コード例 #1
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: kjetilos/baking-pi
void main()
  int i;
  SetGpioFunction(16, 1);
  while (1) 
    SetGpio(16, 1);
    for (i=0; i<0x3f0000; i++);
    SetGpio(16, 0);
    for (i=0; i<0x3f0000; i++);
コード例 #2
ファイル: execute.c プロジェクト: Maxtergo/baking-pi-in-c
void execute(){
	/* Obtaing the address of the frame buffer structure */
	int fbInfoAddress = InitialiseFrameBuffer(1024, 768, 16);
	/* if GPU has accepted our request to create a frame buffer then*/
	if( fbInfoAddress != 0 ){
		int fbAddr, y=0, x=0, color;
		while( 1 ){
			/* Obtaing the pointer to the frame buffer from the fram buffer structure */
			fbAddr = *((unsigned int*)(fbInfoAddress+32));
			y = 768;
			while( y != 0 ){
				x = 1024;
				while( x != 0 ){
					/* Drwaing the pixel by putting in the color information at location pointed by frame buffer */
					*((unsigned int*)(fbAddr)) = color;
					fbAddr = (fbAddr+2);
					x = x-1;
				y = y-1;
				/* Changing the color */
				color = color+1;
	/* If GPU has denied our request to create a fram buffer then */
		/* Turn on the ACT LED */
		SetGpio(16, 0);
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: kjetilos/baking-pi
int main(void)
  int pos = 0;
  int value = 0;

  SetGpioFunction(16, 1);
  while (1) 
    value = PATTERN & (1 << pos);
    SetGpio(16, value);
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: Forty-Tw0/RaspberryPi-FreeRTOS
void task1() {
	int i = 0;
	while(1) {
		SetGpio(47, 1);
コード例 #5
void task1(void *pParam) {

	int i = 0;
	while(1) {
		SetGpio(16, 1);
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: Forty-Tw0/RaspberryPi-FreeRTOS
void task2() {
	int i = 0;
	while(1) {
		SetGpio(47, 0);
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: andyhui/android
bool SrSetGpio(HANDLE hCom, unsigned char cMask, unsigned char cStata,
		unsigned int *pdwErr) {
	int ret = SetGpio(hCom, cMask, cStata, pdwErr);
	if (ret == -1) {
		*pdwErr = ERR_CODE_SET_GPIO;
		return false;
	return true;
コード例 #8
void task2(void *pParam) {

	int i = 0;
	while(1) {
		SetGpio(16, 0);
コード例 #9
ファイル: i2c_dri.c プロジェクト: ReinaSaito/toppers_ev3rt_et
static void initialize(intptr_t unused) {
	 * Reset 64-bit GP timer
    TIMERP1.TGCR  = 0x0;
    TIMERP1.TIM12 = 0x0;
    TIMERP1.TIM34 = 0x0;
    TIMERP1.PRD12 = 0x0;
    TIMERP1.PRD34 = 0x0;
    TIMERP1.REL12 = 0x0;
    TIMERP1.REL34 = 0x0;
//    TIMERP1.INTCTLSTAT = 0x30003;
	TIMERP1.TGCR  = 0x3;
    //TIMERP1.TCR   = 0x0;
    //TIMERP1.TGCR  = 0x3;


	for(int i = 0; i < TNUM_INPUT_PORT; ++i) {
	    driver_data_i2c_sensor[i].raw = IicCtrl.data_package[i].data;
	    driver_data_i2c_sensor[i].status = &(IicCtrl.data_package[i].transfer_state);
	global_brick_info.i2c_sensors = driver_data_i2c_sensor;

#if defined(DEBUG_I2C_SENSOR) || 1
    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "i2c_dri initialized.");
#if 0
コード例 #10
ファイル: template1.c プロジェクト: nispio/rtp
// Function:	Initialize the general-purpose I/O
// Parameters:  none
// Returns:     none
int main(void)
	float yc_new, yc_old;   		// Cosine Samples
	float ys_new, ys_old;   		// Sine Sample
	float cosw, sinw;				// Sin/Cos Fractions

   EVMOMAPL138_init();				// Initialize the board
   EVMOMAPL138_initRAM();			// Set up the RAM
   EVMOMAPL138_enableDsp();			// Wake up the DSP

	// init the i2c for all to use.
	USTIMER_init();					// General use timers
	I2C_init(I2C0, I2C_CLK_400K);	// I2C initialization

	// set gpio output
	SetGpio();						// Configure the General Purpose I/O
	McASP_Init();					// Initialize McASP
	AIC3106_Init();					// Initialize AIC3106
	McASP_Start();					// Start McASP

	// Initialize oscillators
	ys_new = AMPLITUDE;
	yc_new = 0.0f;
	cosw = cos(THETA_INC);
	sinw = sin(THETA_INC);

	// Infinite loop:  	Each loop reads/writes one sample to the left and right channels.
	while (1){

		// Save old samples
		yc_old = yc_new;
		ys_old = ys_new;

