コード例 #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  FILE   *demfile,*outfile,*outfile2;
  char   demfilename[255],outfilename[255],outfilename2[255];
  int    nRows;                    /* Number of rows */
  int    nCols;                    /* Number of columns */
  float  *temp;
  float  **elev,**slope,**aspect,**hillshade;
  unsigned char **outputgrid;
  int    i;
  int    ny,nx;
  float  lx,ly;
  double max_angle,angle;
  float  saz,sal;
  double theta;
  float  dx;
  float  x,y,sx,sy,dz,dist;
  float  mx,my;
  float  start_elev;
  float  max_elev,min_elev;
  float  target_row,target_col;
  int    stop_flag;
  float  a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j;
  float  dzdx,dzdy,rr;
  float  safe_distance;
  int    month,day,year,jday;
  float  hour;
  int    ihour;
  float  dt;
  int    count;
  float  outstep;
  int    stepsperday;
  int    daylight;
  int    sunlight;
  float  standardmeridian,latitude,longitude;
  float  noon_hour,  declination, halfdaylength, solar_hour;
  float  sunrise, sunset, timeadjustment, sunearthdistance;
  float  sinesolaraltitude, solartimestep, sunmax, solarazimuth;
  float  beam,diffuse;

  if(argc<13) {
    printf("usage is: make_dhsvm_shade_maps:  \n");
    printf("demfilename  \n");
    printf("outfilename  \n");
    printf("nrows, ncols \n");
    printf("cellsize (in the same units as the dem elevation)\n");
    printf("longitude and latitude of the site (dd)\n");
    printf("longitude of location for met file time stamp\n");
    printf("year month day output_time_step (hours)\n");
  /* note: this program will loop over all time, starting at 0 and advancing */
  /* every hour */
  /* output images ranging from 0 to 255 are made at every output_time_step */
  /* these are in the proper format for DHSVM */

  strcpy(demfilename, argv[1]);   /* name of the binary flo  at dem input file - no header */
  strcpy(outfilename, argv[2]);   /* name of the binary float hillshade output file        */
  nRows = GetNumber(argv[3]);
  nCols = GetNumber(argv[4]);
  dx = GetFloat(argv[5]); /* the cellsize of the dem */                            
  year = GetNumber(argv[9]);
  month = GetNumber(argv[10]);
  day = GetNumber(argv[11]);
  outstep = GetFloat(argv[12]);

  printf("calculating shade map for %d / %d / %d \n",month,day,year);

  temp = calloc(nRows*nCols, sizeof(float));
  if (temp == NULL)

  if (!(demfile = fopen(demfilename, "rb"))){
    printf("dem file not found \n");

  if (!(outfile = fopen(outfilename, "wb"))){
    printf("output file not opened \n");
  if (!(outfile2 = fopen(outfilename2, "wb"))){
    printf("output file not opened \n");
  fread(temp, sizeof(float), nCols*nRows, demfile); 

  if (!((elev) = (float**) calloc(nRows, sizeof(float*))))
  for (ny = 0; ny < nRows; ny++) {
    if (!((elev)[ny] = (float*) calloc(nCols, sizeof(float))))
  if (!((slope) = (float**) calloc(nRows, sizeof(float*))))
  for (ny = 0; ny < nRows; ny++) {
    if (!((slope)[ny] = (float*) calloc(nCols, sizeof(float))))
  if (!((aspect) = (float**) calloc(nRows, sizeof(float*))))
  for (ny = 0; ny < nRows; ny++) {
    if (!((aspect)[ny] = (float*) calloc(nCols, sizeof(float))))
  if (!((hillshade) = (float**) calloc(nRows, sizeof(float*))))
  for (ny = 0; ny < nRows; ny++) {
    if (!((hillshade)[ny] = (float*) calloc(nCols, sizeof(float))))
  if (!((outputgrid) = (unsigned char**) calloc(nRows, sizeof(unsigned char*))))
  for (ny = 0; ny < nRows; ny++) {
    if (!((outputgrid)[ny] = (unsigned char*) calloc(nCols, sizeof(unsigned char))))

  max_elev = 0.0;
  for (ny = 0; ny < nRows; ny++) {
    for (nx = 0; nx < nCols; nx++) {
      elev[ny][nx] = temp[ny*nCols + nx]; 
      if(elev[ny][nx]>max_elev) max_elev = elev[ny][nx];


    printf("working on hour %f \n",hour);
  SolarDay(jday, longitude, latitude,
           standardmeridian, &noon_hour, 
           &declination, &halfdaylength,
           &sunrise, &sunset, &timeadjustment, &sunearthdistance);

  SolarHour(latitude, hour+dt, dt, noon_hour, &solar_hour,
	    declination,sunrise, sunset,
	    timeadjustment, sunearthdistance,
	    &sinesolaraltitude, &daylight, &solartimestep,
	    &sunmax, &solarazimuth); 

  /*  printf("for %2d/%2d/%4d at met-file-time %5.2f and solar hour %5.2f \n",
  printf(" sunrise is at %5.2f with sunset at %5.2f and solar alt: %f with azimuth %f \n",


