error, Bye!
  if (ibsta & ERR)
    printf("Instrument enable failed!\n");

  // Send (BoardID, GPIBAddr, Command, LengthCommand, Endline)
  // typical command:
  // Send(0, 20, "*RST", 4l, NLend);
  Send(0, atoi(argv[1]), argv[2], strlen(argv[2]), NLend);
  Receive(0, atoi(argv[1]), inData, 19, STOPend);
コード例 #2
void gpib_send(unsigned int gpib_board, unsigned int gpib_device, char *command_string )
  unsigned short addlist[2] = {gpib_device, NOADDR};

  //Enable all on GPIB bus
  EnableRemote(gpib_board, addlist);

  if(ibsta & ERR) {
    printf("gpib_send: Instrument enable failed! \n");

  //Send Control Commandss
  Send(gpib_board, gpib_device, command_string, strlen(command_string), NLend);

  if(ibsta & ERR) {

    printf("gpib_send: Send failed! \n");


  printf("%s \n",command_string);

コード例 #3
ファイル: gpib.cpp プロジェクト: dinguluer/vscp_software
int wxGPIB::FindListeners(int board)
		int i;
    int listeners = 0;
    if((unsigned int)board > 1) {
	   return -1;
    // reset the GPIB, otherwise no connected device is found (linux)
    // list of primary addresses to searching for. Must be terminated
    // with NOADDR.
    Addr4882_t addrlist[31];
    // The range of valid addresses is 1...30, 0 is reservated by the 
    // controller, 31 is not valid
    for( i = 0;i < 30; i++) addrlist[i] = (Addr4882_t) i + 1;
    addrlist[30] = NOADDR;
    // place to store the results
    Addr4882_t results[31];
    FindLstn(board, addrlist, results, 31);
    if(ibsta & ERR) {
	   return -1;
    for( i=0;i<=30;i++) {
	   if(results[i]) {
		  listeners |= 1 << results[i];
    return listeners;
コード例 #4
ファイル: gpib.cpp プロジェクト: pinkavaj/seebrez
  Find all listeners.
  @param boardId Id/number of board for listing
  @return Pointer to list of Addr4882_t containing numbers of all
    listening devices, this list should be free by delete[]
Addr4882_t *GPIB::findLstn(int boardId)
    /** valid GIPB addresses:
     0    - master
     1-30 - valid device addresses
     31   - all devices? */
    const Addr4882_t PIDsLstnTest[] = {
        1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
        17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, NOADDR
    Addr4882_t *PIDsLstn;

    if ((Ibsta() & ERR))
        return NULL;

    PIDsLstn = new Addr4882_t[ARRAY_SIZE(PIDsLstnTest)];
    ::FindLstn(boardId, PIDsLstnTest, PIDsLstn, ARRAY_SIZE(PIDsLstnTest) - 1);
    if (Ibsta() & ERR) {
        delete[] PIDsLstn;
        return NULL;

    PIDsLstn[Ibcnt()] = NOADDR;

    return PIDsLstn;
コード例 #5
ファイル: gpib.cpp プロジェクト: pinkavaj/seebrez
  Open device connected to GPIB.
  @param boardNum Id/number of board to open.
  @param PAD Primary device address in range 1-30 @see PIDsLstnTest
  @param SAD Secondary device address.
int GPIB::open(int boardNum, int PAD, int SAD)
    if ((Ibsta() & ERR) != 0) {
        return -1;

    devId = ibdev(boardNum, PAD, SAD, T1s, 1, 0);
    if (devId >= 0) {
       ibrsp(devId, &poll);
       ibtmo(devId, T3s);

    return devId;
コード例 #6
ファイル: monsterC.cpp プロジェクト: zhangxd6/DataMonster
int _cdecl main(void) {
	// Ensure that the board being used is Controller-In-Charge

	if (ibsta & ERR)
		GPIBCleanup(GPIB0, "Unable to open board");
		return 1;

	// Assign the scope an identifier

	if (ibsta & ERR)
		d_GPIBCleanup(Dev, "Unable to open device");
		return 1;

	if (ibsta & ERR)
		d_GPIBCleanup(Dev, "Unable to clear device");
		return 1;

	// Preliminary querying

	printf("Querying scope with [*IDN?] ...\n");

	ibwrt(Dev, "*IDN?", 5L);
	if (ibsta & ERR)
		d_GPIBCleanup(Dev, "Unable to write to device");
		return 1;

	ibrd(Dev, ReadBuffer, 80);
	if (ibsta & ERR)
		d_GPIBCleanup(Dev, "Unable to read data from device");
		return 1;

	ReadBuffer[ibcntl] = '\0';
	printf("%s\n\n", ReadBuffer);