		// Generate new samples
		yc_new = cosw*yc_old - sinw*ys_old;
		ys_new = cosw*ys_old + sinw*yc_old;

        // wait for xmit ready and send a sample to the left channel.
        while (!CHKBIT(MCASP->SRCTL11, XRDY)) {}
        MCASP->XBUF11 = (int16_t)yc_old;

        // wait for xmit ready and send a sample to the right channel.
        while (!CHKBIT(MCASP->SRCTL11, XRDY)) {}
        MCASP->XBUF11 = (int16_t)ys_old;
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: Forty-Tw0/RaspberryPi-FreeRTOS
 *	This is the systems main entry, some call it a boot thread.
 *	-- Absolutely nothing wrong with this being called main(), just it doesn't have
 *	-- the same prototype as you'd see in a linux program.
int main(void) {
	SetGpioFunction(47, 1);			// RDY led

	SetGpio(47, 1);


	xTaskCreate(task1, "LED_0", 128, NULL, 0, NULL);
	xTaskCreate(task2, "LED_1", 128, NULL, 0, NULL);


	 *	We should never get here, but just in case something goes wrong,
	 *	we'll place the CPU into a safe loop.
	while(1) {
コード例 #12
ファイル: template1.c プロジェクト: nispio/rtp
// Function:	Initialize the general-purpose I/O
// Parameters:  none
// Returns:     none
int main(void)
	int i;
	float fir_coeffs[FILTER_LEN] = { FIR_FILT_32 };
	float lat_coeffs[FILTER_LEN] = {0.0f};
	float f_prev=0.0f, g_new=0.0f, g_prev=0.0f;
	float g[FILTER_LEN+1]={0.0f};

	int16_t dataInput;       		// Sine Sample
	int16_t oldDataInput;       	// Sine Sample delayed

	// Compute reflection coefficients for lattice filter
	MakeLatticeCoeffs(fir_coeffs, lat_coeffs);

   EVMOMAPL138_init();				// Initialize the board
   EVMOMAPL138_initRAM();			// Set up the RAM
   EVMOMAPL138_enableDsp();			// Wake up the DSP

	// init the i2c for all to use.
	USTIMER_init();					// General use timers
	I2C_init(I2C0, I2C_CLK_400K);	// I2C initialization

	// set gpio output
	SetGpio();						// Configure the General Purpose I/O
	McASP_Init();					// Initialize McASP

	AIC3106_Init();					// Initialize AIC3106

	McASP_Start();					// Start McASP

	// Infinite loop:  	Each loop reads/writes one sample to the left and right channels.
	while (1){

/* The following code is here to allow a test signal to be generated. THIS IS
NOT HOW LAB 1 IS TO BE DONE!  Remove the code up to the indicated spot and insert
your own code.

		// Store the last sample because of the one sample delay between channels.
		oldDataInput = dataInput;

		// Update the first stage of the lattice filter
		f_prev = dataInput;			// Set f_0 equal to the input sample
		g_prev = g[0];			// Save the value stored in g[0]
		g[0] = dataInput;				// Update g[0]

		// Iteratively compute next filter output for remaining stages
		for( i=1; i<=FILTER_LEN; i++ )
			// Save the value currently stored in the i-th delay element
			g_new = g[i];
			// Compute g, and store it in the i-th delay element
			g[i] = g_prev + f_prev*lat_coeffs[i-1];
			// Compute f
			f_prev += g_prev*lat_coeffs[i-1];
			// Pass the saved value from the delay element to the next stage
			g_prev = g_new;

		// Subtract the current input sample (Due to FIR to Lattice conversion)
		dataInput = (int16_t) f_prev - dataInput;

        // wait for xmit ready and send a sample to the left channel.
        while (!CHKBIT(MCASP->SRCTL11, XRDY)) {}
        MCASP->XBUF11 = oldDataInput;
		oldDataInput = MCASP->XBUF12;	// Read the left channel input samples.

        // wait for xmit ready and send a sample to the right channel.
        while (!CHKBIT(MCASP->SRCTL11, XRDY)) {}
        MCASP->XBUF11 = dataInput;
		dataInput = MCASP->XBUF12;	// Read the right channel input samples.
コード例 #13
ファイル: template1.c プロジェクト: nispio/rtp
// Function:	Initialize the general-purpose I/O
// Parameters:  none
// Returns:     none
int main(void)
	int16_t sample = 0;				// Sample index into the buffer array
	int16_t dataInput;       		// Sine Sample
	int16_t oldDataInput;       	// Sine Sample delayed
	float theta = 0;				// Argument of the sine wave
	int16_t buffer[BUFF_SIZE] = {0};// Buffer to hold the sine samples
	float amplitude = AMPLITUDE;	// Amplitude of the generated sin wave

   EVMOMAPL138_init();				// Initialize the board
   EVMOMAPL138_initRAM();			// Set up the RAM
   EVMOMAPL138_enableDsp();			// Wake up the DSP

	// init the i2c for all to use.
	USTIMER_init();					// General use timers
	I2C_init(I2C0, I2C_CLK_400K);	// I2C initialization

	// set gpio output
	SetGpio();						// Configure the General Purpose I/O
	McASP_Init();					// Initialize McASP

	AIC3106_Init();					// Initialize AIC3106

	McASP_Start();					// Start McASP

	// Infinite loop:  	Each loop reads/writes one sample to the left and right channels.
	while (1){

/* The following code is here to allow a test signal to be generated. THIS IS
NOT HOW LAB 1 IS TO BE DONE!  Remove the code up to the indicated spot and insert
your own code.