  /* at this point hillshade is between 0 and 255 */
  /* which is the standard arc-info for the hillshade command */
  /* we need to translate this to the proper dhsvm format */
  /* and output it as an unsigned char */

    for (ny = 0; ny < nRows; ny++) {
      for (nx = 0; nx < nCols; nx++) {
	  outputgrid[ny][nx]=(unsigned char)(hillshade[ny][nx]/sinesolaraltitude/11.47);
	else outputgrid[ny][nx]=0;

    /*       for (ny = 0; ny < nRows; ny++) {
	for (ny = 0; ny < nRows; ny++) {
      fwrite(outputgrid[ny],sizeof(unsigned char),nCols,outfile); 

コード例 #2
ファイル: InitNewMonth.c プロジェクト: michaeco/DHSVM
  Function name: InitNewStep()

  Purpose      : Initialize Earth-Sun geometry and meteorological data at the
                 beginning of each timestep

  Required     :
    MAPSIZE Map              - Structure with information about location
    TIMESTRUCT Time          - Structure with time information
    int PrecipType           - Type of precipitation input, RADAR, STATION or
    int FlowGradient         - Type of FlowGradient calculation
    int NStats               - Number of meteorological stations
    METLOCATION *Stat        - Structure with information about the
                               meteorological stations in or near the study
    char *RadarFileName      - Name of file with radar images
    MAPSIZE Radar            - Structure with information about the
                               precipitation radar coverage
    RADCLASSPIX **RadMap     - Structure with radiation data for each pixel
    RADARPIX **RadarMap      - Structure with precipitation information for
                               each radar pixel
    SOLARGEOMETRY *SolarGeo  - structure with information about Earth-Sun 
    SOILPIX **SoilMap        - structure with soil information
    float ***MM5Input        - MM5 input maps
    float ***WindModel       - Wind model maps
  Returns      : void

  Modifies     :

  Comments     : To be executed at the beginning of each time step
void InitNewStep(INPUTFILES *InFiles, MAPSIZE *Map, TIMESTRUCT *Time,
		 int NSoilLayers, OPTIONSTRUCT *Options, int NStats,
		 METLOCATION *Stat, char *RadarFileName, MAPSIZE *Radar,
		 TOPOPIX **TopoMap, RADCLASSPIX **RadMap, SOILPIX **SoilMap,
		 float ***MM5Input, float ***WindModel, MAPSIZE *MM5Map)
  const char *Routine = "InitNewStep";
  int i;			/* counter */
  int j;			/* counter */
  int x;			/* counter */
  int y;			/* counter */
  int NumberType;		/* number type in MM5 input */
  int Step;			/* Step in the MM5 Input */
  float *Array = NULL;
  int MM5Y, MM5X;

  /* Calculate variables related to the position of the sun above the
     horizon, this is only necessary if shading is TRUE */

	    (Time->DayStep + 1) * ((float) Time->Dt) / SECPHOUR,
	    ((float) Time->Dt) / SECPHOUR, SolarGeo->NoonHour,
	    SolarGeo->Declination, SolarGeo->Sunrise, SolarGeo->Sunset,
	    SolarGeo->TimeAdjustment, SolarGeo->SunEarthDistance,
	    &(SolarGeo->SineSolarAltitude), &(SolarGeo->DayLight),
	    &(SolarGeo->SolarTimeStep), &(SolarGeo->SunMax),

/*printf("SunMax is %f\n",SolarGeo->SunMax);*/
  if (Options->MM5 == TRUE) {

    /* Read the data from the MM5 files */

    if (!(Array = (float *) calloc(MM5Map->NY * MM5Map->NX, sizeof(float))))
      ReportError((char *) Routine, 1);
    NumberType = NC_FLOAT;

    Step = NumberOfSteps(&(Time->StartMM5), &(Time->Current), Time->Dt);

    Read2DMatrix(InFiles->MM5Temp, Array, NumberType, MM5Map->NY,
		 MM5Map->NX, Step);
    for (y = 0; y < Map->NY; y++)
      for (x = 0; x < Map->NX; x++) {
	MM5Y = (int) ((y + MM5Map->OffsetY) * Map->DY / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5X = (int) ((x - MM5Map->OffsetX) * Map->DX / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5Input[MM5_temperature - 1][y][x] = Array[MM5Y * MM5Map->NX + MM5X];

    Read2DMatrix(InFiles->MM5Humidity, Array, NumberType, MM5Map->NY,
		 MM5Map->NX, Step);

    for (y = 0; y < Map->NY; y++)
      for (x = 0; x < Map->NX; x++) {
	MM5Y = (int) ((y + MM5Map->OffsetY) * Map->DY / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5X = (int) ((x - MM5Map->OffsetX) * Map->DX / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5Input[MM5_humidity - 1][y][x] = Array[MM5Y * MM5Map->NX + MM5X];