	// Prepare scope for waveform

	ibwrt(Dev, "DAT:SOU CH1", 11L);
	ibwrt(Dev, "DAT:ENC RIB;WID 1", 17L);
	ibwrt(Dev, "HOR:RECORDL 500", 15L);
	ibwrt(Dev, "DAT:STAR 1", 10L);
	ibwrt(Dev, "DAT:STOP 500", 12L);
	ibwrt(Dev, "HEAD OFF", 8L);

	if (ibsta & ERR)
		d_GPIBCleanup(Dev, "Unable to initialize waveform parameters");
		return 1;

	ibwrt(Dev, "ACQ:STATE RUN", 13L);

	if (ibsta & ERR)
		d_GPIBCleanup(Dev, "Unable to acquire waveform");
		return 1;

	ibwrt(Dev, "CURV?", 5L);
	ibrd(Dev, &c, 1);
	ibrd(Dev, &c, 1);
	rslt = atoi(&c);
	ibrd(Dev, ReadBuffer, rslt);
	ReadBuffer[rslt] = '\0';
	rslt = atoi(ReadBuffer);
	ibrd(Dev, wfm, rslt);
	ibrd(Dev, &c, 1);

	if (ibsta & ERR)
		d_GPIBCleanup(Dev, "Unable to read waveform");
		return 1;


	memset(ReadBuffer, 0, 80);

	ibrd(Dev, ReadBuffer, 80);

	if (ibsta & ERR)
		d_GPIBCleanup(Dev, "Unable to read waveform preamble");
		return 1;

	sscanf_s(ReadBuffer, "%d;%e;%e;%e;%d;%[^;];%s", &nr_pt, &yoff, &ymult, &xincr, &pt_off, xunit, yunit);

	//outfile = fopen("WFM_DATA.dat", "wb");


	//fprintf(outfile, "%s,%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"\n", xunit, yunit, date, timenow, "CH1");

	//for (i = 0; i<nr_pt; i++)
	//	fprintf(outfile, "%14.12f,%14.12f\n", (float)(i - pt_off)*(float)(xincr),
	//		(float)(((float)wfm[i] - (float)yoff) * ymult));

	// Offline the board and end
	ibonl(GPIB0, 0);
	return 0;
	//// Ensure that the board being used is Controller-In-Charge
	//if (ibsta & ERR)
	//	GPIBCleanup(GPIB0, "Unable to open board");
	//	return 1;

	//// Create an array containing valid GPIB primary addresses to
	//// pass to FindLstn, terminated by decl-32's NOADDR
	//for (loop = 0; loop < 30; loop++) {
	//	Instruments[loop] = (Addr4882_t)(loop + 1);
	//Instruments[30] = NOADDR;

	//// Find all instruments on the bus, store addresses in Result
	//printf("Finding all instruments on the bus...\n\n");

	//FindLstn(GPIB0, Instruments, Result, 31);
	//if (ibsta & ERR)
	//	GPIBCleanup(GPIB0, "Unable to issue FindLstn Call");
	//	return 1;

	//// Assign the number of isntruments found and print such a number
	//Num_Instruments = ibcntl;

	//printf("Number of instruments found = %d\n\n", Num_Instruments);

	//Result[Num_Instruments] = NOADDR;

	////Print out each instrument's PAD and SAD

	//for (loop = 0; loop < Num_Instruments; loop++)
	//	PAD = GetPAD(Result[loop]);
	//	SAD = GetSAD(Result[loop]);
	//	Primary_Addr[loop] = PAD;

	//	if (SAD == NO_SAD)
	//	{
	//		Secondary_Addr[loop] = 0;
	//		printf("The instrument at Result[%d]: PAD = %d SAD = NONE\n\n",
	//			loop, PAD, SAD);
	//	}
	//	else
	//	{
	//		Secondary_Addr[loop] = SAD;
	//		printf("The instrument at Result[%d]: PAD = %d SAD = %d\n\n",
	//			loop, PAD, SAD);
	//	}


	//// Assign each device an identifier, then clear the device

	//for (loop = 0; loop < Num_Instruments; loop++)
	//	Dev[loop] = ibdev(BDINDEX, Primary_Addr[loop], Secondary_Addr[loop],
	//	if (ibsta & ERR)
	//	{
	//		d_GPIBCleanup(Dev[loop], "Unable to open device");
	//		return 1;
	//	}

	//	ibclr(Dev[loop]);
	//	if (ibsta & ERR)
	//	{
	//		d_GPIBCleanup(Dev[loop], "Unable to clear device");
	//		return 1;
	//	}

	//// Communicate with each device
	//// Currently, only querying with "*IDN?"

	//printf("Querying each device with [*IDN?] ...\n\n");

	//for (loop = 0; loop < Num_Instruments; loop++)
	//	ibwrt(Dev[loop], "*IDN?", 5L);
	//	if (ibsta & ERR)
	//	{
	//		d_GPIBCleanup(Dev[loop], "Unable to write to device");
	//		return 1;
	//	}

	//	ibrd(Dev[loop], ReadBuffer, ARRAYSIZE);
	//	if (ibsta & ERR)
	//	{
	//		d_GPIBCleanup(Dev[loop], "Unable to read data from device");
	//		return 1;
	//	}

	//	ReadBuffer[ibcntl] = '\0';
	//	printf("Returned string from Result[%d]: %s\n\n", loop, ReadBuffer);

	//scanf_s("%c", &c);

	//// Offline the board and end
	//ibonl(GPIB0, 0);
	//return 0;