		// Store the last sample because of the one sample delay between channels.
		oldDataInput = dataInput;

		// Calculate the next sine wave sample...
        dataInput = ((int16_t) amplitude*sin(theta));
		// Increment the argument...
		theta += THETA_INC;
        if (theta > 2*PI) theta -= 2*PI;  	// Wrap around 2pi
		// Store the new sample in the buffer, for viewing...
        buffer[sample] = dataInput;
        sample = (sample+1)%BUFF_SIZE;      // Update the sample indx
/* Before writing the 16-bit samples, you must insert your own processing here. */

        // wait for xmit ready and send a sample to the left channel.
        while (!CHKBIT(MCASP->SRCTL11, XRDY)) {}
        MCASP->XBUF11 = oldDataInput;
//        oldDataInput = MCASP->XBUF12;	// Read the left channel input samples.

        // wait for xmit ready and send a sample to the right channel.
        while (!CHKBIT(MCASP->SRCTL11, XRDY)) {}
        MCASP->XBUF11 = dataInput;
//        dataInput = MCASP->XBUF12;	// Read the right channel input samples.
コード例 #14
ファイル: gpio.c プロジェクト: VictorDu/CS631_Project04
/* Sets the GPIO pin addressed to high if value is different than zero and
 * low otherwise.*/
void gpio_set_register(unsigned int gpio_register, unsigned int value) {
  SetGpio(gpio_register, value);
コード例 #15
ファイル: i2c_dri.c プロジェクト: ReinaSaito/toppers_ev3rt_et
void setup_i2c_port(int port) {
コード例 #16
ファイル: i2c_dri.c プロジェクト: ReinaSaito/toppers_ev3rt_et
static void softreset(intptr_t unused) {
コード例 #17
ファイル: template1.c プロジェクト: nispio/rtp
// Function:	Initialize the general-purpose I/O
// Parameters:  none
// Returns:     none
int main(void)
	int i, k;
	float out;
	int circ_idx = FILTER_LEN-1;
	float coeffs[FILTER_LEN] = { FIR_FILT_32 };
	float z[FILTER_LEN];

	int16_t dataInput;       		// Sine Sample
	int16_t oldDataInput;       	// Sine Sample delayed

   EVMOMAPL138_init();				// Initialize the board
   EVMOMAPL138_initRAM();			// Set up the RAM
   EVMOMAPL138_enableDsp();			// Wake up the DSP

	// init the i2c for all to use.
	USTIMER_init();					// General use timers
	I2C_init(I2C0, I2C_CLK_400K);	// I2C initialization

	// set gpio output
	SetGpio();						// Configure the General Purpose I/O
	McASP_Init();					// Initialize McASP

	AIC3106_Init();					// Initialize AIC3106

	McASP_Start();					// Start McASP

	// Infinite loop:  	Each loop reads/writes one sample to the left and right channels.
	while (1){

/* The following code is here to allow a test signal to be generated. THIS IS
NOT HOW LAB 1 IS TO BE DONE!  Remove the code up to the indicated spot and insert
your own code.

		// Store the last sample because of the one sample delay between channels.
		oldDataInput = dataInput;

		// Update the circular buffer index and insert the latest sample
		z[circ_idx & 0x1F] = (float)dataInput;

		// Compute next filter output
		out = 0.0f;                     // Zero the accumulator
		for( i=0; i<FILTER_LEN; i++ )
			k = (circ_idx - i) & 0x1F;  // Index into circular buffer
			out += coeffs[i]*z[k];		// Multiply by coefficient

		dataInput = (int16_t) out;

        // wait for xmit ready and send a sample to the left channel.
        while (!CHKBIT(MCASP->SRCTL11, XRDY)) {}
        MCASP->XBUF11 = oldDataInput;
		oldDataInput = MCASP->XBUF12;	// Read the left channel input samples.

        // wait for xmit ready and send a sample to the right channel.
        while (!CHKBIT(MCASP->SRCTL11, XRDY)) {}
        MCASP->XBUF11 = dataInput;
		dataInput = MCASP->XBUF12;	// Read the right channel input samples.
コード例 #18
ファイル: leds.c プロジェクト: fightingsleep/OS432
/* Turns the ACT LED off */
void ledoff()
	SetGpioFunction(16, 1);
	SetGpio(16, 1);
コード例 #19
ファイル: leds.c プロジェクト: fightingsleep/OS432
/* Turns the ACT LED on */
void ledon()
	SetGpioFunction(16, 1);
	SetGpio(16, 0);