    Read2DMatrix(InFiles->MM5Wind, Array, NumberType, MM5Map->NY,
		 MM5Map->NX, Step);
    for (y = 0; y < Map->NY; y++)
      for (x = 0; x < Map->NX; x++) {
	MM5Y = (int) ((y + MM5Map->OffsetY) * Map->DY / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5X = (int) ((x - MM5Map->OffsetX) * Map->DX / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5Input[MM5_wind - 1][y][x] = Array[MM5Y * MM5Map->NX + MM5X];

    Read2DMatrix(InFiles->MM5ShortWave, Array, NumberType, MM5Map->NY,
		 MM5Map->NX, Step);
    for (y = 0; y < Map->NY; y++)
      for (x = 0; x < Map->NX; x++) {
	MM5Y = (int) ((y + MM5Map->OffsetY) * Map->DY / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5X = (int) ((x - MM5Map->OffsetX) * Map->DX / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5Input[MM5_shortwave - 1][y][x] = Array[MM5Y * MM5Map->NX + MM5X];

    Read2DMatrix(InFiles->MM5LongWave, Array, NumberType, MM5Map->NY,
		 MM5Map->NX, Step);
    for (y = 0; y < Map->NY; y++)
      for (x = 0; x < Map->NX; x++) {
	MM5Y = (int) ((y + MM5Map->OffsetY) * Map->DY / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5X = (int) ((x - MM5Map->OffsetX) * Map->DX / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5Input[MM5_longwave - 1][y][x] = Array[MM5Y * MM5Map->NX + MM5X];

    Read2DMatrix(InFiles->MM5Precipitation, Array, NumberType, MM5Map->NY,
		 MM5Map->NX, Step);
    for (y = 0; y < Map->NY; y++)
      for (x = 0; x < Map->NX; x++) {
	MM5Y = (int) ((y + MM5Map->OffsetY) * Map->DY / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5X = (int) ((x - MM5Map->OffsetX) * Map->DX / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5Input[MM5_precip - 1][y][x] = Array[MM5Y * MM5Map->NX + MM5X];
	if (MM5Input[MM5_precip - 1][y][x] < 0.0) {
	  printf("Warning: MM5 precip is less than zero %f\n",
		 MM5Input[MM5_precip - 1][y][x]);
	  MM5Input[MM5_precip - 1][y][x] = 0.0;
    Read2DMatrix(InFiles->MM5Terrain, Array, NumberType, MM5Map->NY,
		 MM5Map->NX, Step);
    for (y = 0; y < Map->NY; y++)
      for (x = 0; x < Map->NX; x++) {
	MM5Y = (int) ((y + MM5Map->OffsetY) * Map->DY / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5X = (int) ((x - MM5Map->OffsetX) * Map->DX / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5Input[MM5_terrain - 1][y][x] = Array[MM5Y * MM5Map->NX + MM5X];
    Read2DMatrix(InFiles->MM5Lapse, Array, NumberType, MM5Map->NY,
		 MM5Map->NX, Step);
    for (y = 0; y < Map->NY; y++)
      for (x = 0; x < Map->NX; x++) {
	MM5Y = (int) ((y + MM5Map->OffsetY) * Map->DY / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5X = (int) ((x - MM5Map->OffsetX) * Map->DX / MM5Map->DY);
	MM5Input[MM5_lapse - 1][y][x] = Array[MM5Y * MM5Map->NX + MM5X];

    if (Options->HeatFlux == TRUE) {

      for (i = 0, j = MM5_lapse; i < NSoilLayers; i++, j++) {
	Read2DMatrix(InFiles->MM5SoilTemp[i], Array, NumberType, MM5Map->NY,
		     MM5Map->NX, Step);
	for (y = 0; y < Map->NY; y++)
	  for (x = 0; x < Map->NX; x++) {
	    MM5Y = (int) ((y + MM5Map->OffsetY) * Map->DY / MM5Map->DY);
	    MM5X = (int) ((x - MM5Map->OffsetX) * Map->DX / MM5Map->DY);
	    MM5Input[j][y][x] = Array[MM5Y * MM5Map->NX + MM5X];
/*end if MM5*/

  /* if the flow gradient is based on the water table, recalculate the water
     table gradients.  Flow directions are now calculated in RouteSubSurface*/
  if (Options->FlowGradient == WATERTABLE) {
    /* Calculate the WaterLevel, i.e. the height of the water table above 
       some datum */
    for (y = 0; y < Map->NY; y++) {
      for (x = 0; x < Map->NX; x++) {
	if (INBASIN(TopoMap[y][x].Mask)) {
	  SoilMap[y][x].WaterLevel =
	    TopoMap[y][x].Dem - SoilMap[y][x].TableDepth;
/*     HeadSlopeAspect(Map, TopoMap, SoilMap); */

  if ((Options->MM5 == TRUE && Options->QPF == TRUE) || Options->MM5 == FALSE)
    GetMetData(Options, Time, NSoilLayers, NStats, SolarGeo->SunMax, Stat,
	       Radar, RadarMap, RadarFileName);